956 resultados para Lichen taxonomy
The radial growth of individual lobes of the foliose lichen, Parmelia conspersa (Ehrh. Ex Ach.) Ach. was studied to determine whether (1) adjacent lobes exchange carbohydrate and (2) marginal competition between lobes influences radial growth. In a survey of thalli of different size, the number of marginal lobes was linearly related to thallus circumference. However, the relationship between mean lobe width and thallus circumference was fitted by a second order polynomial. Hence, mean lobe width may reach a maximum in thalli approx. 3 cm in diameter. The interactions between marginal lobes were studied by either painting single lobes with acrylic paint or by removing lobes from the thallus. Painting the whole lobe virtually stopped its radial growth while partially painted lobes grew less than control lobes. The radial growth of a lobe was unaffected by either completely painting or removing its neighbour. Removal of both neighbouring lobes did not influence the radial growth of a lobe but severing the lobe from the thallus reduced its radial growth. In addition, lobe width increased significantly when both neighbouring lobes were removed. These results suggest that adjacent lobes have a considerable degree of independence and that there is little exchange of carbohydrate between them. In addition, marginal competition between adjacent lobes may restrict the lateral extension of the lobe and this may maintain a more constant mean lobe width in larger thalli. It is possible that the intensity of marginal competition between adjacent lobes may vary with thallus size and this could be a factor determining the growth curve of a foliose lichen throughout its life.
The margins of foliose lichen thalli comprise individual lobes which grow radially and divide. This results in a complex marginal structure in which lobes differing in morphology, state of division, and growth pattern are crowded together. Various aspects of the biology of these lobes are reviewed including their carbohydrate supply, morphology, pattern of division and branching, the effect of lobe overcrowding and interactions between neighbouring lobes. As the thalus grows, lobes become increasingly crowded together and this restricts further lateral growth. Restriction of lobe width may be reponsible for the changes in radial growth rate (RGR) with size observed in foliose species. Various aspects of lobe biology may be responsible for lobe growth variation including the physical independence of lobes from their neighbours, the genetic origin of the lobes, and the pattern of lobe branching. Overall symmetry of a thallus is maintained by a fluctuating pattern of growth of individual lobes in successive months together with competition for space at the margin
Competition between three foliose lichens common on slate rock in south Gwynedd, Wales was studied in the field using a factorial experimental design. The lichens were grown as fragments glued to pieces of slate in two- and three-species mixtures. In the two-species mixtures, Parmelia conspersa (Ehrh. Ex Ach.) Ach. outcompeted Parmelia glabratula ssp. fuliginosa (Fr. ex Duby) Laund. strongly and Physcia orbicularis (Neck.) Poetsch less strongly, while P. orbicularis outcompeted P. glabratula weakly. Significant two-factor interactions indicated that the results from the three-species mixture could not be predicted from the two-species mixtures. Parmelia glabratula and P. orbicularis grew better in the presence of two competitors than one. This result suggests that the three species may co-occur on well-lit rock surfaces at the site.
The 12-month radial growth of Parmelia conspersa thalli with isidia or with apothecia and isidia was not influenced by removal of the thalli centres. When large thalli had their centres removed and the thallus perimeter was divided into fragments of about 1.0cm in diameter, growth of the fragments was less than the controls, but recovered to near control values after four or five months growth. These results suggest first, that fixed carbon for radial growth may be made in a narrow annulus at the perimeter and second, that there may be little transfer of fixed carbon between the annulus and the centre of the thallus ar around the annulus. Fragments of the centre and the perimeter regenerated growing points, suggesting that fragmentation may be an important method of vegetative reproduction in some lichens.
The development of new areolae on the marginal hypothallus of the lichen Rhizocarpon geographicum (L.) DC was studied after complete or partial removal of the central areolae. New areolae developed slowly on the isolated hypothalli over two years. Development was similar when the areolae were completely removed and when the central areolae were separated from the marginal hypothallus by ‘moats’ 2 to 5 mm in width. However, in intact thalli, the marginal areolae developed rapidly during Jan. – June 1986 but showed periods of retreat from the margin during Oct. - Dec. 1985 and July – Sept. 1986. These results suggested that primary areolae may develop from free-living algal cells trapped by the hypothallus while secondary areolae may develop from zoospores produced by the thallus. Complete removal of the areolae resulted in no measurable radial growth of the marginal hypothallus over 18 months. Removal of the central areolae to within 1 and 2 mm of the hypothallus significantly reduced growth. These results suggest that the areolae may supply the hypothallus with carbon for growth. When the marginal hypothallus was experimentally removed a new hypothallus developed within one year. Regeneration occurred initially by retreat of the marginal areolae and later by new hyphal growth. The concentration of ribitol, arabitol and mannitol was measured in the areolae and marginal hypothallus on four occasions in 1985/6 in a population growing on a steep south facing rock surface. The three carbohydrates were present in significantly higher concentration in the areolae than in the hypothallus. Hence, the slow growth of this species may result from inhibited transport of carbohydrate from areolae to hypothallus.
The crustose lichen Rhizocarpon geographicum (L.) DC. comprises yellow-green lichenized areolae which develop and grow on the surface of a non-lichenized fungal hypothallus, the latter extending beyond the edge of the areolae to form a marginal ring. The hypothallus advances very slowly and the considerable longevity of R. geographicum, especially in Arctic and Alpine environments, has been exploited by geologists in dating the exposure age of rock surfaces (lichenometry). This review explores various aspects of the biology of R. geographicum including: (1) structure and symbionts, (2) lichenization, (3) development of areolae, (4) radial growth rates (RaGR), (5) growth physiology, (6) changes in RaGR with thallus size (growth ratesize curve), (7) maturity and senescence, and (8) aspects of ecology. Lichenization occurs when fungal hyphae become associated with a compatible species of the alga Trebouxia, commonly found free-living on the substratum. Similarly, 'primary' areolae develop from free-living algal cells trapped by the advancing hypothallus. The shape of the growth rate-size curve of R. geographicum is controversial but may exhibit a phase of decreasing growth in larger thalli. Low rates of translocation of carbohydrate to the hypothallus together with allocation for stress resistance results in very slow RaGR, a low demand for nutrients, hence, the ability of R. geographicum to colonize more extreme environments. Several aspects of the biology of R. geographicum have implications for lichenometry including early development, mortality rates, the shape of the growth-rate size curve, and competition. © The Author(s) 2012.
Relocation, an intraorganizational geographical transfer, can be used for human resource development (HRD) because of the positive developmental effects it can induce. It is, thus, important for HRD professionals to understand the implications of relocation to ensure it is used appropriately and effectively as an HRD technique. Research on relocation is abundant but presently lacks integration. This article introduces the Four-Factor Taxonomy of Relocation Outcomes, which summarizes, organizes, and guides research in this area. The taxonomy provides researchers with four dimensions along which to consistently classify relocation outcomes: valence (positive vs. negative), duration (length of effect), magnitude (strength of effect), and quality (type of effect). The article concludes with a discussion of implications for HRD practitioners and researchers.
Dispersal of a Hypogymnia physodes (L.) Nyl. population was studied on an isolated Prunus blireiana L. tree at a site in North Seattle, U.S.A. Lichen propagules were trapped on adhesive strips pinned to four sites on the tree for 7 successive days. Soredia of H. physodes were frequently deposited on the strips but thallus fragments were rare. More soredia were deposited on the upper and lower branches than on the trunk, few soredia were deposited on the underside of the branches. The total daily deposition of soredia on the tree was positively correlated with average daily wind speed. Dispersal downwind from the tree was studied with squares of adhesive contact paper pinned to boards and located at intervals up to 25 m from the tree. Soredia and a few thallus fragments were recorded 25 m and 10 m, respectively, downwind on a day when average wind speed was 10.3 m/sec. The dispersal of soredia by wind from four individual thalli was studied over 10 successive days. Soredia were deposited from each thallus on each day mostly within 2 cm of the source. Higher wind speeds were necessary to dispersae soredia on days when the relative humidity was high. Soredia and thallus fragments were also dispersed by splash dispersal. More soredia were splashed furthest at a splash height of 90 cm. These results suggest that initial colonization of the tree by H. physodes may have occurred by wind-dispersed soredia. Subsequent spread probably occurred from established thalli mainly by the dispersal of soredia by wind and rain splash.
The factors associated with lobe division were studied in thalli of the lichen Parmelia conspersa (Ehrh. ex Ach.)Ach. Lobe division was studied in sequences of adjacent lobes using spatial pattern analysis. In five large thalli, lobe division within the thallus margin was randomly distributed. Correlations between the degree of lobe division, the radial growth of the lobe and lobe morphology were studied in six thalli. Lobe division was positively correlated with either lobe width or area in four thalli. Correlations were observed with radial growth or morphology of the adjacent lobes in two thalli. Dividing and non-dividing lobes were removed from large thalli and glued to pieces of slate with their tips either at the same level or in front of neighbouring lobes. Dividing lobes divided more rapidly when their tips were glued in front of their neighbours. The levels of ribitol, arabitol and mannitol were measured within a 2 mm region of the tip in dividing and non-dividing lobes on four occasions in 1994. Carbohydrate levels were significantly increased in dividing compared with non-dividing lobes. In addition, the mean size of the algal cells was greater in non-dividing compared with dividing lobes especially at the lobe base. However, the percentage of zoosporangia and aplanosporangia did not vary significantly in dividing and non-dividing lobes. These results suggest that: 1) the pattern of lobe division within the thallus margin may be random, 2) lobe division may be determined by lobe size and the location of the lobe tip relative to the neighbouring lobes and 3) there may be an increase in the productivity of lobes associated with lobe division.
The objective of this study was to test the hypothesis that the radial growth of lobes of the lichen Parmelia conspersa depends largely on growth processes which occur at the lobe tip. First, individual lobes were removed from thalli and portions of the lobe removed to within various distances from the tip. Radial growth of the lobe was unaffected until less than 2 mm of the lobe tip remained. Second, the surfaces of individual lobes were painted with acrylic paint leaving different portions of the lobe exposed. Painting lobes to within 0.5 mm and 1 mm of the tip substantially reduced radial growth. Third, the levels of ribitol, arabitol and mannitol were measured in different regions behind the lobe tip on four occasions during 1994. The concentration of the three carbohydrates was greatest at the lobe tip and the levels declined linearly with distance from the tip. Fourth, painting one vertical half of the lobe tip did not affect radial growth but artificially bisecting the lobe tip with a scalpel reduced radial growth. Although transport of carbohydrate from other regions of the lobe cannot be ruled out, the results support the hypothesis that radial growth in P. conspersa depends largely on processes within a region approximately 2 mm behind the lobe tip.
Growth curves of the foliose lichen Parmelia conspersa (Ehrh. Ex Ach.)Ach. Were obtained by plotting radial growth (RGR, mm yr-1) of the fastest measured lobe, the slowest measured lobe, a randomly selected lobe, and by averaging a sample of lobes from each thallus against thallus diameter. Growth curves derived from the fastest-growing lobe and by averaging lobes were asymptotic and could be fitted by the growth model of Aplin and Hill. Mean lobe width increased with thallus size, reaching a maximum at approx. 4.5 cm thallus diameter. In four out of six thalli, radial growth of lobes over four months was positively correlated with initial lobe width or area. The RGR of isolated lobes was unaffected until the base of the lobe was removed to within 1-2 mm of the tip. The concentration (micrograms mg-1 biomass) of ribitol, arabitol and mannitol was greater in the marginal lobes of large than in small thalli. The results suggested that the growth curve of P. conspersa is determined by processes that occur within individual marginal lobes and can be explained by the Aplin and Hill model. Changes in lobe width and in the productive capacity of individual lobes with thallus size are likely to be more important factors than the degree of translocation within the lobe in determining the growth curve.
Removal of the areolae of the crustose lichen Rhizocarpon geographicum (L.)DC. resulted in either low or no measurable radial growth of the marginal hypothallus. Radial growth of the hypothallus was also significantly reduced compared with intact thalli when (1) areolae were removed to within 1 and 2 mm of the hypothallus and (2) a 5 mm wide ‘moat’ was created between the areolae and the hypothallus. Adding ribitol (0.01 M) to isolated hypothalli at 3-month intervals over 15 months results in total radial growth c. 60% that of intact thalli. Adding an arabitol/mannitol mixture (0.05 M arabitol, 0.03 M mannitol) increased radial growth compared with deionized water and ribitol treatments. Adding ribitol (0.7 M), arabitol (0.2 M) and mannitol (0.08 M) to the areolae of intact thalli had no significant effects on radial growth of the hypothallus. On a south-facing rock surface, isolated hypothalli grew at a similar rate to intact thalli for 2 months. Growth then declined and the hypothalli disappeared from the rock surface within 6 months. The effects of addition of carbohydrate suggest that the marginal hypothallus has the capacity to utilize exogeneous materials. However, in intact thalli in the field, the radial growth of the hypothallus is likely to be a result of transfer of materials from the areolae through hyphal connections.
The levels of the soluble carbohydrates ribitol, arabitol and mannitol were measured in individual lobes of the lichen Parmelia conspersa (Ehrh. ex Ach.) Ach. Lobes were collected from a north and a south facing slate rock surface in South Gwynedd, Wales, U.K. on 4 days during 1990-1991. On each day sampled, the most significant variation in soluble carbohydrate levels was between the individual lobes of a thallus. In addition, carbohydrate levels were significantly greater on the south facing rock surface on 2 of the 4 days sampled. Factorial analyses of variance suggested that the levels of individual carbohydrates varied significantly between days but not between north and south facing rock surfaces. Mannitol levels varied less between days than arabitol levels. Levels of ribitol, arabitol and mannitol were positively correlated in individual lobes. A stepwise multiple regression suggested that on the north facing rock surface, arabitol and mannitol levels could be explained by variations in the level of ribitol. By contrast, on the south facing rock surface, the levels of fungal carbohydrates were less dependent on the level of ribitol and there was evidence of a relationship between arabitol and mannitol. Variations in carbohydrate production, allocation and metabolism could help to explain lobe growth variation in foliose lichens and the radial growth of lobes over a longer period of time. Greater carbohydrate production rather than differences in allocation and metabolism may explain the increased growth and frequency of P. conspersa on south facing rock surfaces in South Gwynedd. © 1994.
The influence of bird droppings on the growth and fragmentation of five lichen species transplanted to slate and cement substrates was studied over a period of 15 months in South Gwynedd, Wales. The results suggested that at 15 months (1) thallus areas of Parmelia conspersa (Ehrh. Ex Ach.)Ach. were greater on both substrates with the addition of bird droppings with a greater increase on cement; (2) In Parmelia saxatilis (L.)Ach. And Parmelia glabratula ssp. fuliginosa (Fr. ex Duby)Laund., thallus areas were greatest on slate alone and least on cement with bird droppings; (3) in Physcia orbicularis (Neck.)Poetsch, thallus area was significantly reduced on cement alone compared with slate and cement treated with bird droppings; and (4) in Xanthoria parietina (L.)Th.Fr., thallus area was significantly greater on cement with bird droppings compared with slate and cement alone. These responses were attributable to the effect of the substrate and bird droppings on radial growth and the degree of fragmentation of the thalli. The results suggested that nutrient enrichment was more important than the substrate in determining the distribution of P. conspersa and Ph. orbicularis. However, the substrate and bird droppings were important in the remaining species, the data suggesting that P. saxatilis and P. glabratula ssp. fuliginosa would prefer nutrient-poor, siliceous rocks and X. parietina calcareous, nutrient enriched rocks in South Gwynedd.
Dispersal of soredia from individual soralia of the lichen Hypogymnia physodes (L.) Nyl. was studied using a simple wind tunnel constructed in the field. Individual lobes with terminal soralia were placed in the wind tunnel on the adhesive surface of dust particle collectors. Air currents produced by a fan were directed over the surface of the lobes. The majority of soredia were deposited within 5 cm of the source soralium but some soredia were dispersed to at least 80 cm at a wind speed of 6 m s-1. Variation in wind speed had no statistically significant effect on the total number of soredial clusters deposited averaged over soralia but the mean size of cluster and the distance dispersed were greater at higher wind speeds. The number of soredia deposited was dependent on the orientation of the soralium to the air currents. More soredia were deposited with the soralium facing the fan at a wind speed of 9 m s-1. Moisture in the form of a fine mist reduced substantially the number of soredia deposited at a wind speed of 6 m s-1 but had no effect on the mean number of soredia per cluster or on the mean distance dispersed. The data suggest: (1) that wind dispersal from an individual soralium is influenced by wind speed, the location of the soralium on the thallus and the level of moisture and (2) that air currents directed over the surfaces of thalli located on the upper branches of trees would effectively disperse soredia of H. physodes vertically and horizontally within a tree canopy. © 1994.