885 resultados para Inducers of resistance


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A simple mathematical model of bacterial transmission within a hospital was used to study the effects of measures to control nosocomial transmission of bacteria and reduce antimicrobial resistance in nosocomial pathogens. The model predicts that: (i) Use of an antibiotic for which resistance is not yet present in a hospital will be positively associated at the individual level (odds ratio) with carriage of bacteria resistant to other antibiotics, but negatively associated at the population level (prevalence). Thus inferences from individual risk factors can yield misleading conclusions about the effect of antibiotic use on resistance to another antibiotic. (ii) Nonspecific interventions that reduce transmission of all bacteria within a hospital will disproportionately reduce the prevalence of colonization with resistant bacteria. (iii) Changes in the prevalence of resistance after a successful intervention will occur on a time scale of weeks to months, considerably faster than in community-acquired infections. Moreover, resistance can decline rapidly in a hospital even if it does not carry a fitness cost. The predictions of the model are compared with those of other models and published data. The implications for resistance control and study design are discussed, along with the limitations and assumptions of the model.


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Evolving levels of resistance in insects to the bioinsecticide Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) can be dramatically reduced through the genetic engineering of chloroplasts in plants. When transgenic tobacco leaves expressing Cry2Aa2 protoxin in chloroplasts were fed to susceptible, Cry1A-resistant (20,000- to 40,000-fold) and Cry2Aa2-resistant (330- to 393-fold) tobacco budworm Heliothis virescens, cotton bollworm Helicoverpa zea, and the beet armyworm Spodoptera exigua, 100% mortality was observed against all insect species and strains. Cry2Aa2 was chosen for this study because of its toxicity to many economically important insect pests, relatively low levels of cross-resistance against Cry1A-resistant insects, and its expression as a protoxin instead of a toxin because of its relatively small size (65 kDa). Southern blot analysis confirmed stable integration of cry2Aa2 into all of the chloroplast genomes (5,000–10,000 copies per cell) of transgenic plants. Transformed tobacco leaves expressed Cry2Aa2 protoxin at levels between 2% and 3% of total soluble protein, 20- to 30-fold higher levels than current commercial nuclear transgenic plants. These results suggest that plants expressing high levels of a nonhomologous Bt protein should be able to overcome or at the very least, significantly delay, broad spectrum Bt-resistance development in the field.


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Fluoroquinolones are antibacterial agents that attack DNA gyrase and topoisomerase IV on chromosomal DNA. The existence of two fluoroquinolone targets and stepwise accumulation of resistance suggested that new quinolones could be found that would require cells to obtain two topoisomerase mutations to display resistance. For wild-type cells to become resistant, the two mutations must be acquired concomitantly. That is expected to occur infrequently. To identify such compounds, fluoroquinolones were tested for the ability to kill a moderately resistant gyrase mutant. Compounds containing a C8-methoxyl group were particularly lethal, and incubation of wild-type cultures on agar containing C8-methoxyl fluoroquinolones produced no resistant mutant, whereas thousands arose during comparable treatment with control compounds lacking the C8 substituent. When the test strain contained a preexisting topoisomerase IV mutation, which by itself conferred no resistance, equally high numbers of resistant mutants were obtained for C8-methoxyl and control compounds. Thus C8-methoxyl fluoroquinolones required two mutations for expression of resistance. Although highly lethal, C8-methoxyl fluoroquinolones were not more effective than C8-H controls at blocking bacterial growth. Consequently, quinolone action involves two events, which we envision as formation of drug–enzyme–DNA complexes followed by release of lethal double-strand DNA breaks. Release of DNA breaks, which must occur less frequently than complex formation, is probably the process stimulated by the C8-methoxyl group. Understanding this stimulation should provide insight into intracellular quinolone action and contribute to development of fluoroquinolones that prevent selection of resistant bacteria.


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The closely related multidrug efflux pumps QacA and QacB, from the bacterial pathogen Staphylococcus aureus, both confer resistance to various toxic organic cations but differ in that QacB mediates lower levels of resistance to divalent cations. Cloning and nucleotide sequencing of the qacB gene revealed that qacB differs from qacA by only seven nucleotide substitutions. Random hydroxylamine mutagenesis of qacB was undertaken, selecting for variants that conferred increased resistance to divalent cations. Both QacA and the QacB mutants capable of conferring resistance to divalent cations contain an acidic residue at either amino acid 322 or 323, whereas QacB contains uncharged residues in these positions. Site-directed mutagenesis of qacA confirmed the importance of an acidic residue within this region of QacA in conferring resistance to divalent cations. Membrane topological analysis using alkaline phosphatase and beta-galactosidase fusions indicated that the QacA protein contains 14 transmembrane segments. Thus, QacA represents the first membrane transport protein shown to contain 14 transmembrane segments, and confirms that the major facilitator superfamily contains a family of proteins with 14 transmembrane segments.


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The coffee berry borer, Hypothenemus hampei, is the most important insect pest of coffee worldwide and has an unusual life history that ensures a high degree of inbreeding. Individual females lay a predominantly female brood within individual coffee berries and because males are flightless there is almost entirely full sib mating. We investigated the genetics associated with this interesting life history after the important discovery of resistance to the cyclodiene type insecticide endosulfan. Both the inheritance of the resistance phenotype and the resistance-associated point mutation in the gamma-aminobutyric acid receptor gene Rdl were examined. Consistent with haplodiploidy, males failed to express and transmit paternally derived resistance alleles. Furthermore, while cytological examination revealed that males are diploid, one set of chromosomes was condensed, and probably nonfunctional, in the somatic cells of all males examined. Moreover, although two sets of chromosomes were present in primary spermatocytes, the chromosomes failed to pair before the single meiotic division, and only one set was packaged in sperm. Thus, the coffee berry borer is "functionally" haplodiploid. Its genetics and life history may therefore represent an interesting intermediate step in the evolution of true haplodiploidy. The influence of this breeding system on the spread of insecticide resistance is discussed.


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Multidrug-resistance-associated protein (MRP) is a plasma membrane glycoprotein that can confer multidrug resistance (MDR) by lowering intracellular drug concentration. Here we demonstrate that depletion of intracellular glutathione by DL-buthionine (S,R)-sulfoximine results in a complete reversal of resistance to doxorubicin, daunorubicin, vincristine, and VP-16 in lung carcinoma cells transfected with a MRP cDNA expression vector. Glutathione depletion had less effect on MDR in cells transfected with MDR1 cDNA encoding P-glycoprotein and did not increase the passive uptake of daunorubicin by cells, indicating that the decrease of MRP-mediated MDR was not due to nonspecific membrane damage. Glutathione depletion resulted in a decreased efflux of daunorubicin from MRP-transfected cells, but not from MDR1-transfected cells, suggesting that glutathione is specifically required for the export of drugs from cells by MRP. We also show that MRP increases the export of glutathione from the cell and this increased export is further elevated in the presence of arsenite. Our results support the hypothesis that MRP functions as a glutathione S-conjugate carrier.


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We have employed Arabidopsis thaliana as a model host plant to genetically dissect the molecular pathways leading to disease resistance. A. thaliana accession Col-0 is susceptible to the bacterial pathogen Pseudomonas syringae pv. tomato strain DC3000 but resistant in a race-specific manner to DC3000 carrying any one of the cloned avirulence genes avrB, avrRpm1, avrRpt2, and avrPph3. Fast-neutron-mutagenized Col-0 M2 seed was screened to identify mutants susceptible to DC3000(avrB). Disease assays and analysis of in planta bacterial growth identified one mutant, ndr1-1 (nonrace-specific disease resistance), that was susceptible to DC3000 expressing any one of the four avirulence genes tested. Interestingly, a hypersensitive-like response was still induced by several of the strains. The ndr1-1 mutation also rendered the plant susceptible to several avirulent isolates of the fungal pathogen Peronospora parasitica. Genetic analysis of ndr1-1 demonstrated that the mutation segregated as a single recessive locus, located on chromosome III. Characterization of the ndr1-1 mutation suggests that a common step exists in pathways of resistance to two unrelated pathogens.


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Plants possess multiple resistance mechanisms that guard against pathogen attack. Among these are inducible systems such as systemic acquired resistance (SAR). SAR is activated by pathogen exposure and leads to an increase in salicylic acid (SA), high-level expression of SAR-related genes, and resistance to a spectrum of pathogens. To identify components of the signal transduction pathways regulating SAR, a mutant screen was developed that uses 2,6-dichloroisonicotinic acid as an activator of SAR gene expression and pathogen resistance, followed by assays for resistance to the fungal pathogen Peronospora parasitica. Mutants from this screen were subsequently examined to assess their defense responses. We describe here a recessive mutation that causes a phenotype of insensitivity to chemical and biological inducers of SAR genes and resistance. These data indicate the existence of a common signaling pathway that couples these diverse stimuli to induction of SAR genes and resistance. Because of its non-inducible immunity phenotype, we call this mutant nim1. Although nim1 plants fail to respond to SA, they retain the ability to accumulate wild-type levels of SA, a probable endogenous signal for SAR. Further, the ability of nim1 plants to support growth of normally incompatible races of a fungal pathogen indicates a role for this pathway in expression of genetically determined resistance, consistent with earlier findings for transgenic plants engineered to break down SA. These results suggest that the wild-type NIM1 gene product functions in a pathway regulating acquired resistance, at a position downstream of SA accumulation and upstream of SAR gene induction and expression of resistance.


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S-Adenosylhomocysteine hydrolase (SAHH) is a key enzyme in transmethylation reactions that use S-adenosylmethionine as the methyl donor. Because of the importance of SAHH in a number of S-adenosylmethionine-dependent transmethylation reactions, particularly the 5' capping of mRNA during viral replication, SAHH has been considered as a target of potential antiviral agents against animal viruses. To test the possibility of engineering a broad type of resistance to plant viruses, we expressed the antisense RNA for tobacco SAHH in transgenic tobacco plants. As expected, transgenic plants constitutively expressing an anti-sense SAHH gene showed resistance to infection by various plant viruses. Among those plants, about half exhibited some level of morphological change (typically stunting). Analysis of the physiological change in those plants showed that they contained excess levels of cytokinin. Because cytokinin has been found to induce acquired resistance, there is also a strong possibility that the observed resistance was induced by cytokinin.


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Studies in our laboratory as well as others strongly suggest that salicylic acid (SA) plays an important signaling role in plant defense against pathogens. We have found that increases in endogenous SA levels correlates with both resistance of tobacco to infection with tobacco mosaic virus and induction of defense-related genes such as that encoding pathogenesis-related protein 1 (PR-1). Some of this newly synthesized SA was conjugated to glucose to form SA beta-glucoside. A cell wall-associated beta-glucosidase activity that releases SA from this glucoside has been identified, suggesting that SA beta-glucoside serves as an inactive storage form of SA. By purifying a soluble SA-binding protein and isolating its encoding cDNA from tobacco, we have been able to further characterize the mechanism of SA signaling. This protein is a catalase, and binding of SA and its biologically active analogues inhibited catalase's ability to convert H2O2 to O2 and H2O. The resulting elevated levels of cellular H2O2 appeared to induce PR-1 gene expression, perhaps by acting as a second messenger. Additionally, transgenic tobacco expressing an antisense copy of the catalase gene and exhibiting depressed levels of catalase also showed constitutive expression of PR-1 genes. To further dissect the SA signaling pathway, we have tested several abiotic inducers of PR gene expression and disease resistance for their ability to stimulate SA production. Levels of SA and its glucoside rose following application of all of the inducers except 2,6-dichloroisonicotinic acid. 2,6-Dichloroisonicotinic acid was found to bind catalase directly and inhibit its enzymatic activity. Thus, it appears that many compounds that induce PR gene expression and disease resistance in plants inactivate catalases directly or indirectly.


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Background: Chitosan oligosaccharide (COS), a deacetylated derivative of chitin, is an abundant, and renewable natural polymer. COS has higher antimicrobial properties than chitosan and is presumed to act by disrupting/permeabilizing the cell membranes of bacteria, yeast and fungi. COS is relatively non-toxic to mammals. By identifying the molecular and genetic targets of COS, we hope to gain a better understanding of the antifungal mode of action of COS. Results: Three different chemogenomic fitness assays, haploinsufficiency (HIP), homozygous deletion (HOP), and multicopy suppression (MSP) profiling were combined with a transcriptomic analysis to gain insight in to the mode of action and mechanisms of resistance to chitosan oligosaccharides. The fitness assays identified 39 yeast deletion strains sensitive to COS and 21 suppressors of COS sensitivity. The genes identified are involved in processes such as RNA biology (transcription, translation and regulatory mechanisms), membrane functions (e.g. signalling, transport and targeting), membrane structural components, cell division, and proteasome processes. The transcriptomes of control wild type and 5 suppressor strains overexpressing ARL1, BCK2, ERG24, MSG5, or RBA50, were analyzed in the presence and absence of COS. Some of the up-regulated transcripts in the suppressor overexpressing strains exposed to COS included genes involved in transcription, cell cycle, stress response and the Ras signal transduction pathway. Down-regulated transcripts included those encoding protein folding components and respiratory chain proteins. The COS-induced transcriptional response is distinct from previously described environmental stress responses (i.e. thermal, salt, osmotic and oxidative stress) and pre-treatment with these well characterized environmental stressors provided little or any resistance to COS. Conclusions: Overexpression of the ARL1 gene, a member of the Ras superfamily that regulates membrane trafficking, provides protection against COS-induced cell membrane permeability and damage. We found that the ARL1 COS-resistant over-expression strain was as sensitive to Amphotericin B, Fluconazole and Terbinafine as the wild type cells and that when COS and Fluconazole are used in combination they act in a synergistic fashion. The gene targets of COS identified in this study indicate that COS’s mechanism of action is different from other commonly studied fungicides that target membranes, suggesting that COS may be an effective fungicide for drug-resistant fungal pathogens.


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In this thesis, I offer an exploration of what it means to be Palestinian, and constructions of identity, belonging and community, through drawing on the experiences of younger generations of Palestinians who have not lived in Palestine. This project seeks to investigate how understanding of our own individual, familial and community’s history plays in shaping our own understandings of identity, place, belonging and indigeneity, as a younger generation of Palestinians now living and studying in the diaspora. In particular, this project examined how the process of remembering and sharing memories in community act as a form of resistance to 68 years of settler colonial violence and erasure of Palestinian land and peoples, asking what our responsibilities this therefore entails from each and every one of us.


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Resistance to antibiotics used against Neisseria gonorrhoeae infections is a major public health concern. Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) testing relies on time-consuming culture-based methods. Development of rapid molecular tests for detecting AMR determinants could provide valuable tools for surveillance, epidemiological studies and to inform individual case management. We developed a fast (<1.5 hrs) SYBR-green based real-time PCR method with high resolution melting (HRM) analysis. One triplex and three duplex reactions included two sequences for N. gonorrhoeae identification and seven determinants of resistance to extended-spectrum cephalosporins (ESCs), azithromycin, ciprofloxacin, and spectinomycin. The method was validated by testing 39 previously fully-characterized N. gonorrhoeae strains, 19 commensal Neisseria spp., and an additional panel of 193 gonococcal isolates. Results were compared with culture-based AMR determination. The assay correctly identified N. gonorrhoeae and the presence or absence of the seven AMR determinants. There was some cross-reactivity with non-gonococcal Neisseria species and the detection limit was 10(3)-10(4) gDNA copies/reaction. Overall, the platform accurately detected resistance to ciprofloxacin (sensitivity and specificity, 100%), ceftriaxone (sensitivity 100%, specificity 90%), cefixime (sensitivity 92%, specificity 94%), azithromycin and spectinomycin (both sensitivity and specificity, 100%). In conclusion, our methodology accurately detects mutations generating resistance to antibiotics used to treat gonorrhea. Low assay sensitivity prevents direct diagnostic testing of clinical specimens but this method can be used to screen collections of gonococcal isolates for AMR more quickly than with current culture-based AMR testing.


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In the early 1900s, the Yakima Indian Agency welcomed non-Native ranching operations onto Yakama tribal lands, taxing rangelands, and resulting in widespread overgrazing. By the 1920s, agency concern for the welfare of ranchers facilitated a need to gain access to tribal grazing lands sustaining Yakama horses. As a result, agency officials launched systematic assaults on Yakama horse herds, citing horses as culprits of overgrazing and land degradation. However, Yakamas showed little interest in removing their horses, and instead actively opposed settler encroachment on tribal grazing lands. Through analyzing archival sources, conducting interviews, and reviewing scholarly sources, I argue that Yakamas and settlers used horses as a terrain of struggle, whereby they asserted competing claims to Indigenous lands and resources. Examining horses as a tool of resistance provides a useful lens for understanding forms of Native opposition to colonial hegemony, while interrogating problematic tropes settlers utilized to justify divesting Native communities.


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This manuscript provides a summary of the results presented at a symposium organized to accumulate information on factors that influence the prevalence of acaricide resistance and tick-borne diseases. This symposium was part of the 19th International Conference of the World Association for the Advancement of Veterinary Parasitology (WAAVP), held in New Orleans, LA, USA, during August 10-14, 2003. Populations of southern cattle ticks, Boophilus microplus, from Mexico have developed resistance to many classes of acaricide including chlorinated hydrocarbons (DDT), pyrethroids, organ ophosphates, and formamidines (amitraz). Target site mutations are the most common resistance mechanism observed, but there are examples of metabolic mechanisms. In many pyrethroid resistant strains, a single target site mutation on the Na+ channel confers very high resistance (resistance ratios: >1000x) to both DDT and all pyrethroid acaricides. Acetylcholine esterase affinity for OPs is changed in resistant tick populations. A second mechanism of OP resistance is linked to cytochrome P450 monooxygenase activity. A PCR-based assay to detect a specific sodium channel gene mutation that is associated with resistance to permethrin has been developed. This assay can be performed on individual ticks at any life stage with results available in a few hours. A number of Mexican strains of B. microplus with varying profiles of pesticide resistance have been genotyped using this test. Additionally, a specific metabolic esterase with permethrin-hydrolyzing activity, CzEst9, has been purified and its gene coding region cloned. This esterase has been associated with high resistance to permethrin in one Mexican tick population. Work is continuing to clone specific acetylcholinesterase (AChE) and carboxylesterase genes that appear to be involved in resistance to organophosphates. Our ultimate goal is the design of a battery of DNA- or ELISA-based assays capable of rapidly genotyping individual ticks to obtain a comprehensive profile of their susceptibility to various pesticides. More outbreaks of clinical bovine babesisois and anaplasmosis have been associated with the presence of synthetic pyrethroid (SP) resistance when compared to OP and amidine resistance. This may be the result of differences in the temporal and geographic patterns of resistance development to the different acaricides. If acaricide resistance develops slowly, herd immunity may not be affected. The use of pesticides for the control of pests of cattle other than ticks can affect the incidence of tick resistance and tick-borne diseases. Simple analytical models of tick- and tsetse-bome diseases suggest that reducing the abundance of ticks, by treating cattle with pyrethroids for example, can have a variety of effects on tick-bome diseases. In the worst-case scenario, the models suggest that treating cattle might not only have no impact on trypanosomosis but could increase the incidence of tick-bome disease. In the best-case, treatment could reduce the incidence of both trypanosomosis and tick-bome diseases Surveys of beef and dairy properties in Queensland for which tick resistance to amitraz was known were intended to provide a clear understanding of the economic and management consequences resistance had on their properties. Farmers continued to use amitraz as the major acaricide for tick control after the diagnosis of resistance, although it was supplemented with moxidectin (dairy farms) or fluazuron, macrocyclic lactones or cypermethrin/ chlorfenvinphos. (C) 2004 Published by Elsevier B.V.