961 resultados para Iron Transport-system


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PLACENTAL URIC ACID TRANSPORTER GLUT9 IS MODULATED BY FREE IODINE Objectives: Materno-fetal transplacental transport is crucial for the fetal well-being. The altered expression of placental transport proteins under specific pathophysiological conditions may affect the intrauterine environment. Pre-eclampsia is often associated with high maternal uric acid serum levels. The regulation of the placental uric transport system and its transporter glucose transporter (GLUT)-9 are not fully understood yet. The aim of this study was to investigate the placental urate transport and to characterize its transporter GLUT9. Methods: In this study we used a transepithelial transport (Transwell®) model to assess uric acid transport activity. Electrophysiological techniques and radioactive ligand up-take assays were used to measure transport activity of GLUT9 expressed in Xenopus oocytes. Results: In the Transwell/model uric acid is transported across the BeWo choriocarcinoma cell monolayer with 530 pmol/min at the linear stage. We could successfully over-express GLUT9 using the Xenopus laevis oocytes expression system. Chloride modulates the urate transport system: interestingly replacing chloride with iodine resulted in a complete loss of urate transport activity.We determined the IC50 of iodine at 30uM concentration. In radioactive up-take experiments iodinehad noeffect on uric acid transport. Conclusions: In vitro the “materno-fetal” transport of uric acid is slow. This indicates that in vivo the child is protected from short-term fluctuations of maternal uric acid serum concentrations. The different results regarding iodine-mediated regulation of GLUT9 transport activity between electrophysiological and radioactive ligand uptake experiments may suggest that iodine does not directly inhibit uric acid transport, but changes the mode of up-take from an electrogenic to an electroneutral transport. GLUT9 is not an uric acid uniporter, there are more ions involved in the transport. This may allow regulating uric acid transport by the change from an active to a passive transport.


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PLACENTAL GLUCOSE TRANSPORTER (GLUT)-1 REGULATION IN PREECLAMPSIA Camilla Marini a,b, Benjamin P. Lüscher a,b, Marianne J€orger-Messerli a,b, Ruth Sager a,b, Xiao Huang c, Jürg Gertsch c, Matthias A. Hediger c, Christiane Albrecht c, Marc U. Baumann a,c, Daniel V. Surbek a,c a Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, University Hospital of Bern, Bern, Switzerland, Switzerland; b Department of Clinical Research, University of Bern, Bern, Switzerland, Switzerland; c Institute for Biochemistry and Molecular Medicine, University of Bern, Bern, Switzerland, Switzerland Objectives: Glucose is a primary energy source for the fetus. The absence of significant gluconeogenesis in the fetus means that the fetal up-take of this vital nutrient is dependent on maternal supply and subsequent transplacental transport. Altered expression and/or function of placental transporters may affect the intrauterine environment and could compromise fetal and mother well-being. We speculated that pre-eclampsia (PE) impairs the placental glucose transport system. Methods: Placentae were obtained after elective caesarean sections following normal pregnancies and pre-eclamptic pregnancies. Syncytial basal membrane (BM) and apical microvillus membrane (MVM) fractions were prepared using differential ultra-centrifugation and magnesium precipitation. Protein expression was assessed by western blot analysis. mRNA levels in whole villous tissue lysate were quantified by real-time PCR. To assess glucose transport activity a radiolabeled substrate up-take assay and a transepithelial transport model using primary cytotrophoblasts were established. Results: GLUT1 mRNA expression was not changed in PE when compared to control, whereas protein expression was significantly down-regulated. Glucose up-take into syncytial microvesicles was reduced in PE compared to control. In a transepithelial transport model, phloretinmediated inhibition of GLUT1 at the apical side of primary cytotrophoblasts showed a 44% of reduction of transepithelial glucose transport at IC50. Conclusions: GLUT1 is down-regulated on protein and functional level in PE compared to control. Altering glucose transport activity by inhibition of apical GLUT-1 indicates that transplacental glucose transport might be regulated on the apical side of the syncytiotrophoblast. These results might help to understand better the regulation of GLUT1 transporter and maybe in future to develop preventive strategies to modulate the fetal programming and thereby reduce the incidence of disease for both the mother and her child later in life.


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Placental Glucose Transporter (GLUT1) Expression in Pre- Eclampsia. INTRODUCTION: Glucose is the most important substrate for fetal growth. Indeed, there is no significant de novo glucose synthesis in the fetus and the fetal up-take of glucose rely on maternal supply and transplacental transport. Therefore, a defective placental transporter system may affect the intrauterine environment compromising fetal as well as mother well-being. On this line, we speculated that the placental glucose transport system could be impaired in pre-eclampsia (PE). METHODS: Placentae were obtained after elective caesarean sections following normal pregnancies and pre-eclamptic pregnancies. Syncytial basal membrane (BM) and apical microvillus membrane (MVM) fractions were prepared using differential ultra-centrifugation and magnesium precipitation. Protein expression was assessed by western blot. mRNA levels were quantified by quantitative real-time PCR. A radiolabeled substrate up-take assay was established to assess glucose transport activity. FACS analysis was performed to check the shape of MVM. Statistical analysis was performed using one way ANOVA test. RESULTS: GLUT1 protein levels were down-regulated (70%; P<0.01) in pre-eclamptic placentae when compared to control placentae. This data is in line with the reduced glucose up-take in MVM prepared from preeclamptic placentae. Of note, the mRNA levels of GLUT1 did not change between placentae affected by PE and normal placentae, suggesting that the levels of GLUT1 are post-transcriptionally regulated. FACS analysis on MVM vesicles from both normal placentae and pre-eclamptic placentae showed equal heterogeneity in the complexes formed. This excluded the possibility that the altered glucose up-take observed in pre-eclamptic MVM was caused by a different shape of these vesicles. CONCLUSIONS: Protein and functional studies of GLUT1 in MVM suggest that in pre-eclampsia the glucose transport between mother and fetus might be defective. To further investigate this important biological aspect we will increase the number of samples obtained from patients and use primary cells to study trans epithelial transport system in vitro.


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O Sistema Integrado de Transporte Coletivo do município de Macaé – RJ tem sido alvo de diversas críticas atualmente e reflete a dificuldade dos gestores urbanos em acompanhar as rápidas transformações da “capital nacional do petróleo", levantando a necessidade de métodos de diagnósticos eficientes em sistemas de transporte de passageiros. Desta forma, o objetivo do trabalho é diagnosticar o sistema de transporte público de Macaé - RJ e analisar o uso de Sistema de Informação Geográfica, tendo em vista a eficiência do diagnóstico. A metodologia se baseia em dados operacionais do sistema de transporte, confecção de mapas e análises espaciais com uso do software Transcad 4.5 Full. Os resultados apontam dificuldades estruturais no sistema como, por exemplo, a localização indevida de 2 Terminais, a sobrecarga de linhas alimentadoras com necessidade demasiada de transbordo, a falta de atendimento direto de importantes linhas de desejo, a desestabilidade na operação, etc. A utilização do SIG demonstrou expressivo ganho de tempo na gestão e análise de informações de forma integrada, devendo-se ponderar, em alguns casos, o método de mapeamento e a relação tempo de trabalho x ganho de conhecimento, assim como a necessidade de integração com informações operacionais do sistema de transporte.