916 resultados para High spectral resolution detectors


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Osteocytes respond to dynamic fluid shear loading by activating various biochemical pathways, mediating a dynamic process of bone formation and resorption. Whole-cell deformation and regional deformation of the cytoskeleton may be able to directly regulate this process. Attempts to image cellular deformation by conventional microscopy techniques have been hindered by low temporal or spatial resolution. In this study, we developed a quasi-three-dimensional microscopy technique that enabled us to simultaneously visualize an osteocyte's traditional bottom-view profile and a side-view profile at high temporal resolution. Quantitative analysis of the plasma membrane and either the intracellular actin or microtubule (MT) cytoskeletal networks provided characterization of their deformations over time. Although no volumetric dilatation of the whole cell was observed under flow, both the actin and MT networks experienced primarily tensile strains in all measured strain components. Regional heterogeneity in the strain field of normal strains was observed in the actin networks, especially in the leading edge to flow, but not in the MT networks. In contrast, side-view shear strains exhibited similar subcellular distribution patterns in both networks. Disruption of MT networks caused actin normal strains to decrease, whereas actin disruption had little effect on the MT network strains, highlighting the networks' mechanical interactions in osteocytes.


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A novel method is reported for the detection of avian influenza virus subtype H5 using a biosensor based on high spatial resolution imaging ellipsometry (IE). Monoclonal antibodies specific to H5 hemagglutinin protein were immobilized on silicon wafers and used to capture virus particles. Resultant changes on the surface of the wafers were visualized directly in gray-scale on an imaging ellipsometry image. This preliminary study has shown that the assay is rapid and specific for the identification of avian influenza virus subtype H5. Compared with lateral-flow immunoassays, this biosensor not only has better sensitivity, but can also simultaneously perform multiplexed tests. These results suggest that this biosensor might be a valuable diagnostic toot for avian influenza virus detection. (c) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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A high energy heavy ion microbeam irradiation system is constructed at the Institute of Modern Physics (IMP) of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS). A quadrupole focusing system, in combination with a series of slits, has been designed here. The IMP microbeam system is described in detail. The intrinsic and parasitic aberrations associated with the magnets are simulated. The ion beam optics of this microbeam system is investigated systematically. Then the optimized initial beam parameters are given for high spatial resolution and high hitting rates.


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The remote sensing based Production Efficiency Models (PEMs), springs from the concept of "Light Use Efficiency" and has been applied more and more in estimating terrestrial Net Primary Productivity (NPP) regionally and globally. However, global NPP estimates vary greatly among different models in different data sources and handling methods. Because direct observation or measurement of NPP is unavailable at global scale, the precision and reliability of the models cannot be guaranteed. Though, there are ways to improve the accuracy of the models from input parameters. In this study, five remote sensing based PEMs have been compared: CASA, GLO-PEM, TURC, SDBM and VPM. We divided input parameters into three categories, and analyzed the uncertainty of (1) vegetation distribution, (2) fraction of photosynthetically active radiation absorbed by the canopy (fPAR) and (3) light use efficiency (e). Ground measurements of Hulunbeier typical grassland and meteorology measurements were introduced for accuracy evaluation. Results show that a real-time, more accurate vegetation distribution could significantly affect the accuracy of the models, since it's applied directly or indirectly in all models and affects other parameters simultaneously. Higher spatial and spectral resolution remote sensing data may reduce uncertainty of fPAR up to 51.3%, which is essential to improve model accuracy.


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The electrospray ionization ion trap multiple-stage tandem mass spectrometry (ESI-MSn) and electrospray ionization Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance multiple-stage tandem mass spectrometry (ESI-FT-ICR-MSn) have been applied successfully to the direct investigation of a number of dibenzocyclooctadiene lignan constituents from the methanol extracts of the Fructus Schisandrae in the positive ion mode. The detailed structural characterization of the same skeleton and different peripheral substituents had been studied and the precise elemental compositions of ions at high mass resolution had been obtained. So the fragmentation mechanisms could be clarified.


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The fragmentations of four strychnos alkaloids have been investigated by electrospray ionization Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry (ESI-FTICR-MS) in the positive ion mode. Experiments using multi-stage tandem mass spectrometry (ESI-FT-ICR-MSn) allowed us to obtain precise elemental compositions of product ions at high mass resolution. The experimental data demonstrated that the nitrogen bridge and the coordinated oxygen atom on the nitrogen bridge in the alkaloid compounds were the active sites in the MS2 fragmentations. The loss of CH3 or the OCH3 group in those alkaloids, which have an OCH3 substituent, was the dominant fragmentation mode in the MS3 fragmentations. Logical fragmentation schemes for strychnos alkaloids have been proposed and these should be useful for the identification of these compounds.


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The soft x-ray reflectivity of multilayer films is affected by the surface roughness on the transverse nanometer scale. Scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) is an ideal instrument for providing high-lateral-resolution roughness measurements for soft x-ray multilayer films that cannot be obtained with other types of instruments on the transverse nanometer scale. The surface roughnesses of Mo/Si, Mo/C, and W/Si soft x-ray multilayer films prepared by an ion-beam-sputtering technique were measured with a STM on the vertical and transverse attributes. The film roughnesses and average spatial wavelengths added to the substrates depend on the multilayer film fabrication conditions, i.e., material combinations, number of layers, and individual layer thickness. These were estimated to lead to a loss of specular reflectivity and variations of the soft x-ray scattering angle distribution. This method points the way to further studies of soft x-ray multilayer film functional properties and can be used as basic guidance for selecting the best coating conditions in the fabrications of soft x-ray multilayer films. (C) 1996 American Vacuum Society.


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The Ludox-QPS method is a newly developed technique, which combines the Ludox HS 40 density centrifugation and quantitative protargol stain, to enumerate marine ciliates with good taxonomic resolution. We tested the method for simultaneous enumeration of diatoms, protozoa and meiobenthos and compared its extraction efficiency for meiobenthos with that of the routine Ludox-TM centrifugation and a modified protocol using Ludox HS 40. We conducted the evaluation with a sample size of 8.3 ml each from sandy, muddy-sand and muddy sediments collected from the intertidal area of the Yellow Sea in summer 2006 and spring 2007. The Ludox-QPS method not only produced high extraction efficiencies of 97 +/- 1.3% for diatoms and 97.6 +/- 0.8% for ciliates, indicating a reliable enumeration for eukaryotic microbenthos, but also produced excellent extraction efficiencies of on average 97.3% for total meiobenthos, 97.9% for nematodes and 97.8% for copepods from sands, muddy sands and mud. By contrast, the routine Ludox-TM centrifugation obtained only about 74% of total meiobenthos abundance with one extraction cycle, and the modified Ludox HS 40 centrifugation yielded on average 93% of total meiobenthos: 89.4 +/- 2.0% from sands, 93 +/- 4.1% from muddy sands and 97.1 +/- 3.0% from mud. Apart from the sediment type, sample volume was another important factor affecting the extraction efficiency for meiobenthos. The extraction rate was increased to about 96.4% when using the same modified Ludox centrifugation for a 4 ml sediment sample. Besides the excellent extraction efficiency, the Ludox-QPS method obtained higher abundances of meiobenthos, in particular nematodes, than the routine Ludox centrifugation, which frequently resulted in an uncertain loss of small meiobenthos during the sieving process. Statistical analyses demonstrated that there were no significant differences between the meiobenthos communities revealed by the Ludox-QPS method and the modified Ludox HS 40 centrifugation, showing the high efficiency of the Ludox-QPS method for simultaneous enumeration of diatom, protozoa and meiobenthos. Moreover, the comparatively high taxonomic resolution of the method, especially for diatoms and ciliates, makes it feasible to investigate microbial ecology at community level.


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Population data which collected and saved according to administrative region is a kind of statistical data. As a traditional method of spatial data expression, average distribution in every administrative region brings population data on a low spatial and temporal precision. Now, an accurate population data with high spatial resolution is becoming more and more important in regional planning, environment protection, policy making and rural-urban development. Spatial distribution of population data is becoming more important in GIS study area. In this article, the author reviewed the progress of research on spatial distribution of population. Under the support of GIS, correlative geographical theories and Grid data model, Remote Sensing data, terrain data, traffic data, river data, resident data, and social economic statistic were applied to calculate the spatial distribution of population in Fujian province, which includes following parts: (1) Simulating of boundary at township level. Based on access cost index, land use data, traffic data, river data, DEM, and correlative social economic statistic data, the access cost surface in study area was constructed. Supported by the lowest cost path query and weighted Voronoi diagram, DVT model (Demarcation of Villages and Towns) was established to simulate the boundary at township level in Fujian province. (2) Modeling of population spatial distribution. Based on the knowledge in geography, seven impact factors, such as land use, altitude, slope, residential area, railway, road, and river were chosen as the parameters in this study. Under the support of GIS, the relations of population distribution to these impact factors were analyzed quantificationally, and the coefficients of population density on pixel scale were calculated. Last, the model of population spatial distribution at township level was established through multiplicative fusion of population density coefficients and simulated boundary of towns. (3) Error test and analysis of population spatial distribution base on modeling. The author not only analyzed the numerical character of modeling error, but also its spatial distribution. The reasons of error were discussed.


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In the history of psychology research, more attention had been focused on the relation between local processing and global processing. For the global information and the local information, which is processed earlier? And which is processed faster? Precedence of the global over the local level in visual perception has been well established by Navon with compound stimuli, and Navon’s original study gave rise to many publications, including replications, generalization to other kinds of stimuli (nonverbal material, digits), populations (infants, children, brain-damaged subjects), and tasks (lateral visual hemifield presentation, copy drawing, memory recognition, and recall), and triggered some debate about the conditions in which global precedence is and is not observed (number, size, sparsity, and goodness of the stimuli, exposure duration, etc.). However, whether there is a global advantage or precedence in other cognitive processes was less tested. Most researches had suggested that there was a functional equivalency between visual perception and visual image processing. However, it’s still unknown whether there will be a global advantage on mental rotation. In the present study, we combined the mental rotation task with the compound stimuli to explore whether the global or local advantage also existed at the mental imagery transformation stages. In two pilot studies, the perceptual global precedence was found to be present in a normal/mirror-image judgment task when the stimuli exposure time was short; while the stimuli exposure time was prolonged (stimuli kept available till subjects’ response) the perceptual global precedence was showed to be eliminated. In all of the subsequent experiments, stimili would be presented till subjects’ response. Then mental rotation was added in normal/mirror-image judgment (some of the stimuli were rotated to certain angles from upright) in normal experiments, experiment 1 and 2 observed a global advantage on mental rotation both with a focused-attention design (Experiment 1) and divided-attention design (Experiment 2). Subjects’ reaction times were increased with rotation angles, and the accuracy was decreased with rotation angles, suggesting that subject need a mental rotation to make a normal/mirror judgment. The most important results were that subjects’ response to global rotation was faster than that to local rotation. The analysis of slope of rotation further indicated that, to some extend, the speed of global rotation was faster than that of local rotation. These results suggest a global advantage on mental rotation. Experiment 3 took advantage of the high temporal resolution of event-related potentials to explore the temporal pattern of global advantage on mental rotation. Event-related potential results indicated the parietal P300 amplitude was inversely related to the character orientation, and the local rotation task delayed the onset of the mental-rotation-related negativity at parietal electrodes. None clear effect was found for occipital N150. All these results suggested that the global rotation was not only processed faster than local rotation, but also occurred earlier than local rotation. Experiments 4 and 5 took the effect size of global advantage as the main dependent variable, and visual angle and exposure duration of the stimuli as independent variables, to examine the relationship between perceptual global precedence and global advantage on mental rotation. Results indicated that visual angle and exposure duration did not influence the effect size of global advantage on mental rotation. The global advantage on mental rotation and the perceptual global advantage seemed to be independent but their effects could be accumulated at some condition. These findings not only contribute to revealing a new processing property of mental rotation, but also deepen our understanding of the problem of global/local processing and shed light on the debate on locus of global precedence.


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Acousto-optic imaging (AOI) in optically diffuse media is a hybrid imaging modality in which a focused ultrasound beam is used to locally phase modulate light inside of turbid media. The modulated optical field carries with it information about the optical properties in the region where the light and sound interact. The motivation for the development of AOI systems is to measure optical properties at large depths within biological tissue with high spatial resolution. A photorefractive crystal (PRC) based interferometry system is developed for the detection of phase modulated light in AOI applications. Two-wave mixing in the PRC creates a reference beam that is wavefront matched to the modulated optical field collected from the specimen. The phase modulation is converted to an intensity modulation at the optical detector when these two fields interfere. The interferometer has a high optical etendue, making it well suited for AOI where the scattered light levels are typically low. A theoretical model for the detection of acoustically induced phase modulation in turbid media using PRC based interferometry is detailed. An AOI system, using a single element focused ultrasound transducer to pump the AO interaction and the PRC based detection system, is fabricated and tested on tissue mimicking phantoms. It is found that the system has sufficient sensitivity to detect broadband AO signals generated using pulsed ultrasound, allowing for AOI at low time averaged ultrasound output levels. The spatial resolution of the AO imaging system is studied as a function of the ultrasound pulse parameters. A theoretical model of light propagation in turbid media is used to explore the dependence of the AO response on the experimental geometry, light collection aperture, and target optical properties. Finally, a multimodal imaging system combining pulsed AOI and conventional B- mode ultrasound imaging is developed. B-mode ultrasound and AO images of targets embedded in both highly diffuse phantoms and biological tissue ex vivo are obtained, and millimeter resolution is demonstrated in three dimensions. The AO images are intrinsically co-registered with the B-mode ultrasound images. The results suggest that AOI can be used to supplement conventional B-mode ultrasound imaging with optical information.


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In order to determine the size-resolved chemical composition of single particles in real-time an ATOFMS was deployed at urban background sites in Paris and Barcelona during the MEGAPOLI and SAPUSS monitoring campaigns respectively. The particle types detected during MEGAPOLI included several carbonaceous species, metal-containing types and sea-salt. Elemental carbon particle types were highly abundant, with 86% due to fossil fuel combustion and 14% attributed to biomass burning. Furthermore, 79% of the EC was apportioned to local emissions and 21% to continental transport. The carbonaceous particle types were compared with quantitative measurements from other instruments, and while direct correlations using particle counts were poor, scaling of the ATOFMS counts greatly improved the relationship. During SAPUSS carbonaceous species, sea-salt, dust, vegetative debris and various metal-containing particle types were identified. Throughout the campaign the site was influenced by air masses altering the composition of particles detected. During North African air masses the city was heavily influenced by Saharan dust. A regional stagnation was also observed leading to a large increase in carbonaceous particle counts. While the ATOFMS provides a list of particle types present during the measurement campaigns, the data presented is not directly quantitative. The quantitative response of the ATOFMS to metals was examined by comparing the ion signals within particle mass spectra and to hourly mass concentrations of; Na, K, Ca, Ti, V, Cr, Mn, Fe, Zn and Pb. The ATOFMS was found to have varying correlations with these metals depending on sampling issues such as matrix effects. The strongest correlations were observed for Al, Fe, Zn, Mn and Pb. Overall the results of this work highlight the excellent ability of the ATOFMS in providing composition and mixing state information on atmospheric particles at high time resolution. However they also show its limitations in delivering quantitative information directly.


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Animals must coordinate development with fluctuating nutrient availability. Nutrient availability governs post-embryonic development in Caenorhabditis elegans: larvae that hatch in the absence of food do not initiate post-embryonic development but enter "L1 arrest" (or "L1 diapause") and can survive starvation for weeks, while rapidly resume normal development once get fed. Insulin-like signaling (IIS) has been shown to be a key regulator of L1 arrest and recovery. However, the C. elegans genome encodes 40 insulin-like peptides (ILPs), and it is unknown which peptides participate in nutritional control of L1 arrest and recovery. Work in other contexts has identified putative receptor agonists and antagonists, but the extent of specificity versus redundancy is unclear beyond this distinction.

We measured mRNA expression dynamics with high temporal resolution for all 40 insulin-like genes during entry into and recovery from L1 arrest. Nutrient availability influences expression of the majority of insulin-like genes, with variable dynamics suggesting complex regulation. We identified 13 candidate agonists and 8 candidate antagonists based on expression in response to nutrient availability. We selected ten candidate agonists (daf-28, ins-3, ins-4, ins-5, ins-6, ins-7, ins-9, ins-26, ins-33 and ins-35) for further characterization in L1 stage larvae. We used destabilized reporter genes to determine spatial expression patterns. Expression of candidate agonists was largely overlapping in L1 stage larvae, suggesting a role of the intestine, chemosensory neurons ASI and ASJ, and the interneuron PVT in systemic control of L1 development. Transcriptional regulation of candidate agonists was most significant in the intestine, as if nutrient uptake was a more important influence on transcription than sensory perception. Scanning in the 5' upstream promoter region of these 40 ILPs, We found that transcription factor PQM-1 and GATA putative binding sites are depleted in the promoter region of antagonists. A novel motif was also found to be over-represented in ILPs.

Phenotypic analysis of single and compound deletion mutants did not reveal effects on L1 recovery/developmental dynamics, though simultaneous disruption of ins-4 and daf-28 extended survival of L1 arrest without enhancing thermal tolerance, while overexpression of ins-4, ins-6 or daf-28 shortened L1 survival. Simultaneous disruption of several ILPs showed a temperature independent, transient dauer phenotype. These results revealed the relative redundancy and specificity among agonistic ILPs.

TGF- β and steroid hormone (SH) signaling have been reported to control the dauer formation along with IIS. Our preliminary results suggest they may also mediate the IIS control of L1 arrest and recovery, as the expression of several key components of TGF-β and SH signaling pathway genes are negatively regulated by DAF-16, and loss-of-function of these genes partially represses daf-16 null phenotype in L1 arrest, and causes a retardation in L1 development.

In summary, my dissertation study focused on the IIS, characterized the dynamics and sites of ILPs expression in response to nutrient availability, revealed the function of specific agonistic ILPs in L1 arrest, and suggested potential cross-regulation among IIS, TGF-β signaling and SH signaling in controlling L1 arrest and recovery. These findings provide insights into how post-embryonic development is governed by insulin-like signaling and nutrient availability.


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© 2014 The Authors.Caenorhabditis elegans larvae reversibly arrest development in the first larval stage in response to starvation (L1 arrest or L1 diapause). Insulin-like signaling is a critical regulator of L1 arrest. However, the C. elegans genome encodes 40 insulin-like peptides, and it is unknown which peptides participate in nutritional control of L1 development. Work in other contexts has revealed that insulin-like genes can promote development ("agonists") or developmental arrest ("antagonists"), suggesting that such agonists promote L1 development in response to feeding. We measured mRNA expression dynamics with high temporal resolution for all 40 insulin-like genes during entry into and recovery from L1 arrest. Nutrient availability influences expression of the majority of insulin-like genes, with variable dynamics suggesting complex regulation. We identified thirteen candidate agonists and eight candidate antagonists based on expression in response to nutrient availability. We selected ten candidate agonists (. daf-28, ins-3, ins-4, ins-5, ins-6, ins-7, ins-9, ins-26, ins-33 and ins-35) for further characterization in L1 stage larvae. We used destabilized reporter genes to determine spatial expression patterns. Expression of candidate agonists is largely overlapping in L1 stage larvae, suggesting a role of the intestine, chemosensory neurons ASI and ASJ, and the interneuron PVT in control of L1 development. Transcriptional regulation of candidate agonists is most significant in the intestine, as if internal nutrient status is a more important influence on transcription than sensory perception. Phenotypic analysis of single and compound deletion mutants did not reveal effects on L1 developmental dynamics, though simultaneous disruption of ins-4 and daf-28 increases survival of L1 arrest. Furthermore, overexpression of ins-4, ins-6 or daf-28 alone decreases survival and promotes cell division during starvation. These results suggest extensive functional overlap among insulin-like genes in nutritional control of L1 development while highlighting the role of ins-4, daf-28 and to a lesser extent ins-6.