954 resultados para In-store observation
In the instrumental records of daily precipitation, we often encounter one or more periods in which values below some threshold were not registered. Such periods, besides lacking small values, also have a large number of dry days. Their cumulative distribution function is shifted to the right in relation to that for other portions of the record having more reliable observations. Such problems are examined in this work, based mostly on the two-sample Kolmogorov–Smirnov (KS) test, where the portion of the series with more number of dry days is compared with the portion with less number of dry days. Another relatively common problem in daily rainfall data is the prevalence of integers either throughout the period of record or in some part of it, likely resulting from truncation during data compilation prior to archiving or by coarse rounding of daily readings by observers. This problem is identified by simple calculation of the proportion of integers in the series, taking the expected proportion as 10%. The above two procedures were applied to the daily rainfall data sets from the European Climate Assessment (ECA), Southeast Asian Climate Assessment (SACA), and Brazilian Water Resources Agency (BRA). Taking the statistic D of the KS test >0.15 and the corresponding p-value <0.001 as the condition to classify a given series as suspicious, the proportions of the ECA, SACA, and BRA series falling into this category are, respectively, 34.5%, 54.3%, and 62.5%. With relation to coarse rounding problem, the proportions of series exceeding twice the 10% reference level are 3%, 60%, and 43% for the ECA, SACA, and BRA data sets, respectively. A simple way to visualize the two problems addressed here is by plotting the time series of daily rainfall for a limited range, for instance, 0–10 mm day−1.
The results of video-assisted thoracic sympathectomy (VATS)in children are unknown. To investigate the improvement in quality of life (QOL) of a group of 45 children who did and did not undergo VATS for the treatment of palmar hyperhidrosis (PH) 4 years after the initial evaluation. Forty-five children with PH were initially evaluated. Children were divided into two groups: 30 in the VATS group and 15 in the control group. We studied the evolution of PH, negative effect of hyperhidrosis on the QOL before the treatment, and improvement in QOL after treatment. Twenty-five patients (83.4%) in the VATS group experienced great improvement in PH, and five (16.6%) experienced partial improvement; 12 (80.0%) children from the control group had some type of improvement, and three (20.0%) had partial improvement. Two (13.3%) children in the control group and 23 (76.7%) in the VATS group had great improvement in QOL. For children with PH and poor QOL, VATS is better than no treatment. It produces better results with regard to sweating and greater improvement in QOL.
Objective: To assess the availability of food in relation to their degree of industrial processing and the types of food stores in the perimeters of elementary schools. Method: This is a cross-sectional study. 82 food stores located within a 500 m radius buffer of three public schools located in three distinct regions with different socioeconomic levels in the municipality of Santos, state of Sao Paulo, Brazil, were assessed. All streets within a 500-meter radius of the schools were covered, geographic coordinates were recorded and information about the stores and food items available were collected by direct observation and interview with store managers. Available food items were classified in relation to their degree of industrial processing as ultra-processed foods and minimally processed foods. Kernel's density maps were used to assess the degree of agglomeration of stores near the schools. Results: The stores that offered mostly ultra-processed foods were significantly closer to schools than those who offered mostly minimally processed foods. There was a significant difference between the availability of processed food in different types of stores and between the three regions assessed. Conclusions: The data found by this work evidences that children who attend the three public schools assessed are exposed to an environment that encourages the consumption of ultra-processed foods through easier access of these products in the studied stores.
Objective: Hyperechogenicity of the substantia nigra is a frequent observation on transcranial sonography in Parkinson's disease and Machado-Joseph disease patients. Additionally, restless legs syndrome is a sleep disorder that is also frequently found in both diseases. Autopsy studies have demonstrated increased SN iron content in hyperechogenic substantia nigra. Iron storage is also known to be involved in restless legs syndrome. We formally compared echogenicity of the substantia nigra with restless legs syndrome in Parkinson's disease and Machado-Joseph disease patients. Methods: Transcranial brain sonography was performed in a sample of Parkinson's disease and Machado-Joseph disease patients, and findings then correlated with the presence and severity of restless legs syndrome. Results: There was a continuum of substantia nigra echogenicity among groups (Parkinson's disease versus Machado-Joseph disease versus controls) and sub-groups (Parkinson's disease with and without restless legs syndrome versus Machado-Joseph disease with and without restless legs syndrome) as well as a statistically significant negative correlation between restless legs syndrome severity and substantia nigra echogenicity (p<0.001). Conclusions: These preliminary observations demonstrate that the severity of RLS may be influenced by nigral iron load reflected by substantia nigra echogenicity in different neurodegenerative movement disorders. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The mixed ruthenium(II) complexes trans-[RuCl(2)(PPh(3))(2)(bipy)] (1), trans-[RuCl(2)(PPh(3))(2)(Me(2)bipy)](2), cis-[RuCl(2)(dcype)(bipy)](3), cis-[RuCl(2)(dcype)(Me(2)bipy)](4) (PPh(3) = triphenylphosphine, dcype = 1,2-bis(dicyclohexylphosphino)ethane, bipy = 2,2'-bipyridine, Me(2)bipy = 4,4'-dimethyl-2,2'-bipyridine) were used as precursors to synthesize the associated vinylidene complexes. The complexes [RuCl(=C=CHPh)(PPh(3))(2)(bipy)]PF(6) (5), [RuCl(=C=CHPh)(PPh(3))(2)(Me(2)bipy)]PF(6) (6), [RuCl(=C=CHPh)(dcype)(bipy)]PF(6) (7), [RuCl(=C=CHPh)(dcype)(bipy)]PF(6) (8) were characterized and their spectral, electrochemical, photochemical and photophysical properties were examined. The emission assigned to the pi-pi* excited state from the vinylidene ligand is irradiation wavelength (340, 400, 430 nm) and solvent (CH(2)Cl(2), CH(3)CN, EtOH/MeOH) dependent. The cyclic voltammograms of (6) and (7) show a reversible metal oxidation peak and two successive ligand reductions in the +1.5-(-0.64) V range. The reduction of the vinylidene leads to the formation of the acetylide complex, but due the hydrogen abstraction the process is irreversible. The studies described here suggest that for practical applications such as functional materials, nonlinear optics, building blocks and supramolecular photochemistry. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The second Fourier component v(2) of the azimuthal anisotropy with respect to the reaction plane is measured for direct photons at midrapidity and transverse momentum (p(T)) of 1-12 GeV/c in Au + Au collisions at root s(NN) = 200 GeV. Previous measurements of this quantity for hadrons with p(T) < 6 GeV/c indicate that the medium behaves like a nearly perfect fluid, while for p(T) > 6 GeV/c a reduced anisotropy is interpreted in terms of a path-length dependence for parton energy loss. In this measurement with the PHENIX detector at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider we find that for p(T) > 4 GeV/c the anisotropy for direct photons is consistent with zero, which is as expected if the dominant source of direct photons is initial hard scattering. However, in the p(T) < 4 GeV/c region dominated by thermal photons, we find a substantial direct-photon v(2) comparable to that of hadrons, whereas model calculations for thermal photons in this kinematic region underpredict the observed v(2).
Invasive exotic species can negatively impact local biodiversity. We present here a report of a nest predation of an endemic bird species, variable oriole (Icterus pyrrhopterus) by the introduced black-tufted marmoset (Callithrix penicillata)in an agricultural landscape highly disturbed by human activities. Two nestlings were predated, by adults of the introduced marmoset during two alternate days. Antipredator behavior and vocal mimicry were observed in variable oriole, while copulation was observed in black-tufted marmoset during the predation. The use of mobbing against predators by I. pyrrhopterus was observed and it is described here by the first time. The potential impact of the introduced marmosets to local biodiversity is discussed.
Based on literature, this article aims to present the "participant-observation" research protocol, and its practical application in the industrial engineering field, more specifically within the area of design development, and in the case shown by this article, of interiors' design. The main target is to identify the concept of the method, i.e., from its characteristics to structure a general sense about the subject, so that the protocol can be used in different areas of knowledge, especially those ones which are committed with the scientific research involving the expertise from researchers, and subjective feelings and opinions of the users of an engineering product, and how this knowledge can be benefic for product design, contributing since the earliest stage of design.
Cirrus clouds are an interesting point in the research of the atmosphere due their behavior and the effect on the earth radiation budget. They can affect the atmospheric radiation budget by reflecting the incoming solar radiation and absorbing the outgoing terrestrial radiation. Also, this cloud type is involved in the dehydration of the upper troposphere and lower stratosphere. So, it is interesting to increment the measurements of this type of clouds from the ground. During November and December 2012, through the CHUVA-SUL campaign, measurements with lidar in Santa Maria, Rio Grande do Sul were conducted. The system installed in Santa Maria site (29.8 °S; 53.7 °W, 100 m asl) was a single elastic-backscatter lidar using the wavelength of 532 nm. Some days with cirrus clouds lidar measurements were detected. Four days with presence of cirrus cloud are showed in the present study. These days, 7, 8, 19 and 28 November 2012, was selected due the persistence of cirrus clouds over many hours. The raw retrieval lidar signals and inverted backscatter coefficient profiles were analyzed for the selected days. Base and top height was obtained by analysis of raw signal and backscatter coefficient. Extinction coefficient profiles were obtained by the assumption of the lidar ratio. Cirrus cloud optical depth (COD) values were calculated, from the integration of the extinction coefficient between the base and top altitudes of the cirrus clouds.
In der vorgelegten Doktorarbeit werden Experimente vorgestellt, die an einem einzelnen Proton in einer Penningfalle durchgeführt worden sind. Die Eigenbewegung eines isoliert gespeicherten, freien Protons konnte elektronisch durch Kopplung an einen Resonanzschwingkreis nachgewiesen werden. Dies stellt eine nicht-destruktive Messung dar, d. h. das Teilchen geht während der Messung nicht verloren. Die freie Zyklotronfrequenz, die aus den drei gemessenen Eigenfrequenzen hervorgeht, ist eine von zwei zur Bestimmung des magnetischen Moments notwendigen Frequenzen. So wird im Gegensatz zu den existierenden Arbeiten eine direkte Bestimmung des g-Faktors ermöglicht. Planung, Entwicklung und Inbetriebnahme des experimentellen Aufbaus wurden im Rahmen dieser Arbeit durchgeführt, womit eine Messgenauigkeit von 10-7 erreicht wurde. Die dabei zu bewältigenden technischen Herausforderungen zur Bestimmung der zweiten Frequenz (der Larmorfrequenz) ergeben sich aus der Kleinheit des magnetischen Moments. Bei dem für diese Messung benötigten Spinzustand des Teilchens handelt es sich um einen internen Freiheitsgrad, der nur über eine Kopplung des magnetischen Moments an die Eigenbewegung bestimmt werden kann. Eine neuartige, hybride Penningfalle wird in dieser Arbeit vorgestellt, die als Quantensprung-Spektrometer die Spininformation auf die Eigenbewegung abbildet. Damit liegt der aus der magnetischen Kopplung resultierende Frequenzunterschied in den beiden Spinzuständen erstmalig in einem elektronisch detektierbaren Bereich.
Throughout the alpine domain, shallow landslides represent a serious geologic hazard, often causing severe damages to infrastructures, private properties, natural resources and in the most catastrophic events, threatening human lives. Landslides are a major factor of landscape evolution in mountainous and hilly regions and represent a critical issue for mountainous land management, since they cause loss of pastoral lands. In several alpine contexts, shallow landsliding distribution is strictly connected to the presence and condition of vegetation on the slopes. With the aid of high-resolution satellite images, it's possible to divide automatically the mountainous territory in land cover classes, which contribute with different magnitude to the stability of the slopes. The aim of this research is to combine EO (Earth Observation) land cover maps with ground-based measurements of the land cover properties. In order to achieve this goal, a new procedure has been developed to automatically detect grass mantle degradation patterns from satellite images. Moreover, innovative surveying techniques and instruments are tested to measure in situ the shear strength of grass mantle and the geomechanical and geotechnical properties of these alpine soils. Shallow landsliding distribution is assessed with the aid of physically based models, which use the EO-based map to distribute the resistance parameters across the landscape.
High arterial partial oxygen pressure (Pao(2)) oscillations within the respiratory cycle were described recently in experimental acute lung injury. This phenomenon has been related to cyclic recruitment of atelectasis and varying pulmonary shunt fractions. Noninvasive detection of Spo(2) (oxygen saturation measured by pulse oximetry) as an indicator of cyclic collapse of atelectasis, instead of recording Pao(2) oscillations, could be of clinical interest in critical care. Spo(2) oscillations were recorded continuously in three different cases of lung damage to demonstrate the technical feasibility of this approach. To deduce Pao(2) from Spo(2), a mathematical model of the hemoglobin dissociation curve including left and right shifts was derived from the literature and adapted to the dynamic changes of oxygenation. Calculated Pao(2) amplitudes (derived from Spo(2) measurements) were compared to simultaneously measured fast changes of Pao(2), using a current standard method (fluorescence quenching of ruthenium). Peripheral hemoglobin saturation was capable to capture changes of Spo(2) within each respiratory cycle. For the first time, Spo(2) oscillations due to cyclic recruitment of atelectasis within a respiratory cycle were determined by photoplethysmography, a technology that can be readily applied noninvasively in clinical routine. A mathematic model to calculate the respective Pao(2) changes was developed and its applicability tested.