963 resultados para Hebgen Dam
AbstractThis work describes the development of a biosensor based on the tyrosinase enzyme (Tyr) for the determination of phenol (PHEN) in laboratory effluent samples derived from ammoniacal nitrogen analysis of the water samples from the Muquém dam in the city of Cariús, CE, using square-wave voltammetry (SWV). The electrode modification consisted of the immobilization of gold nanoparticles, multi-walled carbon nanotubes, cobalt phthalocyanine, and Tyr on a glassy carbon electrode. The electrolyte, pH, enzyme quantity, and voltammetric parameters were optimized to detect PHEN. The analytical curves presented a linear range from 4.97 × 10-6 mol L-1 to 6.10 × 10-5 mol L-1, and the detection limit (DL) and quantitation limit (QL) values were 4.81 × 10-6 mol L-1 and 4.97 × 10-6mol L-1, respectively. The repetition of measurements with the same biosensor and repetition for three other prepared biosensors exhibited a relative standard deviation (RSD) of 5.50 and 1.75%, respectively. The percentage recovery of PHEN in effluent samples varied from 86.40 to 105.04%. The stability of the biosensor was evaluated (at 21 days) with satisfactory results, showing 97.86% of the initial response. Moreover, the DL and recovery percentages agreed with the established values from CONAMA and ABNT, respectively. Thus, the electrode configuration developed seems a promising tool in the detection and quantification of PHEN in complex samples.
Nos projetos agrícolas de obras hidráulicas, onde não se dispõe de dados observados de vazão, é necessário explorar ao máximo as informações relativas às curvas Intensidade-Duração-Freqüência (IDF). Diante disso, é preciso obter maneira de desenvolver metodologias de estimativas de curvas IDF, em locais que possuam pouco ou nenhum dado pluviográfico. O objetivo do trabalho foi comparar as metodologias de desagregação de precipitações diárias para verificar o ganho de informação em termos de curvas IDF, comparadas àquela obtida a partir de dados observados (histórica). Os métodos utilizados foram: (a) Método das Relações (CETESB, 1979); (b) BELTRAME et al. (1991); (c) ROBAINA & PEITER (1992); (d) Modelo Bartlett-Lewis do Pulso Retangular Modificado (DAMÉ, 2001). Utilizou-se de série de dados de precipitação diária de Pelotas - RS, referente ao período de 1982-1998. Para estimar as curvas IDF, a partir dos registros históricos, foram estabelecidas as durações de 15; 30; 60; 360; 720 e 1.440 minutos, e os períodos de retorno de 2; 5 e 10 anos. Os valores de intensidades máximas foram comparados entre si, pelo teste "t" de Student, para os coeficientes linear e angular, e pelo Erro Relativo Médio Quadrático. O método que melhor representou as intensidades máximas de precipitação, nos períodos de retorno de 2 e 10 anos, foi o Método das Relações (CETESB, 1979).
The intensity-duration-frequency occurrence ratio (IDF) is a tool commonly used for precipitation-runoff data transformation, which is established from observations of intense precipitations over a period sufficiently long as to allow the occurrence of extremes at the observation site. This study focused on verifying the existence or absence of new data, in terms of IDF ratio, by using partial duration records produced from data on maximum daily disaggregated rainfall for pre determined durations. The partial duration records considered a base value of 55 mm, totaling 279 values. After the rainfall series were established, their independence and seasonality were assessed. Using the Student's t-test statistics, it was established that no new data, as IDF ratio, emerged from the analysis of the partial duration series with the recommended base value of precipitation, as compared to the historical records.
Scientific evidence on climate changes at global level has gained increasing interest in the scientific community in general. The impacts of climate change as well as anthropogenic actions may cause errors in hydro-agricultural projects existent in the watershed under study. This study aimed to identify the presence or absence of trend in total annual precipitation series of the watershed of the Mirim Lagoon, state of Rio Grande do Sul-RS / Brazil / Uruguay (Brazilian side) as well as to detect the period in which they occurred. For that, it was analyzed the precipitation data belonging to 14 weather stations. To detect the existence of monotonic trend and change points, it was used the nonparametric tests of Mann-Kendall and Mann-Whitney, the "t" test of Student for two samples of unpaired data (parametric), as well as the technique of progressive mean. The Weather Station 3152014 (Pelotas) presented changes in the trend in the series of annual precipitation in the period from 1953 to 2007. The methodologies that use subdivided series were more efficient in detecting change in trend when compared with the Mann-Kendall test, which uses the complete series (from 1921 to 2007).
The intensity, duration, and frequency relationship (IDF) of rainfall occurrence may be done through continuous records of pluviographs or daily pluviometer values . The objective of this study was to estimate the intensity-duration-frequency relationships of precipitation, using the method of daily rainfall disaggregation, at weather stations located to the southern half of the state of Rio Grande do Sul; comparing them with those obtained by rain gauge records, in places considered homogeneous from the meteorological point of view. The IDF equation parameters were estimated from daily rainfall disaggregation data, using the method of nonlinear optimization. To validate the equations confidence indices and efficiency and the "t" Student test, among maximum intensity values obtained from the disaggregated daily rainfall durations of 10; 30; 60 min and 6; 12 and 24 h and those extracted from existing IDF equations. For all studied stations and return periods, the trust index values were regarded as "optimal", i.e., greater than 0.85. The maximal intensity of rainfall obtained by daily rainfall disaggregation have similarity with those obtained by relations IDF standards. Thus, the method constitutes a feasible alternative in obtaining the IDF relationships.
The Bartlett-Lewis Rectangular Pulse Modified (BLPRM) model simulates the precipitous slide in the hourly and sub-hourly and has six parameters for each of the twelve months of the year. This study aimed to evaluate the behavior of precipitation series in the duration of 15 min, obtained by simulation using the model BLPRM in situations: (a) where the parameters are estimated from a combination of statistics, creating five different sets; (b) suitability of the model to generate rain. To adjust the parameters were used rain gauge records of Pelotas/RS/Brazil, which statistics were estimated - mean, variance, covariance, autocorrelation coefficient of lag 1, the proportion of dry days in the period considered. The results showed that the parameters related to the time of onset of precipitation (λ) and intensities (μx) were the most stable and the most unstable were ν parameter, related to rain duration. The BLPRM model adequately represented the mean, variance, and proportion of the dry period of the series of precipitation lasting 15 min and, the time dependence of the heights of rain, represented autocorrelation coefficient of the first retardation was statistically less simulated series suitability for the duration of 15 min.
Konserttiohjelma 21.10.1901. Af original Wiener Dam-orkestern Donauweibchen.
Uusi patoturvallisuuslaki (494/2009) tuli voimaan 1.10.2009 ja valtioneuvoston asetus patoturvallisuudesta (319/2010) 5.5.2010. Tämä patoturvallisuusopas korvaa patoturvallisuusohjeet (MMM:n julkaisuja 7/1997), jotka poistuivat käytöstä 1.10.2009. Patoturvallisuusoppaassa esitetty ei ole padon omistajaa sitovaa, vaan oppaan tarkoitus on täydentää ja selventää esimerkein ja selostuksin laissa ja asetuksessa esitettyä. Oppaassa käsitellään padon suunnittelua kuten hydrologista mitoitusta ja padon teknisiä turvallisuusvaatimuksia, padon rakentamista ja käyttöönottoa sekä vahingonvaaraselvitystä, padon omistajan turvallisuussuunnitelmaa sekä padon kunnossapitoa, käyttöä, tarkkailua, vuosi- ja määräaikaistarkastuksia. Padot luokitellaan vahingonvaaran perusteella luokkiin 1, 2 ja 3. Luokittelua ei tarvitse kuitenkaan tehdä, jos patoturvallisuusviranomainen katsoo, että padosta ei aiheudu vaaraa. Jokaiselle luokitellulle padolle on padon omistajan laadittava tarkkailuohjelma, jonka patoturvallisuusviranomainen hyväksyy päätöksellään. Padosta aiheutuvan vahingonvaaran selvittämiseksi 1-luokan padon omistajan on laadittava vahingonvaaraselvitys padosta ihmisille, omaisuudelle ja ympäristölle aihetuvasta vahingonvaarasta. Myös muusta kuin 1-luokan padosta voi patoturvallisuusviranomainen määrätä tehtäväksi vahingonvaaraselvityksen luokittelua varten. Padon omistajan on laadittava 1-luokan padolle turvallisuussuunnitelma onnettomuus- ja häiriötilanteiden varalle. Suunnitelmassa esitetään padon omistajan omatoiminen varautuminen em. tilanteiden varalle. Pelastusviranomainen arvioi tapauskohtaisesti pelastuslain mukaisen suunnitelman laatimistarpeen. Padon omistajan on toimitettava patoturvallisuusviranomaiselle tietojärjestelmään vietäväksi patoturvallisuusasetuksessa mainitut tiedot. Patoturvallisuusviranomaisen ja padon omistajan on säilytettävä kustakin luokitellusta padosta ajantasaiset tulosteet tietojärjestelmästä sekä muut padon turvallisuuden kannalta tärkeät asiakirjat patoturvallisuuskansiossa siten, että ne ovat mahdollisissa häiriötilanteissa nopeasti saatavilla.
Congenital arthrogryposis is described in a Murrah buffalo herd. The disease was characterized by curvature and multiple articular rigidity of the hindlimbs or of all limbs without associated defects except for one case of brachygnatia. Histologically there was reduction of motor neurons from the ventral horns of the spinal cord and hypoplasia of the limb muscles. Analysis of the herd breeding records suggests that the disease is genetically transmitted by an autosomal recessive trait.
Descreve-se um surto de intoxicação por organofosforados (ORFs) em búfalos (Bubalus bubalis) na região sul do Rio Grande do Sul. Os animais foram submetidos à aplicação de Expertan® pour-on (clorpirifós) na dose de 12mg/kg de peso animal para controle de infestação por piolhos e desenvolveram sinais clínicos de intoxicação em um período variável entre 7-45 dias após a exposição ao produto. Os sinais clínicos caracterizaram-se por anorexia, diarréia, salivação intensa, incoordenação motora, tremores musculares, paresia e paralisia flácida, decúbito lateral e morte. Em conseqüência da intoxicação morreram 61 búfalos de um total de 267 animais sob risco. Foram realizadas três necropsias de búfalos que morreram 24-72 horas após o início dos sinais clínicos. As lesões macroscópicas caracterizaram-se por congestão e hemorragias intestinais, enfisema e edema pulmonares. Não foram observadas alterações microscópicas significativas em nenhum dos animais. Apesar da ausência de alterações histológicas no sistema nervoso central e periférico, os achados epidemiológicos, clínicos, macroscópicos e toxicológicos sugerem o diagnóstico de neurotoxicidade tardia induzida por ORFs.
É realizada uma revisão sobre as doenças hereditárias e/ou defeitos congênitos diagnosticados em búfalos no Brasil. São descritos brevemente os aspectos epidemiológicos, clínicos e patológicos de enfermidades hereditárias ou provavelmente hereditárias já observadas no Brasil, como dermatose mecanobolhosa, artrogripose, miotomia, hidranencefalia, condrodisplasia e albinismo; e dos defeitos congênitos que não tem uma causa ainda comprovada como megaesôfago, defeitos cardíacos (persistência do ducto arterioso), dermatosparaxia, defeitos no sistema reprodutivo e outros defeitos. Observou-se que as raças mais afetadas por enfermidades de natureza genética são as que têm origem no Continente Asiático (Murrah e Jafarabadi), provavelmente em consequência da consanguinidade existente nos rebanhos devido a proibição da importação de reprodutores, sêmen e embriões daquele continente. O diagnóstico de duas dessas doenças, artrogripose e miotomia hereditária no Rio Grande do Sul e no Pará, demonstra que os genes indesejáveis estão disseminados na população de búfalos no país e que a identificação desses genes por meio de técnicas moleculares associada à criação desta espécie com maior controle sanitário, reprodutivo e zootécnico pode minimizar os prejuízos decorrentes dessas enfermidades à bubalinocultura.
Abstract: We sampled ticks from specimens of the rococo toad Rhinella schneideriby flannel dragging on two Islands located in the São Francisco River near the Três Marias hydroelectric dam, southeastern Brazil. A total of 120 toads was examined, of which 63 (52.5%) were parasitized only by Amblyomma rotundatumtotaling 96 larvae, 163 nymphs and 134 females. The burden of parasitism ranged from one to 43 ticks, with a mean intensity of infestation of 6.2±5.5 ticks per host. The tick A. rotundatumexhibited highly aggregated distribution. Peak abundance of larvae and nymphs occurred in the dry season (May to September), whereas peak abundance of females occurred in the wet season (October to April). We collected most ticks near the head and hind limbs of R. schneideri. The finding of two engorged A. rotundatumnymphs in the same resting places of two toads and the absence of this species in the dragged areas suggest a nidicolous behavior at the studied site.
ABSTRACTThe conclusion of the dam project located in Alqueva, in Southern Portugal, has resulted in a significant increase of new irrigated areas, since 2006. This has meant that, in recent years, there have been progressive flora changes in farming systems traditionally implemented in the Alentejo region. The present work has analyzed the weed flora in an early stage of these changes, and the impact of environmental factors on the distribution of natural vegetation under Mediterranean climate conditions in the influence area of Alqueva. In 2007, 105 floristic surveys were carried out in autumn-winter crop plots or other soil use, and 264 species were identified. Families with higher expression were: Asteraceae, Poaceae, and Fabaceae. Only three species have been identified in more than half of farms, Avena sterilis, Phalaris minor and Lolium rigidum and they were part of the 15 species that revealed high and very high infestation degrees. Soil texture and extractable phosphorus have been determined as active ecological factors, according to the method of ecological profiles and Mutual Information. Therefore, these factores were those with the greatest influence on the species distribution. L.rigidum distribution showed to be associated with medium soil texture and A.sterilis distribution also showed to be associated with medium and fine soil texture soils, without showing ecological preference by extractable phosphorus. The distribution of P.minorwas not related to the soil texture but showed preference for soils with medium phosphorus content.
Three egg-type stocks segregating dwarf (dw) and bantam (dwB) genes in female progeny were produced from the same 18 heterozygous (dwB/dw) sires used to inseminate dams of three different genotypes: normal (dw+), dwarf (dw) and bantam (dwB) dams. The heritability of 8-week body weight estimated from full-sibs of the same phenotype of progeny was 0.40, and that estimated from paternal half-sibs of the same phenotype (dwarf or bantam), and from the same genotype of dam was 0.38. Therefore, maternal and non-additive effects within genotypic classes of dam made little contribution to the genetic variance for 8-week body weight among their progeny. The interaction of sires (S) with genotypes (dw+, dw and dwB) of dam (G) was significant at the 5% level. This indicates that the rankings of the sires within each one of the three genotypes of dam were not the same, probably due to non-additive genetic variation among genotypes of dams. The evidence indicated that in general the genes from individual sires combined differently with each type of dam (G). Those genes which combined well with the genes from normal (dw+) dams combined poorly with both the genes from the dwarf (dw) and the genes from the bantam (dwB) dams. The interaction of sires (S) with phenotypes (dwarf and bantam) of progeny (P) was significant at the 10% level. The results indicated a probable gene x genotype interaction for 8-week weight between genes at the dwarf locus (dw and dwB) and the background genotype (single and/or polygenes). The correlation among paternal half-sibs was influenced more by the S x G than by the S x P interaction, but the effects tended to be cumulative
Teaching, research, and herd breeding applications may require calculation of breed additive contributions for direct and maternal genetic effects and fractions of heterozygosity associated with breed specific direct and maternal heterosis effects. These coefficients can be obtained from the first NB rows of a pseudo numerator relationship matrix where the first NB rows represent fractional contributions by breed to each animal or group representing a specific breed cross. The table begins with an NB x NB identity matrix representing pure breeds. Initial animals or representative crosses must be purebreds or two-breed crosses. Parents of initial purebreds are represented by the corresponding column and initial two-breed cross progeny by the two corresponding columns of the identity matrix. After that, usual rules are used to calculate the NB column entries corresponding to breeds for each animal. The NB entries are fractions of genes expected to be contributed by each of the pure breeds and correspond to the breed additive direct fractions. Entries in the column corresponding to the dam represent breed additive maternal fractions. Breed specific direct heterozygosity coefficients are entries of an NB x NB matrix formed by the outer product of the two NB by 1 columns associated with sire and dam of the animal. One minus sum of the diagonals represents total direct heterozygosity. Similarly, the NB x NB matrix formed by the outer product of columns associated with sire of dam and dam of dam contains breed specific maternal heterozygosity coefficients. These steps can be programmed to create covariates to merge with data. If X represents these coefficients for all unique breed crosses, then the reduced row echelon form function of MATLAB or SAS can be used on X to determine estimable functions of additive breed direct and maternal effects and breed specific direct and maternal heterosis effects