960 resultados para Home Intervention


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Little is known about the migration of plasma cell precursors to the lymph node medulla. In this issue of Immunity, Fooksman et al. (2010) propose that this migration is largely independent of chemotactic cues but follows a long linear walk of random orientation.


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Many authors have proposed incorporating measures of well-being into evaluations of public policy. Yet few evaluations use experimental design or examine multiple aspects of well-being, thus the causal impact of public policies on well-being is largely unknown. In this paper we examine the effect of an intensive early intervention program on maternal well-being in a targeted disadvantaged community. Using a randomized controlled trial design we estimate and compare treatment effects on global well-being using measures of life satisfaction, experienced well-being using both the Day Reconstruction Method (DRM) and a measure of mood yesterday, and also a standardized measure of parenting stress. The intervention has no significant impact on negative measures of well-being, such as experienced negative affect as measured by the DRM and global measures of well-being such as life satisfaction or a global measure of parenting stress. Significant treatment effects are observed on experienced measures of positive affect using the DRM, and a measure of mood yesterday. The DRM treatment effects are primarily concentrated during times spent without the target child which may reflect the increased effort and burden associated with additional parental investment. Our findings suggest that a maternal-focused intervention may produce meaningful improvements in experienced well-being. Incorporating measures of experienced affect may thus alter cost-benefit calculations for public policies.


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The texts by the Spanish Economist School (second half of the 19th century) contain an assessment of the role of women in the economy and society that is transgressor in front of the prevailing discourse that defended a unique and exclusive role for all women: being at home and a mother. Most members of that economic trend defended female work in the factories, basing themselves on wage arguments and even asked for a professional training for those who in many cases could not even write and read for the fact of being a woman. The texts of those economists give new ideas about the economic and social role of women in a Spain dominated by a discourse that denied the necessity of female work for the working families.


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L'arrêt de la cigarette est généralement associé à une prise de poids. Celle-ci peut menacer la motivation des fumeurs à s'engager dans un processus d'arrêt du tabac et constitue un motif de rechute. L'ordre de grandeur et la cinétique de la prise de poids liée à une tentative d'arrêt chez les fumeurs pris en charge selon les recommandations cliniques actuelles est peu décrite dans la littérature médicale. Le but de cette étude était de quantifier cette prise de poids, d'en déterminer la cinétique ainsi que les facteurs qui l'influencent, chez des fumeurs sédentaires bénéficiant d'une intervention d'aide à l'arrêt du tabac individualisée, composée de conseils individuels et d'une substitution nicotinique associant plusieurs modes d'administration. Nous avons analysé des données récoltées durant un essai clinique randomisé contrôlé au cours duquel était étudié l'impact d'une activité physique modérée sur les taux d'arrêt du tabac après un an chez des fumeurs sédentaires. Nous avons modélisé l'évolution du poids de l'ensemble des participants au cours du temps, selon la technique statistique des « modèles mixtes longitudinaux ». En séparant les périodes d'abstinence de la cigarette de celles de rechute et de l'utilisation reportée de substituts nicotiniques. Cette approche nous a permis de prendre en compte chaque participant à l'étude, par opposition à un modèle plus simple qui séparerait les sujets abstinents de ceux qui rechutent à n'importe quel moment de la période de suivi. Nous avons également ajusté ces modèles pour l'âge, le sexe, le niveau de dépendance à la nicotine et le niveau de formation des participants. Parmi l'ensemble des participants, nous avons noté une augmentation du poids durant les trois premiers mois de l'intervention, suivie d'une stabilisation. Au total, la prise de poids moyenne s'est élevée à 3.3 kg pour les femmes et 3.9 kg pour les hommes. Durant les périodes d'abstinence, les caractéristiques suivantes étaient associées à la prise de poids : sexe masculin et forte dépendance nicotinique. Un âge supérieur à 43 ans était associé à une prise de poids également durant les périodes de rechute. Nous avons observé une tendance, non statistiquement significative, vers une réduction de la prise des poids avec l'utilisation de substituts nicotiniques. Notre étude apporte de nouvelles données sur l'évolution du poids chez les fumeurs sédentaires qui bénéficient d'une intervention d'aide à l'arrêt du tabac. Ils prennent donc du poids, de manière modérée et limitée aux premiers mois. Parmi eux, les hommes, les individus les plus dépendants à la nicotine et les plus âgés doivent s'attendre à une prise de poids supérieure à la moyenne.


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OBJECTIVES: To explore the relationship between patient's intention to change regarding future alcohol consumption following brief alcohol intervention (BAI) and changes in alcohol consumption 12-months later and the communication characteristics between patient and counselor during BAI. DESIGN, SETTING AND SUBJECTS: Data from 367 patients (experimental arm) of a pragmatic randomized controlled trial were used to assess the effectiveness of BAI among hazardous drinkers attending an Emergency Department (Lausanne University Hospital, Lausanne, Switzerland). Alcohol outcome measures at baseline and 12 months follow-up included usual number of drinks per week, monthly frequency of heavy episodic drinking (5 or more standard drinks for men; 4 or more for women), and the Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test (AUDIT) score. In addition, the communication characteristics between patient and counselor were analyzed via tape recordings using the Motivational Interviewing Skill Code (MISC) from 97 participants. Patient readiness and importance to change on a 10-point Likert scale (readiness/importance to change ruler) was asked during BAI, and patient intention to change alcohol consumption (yes/no) was asked at the last step. Differences in alcohol outcome at follow-up between the 367 patients who did or did not have an intention to change consumption at baseline were compared, as were differences between these two groups in communication characteristics for the 97 who completed tape recordings. RESULTS: Patients with an intention to decrease alcohol consumption reduced alcohol use and related problems more often, and reported higher levels of importance and readiness to change than did their counterparts. Analyses of MISC-coded data showed a significantly higher use of MI-consistent skills among those with a moderation intention, but no group differences on the 8 other counselor communication skills measures were found. Analyses of patient speech during the intervention indicated that those with an intention to change their alcohol consumption significantly more often self-explored personal ambivalence towards alcohol, expressed more intensely their ability, commitment, desire, need and reason to change their alcohol use than did those in the no decrease group. CONCLUSIONS: The intention expressed by hazardous drinkers when concluding BAI is associated with both patient change talk during BAI and drinking outcome 12 months later, but is mainly independent of counselor communication skills. This intention may be an important clinical indicator of which hazardous drinkers are most likely to improve after BAI.


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Considerant l’absència d’estudis ambientals previs a la Vall de Riells (Bigues i Riells, Vallès Oriental), i l’evident necessitat de gestió de l’espai a causa de la sobrefreqüentació antròpica, s’ha realitzat aquesta diagnosi ambiental. En ella es descriuen de manera integrada els principals elements del medi físic, biòtic i socioeconòmic, per tal de proporcionar les eines necessàries per avaluar les problemàtiques de l’espai i fomentar la seva gestió i conservació.


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Background¦The outcome after primary percutaneous coronary intervention (pPCI) for STElevation¦Myocardial Infarction (STEMI) is strongly affected by time delays. In thepresent study, we sought to identify the impact of specific socioeconomic factors on time delays, subsequent STEMI management and outcomes in STEMI patients from a well-defined region of the French part of Switzerland.¦Method¦A total of 402 consecutive patients undergoing pPCI for STEMI in a large tertiary hospital were retrospectively studied. Symptom-to-first-medical-contact time was analyzed for the following socioeconomic factors: level of education, gender, origin and marital status. Main exclusion criteria were: time delay beyond 12 hours, previous treatment by fibrinolysis or patients immediately referred for CABG.¦Therefore, 352 patients were finally included.¦Results¦At one year, there was no difference in mortality amongst the different socioeconomic groups. Furthermore, there was no difference in management characteristics between them. Symptom-to-first-medical-contact time was significantly higher for patients with a low level of education, Swiss citizens and non-married patients with median differences of 40 minutes, 48 minutes, and 60 minutes, respectively (p<0.05).¦Nevertheless, no difference was found regarding in-hospital management and clinical outcome.¦Conclusion¦This study demonstrates that symptom-to-first-medical-contact time is higher amongst people with a lower educational level, Swiss-citizens, and non-married people. Because of the low mortality rate in general, these differences in time delays did not affect clinical outcomes. Still, primary prevention measures should particularly focus on these vulnerable populations.


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Quina mena d'home era Jesús? Menut o espigat? Tenia el parlar sec, el gest franc? Era calb, duia barba?... Esperava que el reialme arribaria de seguida? Va patir, algun dia, el sentiment de fracàs? Imaginà que arribaria l'Església?L'autor manlleva els elements cabdals de les investigacions històriques més recents sobre Jesús i en fa un retrat molt particular: no és un retrat inèdit, sinó un retrat en què el rostre de Jesús es destria de moltes imatges amb què sovint se l'ha confós. Escoltant les seves paràboles, assistint als seus miracles, seguint-lo en el seu camí de la creu, el lector és conduït a descobrir que en ell Déu s'ha fet proper als homes i els ha donat un centre nou a la seva història.


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L’any 1983, el fragment de crani VM-0, trobat a Venta Micena (Orce, Granada), va ser atribuït al gènere Homo per Josep Gibert, Salvador Moyà-Solà i Jordi Agustí. Un any més tard, el mateix fragment va ser atribuït a Equus per altres investigadors mitjançant el diari El País. No és fins a tres anys més tard que es publica el primer article científic seguint aquesta atribució. Només Josep Gibert continua defensant el caràcter humà de VM-0, que mai serà totalment acceptat per la comunitat científica. Els mitjans de comunicació, concretament els diaris, esdevenen l’espai de debat científic. Aquest debat, i el gran rebombori que causen els diaris, tenen influència en el desenvolupament "normal" de la ciència.