1000 resultados para Hurricane Camille, 1969.


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This master’s thesis deals with the cultural diversity policies of Denmark and Sweden within the cultural sector. It attempts at explaining why these two “most-similar” scandinavian countries having in common the same cultural model, “the architect model”, opted for different policies when it came to cultural diversity: Assimilationism for Denmark and multiculturalism for Sweden. I show that though institutional and power-interest factors had an impact, ideas as “programmatic beliefs” (Sheri E. Berman 2001) or “frames” (Erik Bleich 2003) played the ultimate role. I evaluate their relative importance by analyzing the anthropological dimension of the countries cultural policies since 1969. The study confirms that at least in the cultural sector, Danish policies have been assimilationist and Swedish ones multiculturalist and proposes a new classification of terms.By investigating immigrants cultures, it fills a gap left by previous researchers working on a common Nordic cultural model.


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Durante el primer gobierno del socialdemócrata Olof Palme, las relaciones bilaterales entre Chile y Suecia fueron las más intensas de toda su historia, tanto en cercanía como en conflictividad. La razón la encontramos en los distintos fenómenos políticos que vivió Chile en ese periodo, puesto que Palme coincidió temporalmente con tres gobiernos claramente diferenciados: la Democracia Cristiana, la Unidad Popular y el Régimen Militar. Si las relaciones sueco-chilenas tuvieron su mejor momento durante el mandato de Salvador Allende, el golpe de Estado significó todo lo contrario. El compromiso que tuvo el embajador de Suecia, Harald Edelstam, por quienes eran perseguidos en Chile le llevó a su expulsión, lo que se tradujo en un claro deterioro de las relaciones y el inicio de una nueva etapa marcada por el gran contingente de exiliados que comenzaron a llegar a Suecia. Este trabajo analiza los principales acontecimientos diplomáticos ocurridos entre Chile y Suecia así como las consecuencias que tuvieron durante el gobierno de Olof Palme.


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Traditional studies of long-term change in trade union structure have, in constructing explanations of change, predominantly focused on aggregate trends in union merger activity. This paper argues that our understanding of structural change in the Australian trade union movement would be better served by a structural events approach that examines the incidence of union formations, dissolutions and breakaways, in addition to that of union mergers. In doing so, it outlines how these structural events can be identified and measured, and presents the preliminary findings from the method's application.


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Traditional studies of long-term change in trade union structure have predominantly focused on aggregate trends in union merger activity, in constructing explanations of change. This paper argues that our understanding of structural change in the Australian trade union movement would be better served by a structural events approach that examines the incidence of union formations, dissolutions, and breakaways, in addition to that of union mergers. In doing so, it outlines how these structural events can be identified and measured, and presents the preliminary findings from the methods application.


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BACKGROUND: Effective public policy requires information on the prevalence of overweight and obesity. OBJECTIVE: We determined changes in the population prevalence of overweight and obesity among young Australians (aged 7-15 y) from 1969 to 1985 to 1997. DESIGN: Data from 5 independent population surveys were analyzed: the Australian Youth Fitness Survey, 1969; the Australian Health and Fitness Survey, 1985; the South Australian Schools Fitness and Physical Activity Survey, 1997; the New South Wales Schools Fitness and Physical Activity Survey, 1997; and the Health of Young Victorians Study, 1997. Measured body mass index was used as the index of adiposity, and recently published body mass index cutoff values were used to categorize each subject as nonoverweight, overweight, obese, or either overweight or obese. RESULTS: For 1985-1997, the population prevalence of overweight increased by 60-70%, obesity increased 2-4-fold, and the combined overweight and obesity categories doubled. The findings were consistent across data sets and between the sexes. For 1969-1985, there was no change in the prevalence of overweight or obesity among girls, but among boys the prevalence of overweight increased by 35%, the prevalence of obesity trebled, and the prevalence of overweight and obesity combined increased by 60%. CONCLUSIONS: The data show that in 1985-1997, the prevalence of overweight and obesity combined doubled and that of obesity trebled among young Australians, but the increase over the previous 16 y was far smaller. These results should increase our sense of urgency in identifying and implementing effective responses to this major threat to public health.


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The history of a gay and lesbian student community at Colby seems to point to the difficulty of visibility. For students who were able to find others like themselves, their group of lesbian and gay friends had to remain underground. For students who were grappling with their newly found, socially stigmatized sexuality, the experience was isolating if they did not know where to find others like themselves. This paper seeks to address the social forces that kept sexually variant students from expressing their sexual identities openly on campus. Part of this difficulty is attributable to the compulsory heterosexuality assumed by general American society at the time, manifested in the silence or outright hostility directed against homosexuals. Naturally, Colby students replicated this assumption. Some of the students we interviewed seemed to internalize compulsory heterosexuality, while it was forced upon others. Religion and psychology were two methods of enforcing heterosexuality that were relevant to the people we interviewed. Another significant obstacle to visibility was Colby's location and the nature of Colby's student body. Waterville, unlike more urban cities, did not have a history of gay life, and thus an established gay community or gay identity into which one could be socialized. Colby, as a small, homogeneous and isolated space, posed difficulties in establishing a gay community as the population to draw from was small and regulated.


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This volume explores key aspects of the development of the Australian Department of External Affairs in the three decades from 1941 to 1969 as it evolved from a small amateur department to a highly professional global operation.


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Traditional studies of long-term change in trade union structure have predominantly relied upon the aggregate number of trade unions as the principal measure, or indicator of change over time. Using the Australian trade union movement as an example, this article argues that our understanding of the long-term change in the external structure of trade unions would be better served by using Waddington's structural events approach examining the incidence of four distinct 'structural events'--union formations, dissolutions, breakaways and mergers. In doing so, this article presents new data on structural change in the Australian trade union movement between 1969 and 1985. It casts doubt on the traditional argument, which relied on the apparent lack of change in the aggregate number of unions reported by the Australian Bureau of Statistics to argue that this period was one of structural rigidity. The structural events data reveals that far from being a period of structural stability, it was in fact one of significant change, albeit in the composition of the Australian trade union movement, rather than in the aggregate number of trade unions in operation.


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An interview with writer Camille Paglia is presented. When asked of the people she criticized in her book "Break, Blow, Burn," she says that no name is known in the second half of the book. She also mentions that there has been a estrangement from poetry's visibility in education or even for magazine and newspaper reader. She adds that compared to prose, poetry is more magical.


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Recent severe hurricanes in the Caribbean and south-east United States have had devastating socio-economic effects, and there is a pressing need to learn how animals are impacted by such events. We serendipitously deployed a multi-channel data logger onto a hawksbill turtle (Eretmochelys imbricata) during the breeding season in 1998 and logged various aspects of her behaviour before, during and after passage of hurricane Georges. As Georges passed by, the turtle made shorter dives, became more active and spent less time at the surface between dives compared with its baseline, non-storm activity. However, after passage of the hurricane the turtle quickly resumed its pre-hurricane behaviour and nested successfully a few days later. These results show that, in this case, the hurricane had a minor impact on the submerged animal presumably because of the dampening effect of depth on high winds over water.


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Esta dissertação trata da formação da dívida externa brasileira, no período 1969-82, como conseqüência do sistema financeiro desregulamentado (euromercado) em operação. Este sistema formou-se e estruturou-se no pós II Guerra Mundial. Até o final da década de 1960, o euromercado acumulou grande quantidade de dólares fora dos Estados Unidos (eurodólares) e criou instrumentos e estruturas para a captação de dinheiro expatriado. A partir de 1970, atuou ativamente oferecendo empréstimos, sem condicionalidades, mas com taxas de juros flutuantes, que deram origem à dívida externa internacional e, especialmente, à brasileira. Esta formou-se, no período estudado, em três etapas: a primeira, 1969-73, foi predominantemente para acumular reservas internacionais, sendo, por isso, especulativa; a segunda, 1974-78, consumiu-se em custos crescentes da dívida, principalmente custos financeiros crescentes, e acumulou-se parcialmente em reservas internacionais, constituindo-se, assim, numa etapa transitória para o endividamento só para cobrir custos financeiros da dívida; na última etapa, 1979-82, formou-se dívida só para pagar juros da dívida e, por isso, foi puramente financeira. A dívida externa brasiliera formou-se, assim, predominantemente em função dos interesses do sistema financeiro desregulamentado, sendo, portanto, uma conseqüência da ação do mesmo.