809 resultados para Leisure, consumption, work-life balance, leisure society
O conceito de qualidade de vida surge pela primeira vez em 1920, através do economista inglês Arthur Cecil Pigou, que utiliza este termo para descrever o impacto governamental sobre a vida das pessoas mais desfavorecidas. Com a instalação de uma era industrializada e com o fim da 2º Guerra Mundial, a sociedade mudou de paradigma e iniciou uma procura incessante de formas para melhorar a sua qualidade de vida. Este conceito desenvolve-se juntamente com o desenvolvimento do conceito de educação, saúde, habitação, transporte, trabalho e lazer, bem como indicadores do aumento da esperança de vida, a diminuição da mortalidade infantil e dos níveis de poluição. O avanço da tecnologia teve um papel fundamental para a evolução desses conceitos, bem como o Design na procura de soluções para aplicação dessas mesmas tecnologias. No caso concreto da indústria tèxtil, a tendência é o desenvolvimento de têxteis inteligentes envolvendo a engenharia electrónica no seu processo de conceptualização e de fabrico. A chamada tecnologia wearable abre novos horizontes para a criação de soluções inovadoras, abrindo novos nichos de mercado com elevado valor acrescentado. Existem atualmente vários produtos no mercado cuja funcionalidade e utilidade lhes conferiu um estatuto imutável ao longo dos anos, onde a evolução não avançou na tendência atual. Esse é o caso dos tecidos estreitos, cuja funcionalidade poderá adquirir novas capacidades e ser utilizada em diferentes componentes têxteis nas mais variadas áreas. Essas capacidades poderão ser acrescentadas pela incorporação de materiais com luminosidade (Led’s e L-Wire) nas suas estruturas. Neste estudo realizado o design de produtos com novas funcionalidades, adaptando as tecnologias até agora desenvolvidas em novas soluções e/ou novas recriações de produto.
This study examines physical activity patterns among women, from pre-pregnancy to the second trimester of pregnancy, and the relationship between physical activity status based on physical activity guidelines and health-related quality of life (HRQoL) and depression over pregnancy. 56 healthy pregnant women self reported physical activity, HRQoL and depression at 10-15 and 19-24 weeks of pregnancy and physical activity before pregnancy. Whereas vigorous leisure physical activity decreased after conception, moderate leisure physical activity and work related physical activity remained stable over time. The prevalence of recommended physical activity was 39.3% and 12.5% in the 1st and 2nd trimesters of pregnancy respectively, and 14.3% pre-pregnancy. From the 1st to the 2nd pregnancy trimester, most physical HRQoL dimensions scores decreased and only mental component increased, independently of physical activity status. No changes in mean depression scores were observed. These data suggest that physical activity patterns change with pregnancy and that physical and mental components are differentially affected by pregnancy course, independently of physical activity status.
BACKGROUND Socio-economic inequalities in mortality are observed at the country level in both North America and Europe. The purpose of this work is to investigate the contribution of specific risk factors to social inequalities in cause-specific mortality using a large multi-country cohort of Europeans. METHODS A total of 3,456,689 person/years follow-up of the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition (EPIC) was analysed. Educational level of subjects coming from 9 European countries was recorded as proxy for socio-economic status (SES). Cox proportional hazard model's with a step-wise inclusion of explanatory variables were used to explore the association between SES and mortality; a Relative Index of Inequality (RII) was calculated as measure of relative inequality. RESULTS Total mortality among men with the highest education level is reduced by 43% compared to men with the lowest (HR 0.57, 95% C.I. 0.52-0.61); among women by 29% (HR 0.71, 95% C.I. 0.64-0.78). The risk reduction was attenuated by 7% in men and 3% in women by the introduction of smoking and to a lesser extent (2% in men and 3% in women) by introducing body mass index and additional explanatory variables (alcohol consumption, leisure physical activity, fruit and vegetable intake) (3% in men and 5% in women). Social inequalities were highly statistically significant for all causes of death examined in men. In women, social inequalities were less strong, but statistically significant for all causes of death except for cancer-related mortality and injuries. DISCUSSION In this European study, substantial social inequalities in mortality among European men and women which cannot be fully explained away by accounting for known common risk factors for chronic diseases are reported.
Aquest treball es justifica per la complementarietat que, d'una banda ofereix el potencial i volum d'un mercat en plena efervescència com és l'àmbit urbà de la Xina, on el seu incipient maduresa, com a conseqüència de l'efecte d'arrossegament que la inversió estrangera - intensa i innovadora - ha provocat, facilitant l'aparició d'una demanda d'un nivell superior, no primària, com les activitats emmarcades en el lleure i el turisme. D'altra banda, per una proposta de negoci dins d'un sector amb grans expectatives de desenvolupament com és el turístic i, finalment, també per l'opció d'un consum basat en el factor preu, amb unes característiques socioeconòmiques determinades de demanda, i en què la societat urbana de la Xina ja comença a veure's reflectida. Més enllà del paper tradicional de la Xina com a procés avantatjós dins de la cadena productiva o com a mercat d'outputs de volum, es dibuixa una nova classe mitjana urbana, inserint-se de ple i en molt poc temps en les dinàmiques de consum global, recolzada en les noves tecnologies - on el procés productiu low cost basa gran part del seu desenvolupament -.
Purpose: After tobacco and alcohol, cannabis is the most used substance among adolescents in Switzerland. Our aim is to assess whether cannabis use has become an ordinary means of socialization. We hypothesize that cannabis consumption has become a normative, although still illegal, behavior. Methods: As part of a larger qualitative study aimed at assessing new ways [patterns] of cannabis consumption, 16 daily cannabis consumers (11 males) and 2 former heavy consumers (both females), aged 15 to 20 years, participated in interviews and focus groups. Data were transcribed verbatim and analyzed using Atlas.ti qualitative analysis software. Results: Most consumers define the beginning of their consumption as a moment when they made new friends. They commonly use cannabis in group settings, which encourages the belief that all adolescents use cannabis. Thus, cannabis is mainly identified as an everyday social act. Joints are smoked like cigarettes: at all times of the day, during or after school or work with peers, often starting at lunch break, and mostly in public places. Friends offer a joint in a group setting, much like beer in a bar, as a means of making contact. Consumption invariably increases while socializing on vacation: "During vacation, we smoke up to 10-15 joints a day; at the end we're just dead." Additionally, in order to obtain cannabis, consumers have to be part of the right networks; they generally have several dealers to assure their supply, buy and sell themselves, or practice group-buying. As a result, all friends or acquaintances of consumers are themselves cannabis users. For instance, 4 boys, who say they are best friends, always smoke together and that, in order to quit, "All four of us should say to ourselves, 'Okay, now, let's all stop smoking'. That would be the only solution. . .but it would be impossible!" The 2 former consumers state that when they started using cannabis, "I found myself little by little in a vicious circle where I saw only people who also smoked". When they quit, they separated from their group of friends: "Either you make new friends who don't smoke or you smoke." Conclusions: Discussions with consumers demonstrate a normative facet of cannabis consumption as part of teenage socialization. Consequently, cannabis consumers develop a significant dependency since a majority of their friends use cannabis and their consumption involves most of their daily social life. Our study highlights the need for clear messages about the harmful aspects of using this substance while also suggesting that cessation efforts should include helping users separate from their consumption milieu. Sources of Support: Dept. of Public Health of the canton of Vaud.
The objective was to evaluate the prevalence of chronic conditions (CC) in adolescents in Switzerland; to describe their behaviour (leisure, sexuality, risk taking behaviour) and to compare them to those in adolescents who do not have CC in order to evaluate the impact of those conditions on their well-being. The data were obtained from the Swiss Multicentre Adolescent Survey on Health, targeting a sample of 9268 in-school adolescents aged 15 to 20 years, who answered a self-administered questionnaire. Some 11.4% of girls and 9.6% of boys declared themselves carriers of a CC. Of girls suffering from a CC, 25% (versus 13% of non carriers; P=0.007) and 38% of boys (versus 25%; P=0.002) proclaimed not to wear a seatbelt whilst driving. Of CC girls, 6.3% (versus 2.7%; P=0.000) reported within the last 12 months to have driven whilst drunk. Of the girls, 43% (versus 36%; P=0.004) and 47% (versus 39%; P=0.001) were cigarette smokers. Over 32% of boys (versus 27%; P=0.02) reported having ever used cannabis and 17% of girls (versus 13%; P=0.013) and 43% of boys (versus 36%; P=0.002) admitted drinking alcohol. The burden of their illness had important psychological consequences: 7.7% of girls (versus 3.4%; P=0.000) and 4.9% of boys (versus 2.0%; P=0.000) had attempted suicide during the previous 12 months. CONCLUSION: experimental behaviours are not rarer in adolescents with a chronic condition and might be explained by a need to test their limits both in terms of consumption and behaviour. Prevention and specific attention from the health caring team is necessary.
BACKGROUND: Studies carried out on specific travelers' groups such as students describe an increase in the consumption of alcohol and drugs during travel and vacation time. The present study investigates the risk behaviors (alcohol and drugs) in a general adult population in Switzerland travelling abroad who visited a travel clinic before departure. METHODS: This retrospective study was conducted in a travel clinic between January 2006 and December 2008. 14,496 patients came to the clinic for a pre-travel consultation. 3,537 of them answered a questionnaire about their life habits in Switzerland and during their last trip. The only exclusion criterion was an age inferior to 18 years old.The consumption habits of drugs and at-risk alcohol intake (8 standard drinks (SD) per week for women and 15 SD for men) was analyzed according to gender, sex, destination and profession. Predictors of adopting a risky behavior between habits in Switzerland and during their previous trip were also analyzed. RESULTS: 7% (229/3477) of participants declared having at-risk alcohol consumption in Switzerland and 14% (473/3275 [95% CI 13-16]) during their trip. 9% (332/3527) of the participants used drugs in Switzerland and 5% (178/3481) during their trip. Risk factors for at-risk alcohol consumption during a trip were: at-risk alcohol consumption in Switzerland (OR 31[95% CI 21-45]), smoking (1.7 [95% CI 1-2]), use of drugs in Switzerland (OR 2.2 [95% CI 2-3]), leisure travel (OR 1.6 [95% CI 1-2]) and managerial professions (OR 1.8 [95% CI 1-3]). Risk factors for the use of drugs during a trip were: alcohol consumption in Switzerland (OR 2.1 [95% CI 1-4]), smoking (OR 1.9 [95% CI 1-3]), and use of drugs in Switzerland (OR 29.7 [95% CI 19-45]). CONCLUSIONS: At-risk alcohol consumption and, to a lesser extent, use of drugs, affect a large number of travelers which expose them to health problems during a trip. Exploring the alcohol and drugs consumption patterns of people visiting a travel clinic should be part of the pre-travel routine consultation and would allow to identifying people who would benefit most from a specific prevention.
Cette recherche s'applique aux témoins glaciaires des Chablais dans quatre de leurs dimensions : géopatrimoine, connaissance objective, inventaire de géosites et valorisation. Elle est organisée sur le canevas d'un processus de patrimonialisation auquel elle participe et qu'elle interroge à la fois. En 2009, débutait le projet 123 Chablais, pour une durée de quatre ans. Il concernait l'ensemble du territoire chablaisien, réparti sur deux pays (France et Suisse) et trois entités administratives (département de la Haute-Savoie, cantons de Vaud et du Valais). Ce projet, élaboré dans le cadre du programme Interreg IV France-Suisse, avait pour but de dynamiser le développement économique local en s'appuyant sur les patrimoines régionaux. Le géopatrimoine, identifié comme une de ces ressources, faisait donc l'objet de plusieurs actions, dont cette recherche. En parallèle, le Chablais haut-savoyard préparait sa candidature pour rejoindre l'European Geopark Network (EGN). Son intégration, effective dès 2012, a fait de ce territoire le cinquième géoparc français du réseau. Le Geopark du Chablais fonde son identité géologique sur l'eau et la glace, deux thématiques intimement liées aux témoins glaciaires. Dans ce contexte d'intérêt pour le géopatrimoine local et en particulier pour le patrimoine glaciaire, plusieurs missions ont été assignées à cette recherche qui devait à la fois améliorer la connaissance objective des témoins glaciaires, inventorier les géosites glaciaires et valoriser le patrimoine glaciaire. Le premier objectif de ce travail était d'acquérir une vision synthétique des témoins glaciaires. Il a nécessité une étape de synthèse bibliographique ainsi que sa spatialisation, afin d'identifier les lacunes de connaissance et la façon dont ce travail pouvait contribuer à les combler. Sur cette base, plusieurs méthodes ont été mises en oeuvre : cartographie géomorphologique, reconstitution des lignes d'équilibre glaciaires et datations de blocs erratiques à l'aide des isotopes cosmogéniques produits in situ. Les cartes géomorphologiques ont été élaborées en particulier dans les cirques et vallons glaciaires. Les datations cosmogéniques ont été concentrées sur deux stades du glacier du Rhône : le Last Local Glacial Maximum (LLGM) et le stade de Monthey. Au terme de cette étape, les spécificités du patrimoine glaciaire régional se sont révélées être 1) une grande diversité de formes et des liens étroits avec différents autres processus géomorphologiques ; 2) une appartenance des témoins glaciaires à dix grandes étapes de la déglaciation du bassin lémanique. Le second objectif était centré sur le processus d'inventaire des géosites glaciaires. Nous avons mis l'accent sur la sélection du géopatrimoine en développant une approche basée sur deux axes (temps et espace) identifiés dans le volet précédent et avons ainsi réalisé un inventaire à thèmes, composé de 32 géosites. La structure de l'inventaire a également été explorée de façon à intégrer des critères d'usage de ces géosites. Cette démarche, soutenue par une réflexion sur les valeurs attribuées au géopatrimoine et sur la façon d'évaluer ces valeurs, nous a permis de mettre en évidence le point de vue anthropo - et scientifico - centré qui prévaut nettement dans la recherche européenne sur le géopatrimoine. L'analyse des résultats de l'inventaire a fait apparaître quelques caractéristiques du patrimoine glaciaire chablaisien, discret, diversifié, et comportant deux spécificités exploitables dans le cadre d'une médiation scientifique : son statut de « berceau de la théorie glaciaire » et ses liens étroits avec des activités de la vie quotidienne, en tant que matière première, support de loisir ou facteur de risque. Cette recherche a débouché sur l'élaboration d'une exposition itinérante sur le patrimoine glaciaire des Chablais. Ce produit de valorisation géotouristique a été conçu pour sensibiliser la population locale à l'impact des glaciers sur son territoire. Il présente une série de sept cartes de stades glaciaires, encadrées par les deux mêmes thématiques, l'histoire de la connaissance glaciaire d'une part, les témoins glaciaires et la société, d'autre part. -- This research focuses on glacial witnesses in the Chablais area according to four dimensions : geoheritage, objective knowledge, inventory and promotion of geosites. It is organized on the model of an heritage's process which it participates and that it questions both. In 2009, the project 123 Chablais started for a period of four years. It covered the entire chablaisien territory spread over two countries and three administrative entities (département of Haute-Savoie, canton of Vaud, canton of Valais). This project, developed in the framework of the Interreg IV France-Switzerland program, aimed to boost the local development through regional heritage. The geoheritage identified as one of these resources, was therefore the subject of several actions, including this research. In parallel, the French Chablais was preparing its application to join the European Geopark Network (EGN). Its integration, effective since 2012, made of this area the fifth French Geopark of the network. The Chablais Geopark geological identity was based on water and ice, two themes closely linked to the glacial witnesses. In this context of interest for the regional geoheritage and especially for the glacial heritage, several missions have been assigned to this research which should improve objective knowledge of glacial witnesses, inventory and assess glacial geosites. The objective knowledge's component was to acquire a synthetic vision of the glacial witnesses. It required a first bibliography synthesis step in order to identify gaps in knowledge and how this work could help to fill them. On this basis, several methods have been implemented: geomorphological mapping, reconstruction of the equilibrium-line altitude and dating of glacial erratic blocks using cosmogenic isotopes produced in situ. Geomorphological maps have been developed especially in glacial cirques and valleys. Cosmogenic datings were concentrated on two stages of the Rhone glacier: the Last Local Glacial Maximum (LLGM) and « the stage of Monthey ». After this step, the specificities of the regional glacial heritage have emerged to us as 1) a wide variety of forms and links to various other geomorphological processes; 2) belonging of glacial witnesses to ten major glacial stages of Léman Lake's deglaciation. In the inventory of glacial geosites component we focused on the selection of geoheritage. We developed an approach based on two axes (time and space) identified in the preceding components. We obtained a thematic inventory, consisting of 32 geosites. The structure of the inventory was also explored in the aim to integrate use criteria of geosites. This approach, supported by a thought on the values attributed to the geoheritage and how to assess these values allowed us to highlight the point of view much anthropological - and scientific -centered prevailing in the European research on geoheritage. The analysis of the inventory's results revealed some characteristics of chablaisien glacial heritage, discrete, diverse, and with two features exploitable in the context of a scientific mediation: its status as « cradle of the glacial theory » and its close links with activities of daily life, as raw material, leisure support and risk factor. This research leads to the development of a traveling exhibition on the glacial heritage of the Chablais area. It presents a series of seven glacial stage's cards, framed by the two themes mentioned above: « history of glacial knowledge » and « glacial witnesses and society ».
El turisme rural, l’esport i la salut han adquirit de forma progressiva en els últims anys una importància cada vegada més gran. Una part creixent de la població ha anat incorporant de mica en mica dies de descans i repòs durant tot l’any. Aquesta realitat és deguda, parcialment, a l’augment del temps lliure i a la consideració del seu gaudi com un element per a la millora de la qualitat de vida. El turisme rural, a causa del canvi de valors experimentat en la societat contemporània, s’interrelaciona amb altres productes, com ara el turisme termal i les activitats esportives realitzades en contacte amb la natura, igual que amb altres serveis del sector del lleure, com ara l’espectacle, el joc, la cultura, etc. Aquesta situació determina la necessitat de plantejar sistemes de gestió professionals i aplicar estratègies que permetin de generar factors competitius i diferenciadors. Les empreses turístiques que han adoptat el paradigma empresarial de la gestió de qualitat total es caracteritzen per oferir qualitat de servei, i per assolir aquesta qualitat cal disposar d’un equip d’especialistes altament qualificats i experimentats. El propòsit d’aquest treball és analitzar les titulacions oficials relacionades amb les estacions termals en zones rurals i els serveis associats.
El turismo rural, el deporte y la salud han venido adquiriendo de forma progresiva en los últimos años una importancia cada vez mayor. Una parte creciente de la población ha ido incorporando paulatinamente días de descanso y reposo durante todo el año. Esta realidad es debida, en parte, al aumento del tiempo libre y a la consideración de su disfrute como un elemento para la mejora de la calidad de vida. El turismo rural, debido al cambio de valores sufrido en la sociedad contemporánea, se interrelaciona con otros productos como el turismo termal y las actividades deportivas realizadas en contacto con la naturaleza, al igual que con otros servicios del sector ocio, como pueden ser el espectáculo, el juego, la cultura, etc. Esta situación determina la necesidad de plantear sistemas de gestión profesionales y aplicar estrategias que permitan generar factores competitivos y diferenciadores. Las empresas turísticas que han adoptado el paradigma empresarial de la gestión de calidad total se caracterizan por ofrecer calidad de servicio, y para alcanzar dicha calidad es necesario disponer de un equipo de especialistas altamente cualificados y experimentados. El propósito de este trabajo es analizar las titulaciones oficiales relacionadas con las estaciones termales en zonas rurales y los servicios asociados.
Depression is a major cause of disability and disease with significant costs to the health system and for the whole society. Regarding the treatment, in recent years has questioned the effectiveness of antidepressant drugs, with a recognition that although depressive disorders tend to improve with these treatments, residual symptoms seems to be still the norm, which is associated with the risk of new episodes or relapses, and faster its appearance. Otherwise many of the specialized clinical guidelines, propose a based on stepped-care model intervention, prioritizing less intrusive actions, including low-intensity psychosocial-interventions.
The overall goal of this study was to identify means by which the quality of life (QoL) of patients with schizophrenia could be improved in acute psychiatric wards. First, subjective QoL of patients (n=35) was explored. Second, two different QoL instruments (EuroQoL-5D, EQ-5D; Quality of Life Enjoyment and Satisfaction Questionnaire Short Form, Q-LES-Q SF) were examined. Third, patients’ (n=35) and nurses’ (n=29) perceptions of nursing interventions to support patients’ QoL were examined. Fourth, the effect of three different patient education methods on patients’ QoL (n=311) was compared. The data were collected during the period 2005-2007. Patients named health, family, leisure activities, work or study, and social relationships most frequently as their important QoL areas. It emerged that patients’ QoL was impaired. Examination of two QoL instruments showed that the EQ-5D has moderate and the Q-LES-Q SF good internal consistency. Moreover, both instruments proved to be reasonably valid and feasible for use with patients with schizophrenia. Altogether six nursing interventions which nurses use to support patients’ QoL, and which should be further developed were identified from nurses’ descriptions: interventions related to care planning, empowering interventions, social interventions, activating interventions, security interventions, and interventions to support physical health. Evaluation of different patient education methods showed that patients’ QoL improved significantly during follow-up. No significant differences between groups were found. In light of the findings it is recommended to assess QoL of patients with schizophrenia as a basis for care planning and care evaluation in clinical settings. Valid and feasible instruments should be used in this assessment. Moreover, it is recommend that nursing interventions should be further developed to better improve patients’ QoL.
Several studies have indicated that depressive states may lead to hypokinesia with diminished metabolic rate and energy use. Hypokinesia associated with certain eating behaviors may lead to an unfavorable energy balance that can contribute to the emergence and prevalence of obesity among children and adults. The purpose of the present study was to examine the possibility of reducing depression inventory scores in female adolescents with third-degree obesity while testing the effectiveness of different exercise programs in reducing anxiety and depression scores. The sample consisted of 40 female subjects (mean age 16 ± 1.56 years) divided into 4 groups (aerobic training, anaerobic training, leisure activities, and control). Subjects had a body mass index of 95% or more in relation to the 50th percentile. The aerobic program consisted of three ergometric bicycle sessions per week over a 3-month period (12 weeks) and the activities were prescribed after determining the anaerobic ventilatory threshold (VO2 threshold). Anaerobic training was based on the Wingate anaerobic power test. The leisure program consisted of a varied range of activities (games, exercises, etc.). A nutritionist interviewed the members of these two groups and the control group every week in order to adapt them to the nutritional guidelines proposed for the study. The study showed that all three programs (aerobic exercise, anaerobic exercise and leisure activities) were effective in reducing body mass. However, we found a significant reduction when analyzing the depression scores only for aerobic exercise (18.9 ± 9.33 to 10.6 ± 9.56 or 43.9%) but no significant alterations for anaerobic exercise (11.36 ± 5.23 to 9.63 ± 4.78 or 15.22%) and leisure (17.28 ± 7.55 to 15.07 ± 7.54 or 12.78%), thus indicating that in principle this type of activity could be included to improve emotional well-being of obese adolescent girls.