850 resultados para Legendre polynomials
A Thesis submitted for the co-tutelle degree of Doctor in Physics at Universidade Nova de Lisboa and Université Pierre et Marie Curie
In this work we perform a comparison of two different numerical schemes for the solution of the time-fractional diffusion equation with variable diffusion coefficient and a nonlinear source term. The two methods are the implicit numerical scheme presented in [M.L. Morgado, M. Rebelo, Numerical approximation of distributed order reaction- diffusion equations, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 275 (2015) 216-227] that is adapted to our type of equation, and a colocation method where Chebyshev polynomials are used to reduce the fractional differential equation to a system of ordinary differential equations
The authors studied the rainfall in Pesqueira (Pernambuco, Brasil) in a period of 48 years (1910 through 1957) by the method of orthogonal polynomials, degrees up to the fourth having been tried. None of them was significant, so that it seems that no trend is present. The mean observed was 679.00 mm., with standard error of the mean 205.5 mm., and a 30.3% coefficient of variation. The 95% level of probability would include annual rainfall from 263.9 up to 1094.1mm.
This paper deals with the study by orthogonal polynomials of trends in the mean annual and mean monthly temperatures (in degrees Centigrade) in Campinas (State of São Paulo, Brasil), from 1890 up to 1956. Only 4 months were studied (January, April, July and October) taken as typical of their respective season. For the annual averages both linear and quadratic components were significant, the regression equation being y = 19.95 - 0.0219 x + 0.00057 x², where y is the temperature (in degrees Centigrade) and x is the number of years after 1889. Thus 1890 corresponds to x = 1, 1891, to x = 2, etc. The equation shows a minimum for the year 1908, with a calculated mean y = 19.74. The expected means by the regression equation are given below. Anual temperature means for Campinas (SP, Brasil) calculated by the regression equation Year Annual mean (Degrees Centigrade) 1890 19.93 1900 10.78 1908 19.74 (minimum) 1010 19.75 1920 19.82 1930 20.01 1940 20.32 1950 20.74 1956 21.05 The mean for 67 years was 20.08°C with standard error of the mean 0.08°G. For January the regression equation was y = 23.08 - 0.0661 x + 0.00122 x², with a minimum of 22.19°C for 1916. The average for 67 years was 22.70°C, with standard error 0.12°C. For April no component of regression was significant. The average was 20.42°C, with standard error 0.13°C. For July the regression equation was of first degree, y = 16.01 + 0.0140X. The average for 67 years was 16.49°C, with standard error of the mean 0.14°C. Finally, for October the regression equation was y = 20.55 - 0.0362x + 0.00078x², with a minimum of 20.13°C for 1912. The average was 20.52°C, with standard error of the mean equal to 0.14°C.
Elevated high-sensitivity C-reactive protein (hs-CRP) concentration is associated with an increased risk of cardiovascular disease but this association seems to be largely mediated via conventional cardiovascular risk factors. In particular, the association between hs-CRP and obesity has been extensively demonstrated and correlations are stronger in women than men. We used fractional polynomials-a method that allows flexible modeling of non linear relations-to investigate the dose/response mathematical relationship between hs-CRP and several indicators of adiposity in Caucasians (Switzerland) and Africans (Seychelles) surveyed in two population-based studies. This relationship was non-linear exhibiting a steeper slope for low levels of hs-CRP and a higher level in women. The observed sex difference in the relationship between hs-CRP and adiposity almost disappeared upon adjustment for leptin, suggesting that these sex differences might be partially mediated, by leptin. All these relationship were similar in Caucasians and Africans. This is the first report on a non-linear relation, stratified by gender, between hs-CRP and adiposity.
In this paper we unify, simplify, and extend previous work on the evolutionary dynamics of symmetric N-player matrix games with two pure strategies. In such games, gains from switching strategies depend, in general, on how many other individuals in the group play a given strategy. As a consequence, the gain function determining the gradient of selection can be a polynomial of degree N-1. In order to deal with the intricacy of the resulting evolutionary dynamics, we make use of the theory of polynomials in Bernstein form. This theory implies a tight link between the sign pattern of the gains from switching on the one hand and the number and stability of the rest points of the replicator dynamics on the other hand. While this relationship is a general one, it is most informative if gains from switching have at most two sign changes, as is the case for most multi-player matrix games considered in the literature. We demonstrate that previous results for public goods games are easily recovered and extended using this observation. Further examples illustrate how focusing on the sign pattern of the gains from switching obviates the need for a more involved analysis.
This paper studies global webs on the projective plane with vanishing curvature. The study is based on an interplay of local and global arguments. The main local ingredient is a criterium for the regularity of the curvature at the neighborhood of a generic point of the discriminant. The main global ingredient, the Legendre transform, is an avatar of classical projective duality in the realm of differential equations. We show that the Legendre transform of what we call reduced convex foliations are webs with zero curvature, and we exhibit a countable infinity family of convex foliations which give rise to a family of webs with zero curvature not admitting non-trivial deformations with zero curvature.
Molar heat capacities at constant pressure of six solid solutions and 11 intermediate phases in the Pd-Pb, Pd-Sn and Pd-In systems were determined each 10 K by differential scanning calorimetry from 310 to 1000 K, The experimental values have been fitted by polynomials C-p = a + bT + cT(2) + d/T-2. Results are given, discussed and compared with available literature data. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V, AII rights reserved.
We formulate a necessary and sufficient condition for polynomials to be dense in a space of continuous functions on the real line, with respect to Bernstein's weighted uniform norm. Equivalently, for a positive finite measure [lletra "mu" minúscula de l'alfabet grec] on the real line we give a criterion for density of polynomials in Lp[lletra "mu" minúscula de l'alfabet grec entre parèntesis].
La teor\'\ı a de Morales–Ramis es la teor\'\ı a de Galois en el contextode los sistemas din\'amicos y relaciona dos tipos diferentes de integrabilidad:integrabilidad en el sentido de Liouville de un sistema hamiltonianoe integrabilidad en el sentido de la teor\'\ı a de Galois diferencial deuna ecuaci\'on diferencial. En este art\'\i culo se presentan algunas aplicacionesde la teor\'\i a de Morales–Ramis en problemas de no integrabilidadde sistemas hamiltonianos cuya ecuaci\'on variacional normal a lo largode una curva integral particular es una ecuaci\'on diferencial lineal desegundo orden con coeficientes funciones racionales. La integrabilidadde la ecuaci\'on variacional normal es analizada mediante el algoritmode Kovacic.