980 resultados para Human physiology
The human startle response is a sensitive, noninvasive measure of central nervous system activity that is Currently used in a wide variety of research and clinical settings. In this article, we raise methodological issues and present recommendations for optimal methods of startle blink electromyographic (EMG) response elicitation, recording, quantification, and reporting. It is hoped that this report Will foster more methodological validity and reliability in research using the startle response, Lis well Lis increase the detail with which relevant methodology is reported in publications using this measure.
Enlarged glomerular size is a feature of focal segmental glomerulosclerosis, obesity-related glomerulopathy, diabetic nephropathy, and hypertension. The distribution of glomerular volumes within different cortical zones and glomerular volume alterations with age and obesity may contribute to understanding the evolution of these diseases. We analyzed the distributions of volumes of individual glomeruli in the superficial, middle, and juxtamedullary cortex of normal human kidneys using the disector/Cavalieri method. Volumes (V-glom) of 720 nonsclerotic glomeruli (30 per kidney, 10 per zone) were estimated in autopsy kidneys of 24 American men, 12 aged 20 to 30 yr and 12 aged 51 to 69 yr. Black and white individuals were represented equally. The range of individual V-glom within subjects varied from two- to eight-fold. There were no significant zonal differences in V-glom in the young or those with body surface area (BSA) <= 2.11 m(2). In contrast, superficial glomeruli in the older age group, in those with BSA > 2.11 m(2), and in white subjects were significantly larger than juxtamedullary glomeruli. Black subjects tended toward larger V-glom than white subjects, and this difference was significant and most marked in the juxtamedullary zone and independent of age, BSA, and glomerular number. There is a wide range in individual V-glom in adults. BSA, race, and age independently influence V-glom different zones of the renal cortex. These findings might reflect processes of aging and susceptibility factors to renal disease.
The way people with chronic low back pain think about pain can affect the way they move. This case report concerns a patient with chronic disabling low back pain who underwent functional magnetic resonance imaging scans during performance of a voluntary trunk muscle task under three conditions: directly after training in the task and, after one week of practice, before and after a 2.5 hour pain physiology education session. Before education there was widespread brain activity during performance of the task, including activity in cortical regions known to be involved in pain, although the task was not painful. After education widespread activity was absent so that there was no brain activation outside of the primary somatosensory cortex. The results suggest that pain physiology education markedly altered brain activity during performance of the task. The data offer a possible mechanism for difficulty in acquisition of trunk muscle training in people with pain and suggest that the change in activity associated with education may reflect reduced threat value of the task.
Since the sequencing of the human genome was completed, attention has turned to examining the functionality of the molecular machinery, in particular of protein expression. Differential proteome analysis by two-dimensional electrophoresis has been adopted to study changes in T cell proteomes during T cell activation, and this work is increasing our understanding of the complexity of signals elicited across multiple pathways. The purpose of this review is to summarize the available evidence in the application of proteomic techniques and methodologies to understand T cell receptor activation from lipid raft and cytoskeletal rearrangements, through to signalling cascades, transcription factor modulation and changes in protein expression patterns. These include post-translational modifications, which are not encoded by the genome. © 2007 British Society for Immunology.
The rectum has a unique physiological role as a sensory organ and differs in its afferent innervation from other gut organs that do not normally mediate conscious sensation. We compared the central processing of human esophageal, duodenal, and rectal sensation using cortical evoked potentials (CEP) in 10 healthy volunteers (age range 21-34 yr). Esophageal and duodenal CEP had similar morphology in all subjects, whereas rectal CEP had two different but reproducible morphologies. The rectal CEP latency to the first component P1 (69 ms) was shorter than both duodenal (123 ms; P = 0.008) and esophageal CEP latencies (106 ms; P = 0.004). The duodenal CEP amplitude of the P1-N1 component (5.0 µV) was smaller than that of the corresponding esophageal component (5.7 µV; P = 0.04) but similar to that of the corresponding rectal component (6.5 µV; P = 0.25). This suggests that rectal sensation is either mediated by faster-conducting afferent pathways or that there is a difference in the orientation or volume of cortical neurons representing the different gut organs. In conclusion, the physiological and anatomic differences between gut organs are reflected in differences in the characteristics of their afferent pathways and cortical processing.
Although visceral hypersensitivity is thought to be important in generating symptoms in functional gastrointestinal disorders, the neural mechanisms involved are poorly understood. We recently showed that central sensitization (hyperexcitability of spinal cord sensory neurones) may play an important role. In this study, we demonstrate that after a 30-min infusion of 0.15 M HCl acid into the healthy human distal esophagus, we see a reduction in the pain threshold to electrical stimulation of the non-acid-exposed proximal esophagus (9.6 ± 2.4 mA) and a concurrent reduction in the latency of the N1 and P2 components of the esophageal evoked potentials (EEP) from this region (10.4 ± 2.3 and 15.8 ± 5.3 ms, respectively). This reduced EEP latency indicates a central increase in afferent pathway velocity and therefore suggests that hyperexcitability within the central visceral pain pathway contributes to the hypersensitivity within the proximal, non-acid-exposed esophagus (secondary hyperalgesia/allodynia). These findings provide the first electrophysiological evidence that central sensitization contributes to human visceral hypersensitivity.
Methods of solving the neuro-electromagnetic inverse problem are examined and developed, with specific reference to the human visual cortex. The anatomy, physiology and function of the human visual system are first reviewed. Mechanisms by which the visual cortex gives rise to external electric and magnetic fields are then discussed, and the forward problem is described mathematically for the case of an isotropic, piecewise homogeneous volume conductor, and then for an anisotropic, concentric, spherical volume conductor. Methods of solving the inverse problem are reviewed, before a new technique is presented. This technique combines prior anatomical information gained from stereotaxic studies, with a probabilistic distributed-source algorithm to yield accurate, realistic inverse solutions. The solution accuracy is enhanced by using both visual evoked electric and magnetic responses simultaneously. The numerical algorithm is then modified to perform equivalent current dipole fitting and minimum norm estimation, and these three techniques are implemented on a transputer array for fast computation. Due to the linear nature of the techniques, they can be executed on up to 22 transputers with close to linear speedup. The latter part of the thesis describes the application of the inverse methods to the analysis of visual evoked electric and magnetic responses. The CIIm peak of the pattern onset evoked magnetic response is deduced to be a product of current flowing away from the surface areas 17, 18 and 19, while the pattern reversal P100m response originates in the same areas, but from oppositely directed current. Cortical retinotopy is examined using sectorial stimuli, the CI and CIm ;peaks of the pattern onset electric and magnetic responses are found to originate from areas V1 and V2 simultaneously, and they therefore do not conform to a simple cruciform model of primary visual cortex.
There is increasing evidence that non-enzymatic post-translational protein modifications might play key roles in various diseases. These protein modifications can be caused by free radicals generated during oxidative stress or by their products generated during lipid peroxidation. 4-Hydroxynonenal (HNE), a major biomarker of oxidative stress and lipid peroxidation, has been recognized as important molecule in pathology as well as in physiology of living organisms. Therefore, its detection and quantification can be considered as valuable tool for evaluating various pathophysiological conditions.The HNE-protein adduct ELISA is a method to detect HNE bound to proteins, which is considered as the most likely form of HNE occurrence in living systems. Since the earlier described ELISA has been validated for cell lysates and the antibody used for detection of HNE-protein adducts is non-commercial, the aim of this work was to adapt the ELISA to a commercial antibody and to apply it in the analysis of human plasma samples.After modification and validation of the protocol for both antibodies, samples of two groups were analyzed: apparently healthy obese (n=62) and non-obese controls (n=15). Although the detected absolute values of HNE-protein adducts were different, depending on the antibody used, both ELISA methods showed significantly higher values of HNE-protein adducts in the obese group. © 2013 The Authors.
We have shown that proteins within apically enriched fractions of human nasal respiratory epithelium vary their phosphohistidine content with ambient [Cl-] and other anion concentrations. This membrane-delimited phosphorylation cascade includes a multifunctional protein histidine kinase - nucleoside diphosphate kinase (NDPK). NDPK is itself a cascade component in both human and ovine airway, the self-phosphorylation of which is inhibited selectively by [Na+] in the presence of ATP (but not GTP). These findings led us to propose the existence of a dual anion-/cation-controlled phosphorylation-based "sensor" bound to the apical membrane. The present study showed that this cascade uses ATP to phosphorylate a group of proteins above 45 kDa (p45-group, identities unknown). Additionally, the Cl- dependence of ATP (but not GTP) phosphorylation is conditional on phosphatase activity and that interactions exist between the ATP- and GTP-phosphorylated components of the cascade under Cl--free conditions. As a prelude to studies in cystic fibrosis (CF) mice, we showed in the present study that NDPK is present and functionally active in normal murine airway. Since NDPK is essential for UTP synthesis and regulates fetal gut development, G proteins, K+channels, neutrophil-mediated inflammation and pancreatic secretion, the presence of ion-regulated NDPK protein in mouse airway epithelium might aid understanding of the pathogenesis of CF.
Noxious stimuli in the esophagus cause pain that is referred to the anterior chest wall because of convergence of visceral and somatic afferents within the spinal cord. We sought to characterize the neurophysiological responses of these convergent spinal pain pathways in humans by studying 12 healthy subjects over three visits (V1, V2, and V3). Esophageal pain thresholds (Eso-PT) were assessed by electrical stimulation and anterior chest wall pain thresholds (ACW-PT) by use of a contact heat thermode. Esophageal evoked potentials (EEP) were recorded from the vertex following 200 electrical stimuli, and anterior chest wall evoked potentials (ACWEP) were recorded following 40 heat pulses. The fear of pain questionnaire (FPQ) was administered on V1. Statistical data are shown as point estimates of difference +/- 95% confidence interval. Pain thresholds increased between V1 and V3 [Eso-PT: V1-V3 = -17.9 mA (-27.9, -7.9) P < 0.001; ACW-PT: V1-V3 = -3.38 degrees C (-5.33, -1.42) P = 0.001]. The morphology of cortical responses from both sites was consistent and equivalent [P1, N1, P2, N2 complex, where P1 and P2 are is the first and second positive (downward) components of the CEP waveform, respectively, and N1 and N2 are the first and second negative (upward) components, respectively], indicating activation of similar cortical networks. For EEP, N1 and P2 latencies decreased between V1 and V3 [N1: V1-V3 = 13.7 (1.8, 25.4) P = 0.02; P2: V1-V3 = 32.5 (11.7, 53.2) P = 0.003], whereas amplitudes did not differ. For ACWEP, P2 latency increased between V1 and V3 [-35.9 (-60, -11.8) P = 0.005] and amplitudes decreased [P1-N1: V1-V3 = 5.4 (2.4, 8.4) P = 0.01; P2-N2: 6.8 (3.4, 10.3) P < 0.001]. The mean P1 latency of EEP over three visits was 126.6 ms and that of ACWEP was 101.6 ms, reflecting afferent transmission via Adelta fibers. There was a significant negative correlation between FPQ scores and Eso-PT on V1 (r = -0.57, P = 0.05). These data provide the first neurophysiological evidence of convergent esophageal and somatic pain pathways in humans.
Background/Aims: Extracellular vesicles (EVs) are spherical fragments of cell membrane released from various cell types under physiological as well as pathological conditions. Based on their size and origin, EVs are classified as exosome, microvesicles (MVs) and apoptotic bodies. Recently, the release of MVs from human red blood cells (RBCs) under different conditions has been reported. MVs are released by outward budding and fission of the plasma membrane. However, the outward budding process itself, the release of MVs and the physical properties of these MVs have not been well investigated. The aim of this study is to investigate the formation process, isolation and characterization of MVs released from RBCs under conditions of stimulating Ca2+ uptake and activation of protein kinase C. Methods: Experiments were performed based on single cell fluorescence imaging, fluorescence activated cell sorter/flow cytometer (FACS), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), atomic force microscopy (AFM) and dynamic light scattering (DLS). The released MVs were collected by differential centrifugation and characterized in both their size and zeta potential. Results: Treatment of RBCs with 4-bromo-A23187 (positive control), lysophosphatidic acid (LPA), or phorbol-12 myristate-13 acetate (PMA) in the presence of 2 mM extracellular Ca2+ led to an alteration of cell volume and cell morphology. In stimulated RBCs, exposure of phosphatidylserine (PS) and formation of MVs were observed by using annexin V-FITC. The shedding of MVs was also observed in the case of PMA treatment in the absence of Ca2+, especially under the transmitted bright field illumination. By using SEM, AFM and DLS the morphology and size of stimulated RBCs, MVs were characterized. The sizes of the two populations of MVs were 205.8 ± 51.4 nm and 125.6 ± 31.4 nm, respectively. Adhesion of stimulated RBCs and MVs was observed. The zeta potential of MVs was determined in the range from - 40 mV to - 10 mV depended on the solutions and buffers used. Conclusion: An increase of intracellular Ca2+ or an activation of protein kinase C leads to the formation and release of MVs in human RBCs.
To assess the role of shark cartilage as an immune modulator, acid, salt-soluble, and phosphate-buffered saline extracts were prepared from three different commercial sources (SL, TL, FDC) of cartilage and used to stimulate human leukocytes in vitro. Duplicate leukocyte cultures were set up, each containing 50 $\mu$l of endotoxin-free extract, 200 $\mu$l of cell suspension (2.4-2.5 $\times$ 10$\sp5$ cells) and 100 $\mu$l of medium and incubated at 37$\sp\circ$C. Cultures stimulated with LPS (5 $\mu$g/ml) or medium served as the positive and negative controls, respectively. Culture supernatants were assayed for TNF$\alpha$ by ELISA. Cartilage extracts stimulated cells to release significant levels of TNF$\alpha$ (p $<$.005); the highest response was obtained with the acid extract of SL cartilage. In comparison, response to corresponding extracts of bovine cartilage was lower (p $<$.05). The stimulatory activity was reduced (85%) following proteolytic digestion, and lost when extract was heated (60$\sp\circ$C, 20 min) or treated with urea (6M), suggesting that the active component(s) is a protein. ^