976 resultados para Le Terrain Bouchaballe


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The standard procedure of groundwater resource estimation in India till date is based on the specific yield parameters of each rock type (lithology) derived through pumping test analysis. Using the change in groundwater level, specific yield, and area of influence, groundwater storage change could be estimated. However, terrain conditions in the form of geomorphological variations have an important bearing on the net groundwater recharge. In this study, an attempt was made to use both lithology and geomorphology as input variables to estimate the recharge from different sources in each lithology unit influenced by the geomorphic conditions (lith-geom), season wise separately. The study provided a methodological approach for an evaluation of groundwater in a semi-arid hard rock terrain in Tirunelveli, Tamil Nadu, India. While characterizing the gneissic rock, it was found that the geomorphologic variations in the gneissic rock due to weathering and deposition behaved differently with respect to aquifer recharge. The three different geomorphic units identified in gneissic rock (pediplain shallow weathered (PPS), pediplain moderate weathered (PPM), and buried pediplain moderate (BPM)) showed a significant variation in recharge conditions among themselves. It was found from the study that Peninsular gneiss gives a net recharge value of 0.13 m/year/unit area when considered as a single unit w.r.t. lithology, whereas the same area considered with lith-geom classes gives recharge values between 0.1 and 0.41 m/year presenting a different assessment. It is also found from this study that the stage of development (SOD) for each lith-geom unit in Peninsular gneiss varies from 168 to 230 %, whereas the SOD is 223 % for the lithology as a single unit.


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Availability of land for conventional air-insulated substations is becoming increasingly difficult not only in urban but also in semiurban areas. When the land made available is highly uneven, the associated technoeconomic factors favors the erection of substations on a steplike-formed ground surface and such constructions are in service for more than ten years in some parts of southern India. Noting that the literature on the performance of ground grids in such a construction is rather scarce, the present work was taken up. Evaluation of the performance of earthing elements in steplike ground forms the main goal of the present work. For the numerical evaluation, a suitable boundary-based methodology is employed. This method retains the classical Galerkin approach for the conductors, while the interfaces are replaced by equivalent fictitious surface sources defined over unstructured mesh. Details of the implementation of this numerical method, along with special measures to minimize the computation, are presented. The performance of basic earthing elements, such as the driven rod, counterpoise, and simple grids buried in steplike ground, are analyzed and compared with that for the case with uniform soil surface. It is shown that more than the earthing resistances, the step potentials can get significantly affected.


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Clock synchronization is highly desirable in distributed systems, including many applications in the Internet of Things and Humans. It improves the efficiency, modularity, and scalability of the system, and optimizes use of event triggers. For IoTH, BLE - a subset of the recent Bluetooth v4.0 stack - provides a low-power and loosely coupled mechanism for sensor data collection with ubiquitous units (e.g., smartphones and tablets) carried by humans. This fundamental design paradigm of BLE is enabled by a range of broadcast advertising modes. While its operational benefits are numerous, the lack of a common time reference in the broadcast mode of BLE has been a fundamental limitation. This article presents and describes CheepSync, a time synchronization service for BLE advertisers, especially tailored for applications requiring high time precision on resource constrained BLE platforms. Designed on top of the existing Bluetooth v4.0 standard, the CheepSync framework utilizes low-level time-stamping and comprehensive error compensation mechanisms for overcoming uncertainties in message transmission, clock drift, and other system-specific constraints. CheepSync was implemented on custom designed nRF24Cheep beacon platforms (as broadcasters) and commercial off-the-shelf Android ported smartphones (as passive listeners). We demonstrate the efficacy of CheepSync by numerous empirical evaluations in a variety of experimental setups, and show that its average (single-hop) time synchronization accuracy is in the 10 mu s range.


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Resumen: Dans les textes rétrospectifs où il s’est expliqué sur son «tournant herméneutique », Paul Ricoeur a fait valoir qu’il avait été dicté par l’impossibilité de se connaître directement soi-même et la nécessité d’emprunter le détour de l’interprétation dans la connaissance de soi. En se penchant sur la première apparition de l’herméneutique chez Ricoeur en 1960, dans Finitude et culpabilité, ce texte aimerait rappeler que d’autres motifs, oubliés plus tard, ont aussi été opérants, voire plus déterminants, notamment le souci de surmonter la modernité et de la guérir de son oubli du sacré.


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Abstract: From a general standpoint, current thought is dominated by an ideological relativism which considers that truth depends on whom asserts a certain statement. This stance, related to Protagoras’ perspective, rejects the Enlightenment’s view, especially Kant’s way of thinking, viz. It rejects of all forms of authority, transcendent authority in particular. It also favors the conception of the subject developed by Sartre’s existentialism. However, relativism is the ultimate expression of skepticism which always reflects a painful rational relinquishment of the natural desire for truth. Relativism weakens reason and makes the arrival of ideological and political totalitarianism possible, which the 20th century suffered in its most tragic versions. In order to prevent its consequences and to restore reason’s legitimate confidence in wisdom, modern man ought to find the universal within him and his natural thirst for truth, and his transcendent origin. This demands recognizing and accepting humbly man’s condition as a creature, and his dependence on the Verb, who is Truth and Life.


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Fecha: 29-10-1969 / Unidad de instalación: Carpeta 48 - Expediente 8-8 / Nº de pág.: 4 (mecanografiadas)


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Trata da viagem de M. Durand ao Brasil, esboçada em dez capítulos que retratam aspectos culturais e geográficos do Brasil no século XIX.


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Sibire foi o primeiro missionário do Reino de Loango, antigo estado africano, fundado provavelmente em 1485 pelo povo Vili. O reino de Loango tornou-se independente entre os séculos XVIl e XVIII, e em 1885 dividiu-se entre o Estado do Congo, Portugal e França . Sibire considerava-se grande amigo dos africanos. A obra ‘L'aristocratie negriere, ou, Réflexions philosophiques et hisloriques sur l'esclavage et l'affranchissemenl des noirs’ é composta de duas partes: a primeira traz a transcrição de um discurso proferido por Sibire na Assembleia Nacional africana; a segunda relata o conteúdo de uma carta dirigida aos colonos, negros, europeus, negociantes e agricultores. O tema dominante em toda a obra é o repúdio à escravidão e a defesa da liberdade do ser humano


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Publicado dentro de la colección «Méridiennes» (ISSN: 1950-0130)


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Segundo Rubens Borba de Moraes, tratam-se de relatos acerca do Rio de Janeiro, Pernambuco, Maranhão, Sergipe, Espírito Santo, São Paulo, Santa Catarina, Rio Grande do Sul, Minas Gerais, Mato Grosso, Goyas, Bahia, Rio Grande do Norte, Pará e outras províncias. Contém excertos de autores renomados como Southey, Beauchamp, Herrera, Barleus, Piso, Marcgraf, Hans Staden, d'Abeville, Vaz de Caminha, Léry, Cazal, Barrow, Lindley, Macartney, Mawe, Koster, Wied-Neuwied e outros. Grande parte das gravuras são reproduções, mas excelentes. O texto não é apenas uma mera compilação. Os seis volumes absolutamente completos, com todas as ilustrações, são raríssimos.


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Este é o tomo III da Coleção Voyages, relations et mémoires originaux pour servir a l'histoire de la découverte de l'Amerique, da editora Ternaux-Compans. Embora o prefácio do editor francês afirme ser esta a primeira versão francesa do famoso livro de Staden so o Brasil, J.C. Rodrigues fala de uma edição francesa em Amsterdã, de 1714, se, contudo, fornecer detalhes. Mesmo sendo esta a segunda tradução francesa, é também rara. Narra a odisséia vivida pelo autor durante nove meses como prisioneiro dos Tupinambás, fonte de consulta importante sobre o período inicial de nossa história. Staden descreve, além das experiências de seu cativeiro, suas viagens ao Brasil, desde os portos de origem. Preocupa-se em citar os nomes das pessoas, com quem lidou em diversas circunstâncias. é a primeira publicação sobre os índios brasileiros e, ainda hoje, na opinião de Borba de Moraes "constitui uma das mais valiosas fontes da etnologia em geral e da tupinologia especialmente".


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As Voyages... são estudos completos, abrangendo todos os aspectos das regiões percorridas; servem de subsídio ao estudo das condições de vida no Brasil no século passado. "Fonte primordial de informações sobre os prédios coloniais do Rio de Janeiro, Minas Gerais, São Paulo, Santa Catarina e Goiás. Poucas obras no gênero atingem o valor de Saint-Hilarire. São clássicas e indispensáveis para o estudo do sul do Brasil, antes da Independência" segundo Borba de Moraes