633 resultados para Keen, Cliff
Enmarcada en el ámbito amplio del pensamiento posmoderno y, en lo literario, dentro del fenómeno que la crítica ha denominado posboom, Luis Britto García ha construido una de las obras más fascinantes de la literatura venezolana actual, donde predominan un humor ácido y corrosivo, una imaginación desbordada que no sabe de fronteras, una acentuada erudición y un agudo sentido crítico. Este artículo se centra en el análisis de las posibilidades genéricas de su obra Rajatabla, publicada a comienzos de la década del 70. Su particular modo de construcción a partir de la suma de breves enunciados, su polifacético diseño estructural y la amplitud semántica que logra un universo asfixiante y apocalíptico plantean una serie de problemas en torno a su posible clasificación genérica para el que resulta esclarecedor el concepto de minificción.
Este artículo se consagra a una comparación entre el temprano poema de Shakespeare, The Rape of Lvcrece, y sus dos principales fuentes latinas, Ab Vrbe Condita, de Tito Livio y los Fasti, de Ovidio. Anticipándose a la penetración del dramaturgo en sus personajes trágicos, Shakespeare da una aguda descripción de las psicomaquias de Tarquino y de Lucrecia. En el caso del primero, al revelar la lucha interior a propósito de la ética y las consecuencias de sus acciones. En el caso de la segunda, cuando Lucrecia analiza el horror de su vergüenza y los modos de purificarse. En ambos casos Shakespeare opera dramáticamente con sus fuentes, suprimiendo algunos detalles y enriqueciendo significativamente su narración. Existe una complicación adicional en cuanto precede al poema un Argumento que sigue de cerca la historia de Tito Livio. Sin embargo, paradójicamente, el poema se desvía de su mismo argumento en algunos puntos fundamentales
During the 13 day Southern Ocean Iron RE-lease Experiment (SOIREE), dissolved iron concentrations decreased rapidly following each of three iron-enrichments, but remained high (>1 nM, up to 80% as FeII) after the fourth and final enrichment on day 8. The former trend was mainly due to dilution (spreading of iron-fertilized waters) and particle scavenging. The latter may only be explained by a joint production-maintenance mechanism; photoreduction is the only candidate process able to produce sufficiently high FeII, but as such levels persisted overnight (8 hr dark period) -ten times the half-life for this species- a maintenance mechanism (complexation of FeII) is required, and is supported by evidence of increased ligand concentrations on day 12. The source of these ligands and their affinity for FeII is not known. This retention of iron probably permitted the longevity of this bloom raising fundamental questions about iron cycling in HNLC (High Nitrate Low Chlorophyll) Polar waters.
The growth of populations is known to be influenced by dispersal, which has often been described as purely diffusive (Kierstead and Slobodkin, 1953; Okubo, 1980). In the open ocean, however, the tendrils and filaments of phytoplankton populations provide evidence for dispersal by stirring (Gower et al., 1980, doi:10.1038/288157a0; Holligan et al., 1993, doi:10.1029/93GB01731). Despite the apparent importance of horizontal stirring for plankton ecology, this process remains poorly characterized. Here we investigate the development of a discrete phytoplankton bloom, which was initiated by the iron fertilization of a patch of water (7 km in diameter) in the Southern Ocean (Boyd et al., 2000, doi:10.1038/35037500). Satellite images show a striking, 150-km-long bloom near the experimental site, six weeks after the initial fertilization. We argue that the ribbon-like bloom was produced from the fertilized patch through stirring, growth and diffusion, and we derive an estimate of the stirring rate. In this case, stirring acts as an important control on bloom development, mixing phytoplankton and iron out of the patch, but also entraining silicate. This may have prevented the onset of silicate limitation, and so allowed the bloom to continue for as long as there was sufficient iron. Stirring in the ocean is likely to be variable, so blooms that are initially similar may develop very differently.