998 resultados para Immune stromal keratitis


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Peripheral blood-derived multi-potent mesenchymal stromal cells circulate in low number. They share, though not all, but most of the surface markers with bone marrow-derived multi-potent mesenchymal stromal cells, possess diverse and complicated gene expression characteristics, and are capable of differentiating along and even beyond mesenchymal lineages. Although their origin and physio-pathological function are still unclear, their presence in the adult peripheral blood might relate to some interesting but controversial subjects in the filed of adult stem cell biology, such as systemic migration of bone marrow-derived multi-potent mesenchymal stromal cells and the existence of common hematopoietic-mesenchymal precursors. In this review, current studies/knowledge about peripheral blood-derived multi-potent mesenchymal stromal cells is summarized and the above-mentioned topics are discussed.


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Freshwater populations of three-spined sticklebacks (Gasterosteus aculeatus) in northern Germany are found as distinct lake and river ecotypes. Adaptation to habitat-specific parasites might influence immune capabilities of stickleback ecotypes. Here, naive laboratory-bred sticklebacks from lake and river populations were exposed reciprocally to parasite environments in a lake and a river habitat. Sticklebacks exposed to lake conditions were infected with higher numbers of parasite species when compared with the river. River sticklebacks in the lake had higher parasite loads than lake sticklebacks in the same habitat. Respiratory burst, granulocyte counts and lymphocyte proliferation of head kidney leucocytes were increased in river sticklebacks exposed to lake when compared with river conditions. Although river sticklebacks exposed to lake conditions showed elevated activation of their immune system, parasites could not be diminished as effectively as by lake sticklebacks in their native habitat. River sticklebacks seem to have reduced their immune-competence potential due to lower parasite diversity in rivers


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The ability of tumour cells to avoid immune destruction (immune escape) and their acquired resistance to anti-cancer drugs constitute important barriers to the successful management of cancer. The interaction between specific molecules on the surface of tumour cells with their corresponding receptors on immune effector cells can result in inhibition of these effector cells, consequently allowing tumour cells to evade the host’s anti-tumour immune response. The interaction of the Programmed Death Ligand 1 (PD-L1) on the surface of tumour cells with the Programmed Death-1 (PD-1) receptor on cytotoxic T lymphocytes leads to inactivation of these immune effectors, and is a specific example of an immune escape mechanism tumour cells use to avoid immune destruction. Clinically, antibodies capable of blocking the PD-1/PD-L1 interaction have demonstrated significant therapeutic benefit, and are currently being used to help bolster patients’ immune response against malignant cells in a variety of cancer types. Here we show that the PD-1/PD-L1 interaction also leads to tumour cell resistance to conventional chemotherapeutic agents. Incubation of PD-L1-expressing human and mouse tumour cells with PD-1-expressing Jurkat T cells or purified recombinant PD-1 resulted in tumour cell resistance to doxorubicin and docetaxel. Interference with the PD-1/PD-L1 interaction using blocking anti-PD-1 or anti-PD-L1 antibody or shRNA-mediated gene silencing resulted in attenuation of PD-1/PD-L1-mediated drug resistance. Moreover, inhibition of the PD-1/PD-L1 signalling axis using anti-PD-1 antibody enhanced the effect of doxorubicin chemotherapy to inhibit 4T1 tumour cell metastasis in an in vivo mouse model of mammary carcinoma. These findings indicate that blockade of the PD-1/PD-L1 axis may be a useful approach to immunosensitize and chemosensitize tumours in cancer patients and provide a rationale for the use of anti-PD-1/PD-L1 antibodies as adjuvants to chemotherapy.


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The Fes protein tyrosine kinase is abundantly expressed in phagocytic immune cells, including tumor associated macrophages. Fes knockout mice (fes-/-) display enhanced sensitivity to LPS, and this was shown to be associated with increased NF-κB signaling and TNFα production from fes-/- macrophages. Interestingly, tumor onset in the mouse mammary tumor virus (MMTV-Neu) transgenic mouse model of breast cancer is significantly delayed in fes-/- mice, and this was associated with increased frequency of CD11b+ myeloid and CD3+ T cells in the premalignant mammary glands. Recent studies have also implicated Fes in cross-talk between MHC-I and the NF-κB and IRF-3 pathways in macrophages. Signal 3, the production of inflammatory cytokines and Type I interferons downstream of NF-κB and IRF-3 pathways in antigen presenting cells, is considered an important component of T-cell activation, after engagement of T cell receptor by MHC presented antigen (Signal 1) and co-receptors by their ligands (Signal 2). Using a lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus (LCMV) model of immune activation, I show that LPS stimulated fes-/- macrophages promote more robust activation of LCMV antigenspecific CD8+ T cells than wild type macrophages (fes+/+). Furthermore, LPS stimulated fes-/- macrophages showed increased phosphorylation of NF-B and IRF-3. I also showed that Fes colocalizes with MHC-I in dynamic vesicular structures within macrophages. These observations are consistent with a model where Fes regulates Signal 3 in antigen presenting cells through roles in cross-talk between MHC-I and the NF-kB and IRF-3 signaling pathways. This suggests that Fes plays an immune checkpoint role at the level of Signal 3, and that Fes inhibition could promote tumor immunity through increased Signal 3 driven T cell activation.


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There are conflicting data in the literature regarding the role of epidermal Langerhans cells (LC) in promoting skin immune responses. On one hand, LC can be extremely potent APCs in vitro, and are thought to be involved in contact hypersensitivity (CHS). On the other hand, it seems counterintuitive that a cell type continually exposed to pathogens at the organism\'s barrier surfaces should readily trigger potent T cell responses. Indeed, LC depletion in one model led to enhanced contact hypersensitivity, suggesting they play a negative regulatory role. However, apparently similar LC depletion models did not show enhanced CHS, and in one case showed reduced CHS. In this study we found that acute depletion of mouse LC reduced CHS, but the timing of toxin administration was critical: toxin administration 3 days before priming did not impair CHS, whereas toxin administration 1 day before priming did. We also show that LC elimination reduced the T cell response to epicutaneous immunization with OVA protein Ag. However, this reduction was only observed when OVA was applied on the flank skin, and not on the ear. Additionally, peptide immunization was not blocked by depletion, regardless of the site. Finally we show that conditions which eliminate epidermal LC but spare other Langerin(+) DC do not impair the epicutaneous immunization response to OVA. Overall, our results reconcile previous conflicting data in the literature, and suggest that Langerin(+) cells do promote T cell responses to skin Ags, but only under defined conditions.


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Topical transcutaneous immunization (TCI) presents many clinical advantages, but its underlying mechanism remains unknown. TCI induced Ag-specific IgA Ab-secreting cells expressing CCR9 and CCR10 in the small intestine in a retinoic acid-dependent manner. These intestinal IgA Abs were maintained in Peyer\'s patch-null mice but abolished in the Peyer\'s patch- and lymph node-null mice. The mesenteric lymph node (MLN) was shown to be the site of IgA isotype class switching after TCI. Unexpectedly, langerin(+)CD8alpha(-) dendritic cells emerged in the MLN after TCI; they did not migrate from the skin but rather differentiated rapidly from bone marrow precursors. Depletion of langerin(+) cells impaired intestinal IgA Ab responses after TCI. Taken together, these findings suggest that MLN is indispensable for the induction of intestinal IgA Abs following skin immunization and that cross-talk between the skin and gut immune systems might be mediated by langerin(+) dendritic cells in the MLN.