426 resultados para Hemolivia-mariae
Lupinus mariae-josephae es un altramuz endémico de la provincia de Valencia de reciente descubrimiento para la ciencia. Se conocen solo 4 poblaciones, algunas con miles de individuos pero todas ellas con grandes fluctuaciones interanuales, tanto demográficas como de éxito reproductivo. Es por ello que está incluida en el Catálogo Valenciano de Especies de Flora Amenazadas como "Especie Vulnerable". Con finalidad conservacionista se realizó una reintroducción de la especie dentro de su área de distribución conocida. Para ello, se sembraron semillas del altramuz valenciano en 3 grupos (tratamientos) diferentes, 2 de ellos inoculados con sendas cepas de una bacteria simbionte fijadora de nitrógeno atmosférico del género Bradyrhizobium; al tercero no se le inoculó ninguna bacteria. La bacteria, específica de esta leguminosa, y las cepas, fueron aisladas, estudiadas y seleccionadas en investigaciones anteriores. Al final del ciclo biológico de la especie se valoró el éxito en la supervivencia y el éxito reproductivo encontrando resultados óptimos sobre todo para una de las cepas utilizadas (LmjC) que previamente ya había demostrado un comportamiento eficiente en condiciones controladas. Estos resultados serán de gran ayuda para el futuro establecimiento de nuevas poblaciones del altramuz valenciano, con la posible mejora de su estatus de amenaza.
Copia digital: Biblioteca valenciana, 2010
Copia digital: Biblioteca Valenciana, 2011
Existe una emisión con pie de imp.: Barcinone : Iosephi Texidò typographi venditur domi suae ..., [s.a.]
Hay un ejemplar encuadernado con: De principatibus Italiae tractatus vary [sic] (XVII/1159).
Pliocene and Pleistocene sediments from Ocean Drilling Program Leg 151, Hole 911 A, drilled on the innermost Yermak Plateau (Eastern Arctic Ocean), were studied for their dinoflagellate cyst content. Three assemblage zones were tentatively defined, characterized by the predominance of few species. The composition of the assemblages changed markedly, even within single assemblage zones, during the last 2.6 to 2.8 m.y., reflecting the variable influence of warmer water from the Norwegian Sea, fluctuations in the influence of cold polar water masses, and the extent of sea-ice cover. Polar to subpolar surface water masses prevailed on the Yermak Plateau during the late Pliocene, when the eastern Arctic Ocean was probably isolated from the Norwegian-Greenland Sea. Intrusions of warmer water are recorded since the latest Pliocene, alternating with colder periods and a prolonged seasonal sea-ice cover. The composition of the dinoflagellate cyst assemblages has also changed considerably since the middle Pleistocene, reflecting the establishment of stronger fluctuations in surface water mass conditions than before at Yermak Plateau.
Radiolarians are abundant and well preserved in the Neogene of the Kerguelen Plateau. They are common and moderately to well preserved in the Oligocene sequences of Site 738, where the Eocene/Oligocene boundary was observed for the first time in subantarctic sediments, and Site 744. Radiolarians are absent from all glacial sediments from Prydz Bay. Classical Neogene stratigraphic markers were tabulated at all sites. Correlations with paleomagnetic ages were made at Sites 745 and 746 for 26 Pliocene-Pleistocene radiolarian events. Many Miocene to Holocene species are missing from Sites 736 and 737, which were drilled in shallow water (less than 800 m). The missing species are considered to be deepliving forms. Occurrences and relative abundances of morphotypes at six sites are reported. Two new genera (Eurystomoskevos and Cymaetron) and 17 new species (Actinomma kerguelenensis, A. campilacantha, Prunopyle trypopyrena, Stylodictya tainemplekta, Lithomelissa cheni, L. dupliphysa, Lophophaena(?) thaumasia, Pseudodictyophimus galeatus, Lamprocyclas inexpectata, L. prionotocodon, Botryostrobus kerguelensis, B. rednosus, Dictyoprora physothorax, Eucyrtidium antiquum, E.(?) mariae, Eurystomoskevos petrushevskaae, and Cymaetron sinolampas) are described from the middle Eocene to Oligocene sediments at Sites 738 and 744. Twenty-seven stratigraphic events are recorded in the middle to late Eocene of Site 738, and 27 additional stratigraphic datums are recorded, and correlated to paleomagnetic stratigraphy, in the early Oligocene at Sites 738 and 744. Eight radiolarian events are recorded in the late Oligocene at Site 744. New evolutionary lineages are proposed for Calocyclas semipolita and Prunopyle trypopyrena.
During the latest Cretaceous cooling phase, a positive shift in benthic foraminiferal d18O values lasting about 1.5 Myr (71.5-70 Ma) can be observed at a global scale (Campanian-Maastrichtian Boundary Event, CMBE). This d18O excursion is interpreted as being influenced by a change in intermediate- to deep-water circulation or by temporal build-up of Antarctic ice sheets. Here we test whether benthic foraminiferal assemblages from a southern high-latitudinal site near Antarctica (ODP Site 690) are influenced by the CMBE. If the d18O transition reflects a change in intermediate- to deep-water circulation from low-latitude to high-latitude water masses, then this change would result in cooler temperatures, higher oxygen concentration, and possibly lower organic-matter flux at the seafloor, resulting in a major benthic foraminiferal assemblage change. If, however, the d18O transition was mainly triggered by ice formation, no considerable compositional difference in benthic foraminiferal assemblages would be expected. Our data show a separation of the studied succession into two parts with distinctly different benthic foraminiferal assemblages. Species dominating the older part (73.0-70.5 Ma) tolerate less bottom water oxygenation and are typical components of low-latitude assemblages. In contrast, the younger part (70.0-68.0 Ma) is characterized by species that indicate well-oxygenated bottom waters and species common in high-latitude assemblages. We interpret the observed change in benthic foraminiferal assemblages toward a well-oxygenated environment to reflect the onset of a shift from low-latitude toward high-latitude dominated intermediate- to deep-water sources. This implies that a change in oceanic circulation was at least a major component of the CMBE.
The Aptian-lower Albian succession of the Vocontian Basin (SE France) consists of marine hemipelagic sediments including several black shale horizons. The latter are partly of regional and partly of global distribution. This sedimentary succession records the nannoplankton evolution of the Aptian-early Albian interval and thus provides an excellent opportunity to calibrate the calcareous nannofossil record with Tethyan ammonite and planktic foraminiferal biostratigraphy. The calcareous nannofossil biostratigraphy presented in this paper supports previous zonations, but it also provides a much higher resolution and thus improves the correlation of different black shale horizons on a supraregional scale. Up to 23 major (supraregionally significant) and minor (regionally significant) first and last occurrences of calcareous nannofossil taxa are recognized. Nannoconid abundances decrease rapidly in the upper Lower Aptian (nannoconid crisis I, NCI) and in the middle Upper Aptian (nannoconid crisis II, NCII). Both decreases correlate with carbonate-platform drowning events. The upper Lower Aptian interval above the NCI is characterized by high abundances of large specimens of Assipetra infracretacea and Rucinolithus terebrodentarius probably of supraregional significance. The uppermost Aptian-Lower Albian is characterized by high abundances of the calcareous nannoplankton taxon Repagulum parvidentatum, reflecting boreal influence on the Tethyan Realm. This suggests a temporary decrease in surface-water temperatures in the Vocontian Basin.