907 resultados para Invasive breast cancer
Purpose: Heterogeneous results of single studies with photodynamic diagnosis (PDD) in bladder cancer have been reported. A metaanalysis of prospective studies has now been performed. Material and Methods: The effect of PDD in addition to WLC on a) the diagnosis and b) the therapeutic outcome of primary or recurrent non-muscle invasive bladder cancer (NMIBC) investigated by cystoscopy or transurethral resection was analysed. An electronic database search was performed. Trials were included if they prospectively compared WLC with PDD in bladder cancer. Primary endpoints were additional detection rate, residual tumour at second resection and recurrence-free survival. Results: Significantly more tumour-positive patients were detected with PDD in all patients with non-muscle invasive tumours (= 20%) [95% confidence interval (CI): 8 to 35%] and in CIS patients (= 39%) (CI: 23 to 57%). Residual tumour was significantly less often found after PDD (odds ratio 0.28, CI: 0.15 to 0.52, p<0.0001). Recurrence-free survival was significantly higher at 12 and 24months in the PDD groups than in WLC only groups. Conclusions: More bladder tumour-positive patients are detected by PDD. Best results were found in CIS patients. Diagnosis with PDD results in a more complete resection and a longer recurrence-free survival.
CONTEXT: Controversy exists regarding the therapeutic benefit and cost effectiveness of photodynamic diagnosis (PDD) with 5-aminolevulinic acid (5-ALA) or hexyl aminolevulinate (HAL) in addition to white-light cystoscopy (WLC) in the management of non-muscle-invasive bladder cancer (NMIBC). OBJECTIVE: To systematically evaluate evidence regarding the therapeutic benefits and economic considerations of PDD in NMIBC detection and treatment. EVIDENCE ACQUISITION: We performed a critical review of PubMed/Medline, Embase, and the Cochrane Library in October 2012 according to the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Review and Meta-analysis (PRISMA) statement. Identified reports were reviewed according to the Consolidated Standards of Reporting Trials (CONSORT) and Standards for the Reporting of Diagnostic Accuracy Studies (STARD) criteria. Forty-four publications were selected for inclusion in this analysis. EVIDENCE SYNTHESIS: Included reports used 5-ALA (in 26 studies), HAL (15 studies), or both (three studies) as photosensitising agents. PDD increased the detection of both papillary tumours (by 7-29%) and flat carcinoma in situ (CIS; by 25-30%) and reduced the rate of residual tumours after transurethral resection of bladder tumour (TURBT; by an average of 20%) compared to WLC alone. Superior recurrence-free survival (RFS) rates and prolonged RFS intervals were reported for PDD, compared to WLC in most studies. PDD did not appear to reduce disease progression. Our findings are limited by tumour heterogeneity and a lack of NMIBC risk stratification in many reports or adjustment for intravesical therapy use in most studies. Although cost effectiveness has been demonstrated for 5-ALA, it has not been studied for HAL. CONCLUSIONS: Moderately strong evidence exists that PDD improves tumour detection and reduces residual disease after TURBT compared with WLC. This has been shown to improve RFS but not progression to more advanced disease. Further work to evaluate cost effectiveness of PDD is required.
BACKGROUND: Low p27 and high Skp2 immunoreactivity are associated with a poor prognosis and other poor prognostic features including resistant phenotypes and antiestrogen drug resistance. We investigated these proteins in two International Breast Cancer Study Group trials studying node-negative early breast cancer. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Trial VIII compared chemotherapy followed by goserelin with either modality alone in premenopausal patients. Trial IX compared chemotherapy followed by tamoxifen with tamoxifen alone in postmenopausal patients. Central Pathology Office assessed p27 and Skp2 expression in the primary tumor by immunohistochemistry among 1631 (60%) trial patients. RESULTS: p27 and Skp2 were inversely related; 13% of tumors expressed low p27 and high Skp2. Low p27 and high Skp2 were associated with unfavorable prognostic factors including larger size and higher grade tumors, absence of estrogen receptor and progesterone receptor, human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 overexpression and high Ki-67 (each P < 0.05). Low p27 and high Skp2 were not associated with disease-free survival (P = 0.42 and P = 0.48, respectively). The relative effects of chemo-endocrine versus endocrine therapy were similar regardless of p27 or Skp2. CONCLUSIONS: We confirm the association of low p27 and high Skp2 with other poor prognostic features, but found no predictive or prognostic value, and therefore do not recommend routine determination of p27 and Skp2 for node-negative breast cancer.
Full-term pregnancies are associated with long-term reductions in maternal risk of breast cancer, but the biological determinants of the protection are unknown. Experimental observations suggest that human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG), a major hormone of pregnancy, could play a role in this association. A case-control study (242 cases and 450 controls) nested within the Northern Sweden Maternity Cohort included women who had donated a blood sample during the first trimester of a first full-term pregnancy. Total hCG was determined on Immulite 2000 analyzer. Odds ratios (OR) and 95% confidence intervals (CI) were estimated through conditional logistic regression. Maternal breast cancer risk decreased with increasing hCG (upper tertile OR, 0.67; CI, 0.46-0.99), especially for pregnancies before age 25 (upper tertile OR, 0.41; CI, 0.21-0.80). The association diverged according to age at diagnosis: risk was reduced after age 40 (upper tertile OR, 0.60; CI, 0.39-0.91) and seemed to increase before age 40 (upper tertile OR, 1.78; CI, 0.72-4.38). Risk was reduced among those diagnosed 10 years or longer after blood draw (upper tertile OR, 0.60; CI, 0.40-0.90), but not so among those diagnosed within 10 years (upper tertile OR, 4.33; CI, 0.86-21.7). These observations suggest that the association between pregnancy hCG and subsequent maternal risk of breast cancer is modified by age at diagnosis. Although the hormone seems to be a determinant of the reduced risk around or after age 50, it might not confer protection against, or it could even increase the risk of, cancers diagnosed in the years immediately following pregnancy.
BACKGROUND: We investigated whether the free β-human chorionic gonadotropin (free β-hCG) would provide additional information to that provided by total hCG alone and thus be useful in future epidemiological studies relating hCG to maternal breast cancer risk. MATERIALS & METHODS: Cases (n = 159) and controls (n = 286) were a subset of our previous study within the Northern Sweden Maternity Cohort on total hCG during primiparous pregnancy and breast cancer risk. RESULTS: The associations between total hCG (hazard ratio: 0.79; 95% CI: 0.49-1.27), free β-hCG (hazard ratio: 0.85; 95% CI: 0.33-2.18) and maternal risk of breast cancer were very similar in all analyses and mutual adjustment for either one had minor effects on the risk estimates. CONCLUSION: In the absence of a reliable assay on intact hCG, total hCG alone can be used in epidemiological studies investigating hCG and breast cancer risk, as free β-hCG does not appear to provide any additional information.
PURPOSE: Recently, a 76-gene prognostic signature able to predict distant metastases in lymph node-negative (N(-)) breast cancer patients was reported. The aims of this study conducted by TRANSBIG were to independently validate these results and to compare the outcome with clinical risk assessment. EXPERIMENTAL DESIGN: Gene expression profiling of frozen samples from 198 N(-) systemically untreated patients was done at the Bordet Institute, blinded to clinical data and independent of Veridex. Genomic risk was defined by Veridex, blinded to clinical data. Survival analyses, done by an independent statistician, were done with the genomic risk and adjusted for the clinical risk, defined by Adjuvant! Online. RESULTS: The actual 5- and 10-year time to distant metastasis were 98% (88-100%) and 94% (83-98%), respectively, for the good profile group and 76% (68-82%) and 73% (65-79%), respectively, for the poor profile group. The actual 5- and 10-year overall survival were 98% (88-100%) and 87% (73-94%), respectively, for the good profile group and 84% (77-89%) and 72% (63-78%), respectively, for the poor profile group. We observed a strong time dependence of this signature, leading to an adjusted hazard ratio of 13.58 (1.85-99.63) and 8.20 (1.10-60.90) at 5 years and 5.11 (1.57-16.67) and 2.55 (1.07-6.10) at 10 years for time to distant metastasis and overall survival, respectively. CONCLUSION: This independent validation confirmed the performance of the 76-gene signature and adds to the growing evidence that gene expression signatures are of clinical relevance, especially for identifying patients at high risk of early distant metastases.
L'hormonoradiothérapie concomitante est utilisée depuis plusieurs années en pratique clinique quotidienne dans les cancers localement évolués de la prostate. Le transfert de ce concept en pathologie mammaire a été très peu rapporté dans la littérature, mais semble pourtant licite devant l'hormonodépendance fréquente des cancers du sein et la synergie potentielle de ces deux armes thérapeutiques. En situation adjuvante, deux stratégies sont actuellement utilisées : la prescription d'un inhibiteur de l'aromatase d'emblée ou après un délai plus ou moins long de tamoxifène. En pratique, ces molécules peuvent donc interagir avec la radiothérapie adjuvante. Les études rétrospectives récemment publiées n'ont pas mis en évidence de différence significative sur l'incidence des évènements, notamment locorégionaux, de l'association concomitante ou séquentielle du tamoxifène à la radiothérapie. La toxicité de l'association reste discutable en termes de fibroses sous-cutanée et pulmonaire. Il semble que le tamoxifène aggraverait les séquelles postradiques uniquement chez les patientes prédisposées à souffrir d'effets tardifs de la radiothérapie et identifiées par un test prédictif biologique. La prudence reste donc encore de mise du moins pour ces patientes. Cet article détaille les avantages et les risques de l'utilisation concomitante de la radiothérapie et de l'hormonothérapie adjuvantes des cancers localisés du sein. Combined radiation and hormone therapies have become common clinical practice in recent years for locally-advanced prostate cancers. The use of such concomitant therapy in the treatment of breast disease has been infrequently reported in the literature, but seems justified given the common hormonal dependence of breast cancer and the potential synergistic effect of these two treatment modalities. As adjuvant therapy, two strategies are used in daily clinical practice: upfront aromatase inhibitors or sequentially after a variable delay of tamoxifen. These molecules may, thus, interact with radiotherapy. Retrospectives studies recently published did not show any differences in terms of locoregional recurrences between concurrent or sequential radiohormonotherapy. Lung and skin fibroses due to concurrent treatment are still under debate. Nevertheless, late side effects appeared to be increased by such a treatment, particularly in hypersensitive patients identified at risk by the lymphocyte predictive test. Concurrent radiohormonotherapy should, thus, be delivered cautiously at least for these patients. This article details the potent advantages and risks of concurrent use of adjuvant hormonotherapy and radiotherapy in localized breast cancers.
We updated trends in breast cancer mortality in Europe up to the late 2000's. In the EU, age-adjusted (world standard population) breast cancer mortality rates declined by 6.9% between 2002 and 2006, from 17.9 to 16.7/100,000. The largest falls were in northern European countries, but more recent declines were also observed in central and eastern Europe. In 2007, all major European countries had overall breast cancer rates between 15 and 19/100,000. In relative terms, the declines in mortality were larger at younger age (-11.6% at age 20-49 years between 2002 and 2007 in the EU), and became smaller with advancing age (-6.6% at age 50-69, -5.0% at age 70-79 years). The present report confirms and further quantifies the persisting steady fall in breast cancer mortality in Europe over the last 25-30 years, which is mainly due to advancements in the therapy.
To compare the efficacy of chemoendocrine treatment with that of endocrine treatment (ET) alone for postmenopausal women with highly endocrine responsive breast cancer. In the International Breast Cancer Study Group (IBCSG) Trials VII and 12-93, postmenopausal women with node-positive, estrogen receptor (ER)-positive or ER-negative, operable breast cancer were randomized to receive either chemotherapy or endocrine therapy or combined chemoendocrine treatment. Results were analyzed overall in the cohort of 893 patients with endocrine-responsive disease, and according to prospectively defined categories of ER, age and nodal status. STEPP analyses assessed chemotherapy effect. The median follow-up was 13 years. Adding chemotherapy reduced the relative risk of a disease-free survival event by 19% (P = 0.02) compared with ET alone. STEPP analyses showed little effect of chemotherapy for tumors with high levels of ER expression (P = 0.07), or for the cohort with one positive node (P = 0.03). Chemotherapy significantly improves disease-free survival for postmenopausal women with endocrine-responsive breast cancer, but the magnitude of the effect is substantially attenuated if ER levels are high.
Goals: Adjuvant chemotherapy decisions in breast cancer are increasing based on the pathologist's assessment of the proliferation fraction in the tumor. Yet, how good and how reproducible are we pathologists at providing reliable Ki-67 readings on breast carcinomas. Exactly how to count and in which areas to count within a tumor remains inadequately standardized. The Swiss Working Group of Gyneco- and Breast Pathologists has tried to appreciate this dilemma and to propose ways to obtain more reproducible results.Methods: In a first phase, 5 pathologists evaluated Ki67 counts in 10 breast cancers by exact counting (500 cells) and by eyeballing. Pathologists were free to select the region in which Ki67 was evaluated. In a second phase 16 pathologists evaluated Ki-67 counts in 3 breast cancers also by exact counting and eyeballing, but in predefined fields of interest. In both phases, Ki67 was assessed in centrally immunostained slides (ZH) and on slides immunostained in the 11 participating laboratories. In a third phase, these same 16 pathologists were once again asked to read the 3 cases from phase 2, plus three new cases, and this time exact guidelines were provided as to what exactly is considered a Ki-67 positive nucleus.Results: Discordance of Ki67 assessment was due to each of the following 4 factors: (i) pathologists' divergent definitions of what counts as a positive nucleus (ii) the mode of assessment (counting vs. eyeballing), (iii) immunostaining technique/protocol/antibody, and (iv) the selection of the area in which to count.Conclusion: Providing guidelines as to where to count (representative field in the tumor periphery and omitting hot spots) and what nuclei to count (even faintly immunostained nuclei count as positive) reduces the discordance rates of Ki67 readings between pathologists. Laboratory technique is only of minor importance (even over a large antibody dilution range), and counting nuclei does not improve accuracy, but rather aggravates deviations from the group mean values.Disclosure of Interest: None Declared
Apart from therapeutic advances related to new treatments, our practices in the management of early breast cancer have been modified by to key organizational settings (1) mass screening, substantially altering the presentation and epidemiology of breast cancer and (2) the development of guidelines to ensure that any patient management is in agreement with the demonstrated impact in the adjuvant treatment. In daily practice, the impact of screening and guidelines recommendations has put us now in a paradoxical situation: while the majority of non-metastatic breast cancers treated in the hexagon are node negative, most of the results of clinical studies on chemotherapy and targeted therapies today arise from populations predominantly node positive. Therefore, it seemed legitimate to convene a working group around a reflection on the directions of adjuvant chemotherapy in a growing node negative population in order to better respond to the questions of the field oncologists, trying to address the discrepancies between different existing guidelines.
For several years now, substantial efforts have been devoted to the development and the implementation of a screening program for breast cancer in the Canton of Vaud. A four-year pilot phase is now starting, involving two regional hospitals with their catchment areas; women over 50 and under 70 years old will be invited to participate in the program. A double view mammography will be made, with a double reading made by the hospital radiologists; a third reading will be made in case of discrepancy between the two first radiologists. Patients classified as positive for screening (e.g., with a suspect radiological image) will be referred to their practitioner for further diagnosis and treatment. The medical and public health background of this program is discussed, more specifically the reasons for developing a screening program, the choice of mammography rather than other tools, and the need to implement screening as an organized program.