998 resultados para Karlsson, Fred: Yleinen kielitiede
Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli selvittää miten neljännen, kuudennen ja kahdeksannen luokan oppilaat viihtyvät yleisesti koulussa, eri oppitunneilla ja erityisesti käsityön oppiaineessa. Tarkoituksena oli myös selvittää käsityön oppitunnilla viihtymisen yhteyttä yleiseen kouluviihtyvyyteen. Vertailimme eri luokka-asteen eroja sekä eroa tyttöjen ja poikien välillä. Tutkimuksen aineisto kerättiin yhdestä satakuntalaisesta yhtenäiskoulusta syyslukukaudella 2015. Tutkimukseen osallistui 110 oppilasta, 53 poikaa ja 57 tyttöä. Tutkimustulosten analysoinnissa käytettiin tilastollisia ja laadullisia menetelmiä. Tilastolliseen analyysiin käytettiin SPSS- ja Professional statistics -tilasto-ohjelmia. Tiedonkeruumenetelmänä käytettiin oppilaskyselyä, joka toteutettiin verkkoympäristössä tehtävällä Webropol-lomakkeella. Oppilaskysely toteutettiin oppilaiden koulupäivän aikana heidän käytössään olevilla tablettitietokoneilla. Tämän tutkimuksen tulosten mukaan alakoululaiset viihtyivät koulussa paremmin kuin yläkoululaiset. Aiemmista tutkimuksista poiketen yläkoulun tytöt viihtyivät koulussa poikia huonommin. Alakoulussa erot tyttöjen ja poikien välillä olivat pienemmät. Tulosten mukaan tutkitut oppilaat viihtyivät valtakunnallisesti ja maakunnallisesti keskivertoa paremmin koulussa. Käsityön oppiaineessa viihtymisen kokeminen ei ollut tulosten mukaan suoraan yhteydessä oppilaiden kokemaan yleiseen kouluviihtyvyyteen. Huolimatta oppilaan yleisen kouluviihtyvyyden alhaisuudesta, saattoi käsityön oppiaineen tuoma mielekkyys olla korkea. Taito- ja taideaineissa koettu mielekkyys oli korkeampaa verrattuna reaaliaineisiin sekä käsityön oppiaineeseen. Oppilaiden erot kouluviihtyvyydessä selittyvät luokka-asteen muuttuessa korkeammaksi. Haasteena opettajille ja opetussuunnitelman laatijoille on kehittää opetusta siten, että oppilaiden kokema kouluviihtyvyys saataisiin pidettyä korkealla tasolla läpi koko peruskoulun. Kouluviihtyvyys on tärkeä tekijä oppilaiden kouluvalintojen, tulevan koulutuspolkujen ja ammattiuran kannalta.
Presentation from the MARAC conference in Roanoke, VA on October 7–10, 2015. S6 - Digital Archives: New Colleagues, New Solutions.
The continuous growth of peer-to-peer networks has made them responsible for a considerable portion of the current Internet traffic. For this reason, improvements in P2P network resources usage are of central importance. One effective approach for addressing this issue is the deployment of locality algorithms, which allow the system to optimize the peers` selection policy for different network situations and, thus, maximize performance. To date, several locality algorithms have been proposed for use in P2P networks. However, they usually adopt heterogeneous criteria for measuring the proximity between peers, which hinders a coherent comparison between the different solutions. In this paper, we develop a thoroughly review of popular locality algorithms, based on three main characteristics: the adopted network architecture, distance metric, and resulting peer selection algorithm. As result of this study, we propose a novel and generic taxonomy for locality algorithms in peer-to-peer networks, aiming to enable a better and more coherent evaluation of any individual locality algorithm.
Bioethanol is a biofuel produced mainly from the fermentation of carbohydrates derived from agricultural feedstocks by the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. One of the most widely adopted strains is PE-2, a heterothallic diploid naturally adapted to the sugar cane fermentation process used in Brazil. Here we report the molecular genetic analysis of a PE-2 derived diploid (JAY270), and the complete genome sequence of a haploid derivative (JAY291). The JAY270 genome is highly heterozygous (similar to 2 SNPs/kb) and has several structural polymorphisms between homologous chromosomes. These chromosomal rearrangements are confined to the peripheral regions of the chromosomes, with breakpoints within repetitive DNA sequences. Despite its complex karyotype, this diploid, when sporulated, had a high frequency of viable spores. Hybrid diploids formed by outcrossing with the laboratory strain S288c also displayed good spore viability. Thus, the rearrangements that exist near the ends of chromosomes do not impair meiosis, as they do not span regions that contain essential genes. This observation is consistent with a model in which the peripheral regions of chromosomes represent plastic domains of the genome that are free to recombine ectopically and experiment with alternative structures. We also explored features of the JAY270 and JAY291 genomes that help explain their high adaptation to industrial environments, exhibiting desirable phenotypes such as high ethanol and cell mass production and high temperature and oxidative stress tolerance. The genomic manipulation of such strains could enable the creation of a new generation of industrial organisms, ideally suited for use as delivery vehicles for future bioenergy technologies.
“Closing the gap in curriculum development leadership” is a Carrick-funded University of Queensland project which is designed to address two related gaps in current knowledge and in existing professional development programs for academic staff. The first gap is in our knowledge of curriculum and pedagogical issues as they arise in relation to multi-year sequences of study, such as majors in generalist degrees, or core programs in more structured degrees. While there is considerable knowledge of curriculum and pedagogy at the course or individual unit of study level (e.g. Philosophy I), there is very little properly conceptualised, empirically informed knowledge about student learning (and teaching) over, say, a three-year major sequence in a traditional Arts or Sciences subject. The Carrick-funded project aims to (begin to) fill this gap through bottom-up curriculum development projects across the range of UQ’s offerings. The second gap is in our professional development programs and, indeed, in our recognition and support for the people who are in charge of such multi-year sequences of study. The major convener or program coordinator is not as well supported, in Australian and overseas professional development programs, as the lecturer in charge of a single course (or unit of study). Nor is her work likely to be taken account of in workload calculations or for the purposes of promotion and career advancement more generally. The Carrick-funded project aims to fill this gap by developing, in consultation with crucial stakeholders, amendments to existing university policies and practices. The attached documents provide a useful introduction to the project. For more information, please contact Fred D’Agostino at f.dagostino@uq.edu.au.