830 resultados para Lactation


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This thesis aimed to exploit the Cape fur seal as an alternative model to study mammary gland development and especially the switch from lactation to involution, as well as better understand cell-matrix interactions in vitro, essential to understanding tissue homeostasis and pathogenesis.


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Seasonal trends in energy storage of the minke whale (Balaenoptera acutorostrata), a capital breeder, were investigated in Iceland, a North Atlantic feeding ground. The aim was to better understand the energy acquisition strategies of minke whales and the energetic costs that different reproductive classes face during the breeding season. We modelled total blubber volume, using blubber thickness and morphometric measurements of individual whales. Blubber volume was influenced by body length, and was higher for pregnant females than mature whales. Blubber volume increased linearly through the feeding season at the same rate for mature (mean ± s.e.m.=0.0028±0.00103 m3 day -1; N=61 male, 5 female) and pregnant whales (0.0024±0.00100 m3 day-1; N=49), suggesting that minke whales aim to maximise energy storage while on the feeding grounds. The total amount of blubber accumulated over the feeding season (0.51±0.119 m3 for mature and 0.43±0.112 m3 for pregnant whales), together with energy stored as muscle and intra-abdominal fats, constitutes the total amount of energy available for reproduction (fetus development and lactation) on the breeding grounds, as well as migration, daily field metabolic rates, growth and body maintenance. No seasonal variation was observed for immature whales (N=4 male, 12 female), suggesting that they are investing most of their excess energy into growth rather than reproduction, in order to reach the length of sexual maturity faster and start reproducing earlier. Our novel modelling approach provides insight into large whale bioenergetics and life history strategies, as well as the relationship between single-site measurement of blubber thickness and total blubber volume.


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Across an individual's life, foraging decisions will be affected by multiple intrinsic and extrinsic drivers that act at differing timescales. This study aimed to assess how female Australian fur seals allocated foraging effort and the behavioural changes used to achieve this at three temporal scales: within a day, across a foraging trip and across the final six months of the lactation period. Foraging effort peaked during daylight hours (57% of time diving) with lulls in activity just prior to and after daylight. Dive duration reduced across the day (196 s to 168 s) but this was compensated for by an increase in the vertical travel rate (1500–1600 m•h−1) and a reduction in postdive duration (111–90 s). This suggests physiological constraints (digestive costs) or prey availability may be limiting mean dive durations as a day progresses. During short trips (<2.9 d), effort remained steady at 55% of time diving, whereas, on long trips (>2.9 d) effort increased up to 2–3 d and then decreased. Dive duration decreased at the same rate in short and long trips, respectively, before stabilising (long trips) between 4–5 d. Suggesting that the same processes (digestive costs or prey availability) working at the daily scale may also be present across a trip. Across the lactation period, foraging effort, dive duration and vertical travel rate increased until August, before beginning to decrease. This suggests that as the nutritional demands of the suckling pup and developing foetus increase, female effort increases to accommodate this, providing insight into the potential constraints of maternal investment in this species


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Knowledge of milk transfer from mother to offspring and early solid food ingestions in mammals allows for a greater understanding of the factors affecting transition to nutritional independence and pre-weaning growth and survival. Yet studies monitoring suckling behaviour have often relied on visual observations, which might not accurately represent milk intake. We assessed the use of stomach temperature telemetry to monitor suckling and foraging behaviour in free-ranging harbour seal (Phoca vitulina) pups during lactation. Stomach temperature declines were analysed using principal component and cluster analyses, as well as trials using simulated stomachs resulting in a precise classification of stomach temperature drops into milk, seawater and solid food ingestions. Seawater and solid food ingestions represented on average 15.361.6% [0-40.0%] and 0.760.2% [0-13.0%], respectively, of individual ingestions. Overall, 63.7% of milk ingestions occurred while the pups were in the water, of which 13.9% were preceded by seawater ingestion. The average time between subsequent ingestions was significantly less for seawater than for milk ingestions. These results suggest that seawater ingestion might represent collateral ingestion during aquatic suckling attempts. Alternatively, as solid food ingestions (n = 19) were observed among 7 pups, seawater ingestion could result from missed prey capture attempts. This study shows that some harbour seals start ingesting prey while still being nursed, indicating that weaning occurs more gradually than previously thought in this species. Stomach temperature telemetry represents a promising method to study suckling behaviour in wild mammals and transition to nutritional independence in various endotherm species.


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Stephen utilised the unique lactation strategy of the tammar wallaby to identify factors within the mammary gland that determine the composition of milk and how the milk composition changes throughout lactation in order to provide immunity both to the nursing mammary gland and the suckling.


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A suboptimal in utero environment leads to fetal adaptations to ensure short-term survival but in the long-term may lead to disease when the postnatal growth does not reflect that in utero. This study examined the effect of IUGR on whole body insulin sensitivity and metabolic activity in adult rats. Female Wistar-Kyoto rats were fed either a normal protein diet (NPD 20% casein) or a low protein diet (LPD; 8.7% casein) during pregnancy and 2 wk of lactation. In offspring at 32 wk of age, indirect calorimetry and dual energy x-ray absorptiometry (DEXA) were performed to assess metabolic activity and body composition. Insulin sensitivity was assessed using a euglycemic-hyperinsulinemic clamp. At 3 d of age, male and female LPD offspring were 23 and 27% smaller than controls, respectively. They remained significantly smaller throughout the experimental period (~10% smaller at 32 wk). Importantly, there was increased insulin sensitivity in LPD offspring (47% increase in males and 38% increase in females); pancreatic insulin content was normal. Body composition, O2 consumption, respiratory exchange ratio (RER), and locomotor activity were not different to controls. These findings suggest that in the absence of “catch-up” growth IUGR programs for improved insulin sensitivity.


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Goat fibre production is affected by genetic and environmental influences. Environmental influences which are the subject of this review include bio–geophysical factors (photoperiod, climate–herbage system and soil–plant trace nutrient composition), nutrition factors and management factors. Nutrition and management influences discussed include rate of stocking, supplementary feeding of energy and protein, liveweight change, parturition and management during shearing. While experimental data suggest affects of seasonal photoperiod on the growth of mohair and cashmere are large, these results may have confounded changes in temperature with photoperiod. The nutritional variation within and among years is the most important climatic factor influencing mohair and cashmere production and quality. Mohair quality and growth is affected significantly by rate of stocking and during periods of liveweight loss by supplementary feeding of either energy or protein. Strategic use of supplements, methods for rapid introduction of cereal grains, influence of dietary roughage on intake and the economics of supplementary feeding are discussed. Cashmere production of young, low producing goats does not appear to be affected by energy supplementation, but large responses to energy supplementation have been measured in more productive cashmere goat strains. The designs of these cashmere nutrition experiments are reviewed. Evidence for the hypothesis that energy-deprived cashmere goats divert nutrients preferentially to cashmere growth is reviewed. The influence and potential use of liveweight manipulation in affecting mohair and cashmere production and quality are described. Estimates of the energy requirements for the maintenance of fibre goats and the effect of pregnancy and lactation on mohair and cashmere growth are summarised. The effects and importance of management and hygiene during fibre harvesting (shearing) in producing quality fibre is emphasised. The review concludes that it is important to assess the results of scientific experiments for the total environmental content within which they were conducted. The review supports the view that scientific experiments should use control treatments appropriate to the environment under study as well as having controls relevant for other environments. In mediterranean and annual temperate environments, appropriate controls are liveweight loss and liveweight maintenance treatments. Mohair producers must graze goats at moderate rates of stocking to maximise animal welfare, but in so doing, they will produce heavier goats and coarser mohair. In mediterranean and annual temperate environments, seasonal changes in liveweight are large and influence both quality and production of mohair and cashmere. Mohair and cashmere producers can manipulate liveweight by supplementary feeding energy during dry seasons to minimise liveweight loss, but the economics of such feeding needs to be carefully examined. Strategic benefits can be obtained by enhancing the growth of young does prior to mating and for higher producing cashmere goats.


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 This thesis aimed to exploit the unique reproductive strategy of marsupials such as the tammar wallaby to prove that milk may regulate postnatal growth and development of organs such as the stomach.


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Worldwide, women fail to reach the recommended exclusive breastfeeding target of 6 months postpartum. The objective of this study was to present a conceptual and methodological synthesis of interventions designed to promote exclusive breastfeeding to 6 months in high-income countries.


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Recent studies using the mouse showed an inverse correlation between the Caveolin 1 gene expression and lactation, and this was regulated by prolactin. However, current study using mammary explants from pregnant mice showed that while insulin (I), cortisol (F) and prolactin (P) resulted in maximum induction of the β-casein gene, FP and IFP resulted in the downregulation of Caveolin 1. Additionally, IF, FP and IFP resulted in the downregulation of Caveolin 2. Immunohistochemistry confirmed localisation of Caveolin 1 specific to myoepithelial cells and adipocytes. Comparative studies with the tammar wallaby showed Caveolin 1 and 2 had 70-80% homology with the mouse proteins. However, in contrast to the mouse, Caveolin 1 and 2 genes showed a significantly increased level of expression in the mammary gland during lactation. The regulation of tammar Caveolin 1 and 2 gene expression was examined in mammary explants from pregnant tammars, and no significant difference was observed either in the absence or in the presence of IFP.


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Adequate amounts of copper in milk are critical for normal neonatal development, however the mechanisms regulating copper supply to milk have not been clearly defined. PMC42-LA cell cultures representative of resting, lactating and suckled mammary epithelia were used to investigate the regulation of the copper uptake protein, CTR1. Both the degree of mammary epithelial differentiation (functionality) and extracellular copper concentration greatly impacted upon CTR1 expression and its plasma membrane association. In all three models (resting, lactating and suckling) there was an inverse correlation between extracellular copper concentration and the level of CTR1. Cell surface biotinylation studies demonstrated that as extracellular copper concentration increased membrane associated CTR1 was reduced. There was a significant increase in CTR1 expression (total and membrane associated) in the suckled gland model in comparison to the resting gland model, across all copper concentrations investigated (0-50 μM). Regulation of CTR1 expression was entirely post-translational, as quantitative real-time PCR analyses showed no change to CTR1 mRNA between all models and culture conditions. X-ray fluorescence microscopy on the differentiated PMC42-LA models revealed that organoid structures distinctively accumulated copper. Furthermore, as PMC42-LA cell cultures became progressively more specialised, successively more copper accumulated in organoids (resting


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Children of obese mothers have increased risk of metabolic syndrome as adults. Here we report the effects of a high-fat diet in the absence of maternal obesity at conception on skeletal muscle metabolic and transcriptional profiles of adult male offspring. Female Sprague Dawley rats were fed a diet rich in saturated fat and sucrose [high-fat diet (HFD): 23.5% total fat, 9.83% saturated fat, 20% sucrose wt:wt] or a normal control diet [(CD) 7% total fat, 0.5% saturated fat, 10% sucrose wt:wt] for the 3 wk prior to mating and throughout pregnancy and lactation. Maternal weights were not different at conception; however, HFD-fed dams were 22% heavier than controls during pregnancy. On a normal diet, the male offspring of HFD-fed dams were not heavier than controls but demonstrated features of insulin resistance, including elevated plasma insulin concentration [40.1 ± 2.5 (CD) vs 56.2 ± 6.1 (HFD) mU/L; P = 0.023]. Next-generation mRNA sequencing was used to identify differentially expressed genes in the offspring soleus muscle, and gene set enrichment analysis (GSEA) was used to detect coordinated changes that are characteristic of a biological function. GSEA identified 15 upregulated pathways, including cytokine signaling (P < 0.005), starch and sucrose metabolism (P < 0.017), inflammatory response (P < 0.024), and cytokine-cytokine receptor interaction (P < 0.037). A further 8 pathways were downregulated, including oxidative phosphorylation (P < 0.004), mitochondrial matrix (P < 0.006), and electron transport/uncoupling (P < 0.022). Phosphorylation of the insulin signaling protein kinase B was reduced [2.86 ± 0.63 (CD) vs 1.02 ± 0.27 (HFD); P = 0.027] and mitochondrial complexes I, II, and V protein were downregulated by 50-68% (P < 0.005). On a normal diet, the male offspring of HFD-fed dams did not become obese adults but developed insulin resistance, with transcriptional evidence of muscle cytokine activation, inflammation, and mitochondrial dysfunction. These data indicate that maternal overnutrition, even in the absence of prepregnancy obesity, can promote metabolic dysregulation and predispose offspring to type 2 diabetes.


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Many maternity providers recommend that women with diabetes in pregnancy express and store breast milk in late pregnancy so breast milk is available after birth, given (1) infants of these women are at increased risk of hypoglycaemia in the first 24 h of life; and (2) the delay in lactogenesis II compared with women without diabetes that increases their infant's risk of receiving infant formula. The Diabetes and Antenatal Milk Expressing (DAME) trial will establish whether advising women with diabetes in pregnancy (pre-existing or gestational) to express breast milk from 36 weeks gestation increases the proportion of infants who require admission to special or neonatal intensive care units (SCN/NICU) compared with infants of women receiving standard care. Secondary outcomes include birth gestation, breastfeeding outcomes and economic impact.


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Mature female southern elephant seals (Mirounga leonina) come ashore only in October to breed and in January to moult, spending the rest of the year foraging at sea. Mature females may lose as much as 50% of their body mass, mostly in lipid stores, during the breeding season due to fasting and lactation. When departing to sea, post-breeding females are negatively buoyant, and the relative change in body condition (i.e. density) during the foraging trip has previously been assessed by monitoring the descent rate during drift dives. However, relatively few drift dives are performed, resulting in low resolution of the temporal reconstruction of body condition change. In this study, six post-breeding females were equipped with time-depth recorders and accelerometers to investigate whether changes in active swimming effort and speed could be used as an alternative method of monitoring density variations throughout the foraging trip. In addition, we assessed the consequences of density change on the swimming efforts of individuals while diving and investigated the effects on dive duration. Both descent swimming speed and ascent swimming effort were found to be strongly correlated to descent rate during drift dives, enabling the fine-scale monitoring of seal density change over the whole trip. Negatively buoyant seals minimized swimming effort during descents, gliding down at slower speeds, and reduced their ascent swimming effort to maintain a nearly constant swimming speed as their buoyancy increased. One per cent of seal density variation over time was found to induce a 20% variation in swimming effort during dives with direct consequences on dive duration.