954 resultados para Lán-ghaeilge


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"Mémoire présenté à la Faculté des études supérieures en vue de l'obtention du grade de LLM en maîtrise option recherche axe Droit, Biotechnologies et Société"


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Ce mémoire décrit et analyse différents types de systèmes d'échange de droits d'émission utilisés dans le cadre de politiques de gestion de la pollution atmosphérique. L'objectif premier est de répertorier des enjeux juridiques étant liés à l'efficacité de ces systèmes. Dans un premier temps, nous nous attardons à la structure et aux mécanismes internes des systèmes d'échange de droits d'émission. Tout d'abord, nous soulignons le fondement théorique de ce type de système. Nous évaluons par la suite la structure et certains litiges liés au système d'échange américain dans le cadre des émissions de dioxyde de soufre. Dans un deuxième temps, nous continuons la description de systèmes en nous attardant plus spécifiquement aux interactions entre les systèmes d'échange de droits d'émission et les autres politiques et règlementations environnementales (incluant d'autres systèmes d'échange d'émission) visant la même problématique environnementale.


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Le cancer de la prostate est le cancer le plus fréquemment diagnostiqué chez les hommes canadiens et la troisième cause de décès relié au cancer. Lorsque diagnostiqué à un stade précoce de la maladie, le cancer de la prostate est traité de manière curative par chirurgie et radiothérapie. Par contre, les thérapies actuelles ne peuvent éradiquer la maladie lorsqu’elle progresse à des stades avancés. Ces thérapies, comme la chimiothérapie et l’hormonothérapie, demeurent donc palliatives. Il est primordial d’optimiser de nouvelles thérapies visant l’élimination des cellules cancéreuses chez les patients atteints des stades avancés de la maladie. Une de ces nouvelles options thérapeutiques est l’immunothérapie. L’immunothérapie du cancer a fait des progrès considérables durant les dernières années. Cependant, les avancements encourageants obtenus lors d’essais précliniques ne se sont pas encore traduits en des résultats cliniques significatifs. En ce qui concerne le cancer de la prostate, les résultats négligeables suivants des interventions immunothérapeutiques peuvent être causés par le fait que la plupart des études sur le microenvironnement immunologique furent effectuées chez des modèles animaux. De plus la majorité des études sur l’immunologie tumorale humaine furent effectuées chez des patients atteints d’autres cancers, tels que le mélanome, et non chez les patients atteints du cancer de la prostate. Donc, le but central de cette thèse de doctorat est d’étudier le microenvironnement immunologique chez les patients atteints du cancer de la prostate afin de mieux définir les impacts de la tumeur sur le développement de la réponse immunitaire antitumorale. Pour réaliser ce projet, nous avons établi deux principaux objectifs de travail : (i) la caractérisation précise des populations des cellules immunitaires infiltrant la tumeur primaire et les ganglions métastatiques chez les patients atteints du cancer de la prostate; (ii) l’identification et l’étude des mécanismes immunosuppressifs exprimés par les cellules cancéreuses de la prostate. Les résultats présentés dans cette thèse démontrent que la progression du cancer de la prostate est associée au développement d’un microenvironnement immunosuppressif qui, en partie, est régulé par la présence des androgènes. L’étude initiale avait comme but la caractérisation du microenvironnement immunologique des ganglions drainant la tumeur chez des patients du cancer de la prostate. Les résultats présentés dans le chapitre III nous a permis de démontrer que les ganglions métastatiques comportent des signes cellulaires et histopathologiques associés à une faible réactivité immunologique. Cette immunosuppression ganglionnaire semble dépendre de la présence des cellules métastatiques puisque des différences immunologiques notables existent entre les ganglions non-métastatiques et métastatiques chez un même patient. La progression du cancer de la prostate semble donc associée au développement d’une immunosuppression affectant les ganglions drainant la tumeur primaire. Par la suite, nous nous sommes intéressés à l’impact de la thérapie par déplétion des androgènes (TDA) sur le microenvironnement immunologique de la tumeur primaire. La TDA est associée à une augmentation marquée de l’inflammation prostatique. De plus, les protocoles d’immunothérapies pour le cancer de la prostate actuellement évalués en phase clinique sont dirigés aux patients hormonoréfractaires ayant subi et échoué la thérapie. Cependant, peu d’information existe sur la nature de l’infiltrat de cellules immunes chez les patients castrés. Il est donc essentiel de connaître la nature de cet infiltrat afin de savoir si celui-ci peut répondre de manière favorable à une intervention immunothérapeutique. Dans le chapitre IV, je présente les résultats sur l’abondance des cellules immunes infiltrant la tumeur primaire suivant la TDA. Chez les patients castrés, les densités de lymphocytes T CD3+ et CD8+ ainsi que des macrophages CD68+ sont plus importantes que chez les patients contrôles. Nous avons également observé une corrélation entre la densité de cellules NK et une diminution du risque de progression de la maladie (rechute biochimique). Inversement, une forte infiltration de macrophages est associée à un plus haut risque de progression. Conjointement, durant cette étude, nous avons développé une nouvelle approche informatisée permettant la standardisation de la quantification de l’infiltrat de cellules immunes dans les échantillons pathologiques. Cette approche facilitera la comparaison d’études indépendantes sur la densité de l’infiltrat immun. Ces résultats nous ont donc permis de confirmer que les effets pro-inflammatoires de la TDA chez les patients du cancer de la prostate ciblaient spécifiquement les lymphocytes T et les macrophages. L’hypothèse intéressante découlant de cette étude est que les androgènes pourraient réguler l’expression de mécanismes immunosuppressifs dans la tumeur primaire. Dans le chapitre V, nous avons donc étudié l’expression de mécanismes immunosuppressifs par les cellules cancéreuses du cancer de la prostate ainsi que leur régulation par les androgènes. Notre analyse démontre que les androgènes augmentent l’expression de molécules à propriétés immunosuppressives telles que l’arginase I et l’arginase II. Cette surexpression dépend de l’activité du récepteur aux androgènes. Chez les patients castrés, l’expression de l’arginase II était diminuée suggérant une régulation androgénique in vivo. Nous avons observé que l’arginase I et l’arginase II participent à la prolifération des cellules du cancer de la prostate ainsi qu’à leur potentiel immunosuppressif. Finalement, nous avons découvert que l’expression de l’interleukin-8 était aussi régulée par les androgènes. De plus, l’interleukin-8, indépendamment des androgènes, augmente l’expression de l’arginase II. Ces résultats confirment que les androgènes participent au développement d’une microenvironnement immunosuppressif dans le cancer de la prostate en régulant l’expression de l’arginase I, l’arginase II et l’interleukin-8. En conclusion, les résultats présentés dans cette thèse témoignent du caractère unique du microenvironnement immunologique chez les patients atteints du cancer de la prostate. Nos travaux ont également permis d’établir de nouvelles techniques basées sur des logiciels d’analyse d’image afin de mieux comprendre le dialogue entre la tumeur et le système immunitaire chez les patients. Approfondir les connaissances sur les mécanismes de régulation du microenvironnement immunologique chez les patients atteint du cancer de la prostate permettra d’optimiser des immunothérapies mieux adaptées à éradiquer cette maladie.


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Plus de soixante-quinze ans après la création des Règles et usances uniformes relatives aux crédits documentaires par la Chambre de commerce internationale, pouvons-nous parler d'un véritable succès international de la lettre de crédit commerciale à titre d'instrument de paiement fiable et sécuritaire ? Nonobstant sa triple finalité et l'application formaliste de ses principes d'incessibilité, de stricte conformité et de double autonomie qui ont su, au cours des années, répondre aux besoins résultant de l'évolution du commerce international, il nous semble utopique de parler d'un tel succès. Mais pourquoi ? Confrontées aux réglementations nationales ainsi qu'aux pratiques nationalistes et protectionnistes des états qui ont pourtant adhéré aux Règles et usances relatives aux crédits documentaires, la malléabilité de ces règles semble avoir dénaturé la lettre de crédit commerciale de ses principaux attributs. À cet égard, nous pouvons nous demander si la lettre de crédit commerciale est une facilité de crédit désuète ou incomprise ? La présente thèse est le fruit de maintes réflexions sur les problèmes liés à l'application et l'interprétation de la lettre de crédit commerciale à titre d'instrument international et plus particulièrement sur les lacunes des Règles et usances uniformes relatives aux crédits documentaires.


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GABAergic alterations in hypothalamus during compensatory hyperplasia after partial hepatectomy (PH), lead nitrate (LN) induced direct hyperplasia and N-nitrosodiethylamine (NDEA) induced neoplasia in liver were investigated. Serum GABA levels were increased in all 3 experimental groups compared with the control. GABA content decreased in hypothalamus of PH and NDEA treated rats, while it increased in LN treated rats. GABAA receptor number and affinity in hypothalamic membrane preparations of rats showed a significant decrease in PH and NDEA treated rats, while in LN treated rats the affinity increased without any change in the receptor number. The GABAB receptor number increased in PH and NDEA treated rats, while it decreased in LN treated rats. The affinity of the receptor also increased in NDEA treated rats. Plasma NE levels showed significant increase in PH and NDEA rats compared with the control while it decreased in LN treated rats. The results of the present study suggests that liver cell proliferation is influencing the hypothalamic GABAergic neurotransmission and these changes regulate the hepatic proliferation through the sympathetic stimulation.


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Gamma aminohutyric acid (GAB A.) receptor tunctionaI status was artaIV se(l in pa It ial hcpatcctoIn ised.II'II). lead nitrate (LN) induced hyperplastic and N-nifrosodiethylantinc INDEAI treated nctplastic rat Iivers during peak DNA synthesis. The high-affinity I'HJGALA binding significantly decreased in PII and NDEi\ rats and the receptor affinity decreased in NDEA and increased in LN rats compared with control . in NDEA. displacement analysis of I'I IIGABA with muscimol showed loss of low-allinity site and a shill of high-allinity cite towards low-allinity . ' 1 he affinity sites shifted towards high-affinity in LN rats. 'file number of low-allinity 1'I Ilhicuc)lline receptors decreased cignilic:uttly in NDEA and I'll whereas it increased in LN rats. (ir\Bi\t receptor :gunist. unrscinrul. disc dependcnllyinhihilcd epidermal growth factor IEGI--) induced DNA synthesis :uul enhanced the tr:utsfnrnting grmvth )actor (Il I I'(il (tlI mediated DNA synthesis suppression in prim:uy hepalucvte cultures . Our results suggest that GABA,t reccjhtor act as an inhibitory signal fur hepatic cell prolifctatiun.


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Ceramics of composition BaO-Ln2O3-STiO2 have been prepared with four elements (Ln=La,Pr,Nd.Sm) by a conventional solid state ceramic preparation route and the dielectric properties measured in the microwave frequency range


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This study is the first of its kind in India, where in smoked and thermal processed products have been developed using locally available wood as the source of wood smoke and flavoring and a shelf life of one year has been achieved. Retortable pouches of three layers, both imported and indigenous were found suitable to store thermal processed products. Heat penetration rate is quicker in retort pouches due to their thin profile in comparison to cans and hence the total process time is lesser. The nutritional and sensory attributes of the pouch products are better retained during processing. Hence these products are more acceptable than canned products. lndian vegetarian food products and fish curry products are available in the ready to eat form in the markets. Smoked and thermal processed products have not gained an entry to the market and hence this study will pave an opening for such products. Currently trade in tuna products from India is meager compared to the global trade. ln India proper utilization of tuna resources is yet to be achieved due to the lack of infrastructure for handling and knowledge of value addition. The raw material cost is also less due to the poor quality of the fish when landed. Hence, the availability of such products will help in the trade of tuna products, improving the quality of raw material landing and ultimately realizing a better value to the fishermen and processors.


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Warships are generally sleek, slender with V shaped sections and block coefficient below 0.5, compared to fuller forms and higher values for commercial ships. They normally operate in the higher Froude number regime, and the hydrodynamic design is primarily aimed at achieving higher speeds with the minimum power. Therefore the structural design and analysis methods are different from those for commercial ships. Certain design guidelines have been given in documents like Naval Engineering Standards and one of the new developments in this regard is the introduction of classification society rules for the design of warships.The marine environment imposes subjective and objective uncertainties on ship structure. The uncertainties in loads, material properties etc.,. make reliable predictions of ship structural response a difficult task. Strength, stiffness and durability criteria for warship structures can be established by investigations on elastic analysis, ultimate strength analysis and reliability analysis. For analysis of complicated warship structures, special means and valid approximations are required.Preliminary structural design of a frigate size ship has been carried out . A finite element model of the hold model, representative of the complexities in the geometric configuration has been created using the finite element software NISA. Two other models representing the geometry to a limited extent also have been created —- one with two transverse frames and the attached plating alongwith the longitudinal members and the other representing the plating and longitudinal stiffeners between two transverse frames. Linear static analysis of the three models have been carried out and each one with three different boundary conditions. The structural responses have been checked for deflections and stresses against the permissible values. The structure has been found adequate in all the cases. The stresses and deflections predicted by the frame model are comparable with those of the hold model. But no such comparison has been realized for the interstiffener plating model with the other two models.Progressive collapse analyses of the models have been conducted for the three boundary conditions, considering geometric nonlinearity and then combined geometric and material nonlinearity for the hold and the frame models. von Mises — lllyushin yield criteria with elastic-perfectly plastic stress-strain curve has been chosen. ln each case, P-Delta curves have been generated and the ultimate load causing failure (ultimate load factor) has been identified as a multiple of the design load specified by NES.Reliability analysis of the hull module under combined geometric and material nonlinearities have been conducted. The Young's Modulus and the shell thickness have been chosen as the variables. Randomly generated values have been used in the analysis. First Order Second Moment has been used to predict the reliability index and thereafter, the probability of failure. The values have been compared against standard values published in literature.


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Information and communication technologies are the tools that underpin the emerging “Knowledge Society”. Exchange of information or knowledge between people and through networks of people has always taken place. But the ICT has radically changed the magnitude of this exchange, and thus factors such as timeliness of information and information dissemination patterns have become more important than ever.Since information and knowledge are so vital for the all round human development, libraries and institutions that manage these resources are indeed invaluable. So, the Library and Information Centres have a key role in the acquisition, processing, preservation and dissemination of information and knowledge. ln the modern context, library is providing service based on different types of documents such as manuscripts, printed, digital, etc. At the same time, acquisition, access, process, service etc. of these resources have become complicated now than ever before. The lCT made instrumental to extend libraries beyond the physical walls of a building and providing assistance in navigating and analyzing tremendous amounts of knowledge with a variety of digital tools. Thus, modern libraries are increasingly being re-defined as places to get unrestricted access to information in many formats and from many sources.The research was conducted in the university libraries in Kerala State, India. lt was identified that even though the information resources are flooding world over and several technologies have emerged to manage the situation for providing effective services to its clientele, most of the university libraries in Kerala were unable to exploit these technologies at maximum level. Though the libraries have automated many of their functions, wide gap prevails between the possible services and provided services. There are many good examples world over in the application of lCTs in libraries for the maximization of services and many such libraries have adopted the principles of reengineering and re-defining as a management strategy. Hence this study was targeted to look into how effectively adopted the modern lCTs in our libraries for maximizing the efficiency of operations and services and whether the principles of re-engineering and- redefining can be applied towards this.Data‘ was collected from library users, viz; student as well as faculty users; library ,professionals and university librarians, using structured questionnaires. This has been .supplemented by-observation of working of the libraries, discussions and interviews with the different types of users and staff, review of literature, etc. Personal observation of the organization set up, management practices, functions, facilities, resources, utilization of information resources and facilities by the users, etc. of the university libraries in Kerala have been made. Statistical techniques like percentage, mean, weighted mean, standard deviation, correlation, trend analysis, etc. have been used to analyse data.All the libraries could exploit only a very few possibilities of modern lCTs and hence they could not achieve effective Universal Bibliographic Control and desired efficiency and effectiveness in services. Because of this, the users as well as professionals are dissatisfied. Functional effectiveness in acquisition, access and process of information resources in various formats, development and maintenance of OPAC and WebOPAC, digital document delivery to remote users, Web based clearing of library counter services and resources, development of full-text databases, digital libraries and institutional repositories, consortia based operations for e-journals and databases, user education and information literacy, professional development with stress on lCTs, network administration and website maintenance, marketing of information, etc. are major areas need special attention to improve the situation. Finance, knowledge level on ICTs among library staff, professional dynamism and leadership, vision and support of the administrators and policy makers, prevailing educational set up and social environment in the state, etc. are some of the major hurdles in reaping the maximum possibilities of lCTs by the university libraries in Kerala. The principles of Business Process Re-engineering are found suitable to effectively apply to re-structure and redefine the operations and service system of the libraries. Most of the conventional departments or divisions prevailing in the university libraries were functioning as watertight compartments and their existing management system was more rigid to adopt the principles of change management. Hence, a thorough re-structuring of the divisions was indicated. Consortia based activities and pooling and sharing of information resources was advocated to meet the varied needs of the users in the main campuses and off campuses of the universities, affiliated colleges and remote stations. A uniform staff policy similar to that prevailing in CSIR, DRDO, ISRO, etc. has been proposed by the study not only in the university libraries in kerala but for the entire country.Restructuring of Lis education,integrated and Planned development of school,college,research and public library systems,etc.were also justified for reaping maximum benefits of the modern ICTs.


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Methylparathion (MP) is an organophosphorus insecticide used world wide in agriculture due to its high activity against a broad spectrum of insect pests. The aim of the study is to understand the effect of methylparathion on the lipid peroxidation, detoxifying and antioxidant enzymes namely catalase (CAT), glutathione peroxidase (GPx), superoxide dismutase (SOD), glutathione Stransferase (GST), total reduced glutathione (GSH), lipid peroxidation (LPO), acetylcholinesterase (AChE) and disease diagnostic marker enzymes in liver, sarcoplasmic (SP) and myofirbirllar (MF) proteins in muscles, lipids and histopathlogical changes in various organs of Labeo rohita of size 75 i 6g at lethal and sublethal level of exposure. The probit analysis showed that the lethal concentration (LC 50%) for 24, 48, 72 and 96h were 15.5mg/L, 12.3mg/L, 11.4mg/L and 10.2mg/L respectively which is much higher compared to the LC50 for juvenile fish. The LPO level and GST activity increased five folds and two folds respectively on exposure to methylparathion at 10.2 mg/L and the level of the enzymes increased, on sub lethal exposure beyond 0.25mg/L. AChE activity was inhibited by 74% at a concentration of 1.8mg/L and 90% at 5.4mg/L. The disease diagnostic marker enzymes AST, ALT, ALP and LDH increased by about 2, 3 ,3 and 2 folds respectively at pesticide concentration of 10.2mg/L when compared to control. On sub lethal exposure, however the enzymes did not show any significant changes up to 0.5mg/L. At a concentration of 10.2 mg/L, there was a three fold increase in myofibrillar proteins while the increase in sarcoplasmic protein was above 1.5 fold. On sub lethal exposure, significant alteration was noticed up to 30 days up to 1mg/L of methylparathion concentration. Further exposure up to 45 days increased sarcoplasmic proteins (upto 0.5mg/L). ln the case of myofibrillar proteins, noticeable changes were observed at 1mg/L concentration right from 15th day. The cholesterol content in brain tissues increased by about 27% at methylparathion concentration of 5.4 mglL. However at 0.25mg/L sub lethal concentration, no significant alteration was observed in enzyme activity, muscle proteins, lipids and histopathology of the tissues. The results suggest that methylparathion has the potential to induce oxidative stress in fish, and that liver, muscle and brains are more sensitive organs of Labeo rohita, with poor antioxidant potentials at higher concentrations of the pesticide. The various parameters studied in this investigation can also be used as biomarkers of methylparathion exposure.


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The thesis mainly focuses on material characterization in different environments: freely available samples taken in planar fonn, biological samples available in small quantities and buried objects.Free space method, finds many applications in the fields of industry, medicine and communication. As it is a non-contact method, it can be employed for monitoring the electrical properties of materials moving through a conveyor belt in real time. Also, measurement on such systems at high temperature is possible. NID theory can be applied to the characterization of thin films. Dielectric properties of thin films deposited on any dielectric substrate can be determined. ln chemical industry, the stages of a chemical reaction can be monitored online. Online monitoring will be more efficient as it saves time and avoids risk of sample collection.Dielectric contrast is one of the main factors, which decides the detectability of a system. lt could be noted that the two dielectric objects of same dielectric constant 3.2 (s, of plastic mine) placed in a medium of dielectric constant 2.56 (er of sand) could even be detected employing the time domain analysis of the reflected signal. This type of detection finds strategic importance as it provides solution to the problem of clearance of non-metallic mines. The demining of these mines using the conventional techniques had been proved futile. The studies on the detection of voids and leakage in pipes find many applications.The determined electrical properties of tissues can be used for numerical modeling of cells, microwave imaging, SAR test etc. All these techniques need the accurate determination of dielectric constant. ln the modem world, the use of cellular and other wireless communication systems is booming up. At the same time people are concemed about the hazardous effects of microwaves on living cells. The effect is usually studied on human phantom models. The construction of the models requires the knowledge of the dielectric parameters of the various body tissues. lt is in this context that the present study gains significance. The case study on biological samples shows that the properties of normal and infected body tissues are different. Even though the change in the dielectric properties of infected samples from that of normal one may not be a clear evidence of an ailment, it is an indication of some disorder.ln medical field, the free space method may be adapted for imaging the biological samples. This method can also be used in wireless technology. Evaluation of electrical properties and attenuation of obstacles in the path of RF waves can be done using free waves. An intelligent system for controlling the power output or frequency depending on the feed back values of the attenuation may be developed.The simulation employed in GPR can be extended for the exploration of the effects due to the factors such as the different proportion of water content in the soil, the level and roughness of the soil etc on the reflected signal. This may find applications in geological explorations. ln the detection of mines, a state-of-the art technique for scanning and imaging an active mine field can be developed using GPR. The probing antenna can be attached to a robotic arm capable of three degrees of rotation and the whole detecting system can be housed in a military vehicle. In industry, a system based on the GPR principle can be developed for monitoring liquid or gas through a pipe, as pipe with and without the sample gives different reflection responses. lt may also be implemented for the online monitoring of different stages of extraction and purification of crude petroleum in a plant.Since biological samples show fluctuation in the dielectric nature with time and other physiological conditions, more investigation in this direction should be done. The infected cells at various stages of advancement and the normal cells should be analysed. The results from these comparative studies can be utilized for the detection of the onset of such diseases. Studying the properties of infected tissues at different stages, the threshold of detectability of infected cells can be determined.


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This work aims to study the variation in subduction zone geometry along and across the arc and the fault pattern within the subducting plate. Depth of penetration as well as the dip of the Benioff zone varies considerably along the arc which corresponds to the curvature of the fold- thrust belt which varies from concave to convex in different sectors of the arc. The entire arc is divided into 27 segments and depth sections thus prepared are utilized to investigate the average dip of the Benioff zone in the different parts of the entire arc, penetration depth of the subducting lithosphere, the subduction zone geometry underlying the trench, the arctrench gap, etc.The study also describes how different seismogenic sources are identified in the region, estimation of moment release rate and deformation pattern. The region is divided into broad seismogenic belts. Based on these previous studies and seismicity Pattern, we identified several broad distinct seismogenic belts/sources. These are l) the Outer arc region consisting of Andaman-Nicobar islands 2) the back-arc Andaman Sea 3)The Sumatran fault zone(SFZ)4)Java onshore region termed as Jave Fault Zone(JFZ)5)Sumatran fore arc silver plate consisting of Mentawai fault(MFZ)6) The offshore java fore arc region 7)The Sunda Strait region.As the Seismicity is variable,it is difficult to demarcate individual seismogenic sources.Hence, we employed a moving window method having a window length of 3—4° and with 50% overlapping starting from one end to the other. We succeeded in defining 4 sources each in the Andaman fore arc and Back arc region, 9 such sources (moving windows) in the Sumatran Fault zone (SFZ), 9 sources in the offshore SFZ region and 7 sources in the offshore Java region. Because of the low seismicity along JFZ, it is separated into three seismogenic sources namely West Java, Central Java and East Java. The Sunda strait is considered as a single seismogenic source.The deformation rates for each of the seismogenic zones have been computed. A detailed error analysis of velocity tensors using Monte—Carlo simulation method has been carried out in order to obtain uncertainties. The eigen values and the respective eigen vectors of the velocity tensor are computed to analyze the actual deformation pattem for different zones. The results obtained have been discussed in the light of regional tectonics, and their implications in terms of geodynamics have been enumerated.ln the light of recent major earthquakes (26th December 2004 and 28th March 2005 events) and the ongoing seismic activity, we have recalculated the variation in the crustal deformation rates prior and after these earthquakes in Andaman—Sumatra region including the data up to 2005 and the significant results has been presented.ln this chapter, the down going lithosphere along the subduction zone is modeled using the free air gravity data by taking into consideration the thickness of the crustal layer, the thickness of the subducting slab, sediment thickness, presence of volcanism, the proximity of the continental crust etc. Here a systematic and detailed gravity interpretation constrained by seismicity and seismic data in the Andaman arc and the Andaman Sea region in order to delineate the crustal structure and density heterogeneities a Io nagnd across the arc and its correlation with the seismogenic behaviour is presented.


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Aquaculture has developed to become one of the fastest growing food producing sectors in the world.Today India is one among the major shrimp producing countries in the world.There are extensive and intensive shrimp culture practices. In extensive shrimp culture, shrimps are stocked at low densities (< 25 PLs m'2)in large ponds or tidal enclosures in which little or no management is exercised or possible. Farmers depend almost entirely on natural conditions in extensive cultures. Intensive shrimp culture is carried out in high densities (>200 PLs m'2). Much of the world shrimp production still comes from extensive culture.There is a growing demand for fish and marine products for human and animal consumption. This demand has led to rapid growth of aquaculture, which some times has been accompanied by ecological impacts and economic loss due to diseases. The expansion of shrimp culture always accompanies local environmental degradation and occurrence of diseases.Disease out breaks is recognised as a significant constraint to aquaculture production. Environmental factors, water quality, pollution due to effluent discharge and pathogenic invasion due to vertical and horizontal transmission are the main causes of shrimp disease out breaks. Nutritional imbalance, toxicant and other pollutants also account for the onset of diseases. pathogens include viruses, bacteria, fungi and parasites.Viruses are the most economically significant pathogens of the cultured shrimps world wide. Disease control in shrimp aquaculture should focus first on preventive measures for eliminating disease promoting factors.ln order to design prophylactic and proactive measures against shrimp diseases, it is mandatory to understand the immune make up of the cultivable species, its optimum culture conditions and the physico chemical parameters of the rearing environment. It has been proven beyond doubt that disease is an end result of complex interaction of environment, pathogen and the host animal. The aquatic environment is abounded with infectious microbes.The transmission of disease in this environment is extremely easy, especially under dense, culture conditions. Therefore, a better understanding of the immune responses of the cultured animal in relation to its environmental alterations and microbial invasions is essential indevising strategic measures against aquaculture loss due to diseases. This study accentuate the importance of proper and regular health monitoring in shrimps employing the most appropriate haematological biomarkers for application of suitable prophylactic measures in order to avoid serious health hazards in shrimp culture systems.


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Vibrio are important during hatchery rearing. aquaculture phase and post-harvest quality of shrimps. Vibrio spp are of concern to shrimp farmers and hatchery operators because certain species can cause Vibriosis. Vibrio species are of concern to humans because certain species cause serious diseases.With the progress in aquaculture, intensive systems used for shrimp aquaculture create an artificial environment that increases bacterial growth. To maintain the productivity of such an intensive aquaculture, high inputs of fish protein have to be employed for feeding together with high levels of water exchange and the massive use of antibiotics/ probiotics / chemicals. It seems that the combination of these conditions favours the proliferation of vibrios and enhances their virulence and disease prevalence. The risk of a microbial infection is high, mainly at larval stages. The effect and severity are related to Vibrio species and dose, water, feed, shrimp quality and aquaculture management.Consumption of seafood can occasionally result in food-bome illnesses due to the proliferation of indigenous pathogens like Vibrio.Of the l2 pathogenic Vibrio species, 8 species are known to be directly food associated. Strict quality guidelines have been laid by the importing nations, for the food products that enter their markets. The microbiological quality requirement for export of frozen shrimp products is that V.cholerae, V.parahaemolyticus and V. vulnificus should be absent in 25g of the processed shrimp (Export Inspection Council of India, 1995). The mere presence of these pathogenic Vibrios is sufficient for the rejection of the exported product.The export rejections cause serious economic loss to the shrimp industry and might harm the brand image of the shrimp products from the countiy.There is a need for an independent study on the incidence of different pathogenic vibrios in shrimp aquaculture and investigate their biochemical characteristics to have a better understanding about the growth and survival of these organisms in the shrimp aquaculture niche. PCR based methods (conventional PCR, duplex PCR, multiplex-PCR and Real Time PCR) for the detection of the pathogenic Vibrios is important for rapid post-harvest quality assessment. Studies on the genetic heterogeneity among the specific pathogenic vibrio species isolated from shrimp aquaculture system provide; valuable information on the extent of genetic diversity of the pathogenic vibrios, the shrimp aquaculture system.So the present study was undertaken to study the incidence of pathogenic Vibrio spp. in Penaeus monodon shrimp hatcheries and aquaculture farms, to carry out biochemical investigations of the pathogenic Vibrio spp isolated from P. monodon hatchery and. aquaculture environments, to assess the effect of salt (NaCl) on the growth and enzymatic activities of pathogenic Vibrio spp., to study the effect of preservatives, and chemicals on the growth of pathogenic Vibrio spp. and to employ polymerase chain reaction (PCR) methods for the detection of pathogenic V ibrio spp.Samples of water (n=7) and post-larvae (n=7) were obtained from seven Penaeus monodon hatcheries and samples of water (n=5), sediment (n=5) and shrimp (n=5) were obtained from five P. monodon aquaculture farms located on the East Coast of lndia. The microbiological examination of water, sediment, post-larvae and shrimp samples was carried out employing standard methods and by using standard media.The higher bacterial loads were obtained in pond sediments which can be attributed to the accumulation of organic matter at the pond bottom which stimulated bacterial growth.Shrimp head. (4.78 x 105 +/- 3.0 x 104 cfu/g) had relatively higher bacterial load when compared to shrimp muscle 2.7 x 105 +/- 1.95 x 104 cfu/g). ln shrimp hatchery samples, the post-larvae (2.2 x 106 +/- 1.9 x 106 cfu/g) had higher bacterial load than water (5.6 x 103 +/- 3890 cfu/ml).The mean E.coli counts were higher in aquaculture pond sediment (204+/-13 cfu/g) and pond water (124+/-88 cfu/ml). Relatively lower Escherichia coli counts were obtained from shrimp samples (12+/-11 to 16+/-16.7 cfu/g). The presence of E.coli in aquaculture environment might have been from the source water. E.coli was not detected in hatchery waters and post-larvae.