979 resultados para INVITRO PROGESTERONE
Growth hormone (GH)/GH receptor expression and GH-mediated effects during early bovine embryogenesis
Pituitary growth hormone (GH) stimulates postnatal growth and metabolism. The role of CH and its receptor (GHR) during prenatal development, however, is still controversial. As shown by reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR), bovine in vitro fertilization embryos synthesized the transcript of GHR from Day 2 of embryonic life onwards. Real time RT-PCR revealed that synthesis of GHR mRNA was increased 5.9-fold in 6-day-old embryos compared with 2-day-old embryos. Using in situ hybridization, the mRNA encoding GHR was predominantly localized to the inner cell mass of blastocysts. The GHR protein was first visualized 3 days after fertilization. GH-specific transcripts were first detected in embryos on Day 8 of in vitro culture. As shown by transmission electron microscopy, GH treatment resulted in elimination of glycogen storage in 6- to 8-day-old embryos and an increase in exocytosis of lipid vesicles. These results suggest that a functional GHR able to modulate carbohydrate and lipid metabolism is synthesized during preimplantation development of the bovine embryo and that this GHR may be subject to activation by embryonic GH after Day 8.
To compare pathologic features of the cancers arising after different types of benign breast disease (BBD), we reviewed the invasive breast cancer slides of 169 women with a previous benign biopsy result. Lesions were categorized previously as nonproliferative, proliferative without atypia, or atypical hyperplasia. Pathologic features of the cancers were evaluated without knowledge of the previous BBD category. Estrogen and progesterone receptor immunohistochemistry was performed on available tissue blocks. The median times between a benign result and cancer were 100, 124, and 92 months for women with nonproliferative lesions, proliferative lesions without atypia, and atypical hyperplasia, respectively. Cancers in the 3 groups did not differ significantly in tumor size, axillary lymph node status, or histologic grade, and there was no significant difference in the distribution of histologic types of breast cancer. Lymphatic vessel invasion, extensive intraductal component, and hormone receptor status did not differ among BBD categories. The pathologic features of breast cancers that develop in women with a previous benign biopsy result do not vary according to the histologic category of the previous BBD.
A new method has been established to define the limits on a spontaneous mutation rate for a gene in Plasmodium falciparum. The method combines mathematical modelling and large-scale in vitro culturing and calculates the difference in mutant frequencies at 2 separate time-points. We measured the mutation rate at 2 positions in the dihydrofolate reductase (DHFR) gene of 3D7, a pyrimethamine-sensitive line of P. fulciparum. This line was re-cloned and an effectively large population was treated with a selective pyrimethamine concentration of 40 nM. We detected point mutations at codon-46 (TTA to TCA) and codon-108 (ACC to AAC), resulting in serine replacing leucine and asparagine replacing serine respectively in the corresponding gene product. The substitutions caused a decrease in pyrimethamine sensitivity. By mathematical modelling we determined that the mutation rate at a given position in DHFR was low and occurred at less than 2(.)5 x 10(-9) mutations/DHFR gene/replication. This result has important implications for Plasmodium genetic diversity and antimalarial drug therapy by demonstrating that even with lon mutation rates anti-malarial resistance will inevitably arise when mutant alleles are selected under drug pressure.
A simple technique for routine, reproducible global surveillance of the drug susceptibility status of the anaerobic protozoa Trichomonas, Entamoeba, and Giardia is described, Data collected using this technique can be readily compared among different laboratories and with previously reported data. The technique employs a commercially available sachet and bag system to generate a low-oxygen environment and log, drug dilutions in microtiter plates, which can be monitored without aerobic exposure, to assay drug-resistant laboratory lines and clinically resistant isolates. MICs (after 2 days) of 3.2 and 25 muM indicated metronidazole-sensitive and highly clinically resistant isolates of T. vaginalis in anaerobic assays, respectively. The aerobic MICs were 25 and > 200 muM. MICs (1 day) of 12.5 to 25 muM were found for axenic lines of E. histolytica, and MICs for G. duodenalis (3 days) ranged from 6.3 muM for metronidazole-sensitive isolates to 50 muM for laboratory metronidazole-resistant lines. This technique should encourage more extensive monitoring of drug resistance in these organisms.
Marsupial pregnancy differs from that in eutherians in duration, placentation and hormonal profile so much so that maternal recognition of pregnancy may not occur in polyovular marsupials. However, a comparison of gravid and non-gravid uteri reveals differences indicative of histological and physiological adaptations to pregnancy. In the present study, the hypothesis that embryo-maternal signalling occurs in polyovular marsupials was tested by examining serum from non-pregnant and pregnant Sminthopsis macroura for the presence of early pregnancy factor (EPF), a serum protein secreted by the ovary in response to the presence of a newly fertilized egg in the oviduct. EPF is detectable in the serum of pregnant, but not in non-pregnant, females in all eutherians studied to date. In the present study, EPF was detected in S. macroura serum by the rosette inhibition test during the first 9 days of the 10.7 day gestation period in this marsupial. However, EPF was not detected on day 10, just before parturition, or in non-pregnant or preovulatory animals. Immunohistochemical analysis of ovaries from gravid and non-gravid animals demonstrates that EPF is found in the capillaries, interstitial spaces and secretory cells of the corpus luteum. It is concluded that the spatiotemporal pattern of EPF activity described strongly indicates that maternal recognition of pregnancy in marsupials is mediated, at least in part, by EPF. Because the endocrinological milieu is the same in pregnant and non-pregnant marsupials, the possibility of using marsupials as an experimental system for studying EPF function unconfounded by hormonal effects is presented.
An 8-year-old mare, with a foal at foot, was inseminated on foal heat with frozen semen, with the resultant pregnancy lost between days 34 and 41. The right ovary developed a large anovulatory follicle that was non-responsive to multiple doses of ovulating agents. The follicle eventually appeared to luteinise, although plasma progesterone concentrations did not reflect this. Another follicle developed, responded to GnRH and resulted in a pregnancy from frozen semen that went to term with a healthy foal. When the mare was examined after foaling, the structure on the right ovary appeared to be a granulosa cell tumour; the left ovary was smaller than normal and non-functional. Surgical removal of the right ovary before increasing photoperiod resulted in a return to function of the left ovary and a pregnancy to frozen semen on the second cycle following removal. Figures showing concentrations of inhibin, progesterone, androstenedione, oestradiol and testosterone are presented for this entire period. Unusual ovarian activity in the mare might be a prelude to the development of a granulosa cell tumour.
Axillary lymph node status is one of the most powerful prognostic factors for patients with breast cancer and is often critical in stratifying patients into adjuvant treatment regimens. In 203 apparently node-negative cases of breast cancer, a combination of immunohistochemical staining and step-sectioning identified occult metastases in 25% of cases. Ten-year follow-up information is available for these patients. Histologic features of the primary tumor and immunohistochemical staining for estrogen receptor, progesterone receptor, Her-2, and p53 were also evaluated. With multivariate analysis, both occult metastases and higher histologic grade of the primary tumor were independent predictors of disease-free survival. Histologic grade was the only significant independent predictor of overall survival. Estrogen receptor, progesterone receptor, Her-2, and p53 status did not predict the presence of metastases or survival when all tumor types were considered together. Metastases >0.5 mm significantly predicted a poorer disease-free survival when invasive ductal carcinomas were considered alone. Histologic grade was significantly associated with disease-free survival in the premenopausal and perimenopausal patients but not in the postmenopausal patients. The presence of occult metastases approached significance for overall survival in the premenopausal and perimenopausal patients but not in the postmenopausal patients.
Fluctuations in estrogen and progesterone during the menstrual cycle can cause changes in body systems other than the reproductive system. For example, progesterone is involved in the regulation of fluid balance in the renal tubules and innervation of the diaphragm via the phrenic nerve. However, few significant changes in the responses of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, blood lactate, bodyweight, performance and ratings of perceived exertion are evident across the cycle. Nevertheless, substantial evidence exists to suggest that increased progesterone levels during the luteal phase cause increases in both core and skin temperatures and alter the temperature at which sweating begins during exposure to both ambient and hot environments. As heat illness is characterised by a significant increase in body temperature, it is feasible that an additional increase in core temperature during the luteal phase could place females at an increased risk of developing heat illness during this time. In addition, it is often argued that physiological gender differences such as oxygen consumption, percentage body fat and surface area-to-mass ratio place females at a higher risk of heat illness than males. This review examines various physiological responses to heat exposure during the menstrual cycle at rest and during exercise, and considers whether such changes increase the risk of heat illness in female athletes during a particular phase of the menstrual cycle.
Background: Growth hormone (GH) is a potent regulator of bone formation. The proposed mechanism of GH action is through the stimulation of osteogenic precursor Cell proliferation and, following clonal expansion of these cells. promotion of differentiation along the osteogenic lineage. Objectives: We tested this hypothesis by studying the effects of GH on primary cell populations of human periodontal ligament cells (PLC) and alveolar bone cells (ABC), which contain a spectrum of osteogenic precursors. Method: The cell populations were assessed for mineralization potential after long-term culture in media containing beta-glycerophosphate and ascorbic acid, by the demonstration of mineral deposition by Von Kossa staining. The proliferative response of the cells to GH was determined over a 48-h period using a crystal violet dye-binding assay. The profile of the cells in terms of osteogcnic marker expression was established using quantitative reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) for alkaline phosphatase (ALP), osteopontin. osteocalcin, bone sialoprotein (BSP), as well as the bone morphogenetic proteins BMP-2, BMP-4 and BMP-7. Results: As expected, a variety of responses were observed ranging from no mineralization in the PLC populations to dense mineralized deposition observed in one GH-treated ABC population. Over a 48-h period GH was found to be non-mitogenic for all cell populations. Quantitative reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) BSP mRNA expression correlated well with mineralizing potential of the cells. The change in the mRNA expression of the osteogenic markers was determined following GH treatment of the cells over a 48-h period. GH caused an increase in ALP in most cell populations, and also in BMP expression in some cell populations. However a decrease in BSP. osteocalcin and osteopontin expression in the more highly differentiated cell populations was observed in response to GH. Conclusion: The response of the cells indicates that while long-term treatment with GH may promote mineralization, short-term treatment does not promote proliferation of osteoblast precursors nor induce expression of late osteogenic markers.
Proteins of the annexin family are believed to be involved in membrane-related processes, but their precise functions remain unclear. Here, we have made use of several experimental approaches, including pathological conditions, RNA interference and in vitro transport assays, to study the function of annexin II in the endocytic pathway. We find that annexin II is required for the biogenesis of multivesicular transport intermediates destined for late endosomes, by regulating budding from early endosomes-but not the membrane invagination process. Hence, the protein appears to be a necessary component of the machinery controlling endosomal membrane dynamics and multivesicular endosome biogenesis. We also find that annexin II interacts with cholesterol and that its subcellular distribution is modulated by the subcellular distribution of cholesterol, including in cells from patients with the cholesterol-storage disorder Niemann-Pick C. We conclude that annexin II forms cholesterol-containing platforms on early endosomal membranes, and that these platforms regulate the onset of the degradation pathway in animal cells.
Nodal shoot cultures of 'Clone 003', a selected Australian papaya cultivar, were cultured on modified De Fossard medium supplemented with chemicals that either promote ethylene evolution or inhibit action while in culture. Nodal shoot cultures grown in the presence of 1-aminocyclopropane carboxylic acid (ACC, 1.0 mM) resulted in a significant reduction in percent fresh and dry weights, shoot length, leaf area, petiole length and chlorophyll content, but leaf development was significantly increased. In contrast, nodal cultures grown in the presence of silver thiosulphate (STS, 0.5 mM) significantly produced the highest percentage of fresh and dry weights, shoot length, leaf production, leaf area expansion, petiole length and leaf chlorophyll content. Nodal cultures and rooted whole plantlets placed in medium-sized (125 mL) culture vessels had significantly better growth than those cultures placed in small (70 mL) or in large (250 mL) vessels. Cultures grown in medium-sized vessels had higher fresh and dry weights, longer shoots, more leaves and larger leaf area than those cultures placed in smaller or larger vessels. Similarly, values for said growth parameters and for chlorophyll content of the nodal and rooted whole plantlets were higher when they were incubated under high light intensity of 120 mumol m(-2)s(-1) at a prevailing temperature of either 20+/-1 C or 25+/-1 C.
[CoCl(-Cl)(Hpz(Ph))(3)](2) (1) and [CoCl2(Hpz(Ph))(4)] (2) were obtained by reaction of CoCl2 with HC(pz(Ph))(3) and Hpz(Ph), respectively (Hpz(Ph)=3-phenylpyrazole). The compounds were isolated as air-stable solids and fully characterized by IR and far-IR spectroscopy, MS(ESI+/-), elemental analysis, cyclic voltammetry (CV), controlled potential electrolysis, and single-crystal X-ray diffraction. Electrochemical studies showed that 1 and 2 undergo single-electron irreversible (CoCoIII)-Co-II oxidations and (CoCoI)-Co-II reductions at potentials measured by CV, which also allowed, in the case of dinuclear complex 1, the detection of electronic communication between the Co centers through the chloride bridging ligands. The electrochemical behavior of models of 1 and 2 were also investigated by density functional theory (DFT) methods, which indicated that the vertical oxidation of 1 and 2 (that before structural relaxation) affects mostly the chloride and pyrazolyl ligands, whereas adiabatic oxidation (that after the geometry relaxation) and reduction are mostly metal centered. Compounds 1 and 2 and, for comparative purposes, other related scorpionate and pyrazole cobalt complexes, exhibit catalytic activity for the peroxidative oxidation of cyclohexane to cyclohexanol and cyclohexanone under mild conditions (room temperature, aqueous H2O2). Insitu X-ray absorption spectroscopy studies indicated that the species derived from complexes 1 and 2 during the oxidation of cyclohexane (i.e., Ox-1 and Ox-2, respectively) are analogous and contain a Co-III site. Complex 2 showed low invitro cytotoxicity toward the HCT116 colorectal carcinoma and MCF7 breast adenocarcinoma cell lines.
RESUMO:A determinação da fracção exalada de óxido nítrico (FENO) é amplamente utilizada como um biomarcador da inflamação eosinofílica das vias aéreas. Alguns estudos sugerem que a produção de óxido nítrico (NO) é influenciada pelas variações cíclicas hormonais na mulher,porém os dados não são consensuais. Deste modo, o objectivo do nosso estudo foi avaliar como varia a FENO ao longo do ciclo menstrual. Com esta finalidade, avaliamos um grupo de 20 voluntárias, em idade fértil, com ciclo menstrual regular, não fumadoras, que não utilizavam contraceptivos hormonais, nem suplementos alimentares e/ou medicamentosos e que não se encontravam grávidas, nem a amamentar. Todas referiram não ter conhecimento de qualquer patologia que afecte a FENO. A existência de atopia foi controlada através de testes cutâneos por prick, tendo-se excluído as participantes que apresentaram testes positivos. Realizamos quatro visitas de estudo, com base na periodicidade do ciclo de cada participante, nas quais, efectuamos a determinação da FENO, a quantificação dos níveis plasmáticos de óxido nítrico e nitratos (NO/NO3 -) e o doseamento hormonal de 17 -estradiol e progesterona. As avaliações realizaram-se no período da manhã, em jejum absoluto, tendo respeitado uma dieta pobre em nitratos no dia anterior e abstido da prática de exercício vigoroso uma hora antes da avaliação. Com este trabalho, verificamos um aumento significativo da FENO na fase secretora (17.97 ppb ± 5.8) comparativamente com a fase menstrual e proliferativa (16.48 ppb ± 3.6 e 15.95 ppb ±2.8, respectivamente). Não observamos variações significativas dos níveis plasmáticos de NO/NO3 - ao longo do ciclo. Constatamos uma correlação positiva entre a FENO e os níveis plasmáticos de NO/NO3 - durante a ovulação e verificamos que, para a nossa amostra, os níveis hormonais de estradiol e progesterona não são preditores do valor da FENO, nem dos níveis plasmáticos de NO/NO3-. Os resultados deste trabalho mostram uma variação da FENO ao longo do ciclo, ainda assim, mantendo-se os seus valores dentro do intervalo de referência, reforçando a fiabilidade deste biomarcador.--ABSTRACT:The determination of fractional exhaled nitric oxide (FENO) is widely used as a biomarker of eosinophilic airway inflammation. Some studies suggest that nitric oxide (NO) is influenced by cyclical hormonal changes in women, but those are not consensual. The aim of our study was to assess how FENO varies throughout the menstrual cycle. With this purpose, we studied a group of 20 volunteers within childbearing age, with regular menstrual cycle, non-smokers, who were not taking any medications including hormonal contraception and food supplements and who were not pregnant or breast-feeding. All participants reported not being aware of any condition that could affect the FENO. The presence of atopy was controlled by a skin prick test, having been excluded participants with positive test. We conducted four study visits, based on the periodicity of the cycle of each participant. In each visit, we made the determination of the FENO, the quantification of plasmatic levels of nitric oxide and nitrates (NO/NO3 -) and the blood levels of hormone estradiol-17 and progesterone. The evaluations occurred at morning, after overnight fasting. The participants were request to follow a low-nitrate diet in the previous day and refrained from vigorous exercise, for at least one hour before the visit We found a significant increase of FENO on secretory phase (17.97 ppb ± 5.8) compared with the menstrual and proliferative phase (16.48 ppb ± 3.6 and 15.95 ppb ± 2.8, espectively). No significant variations were found throughout the menstrual cycle in plasmatic levels of NO/NO3 -. We found a positive correlation between FENO and plasmatic levels of NO/NO3 - during ovulation. Finally, in our sample, the levels of oestradiol and progesterone are not predictors of FENO value nor of plasmatic levels of NO/NO3-. This study shows a variation of FENO over the menstrual cycle, nevertheless, the values remain within the reference range, reinforcing the reliability of this biomarker.