908 resultados para Level of confidence
O presente trabalho visa propor uma metodologia para Teste de estresse e, consequentemente, cálculo do colchão adicional de capital em risco de crédito, conforme exigência do Comitê de Supervisão Bancária. A metodologia consiste em utilizar informações macroeconômicas para determinar o comportamento da taxa de inadimplência. Dessa forma, podemos simular possíveis cenários econômicos e, com isso, a taxa de inadimplência associada a esse cenário. Para cada cenário econômico é obtida uma taxa. Cada taxa de inadimplência fornece uma curva de perdas. Simulando diversos cenários econômicos foi possível obter diversas curvas de perda e, com elas, a probabilidade de ocorrência da perda esperada e inesperada. A metodologia foi aplicada a uma carteira de crédito pessoal para pessoa física. Os resultados se mostraram bastantes eficientes para determinar a probabilidade de ocorrência do Capital Alocado. Como consequência do teste, dado um nível de confiança, foi possível determinar qual deveria ser o Capital Alocado para fazer frente às perdas acima da perda inesperada.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
It is presently assumed that the Borborema Province resulted from a complex collisional process associated with the convergent movement of plates, possibly involving amalgamation and accretion of microplates. This process was consolidated at the end of the Brasiliano event. It is investigated the possible limits for the tectonostratigraphic terranes in the northern portion of the province based on an integrated study of geological and gravity data. The study area comprises the portion of the Borborema Province located north of the Patos Lineament, limited by longitudes 33º00 W and 43º29 44"W and latitudes 1º36 S and 8º00 S. A revision of the regional geology allowed to identify areas presenting contrasting geological attributes, possibly representing different terranes whose limits are always shear zones of Brasiliano-age. The Sobral-Pedro II shear zone is the only one undoubtedly presenting geological attributes of sutures zones. The other shear zones are very likely associated with a geodinymic context of accretion, involving oblique collisions (docking), transcurrent and/or transforming sutures, and deep intracrustal shear zones. The gravity data contributed as a tool to identify strong lateral contrasts of density inside the upper crust possibly associated with crustal blocks tectonically juxtaposed. The dominant long wavelength anomaly in the Bouguer anomaly map is an expressive gradient, grossly parallel to the continental margin, caused by density variation across the crust-mantle interface in the transition from the continental crust to the oceanic crust originated by the separation between South America and Africa. Medium to small wavelength anomalies are due to intracrustal heterogeneities such as different Precambrian crustal blocks, Brasiliano-age granites and Mesozoic sedimentary basins. A regional-residual separation of the Bouguer anomaly map was performed in order to enhance in the residual map the effect due to intracrustal heterogeneities. The methodology used for this separation was a robust polinomial fitting. The inversion of residual gravity field resulted in a density contrast map (Δρ), in an equivalent layer that provided more accurated anomalies contours and consolidated the model which the sources of residual anomalies are located in the upper part of the present crust. Based on the coincidence of gravity lineaments in the residual map and Brasiliano shear zones, and using additional geological information, the following shear zones are proposed as limits between terranes: Patos shear zone, Sobral-Pedro II shear zone, Picuí-João Câmara shear zone, Remígio-Pocinhos shear zone, Senador Pompeu shear zone, Tauá shear zone, and Portalegre shear zone. Based on the geological/geophysical information it is attributed a higher level of confidence to the first three proposed limits(Patos, Sobral Pedro II, and Picuí-João Câmara shear zones). From west to east, these shear zones individualize the following terranes: Northwest of Ceará terrane, Central Ceará terrane, Tauá terrane, Orós-Jaguaribe terrane, Seridó terrane, and São José de Campestre terrane. In our study, the Rio Piranhas and Patos terranes are questioned because their previously proposed limits do not present good geological and gravimetric evidences. On the other hand, the previously proposed Cearense terrane is now subdivided into Central Ceará and Tauá terranes. Two residual gravity profiles located in the Seridó belt were interpreted using 2 ½ D direct gravity modeling. The main result of the modeling process is that all anomalies, with the exception of one, can be explained by outcroppring bodies, therefore restricted to the upper part of the present crust
Acid rain is a major assault on the environment, a consequence of burning fossil fuels and industrial pollutants the basis of sulfur dioxide released into the atmosphere. The objective of this research was to monitor and analyze changes in water quality of rain in the city of Natal, seeking to investigate the influence of quality on a local, regional and global, in addition to possible effects of this quality in the local landscape. Data collection was performed from December 2005 to December 2007. We used techniques of nefanálise in identifying systems sinóticos, field research in the search for possible effects of acid rain on the landscape, and collect and analyze data of precipitation and its degree of acidity. Used descriptive statistics (standard deviation and coefficient of variation) used to monitor the behavior of chemical precipitation, and monitoring of errors in measurements of pH, level of confidence, Normalized distribution of Gauss, confidence intervals, analysis of variance ANOVA were also used. Main results presented as a variation of pH between 5,021 and 6,836, with an average standard deviation of 5,958 and 0,402, showing that the average may represent the sample. Thus, we can infer that, according to the CONAMA Resolution 357 (the index for fresh water acidity should be between 6.0 and 9.0), the precipitation of Natal / RN is slightly acidic. It appears that the intertropical convergence zone figures showed the most acidic among the systems analyzed sinóticos, taking its average value of pH of 5,617, which means an acid value now, with a standard deviation of 0,235 and the coefficient of variation of 4,183% which shows that the average may represent the sample. Already in field research and found several places that suffer strongly the action of acid rain. However, the results are original and need further investigation, including the use of new methodologies
Includes bibliography
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Manipulação em imagens radiográficas odontológicas digitais e digitalizadas e a certificação digital
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Esta tese descreve a aplicação de análise de séries temporais em perfis de poço. Através desta técnica é possível avaliar-se a repetição e a resolução vertical de perfis, e determinar-se o intervalo de amostragem e a velocidade de perfilagem ideais para diferentes perfis. A comparação entre três poços é também feita, baseada num mesmo tipo de perfil. Para tanto, na seqüência utilizada, procurou-se manter num mesmo domínio os dados cuja quantidade total de amostras (N) por perfil não ultrapassou 2048. Desses dados, foram inicialmente retirados o valor médio das amostras e o alinhamento polinomial algébrico eventualmente nelas embutido. Em seguida, foi efetuada a aplicação do ponderador cossenoidal, do filtro passa-alta, da janela Hanning, do cálculo da função coerência, do espectro de fase, da razão sinal-ruído e dos espectros de potência do sinal e do ruído, nesta ordem. Para a função coerência, fez-se necessário o cálculo dos níveis de confiança de 50%, 90% e 95%. O cálculo do primeiro nível teve por base a necessidade de se determinar a resolução vertical de alguns perfis, e dos demais, a fim de que fosse obtida uma informação referente à localização daqueles níveis para a coerência calculada. Em relação ao espectro de fase, seu cálculo surgiu da necessidade de se obter uma informação adicional a respeito dos perfis manipulados, ou seja, o conhecimento da ocorrência ou não de deslocamento relativo de profundidade entre a seção principal e a seção repetida. A razão sinal-ruído foi calculada no sentido de possibilitar a comparação, como elemento avaliador dos diversos tipos de perfis, com a coerência e o cálculo dos espectros de potência. Os espectros de potência do sinal e do ruído foram calculados para se ter mais um parâmetro de avaliação da seção repetida, já que em tese, os espectros de potência do sinal e do ruído da seção repetida devem ser iguais aos respectivos espectros da seção principal. Os dados utilizados na aplicação da metodologia proposta foram fornecidos pela PETROBRÁS e oriundos de quatro poços da Bacia Potiguar emersa. Por questões de sigilo empresarial, os poços foram identificados como poços A, B, C e D. A avaliação da repetição entre diferentes tipos de perfis indica que, para o poço A, o perfil micro-esférico (MSFL) tem repetição melhor do que o perfil de porosidade neutrônica (CNL), o qual tem, por sua vez, repetição melhor do que o perfil de raios gama normal (GR). Para os perfis do poço D, uma diminuição da velocidade de perfilagem de 550 m/h para 275 m/h é vantajosa apenas para o perfil de porosidade neutrônica. Já a velocidade de perfilagem de 920 m/h, utilizada, na obtenção dos perfis do poço C, é totalmente inadequada para os perfis de resistividade (MSFL, ILD e ILM). A diminuição do intervalo de amostragem de 0,20 m para 0,0508 m, nos perfis de raios gama e de porosidade neutrônica, e 0,0254 m para o perfil de densidade, apresenta bons resultados quando aplicada no poço D. O cálculo da resolução vertical indica, para o perfil de porosidade neutrônica, uma superioridade qualitativa em relação ao perfil de raios gama normal, ambos pertencentes ao poço A. Para o poço C, o perfil micro-esférico apresenta uma resolução vertical na mesma ordem de grandeza da resolução do perfil de raios gama do poço B, o que evidencia ainda mais a inconveniência da velocidade de perfilagem utilizada no poço C. Já para o poço D, o cálculo da resolução vertical indica uma superioridade qualitativa do perfil de densidade de alta resolução em relação ao perfil de raios gama de alta resolução. A comparação entre os poços A, B e D, levada a efeito através dos respectivos perfis de porosidade neutrônica normais, comprova que a presença de ruído aleatório, em geral, está diretamente ligada à porosidade da formação - uma maior porosidade indica uma presença maior de ruído e, por conseguinte, uma queda qualitativa no perfil obtido. A análise do espectro de fase de cada perfil indica um deslocamento em profundidade, existente entre as seções principal e repetida de todos os perfis do poço C. E isto pôde ser confirmado com a posterior superposição das seções.
Pós-graduação em Enfermagem (mestrado profissional) - FMB
In the past decade, the advent of efficient genome sequencing tools and high-throughput experimental biotechnology has lead to enormous progress in the life science. Among the most important innovations is the microarray tecnology. It allows to quantify the expression for thousands of genes simultaneously by measurin the hybridization from a tissue of interest to probes on a small glass or plastic slide. The characteristics of these data include a fair amount of random noise, a predictor dimension in the thousand, and a sample noise in the dozens. One of the most exciting areas to which microarray technology has been applied is the challenge of deciphering complex disease such as cancer. In these studies, samples are taken from two or more groups of individuals with heterogeneous phenotypes, pathologies, or clinical outcomes. these samples are hybridized to microarrays in an effort to find a small number of genes which are strongly correlated with the group of individuals. Eventhough today methods to analyse the data are welle developed and close to reach a standard organization (through the effort of preposed International project like Microarray Gene Expression Data -MGED- Society [1]) it is not unfrequant to stumble in a clinician's question that do not have a compelling statistical method that could permit to answer it.The contribution of this dissertation in deciphering disease regards the development of new approaches aiming at handle open problems posed by clinicians in handle specific experimental designs. In Chapter 1 starting from a biological necessary introduction, we revise the microarray tecnologies and all the important steps that involve an experiment from the production of the array, to the quality controls ending with preprocessing steps that will be used into the data analysis in the rest of the dissertation. While in Chapter 2 a critical review of standard analysis methods are provided stressing most of problems that In Chapter 3 is introduced a method to adress the issue of unbalanced design of miacroarray experiments. In microarray experiments, experimental design is a crucial starting-point for obtaining reasonable results. In a two-class problem, an equal or similar number of samples it should be collected between the two classes. However in some cases, e.g. rare pathologies, the approach to be taken is less evident. We propose to address this issue by applying a modified version of SAM [2]. MultiSAM consists in a reiterated application of a SAM analysis, comparing the less populated class (LPC) with 1,000 random samplings of the same size from the more populated class (MPC) A list of the differentially expressed genes is generated for each SAM application. After 1,000 reiterations, each single probe given a "score" ranging from 0 to 1,000 based on its recurrence in the 1,000 lists as differentially expressed. The performance of MultiSAM was compared to the performance of SAM and LIMMA [3] over two simulated data sets via beta and exponential distribution. The results of all three algorithms over low- noise data sets seems acceptable However, on a real unbalanced two-channel data set reagardin Chronic Lymphocitic Leukemia, LIMMA finds no significant probe, SAM finds 23 significantly changed probes but cannot separate the two classes, while MultiSAM finds 122 probes with score >300 and separates the data into two clusters by hierarchical clustering. We also report extra-assay validation in terms of differentially expressed genes Although standard algorithms perform well over low-noise simulated data sets, multi-SAM seems to be the only one able to reveal subtle differences in gene expression profiles on real unbalanced data. In Chapter 4 a method to adress similarities evaluation in a three-class prblem by means of Relevance Vector Machine [4] is described. In fact, looking at microarray data in a prognostic and diagnostic clinical framework, not only differences could have a crucial role. In some cases similarities can give useful and, sometimes even more, important information. The goal, given three classes, could be to establish, with a certain level of confidence, if the third one is similar to the first or the second one. In this work we show that Relevance Vector Machine (RVM) [2] could be a possible solutions to the limitation of standard supervised classification. In fact, RVM offers many advantages compared, for example, with his well-known precursor (Support Vector Machine - SVM [3]). Among these advantages, the estimate of posterior probability of class membership represents a key feature to address the similarity issue. This is a highly important, but often overlooked, option of any practical pattern recognition system. We focused on Tumor-Grade-three-class problem, so we have 67 samples of grade I (G1), 54 samples of grade 3 (G3) and 100 samples of grade 2 (G2). The goal is to find a model able to separate G1 from G3, then evaluate the third class G2 as test-set to obtain the probability for samples of G2 to be member of class G1 or class G3. The analysis showed that breast cancer samples of grade II have a molecular profile more similar to breast cancer samples of grade I. Looking at the literature this result have been guessed, but no measure of significance was gived before.