866 resultados para Landfill biogas
Organic compounds responsible for the color of wastewaters are usually refractory to biological digestion. In this paper the photo-assisted electrolysis process is used for color removal from three of the most colored wastewaters, which are daily generated in large amounts: the E1 bleach Kraft mill effluent, a textile reactive dye effluent and a landfill leachate. Electrolysis was carried out at 26,5 mA cm-2 in a flow reactor in which the anode surface was illuminated by a 400 W high pressure Hg bulb. In all experiments 70-75% of color reduction was observed which was also followed by a net organic load oxidation.
Ilmastonmuutoksen myötä tuotteiden hiilijalanjälkien laskeminen on yleistynyt. Tässä työssä perehdytään pakkausten aiheuttamiin kasvihuonekaasupäästöihin niiden elinkaaren aikana. Työssä lasketaan hiilijalanjälki myymäläpakkaukselle, joka on valmistettu kuituvaloksesta. Vertailua varten lasketaan hiilijalanjälki paisutetusta polystyreenistä valmistetulle pakkaukselle samassa käyttötarkoituksessa. Tavoitteena on selvittää, miten pakkausten kasvihuonekaasutaseet eroavat toisistaan, ja mitkä elinkaaren aikaiset vaiheet muodostavat merkittävimmät päästöt. Työssä käytetään PAS 2050 -ohjeistusta hiilijalanjäljen laskentaan. Laskennassa on huomioitu suorien ja epäsuorien päästöjen lisäksi myös vältetyt päästöt. Tulosten mukaan materiaalien välisen paremmuuden ratkaisee käytetty jätteenkäsittelytapa. Mikäli kuituvalos kierrätetään, on sen hiilijalanjälki paisutettua polystyreeniä (EPS) pienempi. Tarkastellut jätteenkäsittelytavat EPS:lle olivat kaatopaikkasijoitus ja energiahyötykäyttö. Mikäli kuituvalos kompostoidaan tai käytetään hyödyksi energiana, on sen hiilijalanjälki suurempi kuin EPS:n. Kuituvaloksella selkeästi merkittävimmäksi kasvihuonekaasujen aiheuttajaksi osoittautui pakkauksen valmistusvaihe. EPS:llä merkittäviä vaiheita olivat raaka-aineen tuotanto ja kuljetukset. Tulokset antavat kuvan materiaalien ilmastonmuutospotentiaalista, mutta on huomioitava, ettei hiilijalanjälkitarkastelussa huomioida muita pakkausten ympäristövaikutuksia niiden elinkaaren ajalta.
Euroopan unionissa pyritään lisäämään uusiutuvien energialähteiden käyttöä. Tämän työn tavoitteena oli selvittää Parikkalan kunnan alueella muodostuvat biomassat sekä tutkia niiden hyötykäyttömahdollisuuksia sähkön, lämmön sekä lannoitteiden tuotannossa. Käsiteltäviä biomassoja ovat eläintilojen lietteet ja lannat, biojätteet ja yhdyskuntalietteet, vesistöjen kunnostuksessa syntyvät biomassat sekä peltobiomassat ja metsäbiomassa. Mädätyksen kannalta olennaisinta on materiaalien kosteus ja haihtuvan orgaanisen aineksen pitoisuus sekä siitä saatava biokaasumäärä. Poltossa polttoaineen kuiva-aineen lämpöarvo ja kosteus määrittelevät saadun hyödyn. Kompostoinnissa on tärkeää huolehtia riittävästä ilman saannista ja riittävästä viipymäajasta. Hyödynnettäessä biokaasua sähkön ja lämmön yhteistuotannossa on tärkeää löytää hyötykäyttö myös muodostuvalle lämmölle. Poltosta saatavan tuhkan hyötykäyttö onnistuu metsälannoitteena, kun poltetaan turvetta tai puuta. Kompostia voidaan hyödyntää maanparannusaineena. Parikkalan alueella tarkasteltiin biomassojen nykyistä ja mahdollista tulevaa hyötykäyttöä. Tarkastelu tehtiin skenaarioiden avulla. Skenaarioihin kuuluvat mädätyksen ja polton maksimipotentiaalit sekä keskitetyn ja hajautetun käsittelyn skenaariot. Alueelta on saatavissa paljon biomassoja, joista massaltaan suurin on eläintilojen lannat. Alueella on hankaluutena löytää sopiva kulutuskohde biokaasusta tuotetulle lämmölle, mutta sopivana kohteena voisi toimia alueella oleva suuri sikala tai lämpökeskukset.
Sustainability of palm oil production and opportunities for Finnish technology and know-how transfer
The global demand for palm oil is growing, thus prompting an increase in the global production particularly in Malaysia and Indonesia. Such increasing demand for palm oil is due to palm oil’s relatively cheap price and versatile advantage both in edible and non-edible applications. Along with the increasing demand for palm oil, particularly for the production of biofuel, is a heated debate on its sustainability. Ecological degradation, climate change and social issues are among the main sustainability issues pressing the whole palm oil industry today. Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) projects fulfilling the imperatives of the Kyoto Protocol are starting to gain momentum in Malaysia as reflected by the increasing registration of CDM projects in the palm oil mills. Most CDM projects in palm oil mills are on waste-to-energy, cocomposting, and methane recovery with the latter being the most common. The study on greenhouse gases (GHG) in the milling process points that biogas collection and energy utilisation has the greatest positive effect on GHG balance. On the other hand, empty fruit bunches (EFB) end-use as energy and high energy efficiency of the mill have the least effect on GHG balance of the mill. The range of direct GHG emissions from the palm oil mill is from 2.5 to 27 gCO2e/MJCPO, while the range of GHG emissions with all indirect and avoided emissions included is from -9 to 29 gCO2e/MJCPO. Comparing this GHG balance result with that of the EU RES-Directive suggests a further check on the values and emissions consideration of the latter.
Ilmastonmuutoksen myötä tuotteiden hiilijalanjälkien laskeminen on yleistynyt. Tässä työssä perehdytään pakkausten aiheuttamiin kasvihuonekaasupäästöihin niiden elinkaaren aikana. Työssä lasketaan hiilijalanjälki myymäläpakkaukselle, joka on valmistettu kuituvaloksesta. Vertailua varten lasketaan hiilijalanjälki paisutetusta polystyreenistä valmistetulle pakkaukselle samassa käyttötarkoituksessa. Tavoitteena on selvittää, miten pakkausten kasvihuonekaasutaseet eroavat toisistaan, ja mitkä elinkaaren aikaiset vaiheet muodostavat merkittävimmät päästöt. Työssä käytetään PAS 2050 -ohjeistusta hiilijalanjäljen laskentaan. Laskennassa on huomioitu suorien ja epäsuorien päästöjen lisäksi myös vältetyt päästöt. Tulosten mukaan materiaalien välisen paremmuuden ratkaisee käytetty jätteenkäsittelytapa. Mikäli kuituvalos kierrätetään, on sen hiilijalanjälki paisutettua polystyreeniä (EPS) pienempi. Tarkastellut jätteenkäsittelytavat EPS:lle olivat kaatopaikkasijoitus ja energiahyötykäyttö. Mikäli kuituvalos kompostoidaan tai käytetään hyödyksi energiana, on sen hiilijalanjälki suurempi kuin EPS:n. Kuituvaloksella selkeästi merkittävimmäksi kasvihuonekaasujen aiheuttajaksi osoittautui pakkauksen valmistusvaihe. EPS:llä merkittäviä vaiheita olivat raaka-aineen tuotanto ja kuljetukset. Tulokset antavat kuvan materiaalien ilmastonmuutospotentiaalista, mutta on huomioitava, ettei hiilijalanjälkitarkastelussa huomioida muita pakkausten ympäristövaikutuksia niiden elinkaaren ajalta.
The tanning process in the leather industry generates very high quantities of chromium-containing solid waste ("wet blue" leather). Environmental concerns and escalating landfill-costs are becoming increasingly serious problems for the leather industry and an alternative disposal is needed. In this work, we are presenting a novel application for this solid waste, which is the removal of organic contaminants from aqueous-solution. The adsorption isotherm of "wet blue" leather waste from the AUREA tanning company in Erechim-RS (Brazil) showed that this material presents high adsorption capacities of the reactive textile dyes.
In this work, a partial least squares regression routine was used to develop a multivariate calibration model to predict the chemical oxygen demand (COD) in substrates of environmental relevance (paper effluents and landfill leachates) from UV-Vis spectral data. The calibration models permit the fast determination of the COD with typical relative errors lower by 10% with respect to the conventional methodology.
The chemical and microbiological decomposition of the garbage deposited in landfills leads to the generation of a dark and malodorous liquid residue that shows a chemical composition of extreme variability and complexity. When matured, the leachates show low biodegradability, which makes it difficult to treat by conventional biological processes. In this work a new strategy for the treatment of landfill leachates is proposed, involving a preliminary treatment by heterogeneous photocatalysis followed by an activated sludge system. The results demonstrate that photochemical treatments of 60 and 90 min significantly enhance the leachates' biodegradability favoring subsequent biological treatment. The biodegradability rate (BOD/COD) was also greatly enhanced.
The general striving to bring down the number of municipal landfills and to increase the reuse and recycling of waste-derived materials across the EU supports the debates concerning the feasibility and rationality of waste management systems. Substantial decrease in the volume and mass of landfill-disposed waste flows can be achieved by directing suitable waste fractions to energy recovery. Global fossil energy supplies are becoming more and more valuable and expensive energy sources for the mankind, and efforts to save fossil fuels have been made. Waste-derived fuels offer one potential partial solution to two different problems. First, waste that cannot be feasibly re-used or recycled is utilized in the energy conversion process according to EU’s Waste Hierarchy. Second, fossil fuels can be saved for other purposes than energy, mainly as transport fuels. This thesis presents the principles of assessing the most sustainable system solution for an integrated municipal waste management and energy system. The assessment process includes: · formation of a SISMan (Simple Integrated System Management) model of an integrated system including mass, energy and financial flows, and · formation of a MEFLO (Mass, Energy, Financial, Legislational, Other decisionsupport data) decision matrix according to the selected decision criteria, including essential and optional decision criteria. The methods are described and theoretical examples of the utilization of the methods are presented in the thesis. The assessment process involves the selection of different system alternatives (process alternatives for treatment of different waste fractions) and comparison between the alternatives. The first of the two novelty values of the utilization of the presented methods is the perspective selected for the formation of the SISMan model. Normally waste management and energy systems are operated separately according to the targets and principles set for each system. In the thesis the waste management and energy supply systems are considered as one larger integrated system with one primary target of serving the customers, i.e. citizens, as efficiently as possible in the spirit of sustainable development, including the following requirements: · reasonable overall costs, including waste management costs and energy costs; · minimum environmental burdens caused by the integrated waste management and energy system, taking into account the requirement above; and · social acceptance of the selected waste treatment and energy production methods. The integrated waste management and energy system is described by forming a SISMan model including three different flows of the system: energy, mass and financial flows. By defining the three types of flows for an integrated system, the selected factor results needed in the decision-making process of the selection of waste management treatment processes for different waste fractions can be calculated. The model and its results form a transparent description of the integrated system under discussion. The MEFLO decision matrix has been formed from the results of the SISMan model, combined with additional data, including e.g. environmental restrictions and regional aspects. System alternatives which do not meet the requirements set by legislation can be deleted from the comparisons before any closer numerical considerations. The second novelty value of this thesis is the three-level ranking method for combining the factor results of the MEFLO decision matrix. As a result of the MEFLO decision matrix, a transparent ranking of different system alternatives, including selection of treatment processes for different waste fractions, is achieved. SISMan and MEFLO are methods meant to be utilized in municipal decision-making processes concerning waste management and energy supply as simple, transparent and easyto- understand tools. The methods can be utilized in the assessment of existing systems, and particularly in the planning processes of future regional integrated systems. The principles of SISMan and MEFLO can be utilized also in other environments, where synergies of integrating two (or more) systems can be obtained. The SISMan flow model and the MEFLO decision matrix can be formed with or without any applicable commercial or free-of-charge tool/software. SISMan and MEFLO are not bound to any libraries or data-bases including process information, such as different emission data libraries utilized in life cycle assessments.
The large use of plastics has generated a waste deposit problem. Today plastic wastes represent 20% in volume of the total waste in the municipal landfills. To solve the disposal problem of plastics methods have been employed such as incineration, recycling, landfill disposal, biodegradation and the use of biodegradable polymers. Incineration of plastic wastes provokes pollution due to the production of poisonous gases. Recycling is important to reduce final costs of plastic materials, but is not enough in face of the amount of discarded plastic. In landfills plastic wastes remain undegraded for a long time, causing space and pollution problems. Biodegradation is a feasible method to treat some plastics, but intensive research is necessary to find conditions for the action of microorganisms. All of these methods are important and the practical application of each one depends on the type and amount of the plastic wastes and the environmental conditions. Therefore, a great deal of research has focused on developing biodegradable plastics and its application because it is an important way for minimizing the effect of the large volume of plastic waste discarded in the world.
This work aimed to carry out an environmental monitoring in sabino narrow river (affluent of Tibiri Basin, in São Luís - MA, Brazil), in order to verify the main environmental impacts caused by effluent residues from Ribeira landfill. Chemical analysis and bibliographic and cartographic researches on this ecosystem were also carried out. In addition, heavy metals, such as Hg, Pb and Zn, were investigated in water samples by ICP-MS technique. It was observed that the contents of such heavy metals were above the tolerance limits established by the Brazilian legislation, showing a strong impact level on the evaluated ecosystem.
An alternative for landfill leachate treatment are advanced oxidation processes by Fenton's reagent (AOP/Fenton). In this context, the aim of this paper was to evaluate, in a bench scale, the treatability of leachate pós-AOP/Fenton characterizing the supernatant and the sludge generated separately. Observed in optimal conditions, high removal efficiency of COD (76.7%), real color (76.4%) and humic substances (50%). Organic compounds were detected in the sludge (2.465 mg COD L-1) and high concentration of iron (1.757 mg L-1) as was expected. Finally, the sludge generated showed low settling hindering their separation by sedimentation (SVI = 321 mL g-1).
In this work the production of synthesis gas from a mixture of methane (CH4) and carbon dioxide (CO2) by thermal plasma was studied. The best relation found for the gas mixture [CO2]/[CH4] was 1.3. Under the excess of CH4 in the gas mixture soot was formed and also benzene, indene and naphthalene were identified. The disulfides compounds in the gas mixture were degraded causing no interference in the synthesis gas production, suggesting no needs of pretreatment step for sulfurorganic compounds removal in the process
Spent alkaline and Zn-C batteries were placed in seawater, rainwater or landfill leachate at room temperature for up 30 days in order to simulate natural weathering. After the experiments pH and electrical conductivity of the liquid were measured. The precipitate formed and the filtrate were submitted to metal analysis by ICP-OES. Seawater is the most corrosive medium, followed by landfill leachate. Pb, Cd and Hg were mainly in the filtrate. Fe, Mn and Zn were generally dominant in the precipitate. Na and K account for the electrical conductivity and are good indicators of the corrosion stage of the batteries.
Coal, natural gas and petroleum-based liquid fuels are still the most widely used energy sources in modern society. The current scenario contrasts with the foreseen shortage of petroleum that was spread out in the beginning of the XXI century, when the concept of "energy security" emerged as an urgent agenda to ensure a good balance between energy supply and demand. Much beyond protecting refineries and oil ducts from terrorist attacks, these issues soon developed to a portfolio of measures related to process sustainability, involving at least three fundamental dimensions: (a) the need for technological breakthroughs to improve energy production worldwide; (b) the improvement of energy efficiency in all sectors of modern society; and (c) the increase of the social perception that education is a key-word towards a better use of our energy resources. Together with these technological, economic or social issues, "energy security" is also strongly influenced by environmental issues involving greenhouse gas emissions, loss of biodiversity in environmentally sensitive areas, pollution and poor solid waste management. For these and other reasons, the implementation of more sustainable practices in our currently available industrial facilities and the search for alternative energy sources that could partly replace the fossil fuels became a major priority throughout the world. Regarding fossil fuels, the main technological bottlenecks are related to the exploitation of less accessible petroleum resources such as those in the pre-salt layer, ranging from the proper characterization of these deep-water oil reservoirs, the development of lighter and more efficient equipment for both exploration and exploitation, the optimization of the drilling techniques, the achievement of further improvements in production yields and the establishment of specialized training programs for the technical staff. The production of natural gas from shale is also emerging in several countries but its production in large scale has several problems ranging from the unavoidable environmental impact of shale mining as well as to the bad consequences of its large scale exploitation in the past. The large scale use of coal has similar environmental problems, which are aggravated by difficulties in its proper characterization. Also, the mitigation of harmful gases and particulate matter that are released as a result of combustion is still depending on the development of new gas cleaning technologies including more efficient catalysts to improve its emission profile. On the other hand, biofuels are still struggling to fulfill their role in reducing our high dependence on fossil fuels. Fatty acid alkyl esters (biodiesel) from vegetable oils and ethanol from cane sucrose and corn starch are mature technologies whose market share is partially limited by the availability of their raw materials. For this reason, there has been a great effort to develop "second-generation" technologies to produce methanol, ethanol, butanol, biodiesel, biogas (methane), bio-oils, syngas and synthetic fuels from lower grade renewable feedstocks such as lignocellulosic materials whose consumption would not interfere with the rather sensitive issues of food security. Advanced fermentation processes are envisaged as "third generation" technologies and these are primarily linked to the use of algae feedstocks as well as other organisms that could produce biofuels or simply provide microbial biomass for the processes listed above. Due to the complexity and cost of their production chain, "third generation" technologies usually aim at high value added biofuels such as biojet fuel, biohydrogen and hydrocarbons with a fuel performance similar to diesel or gasoline, situations in which the use of genetically modified organisms is usually required. In general, the main challenges in this field could be summarized as follows: (a) the need for prospecting alternative sources of biomass that are not linked to the food chain; (b) the intensive use of green chemistry principles in our current industrial activities; (c) the development of mature technologies for the production of second and third generation biofuels; (d) the development of safe bioprocesses that are based on environmentally benign microorganisms; (e) the scale-up of potential technologies to a suitable demonstration scale; and (f) the full understanding of the technological and environmental implications of the food vs. fuel debate. On the basis of these, the main objective of this article is to stimulate the discussion and help the decision making regarding "energy security" issues and their challenges for modern society, in such a way to encourage the participation of the Brazilian Chemistry community in the design of a road map for a safer, sustainable and prosper future for our nation.