998 resultados para Método de estudo de impacto ambiental


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Pós-graduação em Ciências Ambientais - Sorocaba


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O extraordinário desenvolvimento da produção avícola, particularmente no setor de frango de corte, tornou o Brasil um importante produtor e exportador de carne de frango. Esse fato aliado a proibição da utilização de cama de frango como ração para ruminantes pela Instrução Normativa nº15 de 17 de julho de 2001, fez com que este resíduo se tornasse um problema ecológico e de saúde pública de alta relevância, tanto pelo volume de resíduos gerado, quanto pela composição do mesmo, que pode conter diversos fármacos utilizados neste tipo de manejo, além de uréia, que após a oxidação natural no ambiente, resulta em nitrato que tem alto poder de contaminação de mananciais hídricos, principalmente subterrâneos. Dentre as substâncias que podem estar presentes na cama de frango, estão os antimicrobianos, utilizados como promotores de crescimento das aves. No Brasil, são pouquíssimos os trabalhos dedicados a investigar a ocorrência e o impacto ambiental de antimicrobianos. Desta maneira, este trabalho teve como objetivo otimizar e validar método para análise de três fluoroquinolonas (ciprofloxacina, norfloxacina e enrofloxacina) em cama de frango. O método estudado baseou-se em trabalhos da literatura em que moléculas similares foram analisadas em diversas matrizes, compreendendo a extração em ultrassom com acetonitrila acidificada com ácido acético (3% v/v) e análise por CLAE-FLU, modo isocrático com a fase móvel composta por 0,02 M H3PO4:ACN (83:17, v/v). Foram avaliados os parâmetros cromatográficos quanto à resolução, eficiência, linearidade e limites de detecção e quantif-1 para os três analitos. O tempo de análise do método cromatográfico otimizado é de 7,5 minutos. Avaliou-se também o efeito de matriz que foi significativo para norfloxacina e ciprofloxacina, correspondendo a 16 e 20%, respectivamente. Para a enrofloxacina a amostra...


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Devido à constante preocupação do meio ambiente, o uso de fluidos de corte tem se tornado um problema para a indústria mecânica atual por se tratar de substâncias tóxicas. Seu uso e sua dificuldade de descarte devido rígida Legislação Ambiental, faz com que o fluido de corte seja responsável por uma grande parte do custo final do processo, provocando, desse modo, um grande interesse em pesquisas referentes a métodos alternativos de forma e quantidade de fluido de corte utilizado. Ao lado das vantagens tecnológicas associadas com o uso dos fluidos de corte estão os enormes perigos atrelados a estes, e que são nocivos ao meio ambiente e à saúde das pessoas. A contaminação do solo, água e ar podem decorrer de vazamentos e perdas, emissões, água de lavagem e da própria disposição dos fluidos de corte.Os componentes dos fluidos de corte como bactericidas e fungicidas reagem com outros produtos inseridos no processo de corte, tornando os fluidos, materiais que podem vir a causar doenças. Assim, este trabalho tem como objetivo apresentar a utilização do fluido de corte por mínima quantidade de lubrificação como alternativa para se minimizar o impacto ambiental das indústrias mecânicas.


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There is a great global concern about the depletion and the high cost of fossil fuel reserves exploitation, more than ever, it is necessary to make a profound study and take advantage of alternative sources that can be used as energy efficiency with an appropriate pricing and low environmental impact. Brazil, which has highlighted using alternative energy sources as the use of ethanol and, in recent years, has been encouraging the expansion of its energy matrix in which the biodiesel will have a strategic importance within the agrobusiness area. Biodiesel is a fuel that can replace the diesel, which is a petroleum derivative. It is an ester, produced in the transesterification reaction of vegetable oils and animal greases, in an alcohol with an additional catalyst, are converted into fatty acids and result in esters with glycerol as sub products. The objective of this study was to estimate the final energy balance for the process biodiesel production from oil chicken waste. The energy balance estimation was quantified in calorific value according to the energy expenditure by calorimetric bomb method. The relationship between input and output of energy was around 0.97. In a first evaluation, the procedures adopted should be improved enough, so the process can become energetic and economically viable.


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Pós-graduação em Planejamento e Análise de Políticas Públicas - FCHS


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Pós-graduação em Planejamento e Análise de Políticas Públicas - FCHS


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O objetivo no estudo aqui apresentado foi identificar os fatores que determinam a divulgação voluntária ambiental pelas empresas brasileiras potencialmente poluidoras. Para tanto, foram analisa- das as Demonstrações Financeiras Padronizadas (DFPs) e os Relató- rios de Sustentabilidade (RS) do período de 2005 a 2007 das empresas abertas com ações listadas na Bolsa de Valores de São Paulo (Bovespa) e pertencentes a setores de alto impacto ambiental, que compreendem extração e tratamento de minerais; metalúrgico; químico; papel e celulose; indústria de couros e peles; transporte, terminais, depósitos e comércio (de combustíveis, derivados de petróleo e produtos químicos). Com o intuito de explicar a evidenciação ambiental divulgada pelas empresas investigadas, foram formuladas sete hipóteses testadas a partir de instrumentos de análise estatística. Essas hipóteses referem-se a fatores individuais das empresas, que englobam tamanho, rentabilidade, endividamento, empresa de auditoria, sustentabilidade, internacionalização e publicação do RS. Os resultados mostram que, nos três anos analisados, as 57 empresas que compõem a amostra do estudo evidenciaram um total de 6.182 sentenças ambientais, 73% delas divulgadas nos RS e 27% nas DFPs. A análise de regressão em painel demonstrou que as variáveis tamanho da empresa, empresa de auditoria, sustentabilidade e publicação do RS são relevantes a um nível de significância de 5% para a explicação do disclosure voluntário de informações ambientais. Concluiu-se que os achados da pesquisa corroboram a teoria positiva da contabilidade, e parcialmente a teoria da legitimidade.


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O estudo teve por objetivo construir um modelo de regressão baseada no uso do solo para predizer a concentração material particulado inalável (MP10) no município de São Paulo, Brasil. O estudo se baseou na média de MP10 de 2007 de 9 estações de monitoramento. Obtiveram-se dados demográficos, viários e de uso do solo em círculos concêntricos de 250 a 1.000 m para compor o modelo. Calculou-se regressão linear simples para selecionar as variáveis mais robustas e sem colinearidade. Quatro variáveis entraram no modelo de regressão múltipla. Somente tráfego leve em círculos concêntricos <250 m permaneceu no modelo final, que explicou 63,8% da variância de MP10. Verificou-se que o método de regressão baseada no uso do solo é rápido, de fácil execução. Entretanto, este modelo se baseou em medições de MP10 de poucos locais.


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Esta Tesis Doctoral trata sobre la caracterización acústica de los ecosistemas naturales y la evaluación del impacto ambiental del ruido antropogénico sobre sus potenciales receptores en estos lugares, incluidos los receptores no humanos y sus efectos ecológicos, además, analiza las implicaciones para su gestión a distintas escalas y se lleva a cabo una valoración económica. Este trabajo ofrece soluciones para caracterizar los paisajes sonoros de forma compatible con distintas escalas de trabajo, nivel de esfuerzo técnico y en contextos de recursos limitados que haga viable su tratamiento como cualquier otra variable ambiental en el ámbito de la conservación y gestión del medio natural. Se han adaptado herramientas y metodologías propias de disciplinas como la acústica ambiental, bioacústica y ecología del paisaje, para servir a los objetivos específicos de la evaluación y gestión de los paisajes sonoros y el ruido ambiental en amplias extensiones geográficas. Se ha establecido un método general de muestreo sistemático para trabajo de campo y también se han adaptado métodos de modelización informática, que permiten analizar escenarios sonoros dinámicos en el tiempo y en el espacio, desde localizaciones puntuales hasta la escala del paisaje. Es posible elaborar cartografía ambiental con esta información y se ha representado gráficamente la zona de influencia de distintas fuentes de ruido sobre la calidad de distintos hábitats faunísticos. Se recomienda el uso del indicador del nivel de presión sonora equivalente (Leq) por su operatividad en medición y modelización, y su adaptabilidad a cualquier dimensión espacial y temporal que se requiera, por ejemplo en función del paisaje, actividades o especies que se establezcan como objeto de análisis. Se ha comprobado que las voces y conversaciones de parte de los excursionistas en zonas de reposo, observación y descanso (Laguna Grande de Peñalara) es la fuente de ruido que con mayor frecuencia identifican los propios visitantes (51%) y causa un incremento del nivel de presión sonora equivalente de unos 4,5 dBA sobre el nivel correspondiente al ambiente natural (Lnat). También se ha comprobado que carreteras con bajo nivel de tráfico (IMD<1000) pueden causar estrés fisiológico sobre la fauna y afectar a la calidad de sus hábitats. La isófona de 30 dBA del índice Leq (24h) permite dividir a los corzos de la zona de estudio en dos grupos con diferente nivel de estrés fisiológico, más elevado en los que se sitúan más cerca de la carretera con mayor volumen de tráfico y se expone a mayores niveles de ruido. Por otro lado, ha sido posible delimitar una zona de exclusión para la nidificación de buitre negro alrededor de las carreteras, coincidente con la isófona Leq (24h) de 40 dBA que afecta al 11% de su hábitat potencial. Además se ha llevado a cabo una novedosa valoración económica de la contaminación acústica en espacios naturales protegidos, mediante el análisis de la experiencia sonora de los visitantes del antiguo Parque Natural de Peñalara, y se ha constatado su disposición al pago de una entrada de acceso a estos lugares (aproximadamente 1 euro) si redundara en una mejora de su estado de conservación. En conclusión, los espacios naturales protegidos pueden sufrir un impacto ambiental significativo causado por fuentes de ruido localizadas en su interior pero también lejanas a ellos, que se sitúan fuera del ámbito de competencias de sus gestores. Sucesos sonoros como el sobrevuelo de aviones pueden incrementar en aproximadamente 8 dBA el nivel de referencia Lnat en las zonas tranquilas del parque. Se recomienda llevar a cabo una gestión activa del medio ambiente sonoro y se considera necesario extender la investigación sobre los efectos ecológicos del ruido ambiental a otros lugares y especies animales. ABSTRACT This PhD Thesis deals with acoustic characterization of natural ecosystems and anthropogenic noise impact assessment on potential receivers, including non-human receivers and their ecological effects. Besides, its management implications at different scales are analyzed and an economic valuation is performed. This study provides solutions for characterizing soundscapes in a compatible way with different working scales, level of technical effort and in a context of limited resources, so its treatment becomes feasible as for any other environmental variable in conservation and environmental management. Several tools and methodologies have been adapted from a variety of disciplines such as environmental acoustics, bioacoustics and landscape ecology, to better serve the specific goals of assessing and managing soundscapes and environmental noise in large areas. A procedure has been established for systematic field measurement surveys and noise common computer modelling methods have also been adapted in order to analyze dynamic soundscapes across time and space, from local to landscape scales. It is possible to create specific thematic cartography as for instance delimiting potential influence zone from different noise sources on animal habitats quality. Use of equivalent continuous sound pressure level index (Leq) is recommended because it provides great flexibility in operation for noise measurement and modelling, and because of its adaptability to any required temporal and spatial dimension, for instance landscape, activities or the target species established as study subjects. It has been found that human voices and conversations in a resting and contemplation area (Laguna Grande de Peñalara) is the most frequently referred noise source by national park visitors (51 %) when asked. Human voices alter this recreational area by increasing the sound pressure level approximately 4.5 dBA over the natural ambient level (Lnat). It has also been found that low traffic roads (AADT<1000 ) may cause physiological stress on wildlife and affect the quality of their habitats. It has also been possible to define a road-effect zone by noise mapping, which suggests an effective habitat loss within the Leq (24h) 30 dBA isophone in case of Roe deer and also divide the study area in two groups with different physiological stress level, higher for those exposed to higher noise levels and traffic volume. On the other hand, it has been possible to determine an exclusion area for Cinereous vulture nesting surrounding roads which is coincident with the Leq (24h) 40 dBA isophone and affects 11 % of the vulture potential habitat. It has also been performed an economic estimation of noise pollution impact on visitors’ perception and results showed that visitors would be willing to pay an entrance fee of approximately 1 euro if such payment is really bringing an improvement of the conservation status. In conclusion, protected areas may be significantly affected by anthropogenic noise sources located within the park borders but perturbations may also be caused by large-distance noise sources outside the park managers’ jurisdiction. Aircraft overflight events disrupted quietness and caused Leq increases of almost 8 dBA during a monitoring period with respect to Lnat reference levels in the park quiet areas. It is recommended to actively manage the acoustic environment. Finally, further research on ecological impacts of environmental noise needs to be extended to other species and places.


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Objetivou-se, nesta pesquisa, identificar os processos existentes nas operações de Logística Reversa (LR) de embalagens de agrotóxicos utilizadas, gerenciadas pelo Instituto Nacional de Processamento de Embalagens Vazias - inpEV. Empregou-se como metodologia a pesquisa bibliográfica sobre LR e o estudo de caso do referido instituto. Observou-se que o inpEV possui uma administração eficiente na LR, contribuindo para a redução do impacto ambiental provocado pelo descarte incorreto de embalagens de agrotóxicos. Constatou-se que todos os elos da cadeia produtiva de agrotóxicos são legalmente responsáveis pela LR das embalagens: o agricultor tem o dever de retornar as embalagens à unidade de recebimento (URE) ou ponto de devolução, indicado na nota fiscal de venda; o comerciante arca com os custos de construção e administração das URE, os quais são compartilhados com as empresas fabricantes; essas são responsáveis pela destinação final das embalagens e o Governo, por sua vez, é responsável pela fiscalização de todo o processo. Os resultados obtidos na pesquisa apontam para a necessidade de maior conscientização dos envolvidos, por meio de educação ambiental, assegurando a viabilidade e a eficiência da LR dessas embalagens, protegendo o ser humano e o meio ambiente.


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Tailings dams are structures that aims to retain the solid waste and water from mining processes. Its analysis and planning begins with searching of location for deployment, step on which to bind all kinds of variables that directly or indirectly influence the work, such as geological, hydrological, tectonic, topographic, geotechnical, environmental, social characteristics, evaluation security risks, among others. Thus, this paper aims to present a study on the most appropriate and secure type of busbar to design a layout structure of iron ore tailings, taking into account all the above mentioned variables. The case study involves the assessment of sites for location of dams of tailings disposal beneficiation of iron mine to be built in Bonito, in the municipality of Jucurutu in Seridó Potiguar. For site selection among alternatives, various aspects of the current state of the art were considered, one that causes the least environmental impact, low cost investment, adding value to the product and especially the safety of the implanted structure mitigates the concern about induced earthquakes as a result of liquefaction wastes somatized by dams in the region, as the tilling of Mina Bonito is located practically in the hydraulic basin dam Armando Ribeiro in environmental protection (APA). The methodology compares induced by dams in the semiarid region with the characteristics of the waste disposal and sterile seismicity, taking into account the enhancement of liquefaction by the action of seismicity in the Mina Bonito region. With the fulcrum in the methodology, we indicated the best busbar type for disposal of tailings from iron ore or combination of them, to be designed and built in semiarid particularly for Mina Bonito. Also presents a number of possible uses for the tailings and in engineering activities, which may cause processing to the common good.


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The oil industry is one of the activities that generates more waste to the environment. The drill cuttings is a waste generated in large quantities in the drilling process and that may cause environmental damage such as soil contamination and consequently the contamination of groundwater if disposed of without prior treatment. Arises the need to develop scientific activities and research ways to adapt these wastes the current environmental standards. In the case of solid wastes, the NBR 10004: 2004 of the Brazilian Association of Technical Standards (ABNT) classifies them into class I waste (hazardous) and class II (not dangerous), which determines which wastes may or may not be discarded in the environment without causing environmental impact. This study presents a novel alternative for treating drill cuttings, where this waste was classified as class I (Abreu & Souza, 2005), mainly by removing the n-paraffin present in it, since this arises when using drilling fluids base oil. Using microemulsion systems promotes the removal of this contaminant drill cuttings samples from wells located in Alto do Rodrigues - RN. Initially, we determined the concentration of paraffin using infrared method in samples were extracted with ultrasound, we obtained a paraffin concentration in the range from 36.59 to 43.52 g of paraffin per kilogram of cuttings. Used two microemulsion systems containing two nonionic surfactants from different classes, one is an alcohol ethoxylated (UNTL-90) and the other an nonylphenol ethoxylated (RNX 110). The results indicated that the system UNTL-90 surfactant has better efficiency than the system with RNX 110. The study of the influence of contact time at the extraction showed that for times greater than 25 minutes has a tendency to increase the percentage extraction with increasing contact time. It was also observed that the extraction is fast because at 1 minute contact has 22.7% extraction. The reuse of the microemulsion system without removing the paraffin extracted in previous steps, showed reduction of 29.32 in percentage of extraction by comparing the first and third extraction, but by comparing the first and second extractions reduction is 8.5 in percentage extraction, so the systems reuse optimization can be an option for economically viable removing paraffin from cuttings. The extraction with shaking is more effective in the treatment of cuttings, reaching the extraction percentage of 87.04%, that is, obtaining a drill cuttings with 0.551% paraffin. Using the percentage of paraffin employed in non-aqueous drilling fluids and fluid maximum limit on cuttings for disposal established by the Environmental Protection Agency of the United States (US EPA), one arrives at the conclusion that the level of paraffin on gravel cannot exceed 3.93%. Conclude that the amount of paraffin in the treated cuttings with the microemulsion system with shaking is below the established by US EPA, showing that the system used was efficient in removing the paraffin from the drill cuttings.


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The ceramics industry generates waste at various stages of that process, defective products, waste from burning solid fuels, among others. This waste is dumped in landfills, garbage dumps or directly on roads, which has a negative environmental impact. This paper presents a study to incorporate the waste of algaroba wood and chamote (scrap pieces of ceramic already sintered), in to the ceramic material for making sealing blocks. The methodological procedures consist in the characterization of chemical and mineralogical residues, raw materials, and physical-mechanical of the formulations of mixes with clay, silt and waste. By pressing test pieces were produced using a pressure of 200 kgf/cm², varying compositions in the range of 0%, 5%, 10% and 15% by weight of residue. The sintering was performed in a muffle furnace, with the temperature levels of 850 ° C, 900 ° C, 950 ° C, 1000 ° C and 1050 ° C. The evaluated physical and mechanical properties were: Water Absorption, Linear Shrinkage Burning, Apparent Porosity, Apparent Density and Mechanical Resistance to Flexion. Analysis was carried out by Scanning Electron Microscopy on fracture surfaces of the specimens. Evaluation of linear shrinkage property drying and firing , water absorption and mechanical resistance to compression of the sealing blocks 5% wood ash residue, sintered at 900 °C hold temperature in the laboratory the products manufactured on an industrial scale. The main results, it was found on the viability of using the residues of algaroba wood and to confer refractory properties of the ceramic product. The main results, it was concluded feasibility of using the ash residues algaroba wood to impart refractory properties to the ceramic product and the residue of chamote, being derived from the own ceramic product not interfere with the properties, when used in a percentage of up to 5%.Since the residue of chamote being derived from the ceramic product itself had no effect on the properties. Studies in the laboratory have shown that the incorporation of up to 5% of these residues may be adopted as an alternative technology to reduce the environmental impact caused by the industrial sector, without compromising the final properties of the material, since the results on an industrial scale showed absorption values 11.66 and 11.74 of water and waste products respectively, within the parameters of NBR - 15,270, since the mechanical strength was 1.25 MPa and 0.94 MPa respectively for products with and without residue, lower than the minimum required by the technical standard that is 1.5 MPa.


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The ceramics industry generates waste at various stages of that process, defective products, waste from burning solid fuels, among others. This waste is dumped in landfills, garbage dumps or directly on roads, which has a negative environmental impact. This paper presents a study to incorporate the waste of algaroba wood and chamote (scrap pieces of ceramic already sintered), in to the ceramic material for making sealing blocks. The methodological procedures consist in the characterization of chemical and mineralogical residues, raw materials, and physical-mechanical of the formulations of mixes with clay, silt and waste. By pressing test pieces were produced using a pressure of 200 kgf/cm², varying compositions in the range of 0%, 5%, 10% and 15% by weight of residue. The sintering was performed in a muffle furnace, with the temperature levels of 850 ° C, 900 ° C, 950 ° C, 1000 ° C and 1050 ° C. The evaluated physical and mechanical properties were: Water Absorption, Linear Shrinkage Burning, Apparent Porosity, Apparent Density and Mechanical Resistance to Flexion. Analysis was carried out by Scanning Electron Microscopy on fracture surfaces of the specimens. Evaluation of linear shrinkage property drying and firing , water absorption and mechanical resistance to compression of the sealing blocks 5% wood ash residue, sintered at 900 °C hold temperature in the laboratory the products manufactured on an industrial scale. The main results, it was found on the viability of using the residues of algaroba wood and to confer refractory properties of the ceramic product. The main results, it was concluded feasibility of using the ash residues algaroba wood to impart refractory properties to the ceramic product and the residue of chamote, being derived from the own ceramic product not interfere with the properties, when used in a percentage of up to 5%.Since the residue of chamote being derived from the ceramic product itself had no effect on the properties. Studies in the laboratory have shown that the incorporation of up to 5% of these residues may be adopted as an alternative technology to reduce the environmental impact caused by the industrial sector, without compromising the final properties of the material, since the results on an industrial scale showed absorption values 11.66 and 11.74 of water and waste products respectively, within the parameters of NBR - 15,270, since the mechanical strength was 1.25 MPa and 0.94 MPa respectively for products with and without residue, lower than the minimum required by the technical standard that is 1.5 MPa.