918 resultados para Insects as carriers of plant disease


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BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: Most of the neuropathological studies in brain aging were based on the assumption of a symmetrical right-left hemisphere distribution of both Alzheimer disease and vascular pathology. To explore the impact of asymmetrical lesion formation on cognition, we performed a clinicopathological analysis of 153 cases with mixed pathology except macroinfarcts. METHODS: Cognitive status was assessed prospectively using the Clinical Dementia Rating scale; neuropathological evaluation included assessment of Braak neurofibrillary tangle and Ass deposition staging, microvascular pathology, and lacunes. The right-left hemisphere differences in neuropathological scores were evaluated using the Wilcoxon signed rank test. The relationship between the interhemispheric distribution of lesions and Clinical Dementia Rating scores was assessed using ordered logistic regression. RESULTS: Unlike Braak neurofibrillary tangle and Ass deposition staging, vascular scores were significantly higher in the left hemisphere for all Clinical Dementia Rating scores. A negative relationship was found between Braak neurofibrillary tangle, but not Ass staging, and vascular scores in cases with moderate to severe dementia. In both hemispheres, Braak neurofibrillary tangle staging was the main determinant of cognitive decline followed by vascular scores and Ass deposition staging. The concomitant predominance of Alzheimer disease and vascular pathology in the right hemisphere was associated with significantly higher Clinical Dementia Rating scores. CONCLUSIONS: Our data show that the cognitive impact of Alzheimer disease and vascular lesions in mixed cases may be assessed unilaterally without major information loss. However, interhemispheric differences and, in particular, increased vascular and Alzheimer disease burden in the right hemisphere may increase the risk for dementia in this group.


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HIV-positive adolescents face a number of challenges in dealing with their disease and its treatment. In this qualitative study, twenty-nine HIV-positive adolescents aged 13 to 20 years (22 girls), who live in Switzerland, were asked, in a semi-structured interview (duration of 40-110 minutes), to describe their perceptions and experiences with the disease itself and with therapeutic adherence. While younger adolescents most often thought of their disease as fate, older adolescents usually knew that they had received it through vertical transmission, although the topic appeared to be particularly difficult to discuss for those living with their HIV-positive mothers. Based on their attending physician's assessment, 18 subjects were judged highly adherent, 4 fairly and 7 poorly adherent. High adherence appeared linked with adequate psychological adjustment and effective coping mechanisms, as well as with the discussion and adoption of explicit medication-taking strategies. The setting and organisation of health care teams should allow for ongoing discussions with HIV-positive adolescents that focus on their perceptions of their disease, how they cope with it and with the treatment, and how they could improve their adherence.


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COD discharges out of processes have increased in line with elevating brightness demands for mechanical pulp and papers. The share of lignin-like substances in COD discharges is on average 75%. In this thesis, a plant dynamic model was created and validated as a means to predict COD loading and discharges out of a mill. The assays were carried out in one paper mill integrate producing mechanical printing papers. The objective in the modeling of plant dynamics was to predict day averages of COD load and discharges out of mills. This means that online data, like 1) the level of large storage towers of pulp and white water 2) pulp dosages, 3) production rates and 4) internal white water flows and discharges were used to create transients into the balances of solids and white water, referred to as “plant dynamics”. A conversion coefficient was verified between TOC and COD. The conversion coefficient was used for predicting the flows from TOC to COD to the waste water treatment plant. The COD load was modeled with similar uncertainty as in reference TOC sampling. The water balance of waste water treatment was validated by the reference concentration of COD. The difference of COD predictions against references was within the same deviation of TOC-predictions. The modeled yield losses and retention values of TOC in pulping and bleaching processes and the modeled fixing of colloidal TOC to solids between the pulping plant and the aeration basin in the waste water treatment plant were similar to references presented in literature. The valid water balances of the waste water treatment plant and the reduction model of lignin-like substances produced a valid prediction of COD discharges out of the mill. A 30% increase in the release of lignin-like substances in the form of production problems was observed in pulping and bleaching processes. The same increase was observed in COD discharges out of waste water treatment. In the prediction of annual COD discharge, it was noticed that the reduction of lignin has a wide deviation from year to year and from one mill to another. This made it difficult to compare the parameters of COD discharges validated in plant dynamic simulation with another mill producing mechanical printing papers. However, a trend of moving from unbleached towards high-brightness TMP in COD discharges was valid.


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Introduction: La démence peut être causée par la maladie d’Alzheimer (MA), la maladie cérébrovasculaire (MCEREV), ou une combinaison des deux. Lorsque la maladie cérébrovasculaire est associée à la démence, les chances de survie sont considérées réduites. Il reste à démontrer si le traitement avec des inhibiteurs de la cholinestérase (ChEIs), qui améliore les symptômes cognitifs et la fonction globale chez les patients atteints de la MA, agit aussi sur les formes vasculaires de démence. Objectifs: La présente étude a été conçue pour déterminer si la coexistence d’une MCEREV était associée avec les chances de survie ou la durée de la période jusqu’au placement en hebergement chez les patients atteints de la MA et traités avec des ChEIs. Des études montrant de moins bons résultats chez les patients souffrant de MCEREV que chez ceux n’en souffrant pas pourrait militer contre l’utilisation des ChEIs chez les patients atteints à la fois de la MA et la MCEREV. L'objectif d'une seconde analyse était d'évaluer pour la première fois chez les patients atteints de la MA l'impact potentiel du biais de « temps-immortel » (et de suivi) sur ces résultats (mort ou placement en hebergement). Méthodes: Une étude de cohorte rétrospective a été conduite en utilisant les bases de données de la Régie de l’Assurance Maladie du Québec (RAMQ) pour examiner la durée de la période jusqu’au placement en hebergement ou jusqu’au v décès des patients atteints de la MA, âgés de 66 ans et plus, avec ou sans MCEREV, et traités avec des ChEIs entre le 1er Juillet 2000 et le 30 Juin 2003. Puisque les ChEIs sont uniquement indiquées pour la MA au Canada, chaque prescription de ChEIs a été considérée comme un diagnostic de la MA. La MCEREV concomitante a été identifié sur la base d'un diagnostic à vie d’un accident vasculaire cérébral (AVC) ou d’une endartériectomie, ou d’un diagnostic d'un accident ischémique transitoire au cours des six mois précédant la date d’entrée. Des analyses séparées ont été conduites pour les patients utilisant les ChEIs de façon persistante et pour ceux ayant interrompu la thérapie. Sept modèles de régression à risque proportionnel de Cox qui ont varié par rapport à la définition de la date d’entrée (début du suivi) et à la durée du suivi ont été utilisés pour évaluer l'impact du biais de temps-immortel. Résultats: 4,428 patients ont répondu aux critères d’inclusion pour la MA avec MCEREV; le groupe de patients souffrant seulement de la MA comptait 13,512 individus. Pour le critère d’évaluation composite considérant la durée de la période jusqu’au placement en hebergement ou jusqu’au décès, les taux de survie à 1,000 jours étaient plus faibles parmi les patients atteints de la MA avec MCEREV que parmi ceux atteints seulement de la MA (p<0.01), mais les différences absolues étaient très faibles (84% vs. 86% pour l’utilisation continue de ChEIs ; 77% vs. 78% pour la thérapie avec ChEIs interrompue). Pour les critères d’évaluation secondaires, la période jusqu’au décès était plus courte chez les patients avec la MCEREV que sans la MCEREV, mais la période jusqu’au vi placement en hebergement n’était pas différente entre les deux groupes. Dans l'analyse primaire (non-biaisée), aucune association a été trouvée entre le type de ChEI et la mort ou le placement en maison d'hébergement. Cependant, après l'introduction du biais de temps-immortel, on a observé un fort effet différentiel. Limitations: Les résultats peuvent avoir été affectés par le biais de sélection (classification impropre), par les différences entre les groupes en termes de consommation de tabac et d’indice de masse corporelle (ces informations n’étaient pas disponibles dans les bases de données de la RAMQ) et de durée de la thérapie avec les ChEIs. Conclusions: Les associations entre la coexistence d’une MCEREV et la durée de la période jusqu’au placement en hebergement ou au décès apparaissent peu pertinentes cliniquement parmi les patients atteints de la MA traités avec des ChEIs. L’absence de différence entre les patients atteints de la MA souffrant ou non de la MCEREV suggère que la coexistence d’une MCEREV ne devrait pas être une raison de refuser aux patients atteints de la MA l’accès au traitement avec des ChEIs. Le calcul des « personne-temps » non exposés dans l'analyse élimine les estimations biaisées de l'efficacité des médicaments.


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Mémoire numérisé par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal


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La maladie de Crohn (MC) pédiatrique a des conséquences majeures sur la qualité de vie des patients atteints (troubles de croissance, absentéisme scolaire, etc). L’étiologie de la MC est inconnue. La théorie de l’hygiène (TH) stipule que les conditions de vie sanitaires des pays industrialisés préviennent l’exposition antigénique et empêchent le développement de la tolérance immunitaire chez les enfants. Ceci mènerait à une réaction excessive du système immunitaire lors d’expositions subséquentes et engendrerait le développement de maladies inflammatoires chroniques telles la MC. Objectif: Analyser l’association entre la fréquence, la temporalité et le type d’infections infantiles (indicateurs d’environnements pourvus d’antigènes) et le risque de MC pédiatrique. Une étude cas-témoin fût réalisée, les cas de MC provenant d’un centre hospitalier tertiaire montréalais. Les témoins, provenant des registres de la Régie d’assurance maladie du Québec (RAMQ), furent appariés aux cas selon leur âge, sexe et lieu de résidence. L’exposition aux infections fût déterminée grâce aux codes de diagnostic ICD-9 inscrits dans la base de données de la RAMQ. Un modèle de régression logistique conditionnelle fût construit afin d’analyser l’association entre infections et MC. Des ratios de cotes (RC) et intervalles de confiance à 95% (IC 95%) furent calculés. Résultats: 409 cas et 1621 témoins furent recrutés. Les résultats de l’analyse suggèrent un effet protecteur des infections infantiles sur le risque de MC (RC: 0,67 [IC: 0,48-0,93], p=0,018), plus particulièrement au cours des 5 premières années de vie (RC: 0.74 [IC: 0,57-0,96], p=0,025). Les infections rénales et urinaires, ainsi que les infections des voies orales et du système nerveux central (virale), semblent particulièrement associées à l’effet protecteur. Les résultats de l’étude appuient la théorie de l’hygiène: l’exposition aux infections infantiles pourrait réduire le risque de MC pédiatrique.


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L’hypercholestérolémie familiale (FH) est un désordre lipidique associé aux maladies cardiovasculaires les plus fréquentes. La FH est causée par des mutations dans les gènes LDLR, APOB et PCSK9. Toutefois, chez 20% des patients souffrant de FH, aucune mutation dans ces gènes n'a été détectée et ceci suggère que d’autres gènes seraient à l’origine de la FH. Actuellement, le seul traitement de la FH est une thérapie aux statines. En général les statines sont bien tolérées, cependant, une monothérapie ne permet pas d’atteindre des niveaux thérapeutiques acceptables et dans bien des cas, une thérapie combinée devient nécessaire. De plus, l’intolérance aux statines est présente dans environ 12% des patients. Dans les trois dernières décennies, la survie des patients avec la FH a augmentée de façon notoire mais on observe aussi l’apparition d’une calcification vasculaire sévère chez certains d’entre eux. Il est donc primordial de développer des nouvelles approches thérapeutiques afin de prévenir ces complications tardives. Dans cette thèse doctorat, nous présentons l’étude d’une famille avec un phénotype de FH sévère non causé par des mutations dans les gènes LDLR, APOB et PCSK9. Par des études biochimiques et par séquençage d’ADN utilisant les technologies de nouvelle génération (NextGenSeq), nous avons découvert une mutation dans le gène de l’APOE (Leu167del). Ceci nous permet de proposer le gène codant pour l’APOE comme le 4e locus responsable de la FH (FH4). Par la suite, nous avons effectué deux études de cohortes chez les patients atteints de FH. Premièrement, dans l’étude JUPITER, nous avons démontré que la rosuvastatin augmente les niveaux sanguins de la protéine PCSK9 et ceci limiterait l’efficacité du traitement aux statines. Nous avons aussi étudié l’influence du mutant naturel R46L (perte de fonction de la PCSK9) dans la réponse aux statines. Deuxièmement, nous avons examiné les effets de la perte de fonction de la PCSK9 sur le profil cardiométabolique au sein d’une population pédiatrique. Nous avons déterminé que le génotype de l’APOE est déterminant dans ce profil cardiométabolique. Enfin, nous avons étudié la calcification vasculaire chez les patients atteints de FH. Cette calcification vasculaire progresse de façon indépendante des niveaux de cholestérol sérique et n’est pas associée aux anomalies de l’homéostasie du calcium. En utilisant des modèles murins, nous avons démontré que les souris Ldlr-/- et Tg(Pcsk9) développent des calcifications vasculaires semblables à celles observées chez l’homme. De plus, nous avons confirmé l’implication de la voie de signalisation LRP5/Wnt dans la pathophysiologie de la calcification artérielle. Avec une étude interventionnelle, nous avons trouvé que l’inhibition de l’interleukine 1β (IL-1β) diminue fortement l’apparition de calcifications vasculaire dans notre modèle murin. En conclusion, nos études ont permis l’identification d’un nouveau gène impliqué dans la FH, ont démontré aussi que les statines augmentent les niveaux sériques de PCSK9 et que la perte de fonction de la PCSK9 altère le profil cardiométabolique. Enfin, nous avons établi que la calcification vasculaire représente une complication tardive chez les patients atteints de FH et que, dans notre modèle murin, la calcification vasculaire peut être retardée par l’inhibition d’IL-1β. Ces découvertes peuvent avoir d’importantes répercussions cliniques chez l’humain.


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We estimate the volatility of plant–level idiosyncratic shocks in the U.S. manufacturing sector. Our measure of volatility is the variation in Revenue Total Factor Productivity which is not explained by either industry– or economy–wide factors, or by establishments’ characteristics. Consistent with previous studies, we find that idiosyncratic shocks are much larger than aggregate random disturbances, accounting for about 80% of the overall uncertainty faced by plants. The extent of cross–sectoral variation in the volatility of shocks is remarkable. Plants in the most volatile sector are subject to about six times as much idiosyncratic uncertainty as plants in the least volatile. We provide evidence suggesting that idiosyncratic risk is higher in industries where the extent of creative destruction is likely to be greater.


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School of Legal Studies, Cochin University of Science and Technology


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P rosea syn. Indica belong to the family of plumbaginaceae, is an important medicinal plant, cultivated widely in India. The roots of these plant are generally used for medicinal purposes mainly as diuretic, germicidal, vessicant, and abortifacient. It is also used for anaemia, diarrhea, leprosy and common wart. The bark of the root contains orange yellow pigment named plumbagin, a crystalline substance, belongs to the class of naphthoquinone. Its chemical structure is 5-hydroxy 2-methyl 1,4naphthoquinone. Apart from P rosea, P zeylanica, P europea, Drosera and Drosophyllum also contains plumbagin. The most exploited source of plumbagin is, of course, P. rosea roots. The roots contain O.9mg/ g D.Wt. of plumbagin in the roots. These plants grow very slowly and the roots suitable for plumbagin extraction can be obtained only after several years of growth. The productivity of the plant is also rather poor. The focus of the present study was to develop alternative strategies to obtain plumbagin. The tissue culture of P rosea for micropropagation has been studied


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Whitespot virus could be experimentally transmitted from infected Penoeus monodon to P. in.dicus and repeatedly passed on through several batches of apparently healthy J'. in dieas. During these passages, white spots first disappeared before subsequently reappearing, Electron microscopic studies revealed the presence of oblong-shaped, fully-assembled virus towards the periphery and virus in paracrystalline arrnys towards the center of the hypertrophied nuclei. The virus isolated here is referred to as whitespot syndrome baculovirus (WSBV) until more is known of its antigenic .md genomic rclatodnc..s to isolates from other countries


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The regional population growth in West Africa, and especially its urban centers, will bring about new and critical challenges for urban development policy, especially in terms of ensuring food security and providing employment for the growing population. (Peri-) urban livestock and vegetable production systems, which can contribute significantly to these endeavours, are limited by various constraints, amongst them limited access to expensive production factors and their (in)efficient use. To achieve sustainable production systems with low consumer health risks, that can meet the urban increased demand, this doctoral thesis determined nutrient use efficiencies in representative (peri-) urban livestock production systems in three West African cities, and investigated potential health risks for consumers ensuing from there. The field study, which was conducted during July 2007 to December 2009, undertook a comparative analysis of (peri-) urban livestock production strategies across 210 livestock keeping households (HH) in the three West African cities of Kano/Nigeria (84 HH), Bobo Dioulasso/Burkina Faso (63 HH) and Sikasso/Mali (63 HH). These livestock enterprises were belonging to the following three farm types: commercial gardening plus field crops and livestock (cGCL; 88 HH), commercial livestock plus subsistence field cropping (cLsC; 109 HH) and commercial gardening plus semi-commercial livestock (cGscL; 13 HH) which had been classified in a preceding study; they represented the diversity of (peri-) urban livestock production systems in West Africa. In the study on the efficiency of ruminant livestock production, lactating cowsand sheep herd units were differentiated based on whether feed supplements were offered to the animals at the homestead (Go: grazing only; Gsf: mainly grazing plus some supplement feeding). Inflows and outflows of nutrients were quantified in these herds during 18 months, and the effects of seasonal variations in nutrient availability on animals’ productivity and reproductive performance was determined in Sikasso. To assess the safety of animal products and vegetables, contamination sources of irrigated lettuce and milk with microbiological contaminants, and of tomato and cabbage with pesticide residues in (peri-) urban agriculture systems of Bobo Dioulasso and Sikasso were characterized at three occasions in 2009. Samples of irrigation water, organic fertilizer and ix lettuce were collected in 6 gardens, and samples of cabbage and tomato in 12 gardens; raw and curdled milk were sampled in 6 dairy herds. Information on health risks for consumers of such foodstuffs was obtained from 11 health centers in Sikasso. In (peri-) urban livestock production systems, sheep and goats dominated (P<0.001) in Kano compared to Bobo Dioulasso and Sikasso, while cattle and poultry were more frequent (P<0.001) in Bobo Dioulasso and Sikasso than in Kano. Across cities, ruminant feeding relied on grazing and homestead supplementation with fresh grasses, crop residues, cereal brans and cotton seed cake; cereal grains and brans were the major ingredients of poultry feeds. There was little association of gardens and livestock; likewise field cropping and livestock were rarely integrated. No relation existed between the education of the HH head and the adoption of improved management practices (P>0.05), but the proportion of HH heads with a long-term experience in (peri-) urban agriculture was higher in Kano and in Bobo Dioulasso than in Sikasso (P<0.001). Cattle and sheep fetched highest market prices in Kano; unit prices for goats and chicken were highest in Sikasso. Animal inflow, outflow and dairy herd growth rates were significantly higher (P<0.05) in the Gsf than in the Go cattle herds. Maize bran and cottonseed expeller were the main feeds offered to Gsf cows as dry-season supplement, while Gsf sheep received maize bran, fresh grasses and cowpea pods. The short periodic transhumance of Go dairy cows help them maintaining their live weight, whereas Gsf cows lost weight during the dry season despite supplement feeding at a rate of 1506 g dry matter per cow and day, resulting in low productivity and reproductive performance. The daily live weight gains of calves and lambs, respectively, were low and not significantly different between the Go and the Gsf system. However, the average live weight gains of lambs were significantly higher in the dry season (P<0.05) than in the rainy season because of the high pressure of gastrointestinal parasites and of Trypanosoma sp. In consequence, 47% of the sheep leaving the Go and Gsf herds died due to diseases during the study period. Thermo-tolerant coliforms and Escherichia coli contamination levels of irrigation water significantly exceeded WHO recommendations for the unrestricted irrigation of vegetables consumed raw. Microbial contamination levels of lettuce at the farm gate and the market place in Bobo Dioulasso and at the farm gate in Sikasso were higher than at the market place in Sikasso (P<0.05). Pesticide residues were detected in only one cabbage and one tomato sample and were below the maximum residue limit for consumption. Counts of thermo-tolerant coliforms and Escherichia coli were higher in curdled than in raw milk (P<0.05). From 2006 to x 2009, cases of diarrhea/vomiting and typhoid fever had increased by 11% and 48%, respectively, in Sikasso. For ensuring economically successful and ecologically viable (peri-) urban livestock husbandry and food safety of (peri-) urban foodstuffs of animal and plant origin, the dissemination and adoption of improved feeding practices, livestock healthcare and dung management are key. In addition, measures fostering the safety of animal products and vegetables including the appropriate use of wastewater in (peri-) urban agriculture, restriction to approve vegetable pesticides and the respect of their latency periods, and passing and enforcement of safety laws is required. Finally, the incorporation of environmentally sound (peri-) urban agriculture in urban planning by policy makers, public and private extension agencies and the urban farmers themselves is of utmost importance. To enable an efficient (peri-) urban livestock production in the future, research should concentrate on cost-effective feeding systems that allow meeting the animals’ requirement for production and reproduction. Thereby focus should be laid on the use of crop-residues and leguminous forages. The improvement of the milk production potential through crossbreeding of local cattle breeds with exotic breeds known for their high milk yield might be an accompanying option, but it needs careful supervision to prevent the loss of the local trypanotolerant purebreds.


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Extensive grassland biomass for bioenergy production has long been subject of scientific research. The possibility of combining nature conservation goals with a profitable management while reducing competition with food production has created a strong interest in this topic. However, the botanical composition will play a key role for solid fuel quality of grassland biomass and will have effects on the combustion process by potentially causing corrosion, emission and slagging. On the other hand, botanical composition will affect anaerobic digestibility and thereby the biogas potential. In this thesis aboveground biomass from the Jena-Experiment plots was harvested in 2008 and 2009 and analysed for the most relevant chemical constituents effecting fuel quality and anaerobic digestibility. Regarding combustion, the following parameters were of main focus: higher heating value (HHV), gross energy yield (GE), ash content, ash softening temperature (AST), K, Ca, Mg, N, Cl and S content. For biogas production the following parameters were investigated: substrate specific methane yield (CH4 sub), area specific methane yield (CH4 area), crude fibre (CF), crude protein (CP), crude lipid (CL) and nitrogen-free extract (NfE). Furthermore, an improvement of the fuel quality was investigated through applying the Integrated generation of solid Fuel and Biogas from Biomass (IFBB) procedure. Through the specific setup of the Jena-Experiment it was possible to outline the changes of these parameters along two diversity gradients: (i) species richness (SR; 1 to 60 species) and (ii) functional group (grasses, legumes, small herbs and tall herbs) presence. This was a novel approach on investigating the bioenergy characteristic of extensive grassland biomass and gave detailed insight in the sward-composition¬ - bioenergy relations such as: (i) the most relevant SR effect was the increase of energy yield for both combustion (annual GE increased by 26% from SR8→16 and by 65% from SR8→60) and anaerobic digestion (annual CH4 area increased by 22% from SR8→16 and by 49% from SR8→60) through a strong interaction of SR with biomass yield; (ii) legumes play a key role for the utilization of grassland biomass for energy production as they increase the energy content of the substrate (HHV and CH4 sub) and the energy yield (GE and CH4 area); (iii) combustion is the conversion technique that will yield the highest energy output but requires an improvement of the solid fuel quality in order to reduce the risk of corrosion, emission and slagging related problems. This was achieved through applying the IFBB-procedure, with reductions in ash (by 23%), N (28%), K (85%), Cl (56%) and S (59%) and equal levels of concentrations along the SR gradient.


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The object of this experience is to offer the students the opportunity to take part in the construction of a pedagogic strategy centred on the ludic, for the promotion of the integral health and the prevention of the disease with an educational community; directed to supporting and qualifying the well-being so much individually as group. The project is designed to five years, about interdisciplinary character (Speech Therapy, Medicine, Psychology, Nursery, Occupational Therapy), interinstitutional (Universidad del Rosario, Universidad de San Buenaventura y Universidad de Cundinamarca) and intersectorial (Education and Health). It considers the different actors of the educational community and school and the home as propitious scenes for the strengthening potential, beside being the fundamental spaces for the construction of knowledges and learnings concerning the integral health. To achieve the target, one has come constructing from the second semester of 2003, one pedagogic strategy centred on the ludic and the creativity, from which they are planned, they develop and evaluate the actions of promotion of skills, values, behaviors and attitudes in the care of the health and the prevention of disease, orientated to the early, opportune and effective detection of risk factors and problematic of the development that they affect the integral health. The above mentioned strategy raises a so called scene Bienestarópolis: A healthy world for conquering, centred on prominent figures, spaces and elements that alternate between the fantasy and the reality to facilitate the approximation, the interiorización and the appropriation of the integral health. Across this one, the children motivated by the adults enter an imaginary world in that theirs desires, knowledges and attitudes are the axis of his development. Since Vigotsky raises it, in the game the child realizes actions in order to adapt to the world that surrounds it acquiring skills for the learning. The actions of the project have involved 410 children and 25 teachers, of the degrees Zero, The First and The Second of basic primary; 90 parents of family, and an average of 40 students and 8 teachers of the already mentioned disciplines.