355 resultados para Koivisto, Hanne
We live in an age when the number of refugees worldwide is increasing. All of them have suffered physically or emotionally to a varying degree in their country of origin. The transit to a country of resettlement is fraught with further difficulties or the risk of death. This article explores the different approach taken to the management of this issue by Denmark and Iceland, in comparison to that of Australia. In particular, the different approaches to health care for children and their families are identified. The management of these issues by Denmark and Iceland would appear to be a model to follow. Outcomes of the different managements have not been assessed.
Trehalose is a well known protector of biostructures like liposomes and proteins during freeze-drying, but still today there is a big debate regarding its mechanism of action. In previous experiments we have shown that trehalose is able to protect a non-phospholipid-based liposomal adjuvant (designated CAF01) composed of the cationic dimethyldioctadecylammonium (DDA) and trehalose 6,6-dibehenate (TDB) during freeze-drying [D. Christensen, C. Foged, I. Rosenkrands, H.M. Nielsen, P. Andersen, E.M. Agger, Trehalose preserves DDA/TDB liposomes and their adjuvant effect during freeze-drying, Biochim. Biophys. Acta, Biomembr. 1768 (2007) 2120-2129]. Furthermore it was seen that TDB is required for the stabilizing effect of trehalose. Herein, we show using the Langmuir-Blodgett technique that a high concentration of TDB present at the water-lipid interface results in a surface pressure around 67 mN/m as compared to that of pure DDA which is approximately 47 mN/m in the compressed state. This indicates that the attractive forces between the trehalose head group of TDB and water are greater than those between the quaternary ammonium head group of DDA and water. Furthermore, addition of trehalose to a DDA monolayer containing small amounts of TDB also increases the surface pressure, which is not observed in the absence of TDB. This suggests that even small amounts of trehalose groups on TDB present at the water-lipid interface associate free trehalose to the liposome surface, presumably by hydrogen bonding between the trehalose head groups of TDB and the free trehalose molecules. Hence, for CAF01 the TDB component not only stabilizes the cationic liposomes and enhances the immune response but also facilitates the cryo-/lyoprotection by trehalose through direct interaction with the head group of TDB. Furthermore the results indicate that direct interaction with liposome surfaces is necessary for trehalose to enable protection during freeze-drying.
Purpose To investigate the prevalence of infected herniated nucleus material in lumbar disc herniations and to determine if patients with an anaerobic infected disc are more likely to develop Modic change (MC) (bone oedema) in the adjacent vertebrae after the disc herniation. MCs (bone oedema) in vertebrae are observed in 6 % of the general population and in 35-40 % of people with low back pain. These changes are strongly associated with low back pain. There are probably a mechanical cause and an infective cause that causes MC. Several studies on nuclear tissue from herniated discs have demonstrated the presence of low virulent anaerobic microorganisms, predominantly Propionibacterium acnes, in 7-53 % of patients. At the time of a herniation these low virulent anaerobic bacteria may enter the disc and give rise to an insidious infection. Local inflammation in the adjacent bone may be a secondary effect due to cytokine and propionic acid production. Methods Patients undergoing primary surgery at a single spinal level for lumbar disc herniation with an MRI-confirmed lumbar disc herniation, where the annular fibres were penetrated by visible nuclear tissue, had the nucleus material removed. Stringent antiseptic sterile protocols were followed. Results Sixty-one patients were included, mean age 46.4 years (SD 9.7), 27 % female. All patients were immunocompetent. No patient had received a previous epidural steroid injection or undergone previous back surgery. In total, microbiological cultures were positive in 28 (46 %) patients. Anaerobic cultures were positive in 26 (43 %) patients, and of these 4 (7 %) had dual microbial infections, containing both one aerobic and one anaerobic culture. No tissue specimens had more than two types of bacteria identified. Two (3 %) cultures only had aerobic bacteria isolated. In the discs with a nucleus with anaerobic bacteria, 80 % developed new MC in the vertebrae adjacent to the previous disc herniation. In contrast, none of those with aerobic bacteria and only 44 % of patients with negative cultures developed new MC. The association between an anaerobic culture and new MCs is highly statistically significant (P = 0.0038), with an odds ratio of 5.60 (95 % CI 1.51-21.95). Conclusion These findings support the theory that the occurrence of MCs Type 1 in the vertebrae adjacent to a previously herniated disc may be due to oedema surrounding an infected disc. The discs infected with anaerobic bacteria were more likely (P<0.0038) to develop MCs in the adjacent vertebrae than those in which no bacteria were found or those in which aerobic bacteria were found. © Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2013.
The anaerobic skin commensal Propionibacterium acnes is an underestimated cause of human infections and clinical conditions. Previous studies have suggested a role for the bacterium in lumbar disc herniation and infection. To further investigate this, five biopsy samples were surgically excised from each of 64 patients with lumbar disc herniation. P. acnes and other bacteria were detected by anaerobic culture, followed by biochemical and PCR-based identification. In total, 24/64 (38%) patients had evidence of P. acnes in their excised herniated disc tissue. Using recA and mAb typing methods, 52% of the isolates were type II (50% of culture-positive patients), while type IA strains accounted for 28% of isolates (42% patients). Type III (11% isolates; 21% patients) and type IB strains (9% isolates; 17% patients) were detected less frequently. The MIC values for all isolates were lowest for amoxicillin, ciprofloxacin, erythromycin, rifampicin, tetracycline, and vancomycin (≤1mg/L). The MIC for fusidic acid was 1-2 mg/L. The MIC for trimethoprim and gentamicin was 2 to ≥4 mg/L. The demonstration that type II and III strains, which are not frequently recovered from skin, predominated within our isolate collection (63%) suggests that the role of P. acnes in lumbar disc herniation should not be readily dismissed. © 2013 Jess Rollason et al.
The articles in this special section were presented at the European Conference on Optical Communications (ECOC) that was held on on 21???25 September 2014 in Cannes, France
2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 33D15, 33D90, 39A13
About 50 locations ('cold spots') where permafrost (Arctic and Antarctic) in situ monitoring has been taking place for many years or where field stations are currently established (through, for example the Canadian ADAPT program) have been identified. These sites have been proposed to WMO Polar Space Task Group as focus areas for future monitoring by satellite data. Seven monitoring transects spanning different permafrost types have been proposed in addition.
Human milk is the ideal nutrition source for healthy infants during the first six months of life and a detailed characterisation of the composition of milk from mothers that deliver prematurely (<37 weeks gestation), and of how human milk changes during lactation, would benefit our understanding of the nutritional requirements of premature infants. Individual milk samples from mothers delivering prematurely and at term were collected. The human milk metabolome, established by (NMR) spectroscopy, was influenced by gestational and lactation age. Metabolite profiling identified that levels of valine, leucine, betaine, and creatinine were increased in colostrum from term mothers compared with mature milk, while those of glutamate, caprylate, and caprate were increased in mature term milk compared with colostrum. Levels of oligosaccharides, citrate, and creatinine were increased in pre-term colostrum, while those of caprylate, caprate, valine, leucine, glutamate, and pantothenate increased with time postpartum. There were differences between pre-term and full-term milk in the levels of carnitine, caprylate, caprate, pantothenate, urea, lactose, oligosaccharides, citrate, phosphocholine, choline, and formate. These findings suggest that the metabolome of pre-term milk changes within 5-7 weeks postpartum to resemble that of term milk, independent of time of gestation at pre-mature delivery.
This article presents a methodological proposition to map the diversity of the audiovisual industry in the digital scenario by portraying the most important interactions between those who create, produce, distribute and disseminate audiovisual productions on line, paying special attention to powerful intermediaries and to small and medium independent agents. Taking as a point of departure a flexible understanding of social network analysis, the aim is to understand the structure of the audiovisual industry on the internet so that, taking into consideration a given sector, agents, their relations and the networks they give place to – as well as the structural conditions under which they operate – are studied. The aim is to answer questions such as: what is mapping, what is of interesting to map, how can it be done and what advantages and disadvantages the results will present.
Median survival has increased in people with cystic fibrosis (CF) during the past six decades, which has led to an increased number of adults with CF. The future impact of changes in CF demographics has not been evaluated. The aim of this study was to estimate the number of children and adults with CF in 34 European countries by 2025. Data were obtained from the European Cystic Fibrosis Society Patient Registry. Population forecasts were performed for countries that have extensive CF population coverage and at least 4 years of longitudinal data by modelling future entering and exiting flows in registry cohorts. For the other countries, population projections were performed based on assumptions from knowledge of current CF epidemiology. Western European countries' forecasts indicate that an increase in the overall number of CF patients by 2025, by approximately 50%, corresponds to an increase by 20% and by 75% in children and adults, respectively. In Eastern European countries the projections suggest a predominant increase in the CF child population, although the CF adult population would also increase.It was concluded that a large increase in the adult CF population is expected in the next decade. A significant increase in adult CF services throughout Europe is urgently required.
OBJECTIVE: To investigate the perceived needs for health services by persons with stroke within the first year after rehabilitation, and associations between perceived impact of stroke, involvement in decisions regarding care/treatment, and having health services needs met. METHOD: Data was collected, through a mail survey, from patients with stroke who were admitted to a university hospital in 2012 and had received rehabilitation after discharge from the stroke unit. The rehabilitation lasted an average of 2 to 4.6 months. The Stroke Survivor Needs Survey Questionnaire was used to assess the participants' perceptions of involvement in decisions on care or treatment and needs for health services in 11 problem areas: mobility, falls, incontinence, pain, fatigue, emotion, concentration, memory, speaking, reading, and sight. The perceived impact of stroke in eight areas was assessed using the Stroke Impact Scale (SIS) 3.0. Eleven logistic regression models were created to explore associations between having health services needs met in each problem area respectively (dependent variable) and the independent variables. In all models the independent variables were: age, sex, SIS domain corresponding to the dependent variable, or stroke severity in cases when no corresponding SIS domain was identified, and involvement in decisions on care and treatment. RESULTS: The 63 participants who returned the questionnaires had a mean age of 72 years, 33 were male and 30 were female. Eighty percent had suffered a mild stroke. The number of participants who reported problems varied between 51 (80%, mobility) and 24 (38%, sight). Involvement in decisions on care and treatment was found to be associated with having health services needs met in six problem areas: falls, fatigue, emotion, memory, speaking, and reading. CONCLUSIONS: The results highlight the importance of involving patients in making decisions on stroke rehabilitation, as it appears to be associated with meeting their health services needs.
Förvaltningsplanen är ett allmänt planeringsdokument med den mest aktuella informationen om yt- och grundvattnen i Kumo älvs-Skärgårdshavets-Bottenvikens vattenförvaltningsområde, vattnens tillstånd och behovet av att förbättra tillståndet. Förvaltningsplanen innehåller bland annat resultaten från bedömningen av vattnens status och övervakningsprogrammen för yt- och grundvattnen. En central del av förvaltningsplanen är sammanfattningen av de vårdåtgärder som planeras för att förbättra vattnens tillstånd samt bedömningen av åtgärdernas genomslagskraft vattenförvaltningsperioden 2016-2021. Sammanfattningen baseras på vattenförvaltningsområdets åtgärdsprogram, som innehåller information om enskilda vattendrag och vattenförekomster samt enskilda grundvattenområden. Åtgärdsprogrammen är mer användbara dokument än förvaltningsplanen om man behöver information om vattnen i ett begränsat område, till exempel om deras status samt behov av åtgärder och åtgärdernas effekter. Miljörapporten om effekterna av åtgärdsprogrammen utgörs av kapitel 14 i förvaltningsplanen. Kumo älvs-Skärgårdshavets-Bottenvikens vattenförvaltningsområde omfattar de vattendrag som rinner ut i Skärgårdshavet, Bottenviken, Kvarken och södra Bottenhavet från Kisko å till Pöntiönjoki inklusive vattendragens avrinningsområden.
Pro gradu -tutkielmassa kartoitettiin työyhteisöllisyyden ja työntekijöiden antaman palautteen välistä yhteyttä kunta-alalla. Teoriaosuudessa hahmoteltiin yhteisöllisyyttä sosiaalisen pääoman, luottamuksen ja ilmapiirin ulottuvuuksien kautta. Lisäksi sivuttiin johtajuuden tärkeyttä palautteen osalta sekä esiteltiin palautteen erilaisia merkityksiä työntekijän ja työyhteisön kannalta. Lopuksi keskityttiin palautteen mahdollisuuksiin työyhteisöllisyyden osalta. Tutkielmassa käytettiin kvantitatiivista poikkileikkausaineistoa, joka on sekundääriaineisto ja nimeltään Kuntapalvelujen tuloksellisuuden arviointi: Henkilöstökysely 2004. Koska tutkielmassa käytetty aineisto koskee kunta-alaa, sivuttiin tutkimusasetelmassa myös siihen liittyviä huomioita. Menetelminä käytettiin suoria jakaumia, ristiintaulukointeja, korrelaatioanalyysia ja lineaarista regressioanalyysia. Lineaarista regressioanalyysia varten muodostettiin faktorianalyysin avulla summamuuttuja yhteisöllisyys. Analyysi tehtiin SPSS-tilasto-ohjelmalla. Tuloksista ilmeni, että työntekijöiltä saadun riittävän palautteen tila ei ole kovin vahva. Palaute ilmeni vahvimmin teknisellä toimialalla ja heikoiten terveysalalla. Ilmapiiri ja yhteisöllisyys koettiin hieman erilaisina ilmiöinä keskenään. Yhteisöllisyyden tila ilmeni hieman heikompana kuin työilmapiiri. Yhteisöllisyyttä ja hyvää ilmapiiriä koettiin vahvimmin opetus- ja sosiaalialalla. Työntekijöiltä saadun palautteen, työilmapiirin ja yhteisöllisyyden eri osa-alueiden välillä havaittiin positiivista yhteisvaihtelua. Palautteen ja ilmapiirin sekä palautteen ja työyhteisöllisyyden erilaisten osa-alueiden yhteisvaihtelut eivät olleet yhtä voimakkaita kuin ilmapiirin ja yhteisöllisyyden välillä. Lineaarisen regressioanalyysin avulla selvitettiin kuitenkin, että palautteella oli melko voimakas ja positiivinen yhteys työyhteisöllisyyteen. Palaute vaikutti myös työilmapiiriin positiivisesti, mutta ei aivan yhtä voimakkaasti kuin työyhteisöllisyyteen. Palaute selitti yhteisöllisyyttä enemmän kuin toimiala, ikä, sukupuoli, työskentelyvuosien kesto tai esimiesasema. Tuloksista ilmeni, että palaute on yksi sellainen tekijä, joka voi edesauttaa yhteisöllisyyttä.
Tämä tutkielma tarkastelee Matilde Huici Navazia, espanjalaista naisasianaista, asianajajaa, pedagogia ja sosialistia. Tutkielmassa on selvitetty, miten espanjalainen sanomalehdistö käsitteli artikkeleissaan vuosina 1922–1937 Matilde Huici Navazia. Tarkastelen, miten kulttuuriset arvot, normit ja hierarkiat toimivat keskinäisessä vuorovaikutuksessa. Primaariaineisto koostuu viiden eri spanjalaisen päivälehtiarkiston kokelmista. Tutkimukseni pääasiallisina metodeina käytän kvalitatiivista ja hermeneuttista analyysia. Espanja eli 1920–1930-luvuilla ankaraa ideologista ja poliittista aikaa, johtuen kuninkaan vallan väistymisestä, Primo de Riveran diktatuurista, Espanjan toisen tasavallan syntymisestä ja sisällisodan syttymisesta vuonna 1936. Tutkielmani aikakauden sanomalehtiä yhdisti kiivas keskustelu yhteiskunnallisista ja kulttuurisista kysymyksistä. Lehdistö oli poliittisesti sidoksissa sekä oikealle että vasemmalle. Espanjalainen yhteiskunta jakautui jyrkästi kahtia sukupuolen mukaan. Katolisen kirkon sekä patriarkaalisen kulttuurin normit vaikuttivat oleellisesti naisten aseman yhteiskunnalliseen kehitykseen. Naisten elämänpiiri rajattiin avioliittoon ja kotiin. Espanjan toisen tasavallan kunnianhimoisena tavoitteena oli nostaa maa muiden eurooppalaisten edistyneiden valtioiden tasolle. Tarkastelen tutkimuksessani Espanjan lähihistorian tapahtumia osana yhteiskunnallisesti merkittävän ihmisen henkilöhistoriaa. Huici Navaz pohti tutkimissani artikkeleissa naisen osaa, olemusta ja oikeuksia. Tutkimukseni perusteella hänen sallittiin, ainakin jossain määrin, tuoda esille näitä kysymyksiä lehtiartikkelien yhteydessä. Huici Navazin sallittin käsitellä omia tuntemuksiaan ja väsymättömästi uudelleenmääritellä naisen sosiaalista roolia yhteiskunnan kollektiivisessa tietoisuudessa. Tutkimukseni perusteella voidaan todeta, että Matilde Huici Navaz koki myös ankaria pettymyksiä taistelussaan naisen konkreettisen aseman parantamiseksi. Hänen vaatimuksensa yhteiskunnallisen tasa-arvon saavuttamiseksi tukahdutettiin lähes säännönmukaisesti. Huizi Navazin poliittiset kannanotot radikalisoituivat vuoden 1936 jälkeen, kun hän turhautui vallitsevan yhteiskunnan haluttomuuteen muuttaa hallitsevia patriarkaalisia normeja. Huici Navaz toimi väsymättömästi köyhien perheiden lasten aseman parantamiseksi. Huici Navazille koulutuksen, kasvatuksen ja kotihygenian parantaminen olivat tärkeä osa lastensuojelun kehittymisessä.