970 resultados para Low voltage varistor


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This thesis investigates phenomena of vortex dynamics in type II superconductors depending on the dimensionality of the flux-line system and the strength of the driving force. In the low dissipative regime of Bi_2Sr_2CaCu_2O_{8+delta} (BSCCO) the influence of oxygen stoichiometry on flux-line tension was examined. An entanglement crossover of the vortex system at low magnetic fields was identified and a comprehensive B-T phase diagram of solid and fluid phases derived.In YBa_2Cu_3O_7 (YBCO) extremely long (>100 mm) high-quality measurement bridges allowed to extend the electric-field window in transport measurements by up to three orders of magnitude. Complementing analyses of the data conclusively produced dynamic exponents of the glass transition z~9 considerably higher than theoretically predicted and previously reported. In high-dissipative measurements a voltage instability appearing in the current-voltage characteristics of type II superconductors was observed for the first time in BSCCO and shown to result from a Larkin-Ovchinnikov flux-flow vortex instability under the influence of quasi-particle heating. However, in an analogous investigation of YBCO the instability was found to appear only in the temperature and magnetic-field regime of the vortex-glass state. Rapid-pulse measurements fully confirmed this correlation of vortex glass and instability in YBCO and revealed a constant rise time (~µs).


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Background-Amyloidotic cardiomyopathy (AC) can mimic true left ventricular hypertrophy (LVH), including hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM) and hypertensive heart disease (HHD). We assessed the diagnostic value of combined electrocardiographic/echocardiographic indexes to identify AC among patients with increased echocardiographic LV wall thickness due to either different etiologies of amyloidosis or HCM or HHD. Method-First, we studied 469 consecutive patients: 262 with biopsy/genetically proven AC (with either AL or transthyretin (TTR)-related amyloidosis); 106 with HCM; 101 with HHD. We compared the diagnostic performance of: low QRS voltage, symmetric LVH, low QRS voltage plus interventricular septal thickness >1.98 cm, Sokolow index divided by the cross-sectional area of LV wall, Sokolow index divided by body surface area indexed LV mass (LVMI), Sokolow index divided by LV wall thickness, Sokolow index divided by (LV wall/height^2.7); peripheral QRS score divided by LVMI, Peripheral QRS score divided by LV wall thickness, Peripheral QRS score divided by LV wall thickness indexed to height^2.7, total QRS score divided by LVMI, total QRS score divided by LV wall thickness; total QRS score divided by (LV wall/height^2.7). We tested each criterion, separately in males and females, in the following settings: AC vs. HCM+HHD; AC vs. HCM; AL vs. HCM+HHD; AL vs. HCM; TTR vs. HCM+HHD; TTR vs. HCM. Results-Low QRS voltage showed high specificity but low sensitivity for the identification of AC. All the combined indexes had a higher diagnostic accuracy, being total QRS score divided by LV wall thickness or by LVMI associated with the best performances and the largest areas under the ROC curve. These results were validated in 298 consecutive patients with AC, HCM or HHD. Conclusions-In patients with increased LV wall thickness, a combined ECG/ echocardiogram analysis provides accurate indexes to non-invasively identify AC. Total QRS score divided by LVMI or LV wall thickness offers the best diagnostic performance.


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This review summarizes current evidence based on pertinent literature on low-dose computed tomography angiography (CTA) of the body. Various strategies for optimizing CTA protocols with the aim to lower the radiation dose while maintaining the diagnostic accuracy of the examination are summarized. To date, various publications have demonstrated that CTA of the body can be performed at a low radiation dose while providing high quality information. Nevertheless, a number of questions still need to be answered, including the optimal combination of tube voltage and tube current settings, as well as the appropriate protocol parameters in relation to the body physiognomy and the specific body region imaged.


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This study investigated the excitability and accommodative properties of low-threshold human motor axons to test whether these motor axons have greater expression of the persistent Na(+) conductance, I(NaP). Computer-controlled threshold tracking was used to study 22 single motor units and the data were compared with compound motor potentials of various amplitudes recorded in the same experimental session. Detailed comparisons were made between the single units and compound potentials that were 40% or 5% of maximal amplitude, the former because this is the compound potential size used in most threshold tracking studies of axonal excitability, the latter because this is the compound potential most likely to be composed entirely of motor axons with low thresholds to electrical recruitment. Measurements were made of the strength-duration relationship, threshold electrotonus, current-voltage relationship, recovery cycle and latent addition. The findings did not support a difference in I(NaP). Instead they pointed to greater activity of the hyperpolarization-activated inwardly rectifying current (I(h)) as the basis for low threshold to electrical recruitment in human motor axons. Computer modelling confirmed this finding, with a doubling of the hyperpolarization-activated conductance proving the best single parameter adjustment to fit the experimental data. We suggest that the hyperpolarization-activated cyclic nucleotide-gated (HCN) channel(s) expressed on human motor axons may be active at rest and contribute to resting membrane potential.


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A new generation of high definition computed tomography (HDCT) 64-slice devices complemented by a new iterative image reconstruction algorithm-adaptive statistical iterative reconstruction, offer substantially higher resolution compared to standard definition CT (SDCT) scanners. As high resolution confers higher noise we have compared image quality and radiation dose of coronary computed tomography angiography (CCTA) from HDCT versus SDCT. Consecutive patients (n = 93) underwent HDCT, and were compared to 93 patients who had previously undergone CCTA with SDCT matched for heart rate (HR), HR variability and body mass index (BMI). Tube voltage and current were adapted to the patient's BMI, using identical protocols in both groups. The image quality of all CCTA scans was evaluated by two independent readers in all coronary segments using a 4-point scale (1, excellent image quality; 2, blurring of the vessel wall; 3, image with artefacts but evaluative; 4, non-evaluative). Effective radiation dose was calculated from DLP multiplied by a conversion factor (0.014 mSv/mGy × cm). The mean image quality score from HDCT versus SDCT was comparable (2.02 ± 0.68 vs. 2.00 ± 0.76). Mean effective radiation dose did not significantly differ between HDCT (1.7 ± 0.6 mSv, range 1.0-3.7 mSv) and SDCT (1.9 ± 0.8 mSv, range 0.8-5.5 mSv; P = n.s.). HDCT scanners allow low-dose 64-slice CCTA scanning with higher resolution than SDCT but maintained image quality and equally low radiation dose. Whether this will translate into higher accuracy of HDCT for CAD detection remains to be evaluated.


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This paper presents a low-power, high-speed 4-data-path 128-point mixed-radix (radix-2 & radix-2 2 ) FFT processor for MB-OFDM Ultra-WideBand (UWB) systems. The processor employs the single-path delay feedback (SDF) pipelined structure for the proposed algorithm, it uses substructure-sharing multiplication units and shift-add structure other than traditional complex multipliers. Furthermore, the word lengths are properly chosen, thus the hardware costs and power consumption of the proposed FFT processor are efficiently reduced. The proposed FFT processor is verified and synthesized by using 0.13 µm CMOS technology with a supply voltage of 1.32 V. The implementation results indicate that the proposed 128-point mixed-radix FFT architecture supports a throughput rate of 1Gsample/s with lower power consumption in comparison to existing 128-point FFT architectures


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The intermediate band solar cell (IBSC) is based on a novel photovoltaic concept and has a limiting efficiency of 63.2%, which compares favorably with the 40.7% efficiency of a conventional, single junction solar cell. It is characterized by a material hosting a collection of energy levels within its bandgap, allowing the cell to exploit photons with sub-bandgap energies in a two-step absorption process, thus improving the utilization of the solar spectrum. However, these intermediate levels are often regarded as an inherent source of supplementary recombination, although this harmful effect can in theory be counteracted by the use of concentrated light. We present here a novel, low-temperature characterization technique using concentrated light that reveals how the initially enhanced recombination in the IBSC is reduced so that its open-circuit voltage is completely recovered and reaches that of a conventional solar cell.


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The low frequency modulation of the laser source (menor que30KHz) allows the generation of a pulsed signal that intermittently excites the gold nanorods. The temperature curves obtained for different frequencies and duty cycles of modulation but with equal average power and identical laser parameters, show that the thermal behavior in continuous wave and modulation modes is the same. However, the cell death experiments suggest that the percentage of death is higher in the cases of modulation. This observation allows us to conclude that there are other effects in addition to temperature that contribute to the cellular death. The mechanical effects like sound or pressure waves are expected to be generated from thermal expansion of gold nanorods. In order to study the behavior and magnitude of these processes we have developed a measure device based on ultrasound piezoelectric receivers (25KHz) and a lock-in amplifier that is able to detect the sound waves generated in samples of gold nanorods during laser irradiation providing us a voltage result proportional to the pressure signal. The first results show that the pressure measurements are directly proportional to the concentration of gold nanorods and the laser power, therefore, our present work is focused on determine the real influence of these effects in the cell death process.


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High switching frequencies (several MHz) allow the integration of low power DC/DC converters. Although, in theory, a high switching frequency would make possible to implement a conventional Voltage Mode control (VMC) or Peak Current Mode control (PCMC) with very high bandwidth, in practice, parasitic effects and robustness limits the applicability of these control techniques. This paper compares VMC and CMC techniques with the V2IC control. This control is based on two loops. The fast internal loop has information of the output capacitor current and the error voltage, providing fast dynamic response under load and voltage reference steps, while the slow external voltage loop provides accurate steady state regulation. This paper shows the fast dynamic response of the V2IC control under load and output voltage reference steps and its robustness operating with additional output capacitors added by the customer.


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Power supply unpredictable uctuations jeopardize the functioning of several types of current electronic systems. This work presents a power supply sensor based on a voltage divider followed by buffer-comparator cells employing just MOSFET transistors and provides a digital output. The divider outputs are designed to change more slowly than the thresholds of the comparators, in this way the sensor is able to detect voltage droops. The sensor is implemented in a 65nm technology node occupying an area of 2700?m2 and displaying a power consumption of 50?W. It is designed to work with no voltage reference and with no clock and aiming to obtain a fast response.


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It has been proposed that the use of self-assembled quantum dot (QD) arrays can break the Shockley-Queisser efficiency limit by extending the absorption of solar cells into the low-energy photon range while preserving their output voltage. This would be possible if the infrared photons are absorbed in the two sub-bandgap QD transitions simultaneously and the energy of two photons is added up to produce one single electron-hole pair, as described by the intermediate band model. Here, we present an InAs/Al 0.25Ga 0.75As QD solar cell that exhibits such electrical up-conversion of low-energy photons. When the device is monochromatically illuminated with 1.32 eV photons, open-circuit voltages as high as 1.58 V are measured (for a total gap of 1.8 eV). Moreover, the photocurrent produced by illumination with photons exciting the valence band to intermediate band (VB-IB) and the intermediate band to conduction band (IB-CB) transitions can be both spectrally resolved. The first corresponds to the QD inter-band transition and is observable for photons of energy mayor que 1 eV, and the later corresponds to the QD intra-band transition and peaks around 0.5 eV. The voltage up-conversion process reported here for the first time is the key to the use of the low-energy end of the solar spectrum to increase the conversion efficiency, and not only the photocurrent, of single-junction photovoltaic devices. In spite of the low absorption threshold measured in our devices - 0.25 eV - we report open-circuit voltages at room temperature as high as 1.12 V under concentrated broadband illumination.


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A novel temperature sensor based on nematic liquid crystal permittivity as a sensing magnitude, is presented. This sensor consists of a specific micrometric structure that gives considerable advantages from other previous related liquid crystal (LC) sensors. The analytical study reveals that permittivity change with temperature is introduced in a hyperbolic cosine function, increasing the sensitivity term considerably. The experimental data has been obtained for ranges from −6 °C to 100 °C. Despite this, following the LC datasheet, theoretical ranges from −40 °C to 109 °C could be achieved. These results have revealed maximum sensitivities of 33 mVrms/°C for certain temperature ranges; three times more than of most silicon temperature sensors. As it was predicted by the analytical study, the micrometric size of the proposed structure produces a high output voltage. Moreover the voltage’s sensitivity to temperature response can be controlled by the applied voltage. This response allows temperature measurements to be carried out without any amplification or conditioning circuitry, with very low power consumption.


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The mechanoelectrical-transduction channel of the hair cell is permeable to both monovalent and divalent cations. Because Ca2+ entering through the transduction channel serves as a feedback signal in the adaptation process that sets the channel’s open probability, an understanding of adaptation requires estimation of the magnitude of Ca2+ influx. To determine the Ca2+ current through the transduction channel, we measured extracellular receptor currents with transepithelial voltage-clamp recordings while the apical surface of a saccular macula was bathed with solutions containing various concentrations of K+, Na+, or Ca2+. For modest concentrations of a single permeant cation, Ca2+ carried much more receptor current than did either K+ or Na+. For higher cation concentrations, however, the flux of Na+ or K+ through the transduction channel exceeded that of Ca2+. For mixtures of Ca2+ and monovalent cations, the receptor current displayed an anomalous mole-fraction effect, which indicates that ions interact while traversing the channel’s pore. These results demonstrate not only that the hair cell’s transduction channel is selective for Ca2+ over monovalent cations but also that Ca2+ carries substantial current even at low Ca2+ concentrations. At physiological cation concentrations, Ca2+ flux through transduction channels can change the local Ca2+ concentration in stereocilia in a range relevant for the control of adaptation.


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The L-type voltage-gated Ca2+ channels that control tonic release of neurotransmitter from hair cells exhibit unusual electrophysiological properties: a low activation threshold, rapid activation and deactivation, and a lack of Ca2+-dependent inactivation. We have inquired whether these characteristics result from cell-specific splicing of the mRNA for the L-type α1D subunit that predominates in hair cells of the chicken’s cochlea. The α1D subunit in hair cells contains three uncommon exons: one encoding a 26-aa insert in the cytoplasmic loop between repeats I and II, an alternative exon for transmembrane segment IIIS2, and a heretofore undescribed exon specifying a 10-aa insert in the cytoplasmic loop between segments IVS2 and IVS3. We propose that the alternative splicing of the α1D mRNA contributes to the unusual behavior of the hair cell’s voltage-gated Ca2+ channels.


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Despite considerable evidence that ethanol can enhance chloride flux through the gamma-aminobutyric acid type A (GABA/A/) receptor-channel complex in several central neuron types, the effect of ethanol on hippocampal GABAergic systems is still controversial. Therefore, we have reevaluated this interaction in hippocampal pyramidal neurons subjected to local monosynaptic activation combined with pharmacological isolation of the various components of excitatory and inhibitory synaptic potentials, using intracellular current- and voltage-clamp recording methods in the hippocampal slice. In accord with our previous findings, we found that ethanol had little effect on compound inhibitory postsynaptic potentials/currents (IPSP/Cs) containing both GABA/A/ and GABA/B/ components. However, after selective pharmacological blockade of the GABA/B/ component of the IPSP (GABA/B/-IPSP/C) by CGP-35348, low concentrations of ethanol (22-66 mM) markedly enhanced the peak amplitude, and especially the area, of the GABA/A/ component (GABA/A/-IPSP/C) in most CA1 pyramidal neurons. Ethanol had no significant effect on the peak amplitude or area of the pharmacologically isolated GABA/B/-inhibitory postsynaptic current (IPSC). These results provide new data showing that activation of GABAB receptors can obscure ethanol enhancement of GABA/A/ receptor function in hippocampus and suggest that similar methods of pharmacological isolation might be applied to other brain regions showing negative or mixed ethanol-GABA interactions.