827 resultados para LASER ADAPTIVE OPTICS


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Since the exchange coupling theory was proposed by Kneller and Hawig in 1991 there has been a significant effort within the magnetic materials community to enhance the performance of rare earth magnets by utilising nano-composite meta-materials. Inclusions of magnetically soft iron smaller than approximately 10 nm in diameter are exchange coupled to a surrounding magnetically hard Nd2Fe14B matrix and provide an enhanced saturisation magnetisation without reducing coercivity. For such a fine nanostructure to be produced, close control over the thermal history of the material is needed. A processing route which provides this is laser annealing from an amorphous alloy precursor. In the current work, relationships between laser parameters, thermal histories of laser processed amorphous stoichiometric NdFeB ribbons and the magnetic properties of the resulting nanocrystalline products have been determined with a view to applying the process to thick film nanocomposite magnet production.


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The capability of manufacturing coatings is of central importance in engineering design. Many components require nowadays the application of additional layers, to enhance mechanical properties and protect against hostile environments. Supersonic Laser Deposition (SLD) is a novel coating method, based upon Cold Spray (CS) principles. In this technique the deposition velocities can be significantly lower than those required for effective bonding in CS applications. The addition of laser heat energy permits a change in the thermodynamic experience of impacting particles, thereby offering a greater opportunity for metallurgical bonding at lower velocities compared to the CS process technology. The work reported in this paper demonstrates the ability of the SLD process to deliver hard facing materials to engineering surfaces. Stellite-6 has been deposited on low carbon steel tubes over a range of process parameters, determining the appropriate target power and traverse speeds for coating deposition. Coating properties and parameters were examined to determine the main properties, micro-structure and processing cost. Their morphology was studied through optical microscopy, SEM and X-Ray Diffraction. The results have shown that SLD is capable of depositing Stellite-6, with enhanced properties compared to laser clad counterparts.


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Mode-locked and single-longitudinal-mode waveguide lasers, manufactured by femtosecond laser writing in Er-Yb-doped phosphate glasses, are presented. Transform-limited 1.6-ps pulses and a cw output power exceeding 50 mW have been obtained in the two regimes. © 2007 Optical Society of America.


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A binary grating on a Spatial Light Modulator generates twin antiphase spots with adjustable positions across the core of a multimode fibre allowing adaptive excitation of antisymmetric mode-groups for improving modal dispersion or modal multiplexing. © 2011 IEEE.


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A study on the nanosecond fiber laser interaction with silicon was performed experimentally for the generation of percussion drilled holes. Single pulse ablation experiments were carried out on mono crystalline 650μm thick Si wafers. Changes of the mass removal mechanism were investigated by varying laser fluence up to 68 J/cm2 and pulse duration from 50 ns to 200 ns. Hole width and depth were measured and surface morphology were studied using scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and optical interferometric profilometry (Veeco NT3300). High speed photography was also used to examine laser generated plasma expansion rates. The material removal rate was found to be influenced by the pulse energy, full pulse duration and pulse peak power. Single pulse ablation depth of 4.42 μm was achieved using a 200 ns pulse of 13.3 J/cm 2, giving a maximum machining efficiency of 31.86 μm per mJ. Holes drilled with an increased fluence but fixed pulse length were deeper, exhibited low recast, but were less efficient than those produced at a lower fluence. The increased peak power in this case led to high levels of plasma and vapour production. The expansion of which, results in a strong driving recoil force, an increase in the rate and volume of melt ejection, and cleaner hole formation. The experimental findings show that for efficient drilling at a given energy, a longer, lower peak power pulse is more desirable than a high peak power short pulse.


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The interaction phenomena of nanosecond Q-switched diode-pumped solid state (DPSS) laser using 355nm radiation with 0.2mm thick 316L stainless steel foil was investigated at incident laser fluence range of 19 - 82Jcm-2. The characterization study was performed with and without the use of assist gas by utilizing micro supersonic minimum length nozzles (MLN), specifically designed for air at inlet chamber pressure of 8bar. MLN ranged in throat diameters of 200μm, 300μm, and 500μm respectively. Average etch rate per pulse under the influence of three micro supersonic impinging jets, for both oxygen and air showed the average etch rate was reduced when high-speed gas jets were utilized, compared to that without any gas jets, but significant variation was noticed between different jet sizes. Highest etch rate and quality was achieved with the smallest diameter nozzle, suggesting that micro nozzles can produce a viable process route for micro laser cutting.


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Laser beam diagnosis is usually carried out off-line in order to minimise the disruption to the process being carried out. This paper presents the results of a fractional sampling device for a high power beam diagnosis system capable of measuring in process beam properties such as beam diameter, intensity and beam position. The paper discusses the application of this sampling technique for monitoring beam properties during the laser materials processing operation.


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Laser beam diagnosis is usually carried out off-line in order to minimise the disruption to the process being carried out. This paper presents the results of a fractional sampling device for a high power beam diagnosis system capable of measuring in process beam properties such as beam diameter, intensity and beam position. The paper discusses the application of this sampling technique for monitoring beam properties during the laser materials processing operation.


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We demonstrate mode-locking of a thulium-doped fiber laser operating at 1.94 μm, using a graphene-polymer based saturable absorber. The laser outputs 3.6 ps pulses, with ∼0.4 nJ energy and an amplitude fluctuation ∼0.5%, at 6.46 MHz. This is a simple, low-cost, stable and convenient laser oscillator for applications where eye-safe and low-photon-energy light sources are required, such as sensing and biomedical diagnostics. © 2012 Optical Society of America.


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A mode-locked Raman laser, using 25 m of a GeO2 doped fiber as the gain medium, is reported employing carbon nanotubes. The oscillator generates 850 ps chirped pulses, which are externally compressed to 185 ps. © 2012 OSA.


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The generation of ultrashort optical pulses by semiconductor lasers has been extensively studied for many years. A number of methods, including gain-/Q-switching and different types of mode locking, have been exploited for the generation of picosecond and sub-picosecond pulses [1]. However, the shortest pulses produced by diode lasers are still much longer and weaker than those that are generated by advanced mode-locked solid-state laser systems [2]. On the other hand, an interesting class of devices based on superradiant emission from multiple contact diode laser structures has also been recently reported [3]. Superradiance (SR) is a transient quantum optics phenomenon based on the cooperative radiative recombination of a large number of oscillators, including atoms, molecules, e-h pairs, etc. SR in semiconductors can be used for the study of fundamental properties of e-h ensembles such as photon-mediated pairing, non-equilibrium e-h condensation, BSC-like coherent states and related phenomena. Due to the intrinsic parameters of semiconductor media, SR emission typically results in the generation of a high-power optical pulse or pulse train, where the pulse duration can be much less than 1 ps, under optimised bias conditions. Advantages of this technique over mode locking in semiconductor laser structures include potentially shorter pulsewidths and much larger peak powers. Moreover, the pulse repetition rate of mode-locked pulses is fixed by the cavity round trip time, whereas the repetition rate of SR pulses is controlled by the current bias and can be varied over a wide range. © 2012 IEEE.


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Silicon is known to be a very good material for the realization of high-Q, low-volume photonic cavities, but at the same it is usually considered as a poor material for nonlinear optical functionalities like second-harmonic generation, because its second-order nonlinear susceptibility vanishes in the dipole approximation. In this work we demonstrate that nonlinear optical effects in silicon nanocavities can be strongly enhanced and even become macroscopically observable. We employ photonic crystal nanocavities in silicon membranes that are optimized simultaneously for high quality factor and efficient coupling to an incoming beam in the far field. Using a low-power, continuous-wave laser at telecommunication wavelengths as a pump beam, we demonstrate simultaneous generation of second- and third harmonics in the visible region, which can be observed with a simple camera. The results are in good agreement with a theoretical model that treats third-harmonic generation as a bulk effect in the cavity region, and second-harmonic generation as a surface effect arising from the vertical hole sidewalls. Optical bistability is also observed in the silicon nanocavities and its physical mechanisms (optical, due to two-photon generation of free carriers, as well as thermal) are investigated. © 2011 IEEE.