993 resultados para Jernström Offset


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This paper focuses on understanding the seismic response of geosynthetic reinforced retaining walls through shaking table tests on models of modular block and rigid faced reinforced retaining walls. Reduced-scale models of retaining walls reinforced with geogrid layers were constructed in a laminar box mounted on a uniaxial shaking table and subjected to various levels of sinusoidal base shaking. Models were instrumented with ultrasonic displacement sensors, earth pressure sensors and accelerometers. Effects of backfill density, number of reinforcement layers and reinforcement type on the performance of rigid faced and modular block walls were studied through different series of model tests. Performances of the walls were assessed in terms of face deformations, crest settlement and acceleration amplification at different elevations and compared. Modular block walls performed better than the rigid faced walls for the same level of base shaking because of the additional support derived by stacking the blocks with an offset. Type and quantity of reinforcement has significant effect on the seismic performance of both the types of walls. Displacements are more sensitive to relative density of the backfill and decrease with increasing relative density, the effect being more pronounced in case of unreinforced walls compared to the reinforced ones. Acceleration amplifications are not affected by the wall facing and inclusion of reinforcement. (C) 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Hydrogen, either in pure form or as a gaseous fuel mixture specie enhances the fuel conversion efficiency and reduce emissions in an internal combustion engine. This is due to the reduction in combustion duration attributed to higher laminar flame speeds. Hydrogen is also expected to increase the engine convective heat flux, attributed (directly or indirectly) to parameters like higher adiabatic flame temperature, laminar flame speed, thermal conductivity and diffusivity and lower flame quenching distance. These factors (adversely) affect the thermo-kinematic response and offset some of the benefits. The current work addresses the influence of mixture hydrogen fraction in syngas on the engine energy balance and the thermo-kinematic response for close to stoichiometric operating conditions. Four different bio-derived syngas compositions with fuel calorific value varying from 3.14 MJ/kg to 7.55 MJ/kg and air fuel mixture hydrogen fraction varying from 7.1% to 14.2% by volume are used. The analysis comprises of (a) use of chemical kinetics simulation package CHEMKIN for quantifying the thermo-physical properties (b) 0-D model for engine in-cylinder analysis and (c) in-cylinder investigations on a two-cylinder engine in open loop cooling mode for quantifying the thermo-kinematic response and engine energy balance. With lower adiabatic flame temperature for Syngas, the in-cylinder heat transfer analysis suggests that temperature has little effect in terms of increasing the heat flux. For typical engine like conditions (700 K and 25 bar at CR of 10), the laminar flame speed for syngas exceeds that of methane (55.5 cm/s) beyond mixture hydrogen fraction of 11% and is attributed to the increase in H based radicals. This leads to a reduction in the effective Lewis number and laminar flame thickness, potentially inducing flame instability and cellularity. Use of a thermodynamic model to assess the isolated influence of thermal conductivity and diffusivity on heat flux suggests an increase in the peak heat flux between 2% and 15% for the lowest (0.420 MW/m(2)) and highest (0.480 MW/m(2)) hydrogen containing syngas over methane (0.415 MW/m(2)) fueled operation. Experimental investigations indicate the engine cooling load for syngas fueled engine is higher by about 7% and 12% as compared to methane fueled operation; the losses are seen to increase with increasing mixture hydrogen fraction. Increase in the gas to electricity efficiency is observed from 18% to 24% as the mixture hydrogen fraction increases from 7.1% to 9.5%. Further increase in mixture hydrogen fraction to 14.2% results in the reduction of efficiency to 23%; argued due to the changes in the initial and terminal stages of combustion. On doubling of mixture hydrogen fraction, the flame kernel development and fast burn phase duration decrease by about 7% and 10% respectively and the terminal combustion duration, corresponding to 90%-98% mass burn, increases by about 23%. This increase in combustion duration arises from the cooling of the near wall mixture in the boundary layer attributed to the presence of hydrogen. The enhancement in engine cooling load and subsequent reduction in the brake thermal efficiency with increasing hydrogen fraction is evident from the engine energy balance along with the cumulative heat release profiles. Copyright (C) 2015, Hydrogen Energy Publications, LLC. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The collapse of the primordial gas in the density regime similar to 10(8)-10(10) cm(-3) is controlled by the three-body H-2 formation process, in which the gas can cool faster than free-fall time-a condition proposed as the chemothermal instability. We investigate how the heating and cooling rates are affected during the rapid transformation of atomic to molecular hydrogen. With a detailed study of the heating and cooling balance in a 3D simulation of Pop III collapse, we follow the chemical and thermal evolution of the primordial gas in two dark matter minihalos. The inclusion of sink particles in modified Gadget-2 smoothed particle hydrodynamics code allows us to investigate the long-term evolution of the disk that fragments into several clumps. We find that the sum of all the cooling rates is less than the total heating rate after including the contribution from the compressional heating (pdV). The increasing cooling rate during the rapid increase of the molecular fraction is offset by the unavoidable heating due to gas contraction. We conclude that fragmentation occurs because H-2 cooling, the heating due to H-2 formation and compressional heating together set a density and temperature structure in the disk that favors fragmentation, not the chemothermal instability.


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Cu2SnS3 thins films were deposited onto In2O3: Sn coated soda lime glass substrates by spin coating technique. The films have been structurally characterized using x-ray Diffraction (XRD) and Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM). The morphology of the films was studied using Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscopy (FESEM). The optical properties of the films were determined using UV-vis-NIR spectrophotometer. The electrical properties were measured using Hall effect measurements. The energy band offsets at the Cu2SnS3/In2O3: Sn interface were calculated using x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). The valence band offset was found to be -3.4 +/- 0.24 eV. From the valence band offset value, the conduction band offset is calculated to be -1.95 +/- 0.34 eV. The energy band alignment indicates a type-II misaligned heterostructure formation.


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Cu2SnS3 thins films were deposited onto In2O3: Sn coated soda lime glass substrates by spin coating technique. The films have been structurally characterized using x-ray Diffraction (XRD) and Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM). The morphology of the films was studied using Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscopy (FESEM). The optical properties of the films were determined using UV-vis-NIR spectrophotometer. The electrical properties were measured using Hall effect measurements. The energy band offsets at the Cu2SnS3/In2O3: Sn interface were calculated using x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). The valence band offset was found to be -3.4 +/- 0.24 eV. From the valence band offset value, the conduction band offset is calculated to be -1.95 +/- 0.34 eV. The energy band alignment indicates a type-II misaligned heterostructure formation.


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Two-dimensional magnetic recording 2-D (TDMR) is a promising technology for next generation magnetic storage systems based on a systems-level framework involving sophisticated signal processing at the core. The TDMR channel suffers from severe jitter noise along with electronic noise that needs to be mitigated during signal detection and recovery. Recently, we developed noise prediction-based techniques coupled with advanced signal detectors to work with these systems. However, it is important to understand the role of harmful patterns that can be avoided during the encoding process. In this paper, we investigate the Voronoi-based media model to study the harmful patterns over multitrack shingled recording systems. Through realistic quasi-micromagnetic simulation studies, we identify 2-D data patterns that contribute to high media noise. We look into the generic Voronoi model and present our analysis on multitrack detection with constrained coded data. We show that the 2-D constraints imposed on input patterns result in an order of magnitude improvement in the bit-error rate for the TDMR systems. The use of constrained codes can reduce the complexity of 2-D intersymbol interference (ISI) signal detection, since the lesser 2-D ISI span can be accommodated at the cost of a nominal code rate loss. However, a system must be designed carefully so that the rate loss incurred by a 2-D constraint does not offset the detector performance gain due to more distinguishable readback signals.


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Wildlife conservation in human-dominated landscapes requires that we understand how animals, when making habitat-use decisions, obtain diverse and dynamically occurring resources while avoiding risks, induced by both natural predators and anthropogenic threats. Little is known about the underlying processes that enable wild animals to persist in densely populated human-dominated landscapes, particularly in developing countries. In a complex, semi-arid, fragmented, human-dominated agricultural landscape, we analyzed the habitat-use of blackbuck, a large herbivore endemic to the Indian sub-continent. We hypothesized that blackbuck would show flexible habitat-use behaviour and be risk averse when resource quality in the landscape is high, and less sensitive to risk otherwise. Overall, blackbuck appeared to be strongly influenced by human activity and they offset risks by using small protected patches (similar to 3 km(2)) when they could afford to do so. Blackbuck habitat use varied dynamically corresponding with seasonally-changing levels of resources and risks, with protected habitats registering maximum use. The findings show that human activities can strongly influence and perhaps limit ungulate habitat-use and behaviour, but spatial heterogeneity in risk, particularly the presence of refuges, can allow ungulates to persist in landscapes with high human and livestock densities.


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Solar geoengineering has been proposed as a potential means to counteract anthropogenic climate change, yet it is unknown how such climate intervention might affect the Earth's climate on the millennial time scale. Here we use the HadCM3L model to conduct a 1000year sunshade geoengineering simulation in which solar irradiance is uniformly reduced by 4% to approximately offset global mean warming from an abrupt quadrupling of atmospheric CO2. During the 1000year period, modeled global climate, including temperature, hydrological cycle, and ocean circulation of the high-CO2 simulation departs substantially from that of the control preindustrial simulation, whereas the climate of the geoengineering simulation remains much closer to that of the preindustrial state with little drift. The results of our study do not support the hypothesis that nonlinearities in the climate system would cause substantial drift in the climate system if solar geoengineering was to be deployed on the timescale of a millennium.


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The Schottky barrier heights of various metals on the high permitivity oxides tantalum pentoxide, barium strontium titanate, lead zirconate titanate, and strontium bismuth tantalate have been calculated as a function of the metal work function. It is found that these oxides have a dimensionless Schottky barrier pinning factor S of 0.28-0.4 and not close to 1 because S is controlled by Ti-O-type bonds not Sr-O-type bonds, as assumed in earlier work. The band offsets on silicon are asymmetric with a much smaller offset at the conduction band, so that Ta2O5 and barium strontium titanate are relatively poor barriers to electrons on Si. © 1999 American Institute of Physics.


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Schottky barrier heights of various metals on tantalum pentoxide, barium strontium titanate, lead zirconate-titanate and strontium bismuth tantalate have been calculated as a function of metal work function. These oxides have a dimensionless Schottky barrier pinning factor, S, of 0.28 - 0.4 and not close to 1, because S is controlled by the Ti-O type bonds not Sr-O type bonds, as assumed previously. Band offsets on silicon are asymmetric with much smaller offset at the conduction band, so that Ta2O5 and barium strontium titanate (BST) are relatively poor barriers to electrons on Si.


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This work describes the deposition and characterisation of semi-insulating oxygen-doped silicon films for the development of high voltage polycrystalline silicon (poly-Si) circuitry on glass. The performance of a novel poly-Si High Voltage Thin Film Transistor (HVTFT) structure, incorporating a layer of semi-insulating material, has been investigated using a two dimensional device simulator. The semi-insulating layer increases the operating voltage of the HVTFT structure by linearising the potential distribution in the device offset region. A glass compatible semi-insulating layer, suitable for HVTFT applications, has been deposited by the Plasma Enhanced Chemical Vapour Deposition (PECVD) technique from silane (SiH4), nitrous oxide (N2O) and helium (He) gas mixtures. The as-deposited films are furnace annealed at 600°C which is the maximum process temperature. By varying the N2O/SiH4 ratio the conductivity of the annealed films can be accurately controlled up to a maximum of around 10-7 Ω-1cm-1. Helium dilution of the reactant gases improves both film uniformity and reproducibility. Raman analysis shows the as-deposited and annealed films to be completely amorphous. A model for the microstructure of these Semi-Insulating Amorphous Oxygen-Doped Silicon (SIAOS) films is proposed to explain the observed physical and electrical properties.


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A 2-D Hermite-Gaussian square launch is demonstrated to show improved systems capacity over multimode fiber links. It shows a bandwidth improvement over both center and offset launches and exhibits ±5 μm misalignment tolerance. © 2011 Optical Society of America.


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Resumen: El hecho de seleccionar a los plásticos dentro de nuestro proyecto es porque son en particular, partes abundantes y visibles en la composición de los residuos generados en nuestra sede UCA Campus Rosario. Razonamos que son varias las áreas que los producen en forma cotidiana o de modo transitorio (como es el caso de eventos), a las que podemos sumar un accionar ambientalmente responsable. Ello nos impone la responsabilidad de proponer algún modo de re-utilizarlos en el diseño de ciertos elemento que los integre como materia prima, material de aporte, insumo o material auxiliar, con un amplio campo de posibilidades como es en la construcción, a partir de una mirada desde la ingeniería ambiental. La metodología de trabajo que desarrollamos implica inspeccionar la materia prima con la cual se va a trabajar, a los fines de conocerla fehacientemente, así como internalizar la posible combinación entre los distintos tipos de plásticos de acuerdo a su composición y su respuesta en la integración con otros materiales de uso tradicional, de acuerdo a experiencias reconocidas Desde una mirada lineal la educación sola no alcanza, como tampoco la tecnología ni las medidas parciales son suficientes para aliviar este tremendo desequilibrio que venimos heredando. Ante estos hechos es perentorio comprender la complejidad, actuar desde allí descubriendo la conexión invisible entre el ser humano y el medio, y los seres humanos entre sí. Debido a ello entendemos que para restaurar el medio ambiente en principio hay que comenzar por restaurar los vínculos y los ciclos que los contienen, esto implica re-ciclar.


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Published as an article in: Topics in Macroeconomics, 2005, vol. 5, issue 1, article 17.


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Research on moral cleansing and moral self-licensing has introduced dynamic considerations in the theory of moral behavior. Past bad actions trigger negative feelings that make people more likely to engage in future moral behavior to offset them. Symmetrically, past good deeds favor a positive self-perception that creates licensing effects, leading people to engage in behavior that is less likely to be moral. In short, a deviation from a “normal state of being” is balanced with a subsequent action that compensates the prior behavior. We model the decision of an individual trying to reach the optimal level of moral self-worth over time and show that under certain conditions the optimal sequence of actions follows a regular pattern which combines good and bad actions. We conduct an economic experiment where subjects play a sequence of giving decisions (dictator games) to explore this phenomenon. We find that donation in the previous period affects present decisions and the sign is negative: participants’ behavior in every round is negatively correlated to what they did in the past. Hence donations over time seem to be the result of a regular pattern of self-regulation: moral licensing (being selfish after altruist) and cleansing (altruistic after selfish).