763 resultados para Hochschild, Arlie Russell
Background Airway bypass is a bronchoscopic lung-volume reduction procedure for emphysema whereby transbronchial passages into the lung are created to release trapped air, supported with paclitaxel-coated stents to ease the mechanics of breathing. The aim of the EASE (Exhale airway stents for emphysema) trial was to evaluate safety and efficacy of airway bypass in people with severe homogeneous emphysema. Methods We undertook a randomised, double-blind, sham-controlled study in 38 specialist respiratory centres worldwide. We recruited 315 patients who had severe hyperinflation (ratio of residual volume [RV] to total lung capacity of >= 0.65). By computer using a random number generator, we randomly allocated participants (in a 2:1 ratio) to either airway bypass (n=208) or sham control (107). We divided investigators into team A (masked), who completed pre-procedure and post-procedure assessments, and team B (unmasked), who only did bronchoscopies without further interaction with patients. Participants were followed up for 12 months. The 6-month co-primary efficacy endpoint required 12% or greater improvement in forced vital capacity (FVC) and 1 point or greater decrease in the modified Medical Research Council dyspnoea score from baseline. The composite primary safety endpoint incorporated five severe adverse events. We did Bayesian analysis to show the posterior probability that airway bypass was superior to sham control (success threshold, 0.965). Analysis was by intention to treat. This study is registered with ClinicalTrials.gov, number NCT00391612. Findings All recruited patients were included in the analysis. At 6 months, no difference between treatment arms was noted with respect to the co-primary efficacy endpoint (30 of 208 for airway bypass vs 12 of 107 for sham control; posterior probability 0.749, below the Bayesian success threshold of 0.965). The 6-month composite primary safety endpoint was 14.4% (30 of 208) for airway bypass versus 11.2% (12 of 107) for sham control (judged non-inferior, with a posterior probability of 1.00 [Bayesian success threshold >0.95]). Interpretation Although our findings showed safety and transient improvements, no sustainable benefit was recorded with airway bypass in patients with severe homogeneous emphysema.
Background Disease management programs (DMPs) are developed to address the high morbi-mortality and costs of congestive heart failure (CHF). Most studies have focused on intensive programs in academic centers. Washington County Hospital (WCH) in Hagerstown, MD, the primary reference to a semirural county, established a CHF DMP in 2001 with standardized documentation of screening and participation. Linkage to electronic records and state vital statistics enabled examination of the CHF population including individuals participating and those ineligible for the program. Methods All WCH inpatients with CHF International Classification of Diseases, Ninth Revision code in any position of the hospital list discharged alive. Results Of 4,545 consecutive CHF admissions, only 10% enrolled and of those only 52.2% made a call. Enrollment in the program was related to: age (OR 0.64 per decade older, 95% CI 0.58-0.70), CHF as the main reason for admission (OR 3.58, 95% CI 2.4-4.8), previous admission for CHF (OR 1.14, 95% CI 1.09-1.2), and shorter hospital stay (OR 0.94 per day longer, 95% CI 0.87-0.99). Among DMP participants mortality rates were lowest in the first month (80/1000 person-years) and increased subsequently. The opposite mortality trend occurred in nonenrolled groups with mortality in the first month of 814 per 1000 person-years in refusers and even higher in ineligible (1569/1000 person-years). This difference remained significant after adjustment. Re-admission rates were lower among participants who called consistently (adjusted incidence rate ratio 0.62, 95% CI 0.52-0.77). Conclusion Only a small and highly select group participated in a low-intensity DMP for CHF in a community-based hospital. Design of DMPs should incorporate these strong selective factors to maximize program impact. (Am Heart J 2009; 15 8:459-66.)
Background Autologous non-myeloablative haemopoietic stem cell transplantation is a method to deliver intense immune suppression. We evaluated the safety and clinical outcome of autologous non-myeloablative haemopoietic stem cell transplantation in patients with retapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis (MS) who had not responded to treatment with interferon beta. Methods Eligible patients had relapsing-remitting MS, attended Northwestern Memorial Hospital, and despite treatment with interferon beta had had two corticosteroid-treated relapses within the previous 12 months, or one relapse and gadolinium-enhancing lesions seen on MRI and separate from the relapse. Peripheral blood haemopoietic stem cells were mobilised with 2 g per m(2) cyclophosphamide and 10 mu g per kg per day filgrastim. The conditioning regimen for the haemopoietic stem cells was 200 mg per kg cyclophosphamide and either 20 mg alemtuzumab or 6 mg per kg rabbit antithymocyte globulin. Primary outcomes were progression-free survival and reversal of neurological disability at 3 years post-transplantation. We also sought to investigate the safety and tolerability of autologous non-myeloablative haemopoietic stem cell transplantation. Findings Between January 2003, and February, 2005, 21 patients were treated. Engraftment of white blood cells and platelets was on median day 9 (range day 8-11) and patients were discharged from hospital on mean day 11 (range day 8-13). One patient had diarrhoea due to Clostridium difficile and two patients had dermatomal zoster. Two of the 17 patients receiving alemtuzumab developed late immune thrombocytopenic purpura that remitted with standard therapy. 17 of 21 patients (81%) improved by at least 1 point on the Kurtzke expanded disability status scale (EDSS), and five patients (24%) relapsed but achieved remission after further immunosuppression. After a mean of 37 months (range 24-48 months), all patients were free from progression (no deterioration in EDSS score), and 16 were free of relapses. Significant improvements were noted in neurological disability, as determined by EDSS score (p<0.0001), neurological rating scale score (p=0.0001), paced auditory serial addition test (p=0.014), 25-foot walk (p<0.0001), and quality of life, as measured with the short form-36 (SF-36) questionnaire (p<0.0001). Interpretation Non-myeloablative autologous haemopoietic stem cell transplantation in patients with relapsing-remitting MS reverses neurological deficits, but these results need to be confirmed in a randomised trial.
Heart failure (HF) incidence in diabetes in both the presence and absence of CHD is rising. Prospective population-based studies can help describe the relationship between HbA(1c), a measure of glycaemia control, and HF risk. We studied the incidence of HF hospitalisation or death among 1,827 participants in the Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities (ARIC) study with diabetes and no evidence of HF at baseline. Cox proportional hazard models included age, sex, race, education, health insurance status, alcohol consumption, BMI and WHR, and major CHD risk factors (BP level and medications, LDL- and HDL-cholesterol levels, and smoking). In this population of persons with diabetes, crude HF incidence rates per 1,000 person-years were lower in the absence of CHD (incidence rate 15.5 for CHD-negative vs 56.4 for CHD-positive, p < 0.001). The adjusted HR of HF for each 1% higher HbA(1c) was 1.17 (95% CI 1.11-1.25) for the non-CHD group and 1.20 (95% CI 1.04-1.40) for the CHD group. When the analysis was limited to HF cases which occurred in the absence of prevalent or incident CHD (during follow-up) the adjusted HR remained 1.20 (95% CI 1.11-1.29). These data suggest HbA(1c) is an independent risk factor for incident HF in persons with diabetes with and without CHD. Long-term clinical trials of tight glycaemic control should quantify the impact of different treatment regimens on HF risk reduction.
We previously reported a Vietnamese-American family with isolated autosomal dominant occipital cephalocele. Upon further neuroimaging studies, we have recharacterized this condition as autosomal dominant Dandy-Walker with occipital cephalocele (ADDWOC). A similar ADDWOC family from Brazil was also recently described. To determine the genetic etiology of ADDWOC, we performed genome-wide linkage analysis on members of the Vietnamese-American and Brazilian pedigrees. Linkage analysis of the Vietnamese-American family identified the ADDWOC causative locus on chromosome 2q36.1 with a multipoint parametric LOD score of 3.3, while haplotype analysis refined the locus to 1.1 Mb. Sequencing of the five known genes in this locus did not identify any protein-altering mutations. However, a terminal deletion of chromosome 2 in a patient with an isolated case of Dandy-Walker malformation also encompassed the 2q36.1 chromosomal region. The Brazilian pedigree did not show linkage to this 2q36.1 region. Taken together, these results demonstrate a locus for ADDWOC on 2q36.1 and also suggest locus heterogeneity for ADDWOC.
The contribution of the short wavelength ultraviolet (UV) component of sunlight to the aetiology of skin cancer has been widely acknowledged, although its direct contribution to tumour initiation or progression is still poorly understood. The loss of normal cell cycle controls, particularly checkpoint controls, are a common feature of cancer. UV radiation causes both GI and G2 phase checkpoint arrest in vitro cultured cells. In this study we have investigated the cell cycle responses to suberythemal doses of UV on skin. We have utilized short-term whole organ skin cultures, and multi parameter immunohistochemical and biochemical analysis to demonstrate that basal and suprabasal layer melanocytes and keratinocytes undergo a G2 phase cell cycle arrest for up to 48 h following irradiation. The arrest is associated with increased p16 expression but no apparent p53 involvement. This type of organ culture provides a very useful model system, combining the ease of in vitro manipulation with the ability to perform detailed molecular analysis in a normal tissue environment.