994 resultados para Industrial association
This investigation re-examines theoretical aspects of the allowance for effects of thermodynamic non-ideality on the characterization of protein self-association by frontal exclusion chromatography, and thereby provides methods of analysis with greater thermodynamic rigor than those used previously. Their application is illustrated by reappraisal of published exclusion chromatography data for hemoglobin on the controlled-pore-glass matrix CPG-120. The equilibrium constant of 100/M that is obtained for dimerization of the (02 species by this means is also deduced from re-examination of published studies of concentrated hemoglobin solutions by osmotic pressure and sedimentation equilibrium methods. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
Age-related changes in the composition of the cartilage matrix may be associated with the development of osteoarthritis, a relatively late-onset disease characterised by the destruction of joint cartilage. In order to investigate whether differences in the VNTR polymorphic region of aggrecan affect cartilage functionality and therefore the development of osteoarthritis, we examined the aggrecan polymorphic genotypes of a sample of 134 Australian twins aged over 50 (including 34 monozygotic and 27 dizygotic twin pairs). Clinical measures of hand, hip and knee osteoarthritis, as well as self-reported bone and joint pain, were tested for association with the aggrecan polymorphism. The results were consistent with either a deleterious effect of allele 27, or a protective effect of alleles 25 and 28, providing some additional evidence for an association between the aggrecan VNTR polymorphism and osteoarthritis of the hands, hips and knees.
Previous studies have shown that a deficiency in DNA damage repair is associated with increased cancer risk, and exposure to UV radiation is a major risk factor for the development of malignant melanoma. High density of common nevi (moles) is a major risk factor for cutaneous melanoma. A nevus may result from a mutation in a single UV-exposed melanocyte which failed to repair DNA damage in one or more critical genes. XRCC3 and XRCC5 may have an effect on nevus count through their function as components of DNA repair processes that may be involved directly or indirectly in the repair of DNA damage due to UV radiation. This study aims to test the hypothesis that the frequency of flat or raised moles is associated with polymorphism at or near these DNA repair genes, and that certain alleles are associated with less efficient DNA repair, and greater nevus density. Twins were recruited from schools in south eastern Queensland and were examined close to their 12th birthday. Nurses examined each individual and counted all moles on the entire body surface. A 10cM genome scan of 274 families (642 individuals) was performed and microsatellite polymorphisms in XRCC3 and adjacent to XRCC5 were also typed. Linkage and association of nevus count to these loci were tested simultaneously using a structural-equation modeling approach implemented in MX. There is weak evidence for linkage of XRCC5 to a QTL influencing raised mole count, and also weak association. There is also weak evidence for association between flat mole count and XRCC3. No tests were significant after correction for testing multiple alleles, nor were any of the tests for total association significant. If variation in XRCC3 or XRCC5 influences UV sensitivity, and indirectly affects nevus density, then the effects are small.
Background. Regional left ventricular (LV) dysfunction may occur in patients with coronary artery disease (CAD) in the absence of infarction, but the causes of this phenomenon are unclear. We sought to identify whether changes in regional LV function were related to stenosis severity, using sensitive new ultrasound markers of function. Methods: We studied 67 individuals with no history of infarction and with normal LV systolic function: 49 patients with CAD and 18 control subjects without CAD. All patients underwent color Doppler tissue imaging, integrated backscatter (IB), anatomic M-mode echocardiography, and strain rate imaging to detect changes in structure and function. Peak early and late diastolic myocardial velocity, cyclic variation of IB, wall thickness, and percent wall thickening were measured in each basal and mid segment. Strain rate and peak systolic strain were calculated in each wall. CAD was defined as greater than or equal to 50% diameter stenosis. Normokinetic segments (n = 354) subtended by CAD were divided according to stenosis severity into 3 groups: group 1 (subtended by 50%-69% stenosis); group 2 (subtended by 70%-98% stenosis); and group 3 (subtended by greater than or equal to99% stenosis). Each parameter in each group was compared with that in 216 segments from control subjects. Results: Segments subtended by significant CAD showed lower peak early and late diastolic myocardial velocity compared with control segments. Group 3 showed significantly lower myocardial velocities than group 2 for both peak early (4.8 +/- 1.8 vs 6.0 +/- 2.0 cm/s, P
The People in Pain course was set up as a joint initiative of the Departments of Occupational Therapy and Physiotherapy within the School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences at The University of Queensland. It was instigated in response to the publication of Pain Curricula for Occupational Therapy and Physiotherapy by the International Association for the Study of Pain (IASP) in 1994 (1). The first year it was offered, the "People in Pain" course comprised 14 h of lecture content. It was then expanded to encompass 28 h of lectures and seminar involvement. OBJECTIVES: To evaluate the impact of participation in a university pain course that meets the IASP pain curricula guidelines to increase health professional students' knowledge about pain. METHODS: Students who participated in the People in Pain course over the first three years were invited to complete the Revised Pain Knowledge and Attitudes Questionnaire (R-PKAQ) pre- and postcourse. Data obtained from 22 students in the short course formed a pilot project, and data from 22 students in the longer version of the course were used in the present study. RESULTS: Examination of the correlation matrix indicated substantial correlations between all R-PKAQ subscales except physiological basis of pain and pharmacological management of pain. In both the pilot project during the first year of the course and the expanded course in the following two years, significant improvement was found in the students' knowledge on five of the six subscales of the R-PKAQ: physiological basis of pain, psychological factors of pain perception, assessment and measurement of pain, cognitive-behavioural methods of pain relief, and pharmacological management of pain. Improvements in the developmental aspects of pain perception subscale failed to reach significance. CONCLUSIONS: An integrated pain course developed according to the pain curriculum guidelines developed by the IASP resulted in increased student knowledge regardless of the length of the program attended.
A apresenta????o abordas os temas do desenvolvimento industrial e tecnol??gico brasileiro, bem como sua competitividade comercial no exterior
O principal objetivo deste livro ?? constituir uma fonte de pesquisa para o estudo do processo de produ????o e implementa????o de pol??ticas p??blicas. Por meio de textos selecionados, analisa-se o pr??prio conceito de pol??ticas p??blicas, discute-se as defini????es utilizadas para distinguir suas diversas fases e apresenta-se algumas das principais correntes te??ricas de an??lise sobre o processo de pol??ticas p??blicas.
O objetivo desse estudo foi investigar o processo de mudança no sistema de controle gerencial (SCG), analisando a alteração das práticas de controle gerencial na estrutura desse sistema, sob a ótica da teoria institucional. A questão de pesquisa é: como ocorre o processo de mudança no SCG em uma organização industrial brasileira? Para tanto, optou-se por uma abordagem qualitativa do tipo descritiva, num estudo de caso único, utilizando como métodos de coleta de dados entrevistas individuais não estruturadas e semiestruturadas com 11 gestores e usuários do SCG, observação não participante e levantamento documental. A coleta dos dados ocorreu entre agosto/2014 e março/2015. Como método de análise e interpretação de dados foram utilizados elementos da análise do discurso (AD). Os principais referenciais teóricos foram os trabalhos de Meyer e Rowan (1977), Dimaggio e Powel (1983, 1991, 2007), Scott (1995, 2008a, 2008b) e Machado-da- Silva e Vizeu (2007) sobre a teoria institucional; Huy (2001), Beekman, Chenhall e Euske (2007) e Machado-da-Silva, Fonseca e Crubellate (2010) referente ao processo de mudança; e Malmi e Brown (2008) e Simons (1995) referente ao SCG; destacando a aplicação empírica dos modelos teóricos de Malmi e Brown (2008), Simons (1995) e Huy (2001). Na análise dos dados, foi identificado o desenho e o uso do SCG, relatando como está transcorrendo a alteração de suas práticas de controle gerencial, identificando os fatores de estímulo e resistência à institucionalização dessas práticas e quais os atores organizacionais que estão atuando como agentes da mudança. Por fim, foram identificados os aspectos discursivos recorrentes que permeiam o discurso da empresa pesquisada, alinhados ao processo de mudança no SCG. Como contribuições, foi demonstrada a influência dos fatores isomórficos na escolha das práticas de controle gerencial, a evidência de que o SCG é socialmente construído, as implicações da centralização do poder e da ausência de estratégias para o SCG, evidências de que o processo de mudança no SCG não é meramente mecânico ou automatizado e ainda, que o discurso da mudança pode permear a organização sem que a ação seja concretizada, revelando um descompasso entre o discurso e a ação
Esta dissertação de mestrado, apresenta a elaboração de um projeto de design industrial em aquariofilia - Aquaoli. Pretende-se criar uma nova tipologia de aquários inovadora e distinta, projetando o produto com o intuito deste cumprir com todos os parâmetros exigidos pelo mercado e produção do mesmo. Definiu-se a criança entre os 7 e os 11 anos como público-alvo deste projeto. Assim, pretende-se um resultando promissor para a empresa AQUATLANTIS apostar e lucrar com o seu desenvolvimento. Para que este projeto obtivesse bons resultados, foi realizada uma pesquisa aprofundada, desde a aquariofilia (a sua história, biologia e mercado), do aquariófilo atual (psicologia do consumidor e as suas responsabilidades), até ao estado da arte (da AQUATLANTIS e dos produtos existentes no mercado). Este projeto foi desenvolvido em várias vertentes de design, procurando ser o mais completo possível. Isso foi viável com o desenvolvimento do produto e de todos os seus componentes em três dimensões, o desenvolvimento de maquetes e de protótipos do produto, o desenvolvimento do packaging e campanha promocional, a definição de preço custo e métodos de produção dos objetos, entre outros parâmetros. Obteve-se um projeto de design industrial bastante completo e com potencial para ser implementado no mercado, cativando a atenção do público-alvo e obtendo vendas elevadas. O aquário apresenta-se distinto dos existentes, principalmente no facto de ser modular, muito interativo, pedagógico e incorporar uma estrutura invulgar e particularmente cativante para as crianças. Este produto subdivide-se em dois conjuntos vendidos separadamente (Aquarium Pack e Kit-1 Pack), apresentando assim uma estratégia de marketing que pretende que a criança que o adquira pela primeira vez, venha a desejar adquirir mais produtos desta gama, procurando aumentar a sua estante e/ou o número de aquários e animais que incorpora na mesma.