998 resultados para Implante dentales
Las dificultades que presenta la población sorda para interpretar los sentidos no literales han suscitado un interés reciente en los últimos años, y se han realizado bastantes estudios al respecto, aunque hay que señalar que todavía pocos de estos han cubierto un rango amplio de edad hasta llegar a considerar edades de adolescencia tardía. Asimismo, todavía son pocos los estudios que han investigado el efecto que el implante coclear tiene en el desarrollo de las habilidades de inferencia mentalista implicadas en habilidades complejas de teoría de la mente y en edades posteriores a la adolescencia. Este estudio introduce dos aspectos importantes: la inclusión de participantes sordos de un rango de edad amplio, llegando a los años de adolescencia muy tardía, y la consideración de niños y adolescentes tanto no implantados como usuarios de implante coclear. El presente estudio se centra, por una parte, en el análisis comparativo de las dificultades que tienen los niños y adolescentes sordos no implantados, los sordos implantados y los oyentes a la hora de comprender determinados tipos de enunciados deliberadamente falsos o sentidos no literales, concretamente la metáfora, la mentira y la ironía. El segundo gran centro de interés lo representa la identificación de las variables que explican el diferente nivel de rendimiento en la interpretación de estos sentidos en cada uno de los grupos de niños y adolescentes sordos considerados en esta investigación. Esta tesis consta de dos bloques: - Marco teórico En esta parte se realiza la exposición de las principales teorías pragmáticas que han ofrecido explicación de qué son y cómo se interpretan los sentidos no literales del lenguaje, y se hace una descripción de las variables que dan cuenta de su correcta comprensión. Asimismo, se hace una revisión de trabajos de investigación realizados con población sorda que han encontrado relaciones entre las habilidades de lenguaje, teoría de la mente y comprensión de los sentidos no literales del lenguaje. El marco teórico finaliza con el planteamiento de los objetivos e hipótesis derivadas de los mismos sobre los que se basado el estudio empírico. - Estudios empírico En esta parte se presentan, en primer lugar, las características de los participantes que han sido incluidos en el estudio (niños y adolescentes sordos no implantados, implantados y oyentes), así como los instrumentos de evaluación utilizados y el procedimiento de aplicación de las distintas pruebas y tareas. A continuación, se exponen los resultados obtenidos tras el análisis estadístico de los datos, y se incluyen la discusión y las conclusiones a las que conduce la reflexión sobre dichos resultados. Asimismo, se ha realizado un comentario acerca de las limitaciones que presenta el estudio, junto con posibles líneas futuras de interés propuestas con el objetivo de poder seguir ampliando la información que existe acerca del tema tratado. Finalmente, se ofrece un capítulo de referencias bibliográficas, y un apéndice en el que consultar las distintas pruebas y tareas que han sido empleados durante el proceso de recogida de datos sobre las distintas variables estudiadas en la presente investigación.
This brochure printed in Spanish discusses contraceptive implants.
Propósito y Método del Estudio: Introducción. La generación de implantes para el tratamiento y regeneración de afecciones del tejido óseo representan una enorme oportunidad de desarrollo e innovación para muchos campos de la salud humana. Metodología: nosotros generamos un implante de tres componentes (I-3C) constituido por células madre mesenquimales (CMMs), transducidas ex vivo con un vector adenoviral que expresa una combinación de las proteínas morfogenéticas de hueso 2 y 7 (AdBMP2/7), embebidas en una matriz ósea desmineralizada (MOD). Este implante fue probado en un modelo ovino (Ovis aries) en una lesión sometida a carga. Resultados: los ensayos in vitro demostraron que el tratamiento seleccionado con mayor potencial osteogénico es el que contiene la combinación AdBMP2/7 comprobado por PCR en tiempo real, Western Blot y tinciones histológicas e inmunohistoquímicas para las proteínas marcadoras de inducción a hueso, osteocalcina y colágeno tipo I. El implante fue colocado en la zona de la lesión, creada por una distracción en la diáfisis media de la tibia. Se probaron tres grupos de experimentación: control 1 sin implante (S-I); control 2 implante con CMMs (I-CMMs); implante de 3 componentes CMMs modificadas genéticamente con adenovirus que expresan proteínas morfogenéticas de hueso 2 y 7 que se encuentran embebidas en una matriz de hueso desmineralizado (I-3C). Resultados: el seguimiento radiográfico por 10 semanas después de la distracción ósea demostró una reducción en el tiempo de consolidación del grupo I-3C. La tomografía computarizada demostró en ese mismo grupo, una forma y estructura del hueso postmortem muy parecida a la de una tibia sin lesión. Estos hallazgos fueron corroborados por los ensayos de compresión e histológicos, demostrando que la calidad del hueso nuevo formado fue mayor que la de los grupos sin implante y con CMMs sin modificación genética. Contribuciones y Conclusiones: se logró desarrollar un implante de tres componentes constituido por células madre mesenquimales (CMMs), transducidas ex vivo con un vector adenoviral que expresa una combinación de las proteínas morfogenéticas de hueso 2 y 7 (AdBMP2/7), que nos permitirá continuar con los estudios clínicos necesarios para evaluar principalmente defectos en huesos y enfermedades relacionadas con el sistema óseo.
Segunda Opinião Formativa (SOF), resposta sistematizada, construída com base em revisão bibliográfica, oriunda de dúvidas relevantes do serviço de teleconsultoria. O texto refere-se aos principais fatores para indicação do implante de marcapasso cardíaco definitivo e lista as principais indicações, a partir daquelas com melhor definição (classe I) para aquelas onde existe alguma controvérsia (classe IIa/ maior tendência ao benefício, ou classe IIb/ maior tendência à ineficácia).
Hearing Preservation And Cochlear Implants According To Inner Ear Approach: Multicentric Evaluation.
Electroacoustic stimulation is an excellent option for people with residual hearing in the low frequencies, who obtain insufficient benefit with hearing aids. To be effective, the subject's residual hearing should be preserved during cochlear implant surgery. To evaluate the hearing preservation in patients that underwent implant placement and to compare the results in accordance with the approach to the inner ear. 19 subjects underwent a soft surgical technique, and the electrode MED-EL FLEX™ EAS, designed to be atraumatic, was used. We evaluated pre- and postoperative tonal audiometric tests with an average of 18.4 months after implantation, to measure the rate of hearing preservation. 17 patients had total or partial preservation of residual hearing; 5 had total hearing preservation and two individuals had no preservation of hearing. The insertion of the electrode occurred through a cochleostomy in 3 patients, and in 2 of these there was no hearing preservation; the other 16 patients experienced electrode insertion through a round window approach. All patients benefited from the cochlear implant, even those who are only using electrical stimulation. The hearing preservation occurred in 89.4% of cases. There was no significant difference between the forms of inner ear approach.
Nowadays the consumer market demands a gradually increase in the products' quality control. The manual control that exits, used in animal production, shows ineficiency in warrating an increasing percentual of the desirable quality, so this can only be reached when an effective animal tracebility system is applied, from birth to slaughter. Individual electronic identification presents high importance in this focus, providing information recorded directly from the animal. Electronic traceability uses electronic devices that emit a signal activated by a fixed reader placed where it is needed to record a certain event, or uses a manual reader which allows a higher independence of the operator. Knowing the importance of the electronic identification as a tool for applying traceability in animal production, this research had as objective to evaluate the use of transponders in order to garantee the manual reading as well as the fixed antenna reading. The following implant places were analized in piglet, just after their birth: 1) forehead, 2) external ear lobule, 3) the posterior auricular base, and 4) a transponder inserted in a earing implanted in the ear lobule. The factors of skin damage and migration were analized, as well as the reading efficiency. It was found that the best implant place was the posterior ear base.
The MINUS system was developed as a minimally invasive procedure that uses a diaphyseal cephalic extramedullary implant for the treatment of transtrochanteral fractures of the femur in elderly patients. The implant consists of a sliding screw coupled to a plate adapted to the minimally invasive technique. The surgical access is approximately three centimeters in length located on the lateral surface of the hip, below the projection of the small trochanter. A perfectly adapted instrument was used for the procedure, which also requires the use of an image intensifier, reducing surgery time and rate of bleeding. The objective of this study is to present a new instrument and implant, developed specifically for treatment with the minimally invasive technique, reducing the length of the conventional surgical access from 10 to three centimetres. This new implant was given the commercial name of MINUS System.
The copolymer poly (L-co-D,L lactic acid), PLDLA, has gained prominence in the field of temporary prostheses due to the fact that their time of degradation is quite compatible with the requirement in the case of osseous fracture. In this work the in vivo degradation of devices from copolymer, as a system of plates and screws, used in fixation of the tibia of rabbits was studied. The devices were implanted in 15 adult rabbits, albinos, New Zealand race, and they were used as control devices of alloys of titanium (Ti-6Al-4V/ V grade). The use of copolymers, synthesized in the laboratory, was tested in the repair of fracture in rabbits'tibias, being assessed in the following times: 2 weeks, 2 months and 3 months. Morphological analysis of tissue surrounding the plate and screw system, for 2 weeks of implantation, showed the presence of osteoblasts, indicating a pre bone formation. After 2 months there was new bone formation in the region in contact with the polymer. This bone growth occurred simultaneously with the process of PLDLA degradation, invading the region where there was polymer and after 3 months there was an intense degradation of the copolymer and hence greater tissue invasion compared to 2 months which characterized bone formation in a region where the polymer degraded. The in vivo degradation study of the devices for PLDLA by means of histological evaluations during the period of consolidation of the fracture showed the efficiency of plate and screw system, and it was possible to check formation of bone tissue at the implantation site, without the presence of inflammatory reaction
TEMA: a produção da fala nas modalidades de reabilitação oral protética. OBJETIVO: verificar se o tipo de reabilitação oral interfere na produção da fala. MÉTODO: 36 idosos (média = 68 anos), divididos em 3 grupos, foram avaliados: 13 com dentes naturais (A), 13 com prótese total mucosossuportada superior e inferior (B) e 10 com prótese total mucosossuportada superior e implantossuportada inferior (C). A estabilidade das próteses foi avaliada por um dentista e amostras de fala foram analisadas por 5 fonoaudiólogos. Para determinar a freqüência de alteração dos sons da fala utilizou-se o cálculo da Porcentagem de Consoantes Corretas (PCC). RESULTADOS: observou-se poucos casos com alteração de fala, com maior freqüência no grupo C (23,08%), sendo a articulação travada presente em todos os grupos, a redução dos movimentos labiais em dois grupos (A e B) e a articulação exagerada e a falta de controle salivar em um dos grupos (C e B). Quanto à PCC, menor valor foi observado para os fones linguodentais nos grupos B e C (maior ocorrência de alteração), seguido dos fones alveolares, predominando casos sem alteração no grupo A, contrariamente aos demais grupos, sendo a projeção lingual e o ceceio as alterações mais encontradas. Não houve diferença entre os grupos e a maioria do grupo B estava com a prótese inferior insatisfatória, não havendo associação entre alteração de fala e prótese insatisfatória. CONCLUSÃO: apesar da amostra pequena, indivíduos reabilitados com prótese total apresentam alteração nos fones linguodentais e alveolares e o tipo de prótese, bem como a estabilidade desta parece não interferir na produção da fala.
Among the different properties that influence bone apposition around implants, the chemical or biochemical composition of implant surface may interfere on its acceptance by the surrounding bone. The aim of this study was to investigate if a biofunctionalization of implant surface influences the bone apposition in a dog model and to compare it with other surfaces, such as a microstructured created by the grit-blasting/acid-etching process. Eight young adult male mongrel dogs had the bilateral mandibular premolars extracted and each one received 6 implants after 12 weeks, totaling 48 implants in the experiment. Four groups of implants were formed with the same microrough topography with or without some kind of biofunctionalization treatment. After histomorphometric analysis, it was observed that the modified microstructured surface with a "low concentration of the bioactive peptide" provided a higher adjacent bone density (54.6%) when compared to the other groups (microstructured + HA coating = 46.0%, microstructured only = 45.3% and microstructured + "high concentration of the bioactive peptide" = 40.7%), but this difference was not statistically significant. In conclusion, biofunctionalization of the implant surface might interfere in the bone apposition around implants, especially in terms of bone density. Different concentrations of bioactive peptide lead to different results.
The biological fixation between the dental implant surfaces and jaw bones should be considered a prerequisite for the long-term success of implant-supported prostheses. In this context, the implant surface modifications gained an important and decisive place in implant research over the last years. As the most investigated topic in, it aided the development of enhanced dental treatment modalities and the expansion of dental implant use. Nowadays, a large number of implant types with a great variety of surface properties and other features are commercially available and have to be treated with caution. Although surface modifications have been shown to enhance osseointegration at early implantation times, for example, the clinician should look for research evidence before selecting a dental implant for a specific use. This paper reviews the literature on dental implant surfaces by assessing in vitro and in vivo studies to show the current perspective of implant development. The review comprises quantitative and qualitative results on the analysis of bone-implant interface using micro and nano implant surface topographies. Furthermore, the perspective of incorporating biomimetic molecules (e.g.: peptides and bone morphogenetic proteins) to the implant surface and their effects on bone formation and remodeling around implants are discussed.
The aim of this study was to investigate the histological and histomorphometrical bone response to three Biosilicates with different crystal phases comparing them to Bioglass®45S5 implants used as control. Ceramic glass Biosilicate and Bioglass®45S5 implants were bilaterally inserted in rabbit femurs and harvested after 8 and 12 weeks. Histological examination did not revealed persistent inflammation or foreign body reaction at implantation sites. Bone and a layer of soft tissue were observed in close contact with the implant surfaces in the medullary canal. The connective tissue presented few elongated cells and collagen fibers located parallel to implant surface. Cortical portion after 8 weeks was the only area that demonstrated significant difference between all tested materials, with Biosilicate 1F and Biosilicate 2F presenting higher bone formation than Bioglass®45S5 and Biosilicate® vitreo (p=0.02). All other areas and periods were statistically non-significant (p>0.05). In conclusion, all tested materials were considered biocompatible, demonstrating surface bone formation and a satisfactory behavior at biological environment.
It has recently been reported that machined and microrough (micro) Brazilian titanium (Ti) implants have good production standards. The aim of this study was to evaluate in vivo bone formation around 2 different implant surfaces placed in dog's mandible. Thirty-two screw-typed Ti implants were used in this study. Mandibular premolars were extracted in 8 dogs and, after 12 weeks, 2 machined (Neodent Titamax, Brazil) and 2 micro implants (Neodent Titamax Porous, Brazil) were placed in each animal. Biopsies were taken at 3 and 8 weeks post-implantation and stained with Stevenel's blue and Alizarin red for histomorphometric measurements of bone-to-implant contact (BIC), bone area between threads (BABT) and bone area within the mirror area (BAMA). Data were analyzed statistically by two-way ANOVA (α=0.05). While at 3 weeks micro implants exhibited significantly more BIC than machined ones (55 ± 12.5% and 35.6 ± 15%, p<0.05), no significant difference in such parameter was detected at 8 weeks (51.2 ± 21% and 48.6 ± 18.1%, p>0.05). There were no significant differences in BABT and BAMA between the implants. Micro surfaces promoted higher contact osteogenesis. These data indicate that this commercial micro Ti implant surface enhances contact osteogenesis at an early post-implantation period when compared to the machined one.
The aim of this study was to evaluate in situ changes in the alveolar crest bone height around immediate implant-supported crowns in comparison to tooth-supported crowns (control) with the cervical margins located at the bone crest level, without occlusal load. In Group I, after extraction of 12 mandibular premolars from 4 adult dogs, implants from Branemark System (MK III TiU RP 4.0 x 11.5 mm) were placed to retain complete acrylic crowns. In Group II, premolars were prepared to receive complete metal crowns. Sixteen weeks after placement of the crowns (38 weeks after tooth extraction), the height of the alveolar bone crest was measured with a digital caliper. Data were analyzed statistically by the Mann-Whitney test at 5% significance level. The in situ analysis showed no statistically significant difference (p=0.880) between the implant-supported and the tooth-supported groups (1.528 + 0.459 mm and 1.570 + 0.263 mm, respectively). Based on the findings of the present study, it may be concluded that initial peri-implant bone loss may result from the remodeling process necessary to establish the biological space, similar to which occurs with tooth-supported crowns.