963 resultados para Lefschetz-Hopf Theorem
Applied econometricians often fail to impose economic regularity constraints in the exact form economic theory prescribes. We show how the Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) Theorem and Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) methods can be used to rigorously impose time- and firm-varying equality and inequality constraints. To illustrate the technique we estimate a system of translog input demand functions subject to all the constraints implied by economic theory, including observation-varying symmetry and concavity constraints. Results are presented in the form of characteristics of the estimated posterior distributions of functions of the parameters. Copyright (C) 2001 John Wiley Sons, Ltd.
In this paper, we present a new unified approach and an elementary proof of a very general theorem on the existence of a semicontinuous or continuous utility function representing a preference relation. A simple and interesting new proof of the famous Debreu Gap Lemma is given. In addition, we prove a new Gap Lemma for the rational numbers and derive some consequences. We also prove a theorem which characterizes the existence of upper semicontinuous utility functions on a preordered topological space which need not be second countable. This is a generalization of the classical theorem of Rader which only gives sufficient conditions for the existence of an upper semicontinuous utility function for second countable topological spaces. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
In this paper we investigate the structure of non-representable preference relations. While there is a vast literature on different kinds of preference relations that can be represented by a real-valued utility function, very little is known or understood about preference relations that cannot be represented by a real-valued utility function. There has been no systematic analysis of the non-representation problem. In this paper we give a complete description of non-representable preference relations which are total preorders or chains. We introduce and study the properties of four classes of non-representable chains: long chains, planar chains, Aronszajn-like chains and Souslin chains. In the main theorem of the paper we prove that a chain is non-representable if and only it is a long chain, a planar chain, an Aronszajn-like chain or a Souslin chain. (C) 2002 Published by Elsevier Science B.V.
We reinterpret the state space dimension equations for geometric Goppa codes. An easy consequence is that if deg G less than or equal to n-2/2 or deg G greater than or equal to n-2/2 + 2g then the state complexity of C-L(D, G) is equal to the Wolf bound. For deg G is an element of [n-1/2, n-3/2 + 2g], we use Clifford's theorem to give a simple lower bound on the state complexity of C-L(D, G). We then derive two further lower bounds on the state space dimensions of C-L(D, G) in terms of the gonality sequence of F/F-q. (The gonality sequence is known for many of the function fields of interest for defining geometric Goppa codes.) One of the gonality bounds uses previous results on the generalised weight hierarchy of C-L(D, G) and one follows in a straightforward way from first principles; often they are equal. For Hermitian codes both gonality bounds are equal to the DLP lower bound on state space dimensions. We conclude by using these results to calculate the DLP lower bound on state complexity for Hermitian codes.
In this paper, we consider testing for additivity in a class of nonparametric stochastic regression models. Two test statistics are constructed and their asymptotic distributions are established. We also conduct a small sample study for one of the test statistics through a simulated example. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science (USA).
This Brief Report presents a corollary to Uhlmann's theorem which provides a simple operational interpretation of the fidelity of mixed states.
In this paper we construct predictor-corrector (PC) methods based on the trivial predictor and stochastic implicit Runge-Kutta (RK) correctors for solving stochastic differential equations. Using the colored rooted tree theory and stochastic B-series, the order condition theorem is derived for constructing stochastic RK methods based on PC implementations. We also present detailed order conditions of the PC methods using stochastic implicit RK correctors with strong global order 1.0 and 1.5. A two-stage implicit RK method with strong global order 1.0 and a four-stage implicit RK method with strong global order 1.5 used as the correctors are constructed in this paper. The mean-square stability properties and numerical results of the PC methods based on these two implicit RK correctors are reported.
Fixed-point roundoff noise in digital implementation of linear systems arises due to overflow, quantization of coefficients and input signals, and arithmetical errors. In uniform white-noise models, the last two types of roundoff errors are regarded as uniformly distributed independent random vectors on cubes of suitable size. For input signal quantization errors, the heuristic model is justified by a quantization theorem, which cannot be directly applied to arithmetical errors due to the complicated input-dependence of errors. The complete uniform white-noise model is shown to be valid in the sense of weak convergence of probabilistic measures as the lattice step tends to zero if the matrices of realization of the system in the state space satisfy certain nonresonance conditions and the finite-dimensional distributions of the input signal are absolutely continuous.
Let X and Y be Hausdorff topological vector spaces, K a nonempty, closed, and convex subset of X, C: K--> 2(Y) a point-to-set mapping such that for any x is an element of K, C(x) is a pointed, closed, and convex cone in Y and int C(x) not equal 0. Given a mapping g : K --> K and a vector valued bifunction f : K x K - Y, we consider the implicit vector equilibrium problem (IVEP) of finding x* is an element of K such that f (g(x*), y) is not an element of - int C(x) for all y is an element of K. This problem generalizes the (scalar) implicit equilibrium problem and implicit variational inequality problem. We propose the dual of the implicit vector equilibrium problem (DIVEP) and establish the equivalence between (IVEP) and (DIVEP) under certain assumptions. Also, we give characterizations of the set of solutions for (IVP) in case of nonmonotonicity, weak C-pseudomonotonicity, C-pseudomonotonicity, and strict C-pseudomonotonicity, respectively. Under these assumptions, we conclude that the sets of solutions are nonempty, closed, and convex. Finally, we give some applications of (IVEP) to vector variational inequality problems and vector optimization problems. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
We investigate nonclassical Stokes-operator variances in continuous-wave polarization-squeezed laser light generated from one and two optical parametric amplifiers. A general expression of how Stokes-operator variances decompose into two-mode quadrature operator variances is given. Stokes parameter variance spectra for four different polarization-squeezed states have been measured and compared with a coherent state. Our measurement results are visualized by three-dimensional Stokes-operator noise volumes mapped on the quantum Poincare sphere. We quantitatively compare the channel capacity of the different continuous-variable polarization states for communication protocols. It is shown that squeezed polarization states provide 33% higher channel capacities than the optimum coherent beam protocol.
We analyze the sequences of round-off errors of the orbits of a discretized planar rotation, from a probabilistic angle. It was shown [Bosio & Vivaldi, 2000] that for a dense set of parameters, the discretized map can be embedded into an expanding p-adic dynamical system, which serves as a source of deterministic randomness. For each parameter value, these systems can generate infinitely many distinct pseudo-random sequences over a finite alphabet, whose average period is conjectured to grow exponentially with the bit-length of the initial condition (the seed). We study some properties of these symbolic sequences, deriving a central limit theorem for the deviations between round-off and exact orbits, and obtain bounds concerning repetitions of words. We also explore some asymptotic problems computationally, verifying, among other things, that the occurrence of words of a given length is consistent with that of an abstract Bernoulli sequence.
O Teorema Central do Limite e a Lei dos Grandes Números estão entre os mais importantes resultados da teoria da probabilidade. O primeiro deles busca condições sob as quais [fórmula] converge em distribuição para a distribuição normal com parâmetros 0 e 1, quando n tende ao infinito, onde Sn é a soma de n variáveis aleatórias independentes. Ao mesmo tempo, o segundo estabelece condições para que [fórmula] convirja a zero, ou equivalentemente, para que [fórmula] convirja para a esperança das variáveis aleatórias, caso elas sejam identicamente distribuídas. Em ambos os casos as sequências abordadas são do tipo [fórmula], onde [fórmula] e [fórmula] são constantes reais. Caracterizar os possíveis limites de tais sequências é um dos objetivos dessa dissertação, já que elas não convergem exclusivamente para uma variável aleatória degenerada ou com distribuição normal como na Lei dos Grandes Números e no Teorema Central do Limite, respectivamente. Assim, somos levados naturalmente ao estudo das distribuições infinitamente divisíveis e estáveis, e os respectivos teoremas limites, e este vem a ser o objetivo principal desta dissertação. Para as demonstrações dos teoremas utiliza-se como estratégia principal a aplicação do método de Lyapunov, o qual consiste na análise da convergência da sequência de funções características correspondentes às variáveis aleatórias. Nesse sentido, faremos também uma abordagem detalhada de tais funções neste trabalho.
Since Samuelson, Redington and Fisher and Weil, duration and immunization are very important topics in bond portfolio analysis from both a theoretical and a practical point of view. Many results have been established, especially in semi-deterministic framework. As regards, however, the loss may be sustained, we do not think that the subject has been investigated enough, except for the results found in the wake of the theorem of Fong and Vasicek. In this paper we present some results relating to the limitation of the loss in the case of local immunization for multiple liabilities.
Dissertação de Mestrado em Engenharia de Redes de Comunicação e Multimédia