993 resultados para Illinois Historic Preservation Agency.
Hibernia is mostly a memory today as is so many immigrant neighborhoods. However, there are several guideposts to the past that still witness to the history of years gone by, such as St. Patrick's Church, a beacon reflecting the Irish Catholic heritage. Murray Iron Works and the Embalming Burial Case Company and the worker's homes on the surrounding streets witness to the industrial/employee relationship of the past.
Iowa Department of Cultural Affairs’ FY13-FY15 Annual Report. The department recently developed a new mission and vision to focus our efforts and ensure everything we do is in the best interest of Iowans. As we move forward, we will empower Iowa to build and sustain culturally vibrant communities by connecting Iowans to the people, places and points of pride that define our state. The department will accomplish this mission through the collective efforts of the various entities under our umbrella, including the Iowa Arts Council, State Historical Society of Iowa and Produce Iowa: State Office of Media Production. The impact of the Iowa Department of Cultural Affairs on our state can be measured through quality of life initiatives that are catalysts for attracting, recruiting and retaining jobs, companies, and talent to Iowa.
Grantee Handbook produced by the Iowa Arts Council part of Iowa department of Cultural Affairs.
Grantee Handbook produced by the Iowa Arts Council part of Iowa department of Cultural Affairs.
This final report summarizes the activities of the archaeological surveys contract for primary roads, secondary roads, and urban systems. The contract is negotiated annually between the Iowa Department of Transportation and the University of Iowa. The information contained is composed of summaries abstracted from completed cultural resource reports on file with the Department of Transportation, the Office of Historic Preservation, and the Office of the State Archaeologist.
This final report summarizes the activities of the archaeological surveys contract for primary roads, secondary roads, and urban systems. The contract is negotiated annually between the Iowa Department of Transportation and the University of Iowa. The information contained in this section of the report is composed of summaries abstracted from completed cultural resource reports on file with the Department of Transportation, the Office of Historic Preservation, and the Office of the State Archaeologist.
Este artículo se inicia con la presentación de la moderna concepción científica de la enseñanza/ aprendizaje de la historia que considera que la mejor manera de enseñar esta disciplina social es reproduciendo el método que utiliza el historiador en la construcción de la historia. Se da a conocer una experiencia docente de integración de la didáctica del patrimonio en el curriculum de la formación de maestros. Siguiendo la idea ya señalada por otros especialistas, se defiende la necesidad de utilizar el patrimonio como un elemento del entorno que, en tanto que proyecta el pasado en el presente, se convierte en una fuente primaria de primer orden que favorece una enseñanza/aprendizaje de la historia y del método del historiador, de forma inducida, realista y por descubrimiento dirigido, mediante el análisis de las fuentes documentales de carácter muy diverso que encierra el propio elemento patrimonial estudiado. Al mismo tiempo, desde una perspectiva constructivista del aprendizaje manifiesta la necesidad de la previa investigación que sobre dicho elemento patrimonial debe realizar el profesor universitario de didáctica de las Ciencias Sociales para llevar a cabo y definitivamente normalizar este tipo de docencia innovadora.
L’objecte d’aquest estudi rau en plantejar si els ciutadans de la província de Girona, concretament de la ciutat de Figueres, tenen una percepció d’indiferència vers el seu patrimoni militar i en si aquesta percepció ha influït en el desenvolupament turístic d’aquest patrimoni
Devant le contexte actuel des crises environnementale et sociale, on ne peut que s’interroger sur la capacité du domaine de la conservation du patrimoine à intégrer les principes et les concepts liés au développement durable. Alors que plusieurs liens entre la conservation du patrimoine culturel et le développement durable existent, il devient nécessaire de solidifier cette union. Réalisée en amont du projet de conservation, l’évaluation patrimoniale basée sur l’approche par les valeurs permet d’établir la signification d’un lieu selon les valeurs qui lui sont associées. Il y a cependant lieu de se questionner : au-delà des valeurs historiques, esthétiques ou architecturales traditionnellement attribuées au patrimoine bâti, quel intérêt accorde-t-on aux dimensions environnementales, économiques et sociales? Le postulat de ce mémoire est qu’il est essentiel d’élargir l’évaluation patrimoniale afin d’y intégrer de nouvelles valeurs liées au développement durable. Nous nous proposons d’étudier la faisabilité de ceci en élaborant un modèle d’évaluation patrimoniale basé sur une approche par les valeurs qui prend en compte l’ensemble des valeurs inhérentes au patrimoine bâti, c’est-à-dire les aspects culturels, sociaux, économiques et environnementaux. Cette proposition se traduit en une grille d’évaluation qui comporte ces dimensions. Afin de confronter notre hypothèse au réel, nous procéderons à une étude de cas : le Silo no.5 situé dans le Vieux-Port de Montréal. Aux termes de cette recherche, nous estimons être en mesure d’identifier les limites de notre expérimentation et de déterminer ce qui pourrait être fait pour contribuer aux efforts en conservation. Il nous apparaît que les recherches effectuées dans le cadre de ce mémoire sont susceptibles d’intéresser toute personne oeuvrant dans le domaine de la conservation du patrimoine.
Màster Oficial en Gestió del Patrimoni Cultural
Màster Oficial en Gestió del Patrimoni Cultural
La realidad en el ámbito de la investigación universitaria es que la Didáctica del Patrimonio se está conformando como una disciplina emergente, que tiene una doble vía de crecimiento: - Como parte de las diferentes didácticas específicas y, por tanto, capaz de albergar miradas multi e interdisciplinares, con proyectos de investigación y acciones especificas que implican a diferentes áreas del conocimiento universitarias. Concretamente, en lo relativo al ámbito del patrimonio cultural, destacan áreas como la Didáctica de las Ciencias Sociales, la Didáctica de la Expresión Plástica o la Didáctica de la Lengua y la Literatura, entre otras. - Como una disciplina autónoma, propia, que comienza a crear su propia literatura, su especificidad, institutos de investigación propios, másteres y postgrados específicos. En este sentido, la Didáctica de la Expresión Plástica está aportando, en nuestro país, propuestas de gran relevancia no sólo nacional, sino internacional
El domini encara general entre el gran públic (en el qual s’inclouen no pas pocs polítics responsables del patrimoni comú) d’un concepte ja molt superat i noucentista de patrimoni, que l’associa quasi exclusivament als valors més monumentalistes i a objectes relacionats amb les belles arts i l’arqueologia com més antics millor, fa que determinats béns culturals que no responen a aquest model però que estan igualment dotats de significat històric, i per tant de valor patrimonial, corrin el perill de desaparèixer abans que no hagi aparegut una consciència social prou generalitzada sobre la necessitat de conservar-los
From the second half of the century XX, in many Brazilian cities, the "historic centers" stop being the most densely populated areas of the city, accumulate degradation of the built environment and its functions have physical, social and economic resignified when also intensified interventions in these same centers Historic focused its redevelopment. This work aims to reflect on the experience of urban regeneration in the historic center of Natal, addressing the strategies adopted in the implementation of public policies and how these improve the effectiveness of actions, processes and outcomes for which turn the management of the historic center in question. In Natal, is identified in the neighborhoods of the Upper Town and Ribeira, the historic city center, a large distortion of their ancient architectural complex, the use of sub-urban infrastructure and emptying in the evenings and weekends. Shares redevelopment of the historic center of Natal are considered late, it is only recently that these neighborhoods were objects of policies and projects generally aimed at enhancing the cultural attraction of the area, and not always, it can be said that they have relevance in development process of the city. Added to this, there is the slowness of the interventions, although the zoning as an area of historic preservation has been done for over two decade. In Natal, the ideas of sustainable development articulated a proposed redevelopment of its historic center is still far from being achieved, but on the other hand, the latest phase of implementation of plans and projects in the area, indicating the intention to transform practical experience in the formulations and proposals in relation to these ideals
The real estate dynamic originates new spatial forms, which can determine new uses and new places. We tried to analyze this work, the spatial transformations in the Ribeira district, Natal / RN, due to the advancement of the housing market that is gradually transforming the landscape with the introduction of new types of housing, especially by verticalization. The verticalization of the neighborhood occurs almost at once, changing the local landscape. Notwithstanding this process, given the rapid growth of Natal in the last two decades and the strategic location of the neighborhood, it is pertinent to note that, if not the process of vertical integration, perhaps the neighborhood had been at the mercy of other urban interventions and other approach the real estate market. The research used as instruments interviews with actors who work in the property market in the town and representatives of organizations that have implemented major legislation in the area, the Instituto de Patrimônio Histórico e Artístico Nacional (IPHAN) and the Secretaria de Meio Ambiente e Urbanismo (SEMURB) as well as photographs on the area, in order to verify this new configuration that has been consolidated in the district. To support the theoretical discussion, there was a documentary and bibliographical research. In this way, the object of study of this search sees the uniqueness of urban renewal in the district of Ribeira and its relationship with the historic preservation laws and incentives for residential occupation in the neighborhood, especially regarding the vertical building