769 resultados para Healthier lifestyle choices
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Metabolic syndrome (MetS) is often accompanied by pro-oxidative and pro-inflammatory processes. Lifestyle modification (LiSM) may act as primary treatment for these processes. This study aimed to elucidate influencing factors on changes of malondialdehyde (MDA) and C-reactive protein (CRP) concentrations after a LiSM intervention. Sixty subjects (53 yrs, 84% women) clinically approved to attend a 20 weeks LiSM-program were submitted to weekly nutritional counseling and physical activities combining aerobic (3 times/week) and resistance (2 times/week) exercises. Before and after intervention they were assessed for anthropometric, clinical, cardiorespiratory fitness test (CRF) and laboratory markers. Statistical analyses performed were multiple regression analysis and backward stepwise with p<0.05 and R(2) as influence index. LiSM was responsible for elevations in CRF, healthy eating index (HEI), total plasma antioxidant capacity (TAP) and HDL-C along with reductions in waist circumference measures and MetS (47-40%) prevalence. MDA and CRP did not change after LiSM, however, we observed that MDA concentrations were positively influenced (R(2)=0.35) by fasting blood glucose (β=0.64) and HOMA-IR (β=0.58) whereas CRP concentrations were by plasma gamma-glutamyltransferase activity (β=0.54; R(2)=0.29). Pro-oxidant and pro-inflammatory states of MetS can be attenuated after lifestyle modification if glucose metabolism homeostasis were recovered and if liver inflammation were reduced, respectively.
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The additional effect of omega-3 supplementation in association with lifestyle modification program (LSMP) in free living-adults was evaluated.We studied 39 adults (control group with LSMP (G1, n = 16) and LSMP plus supplementation of 3 g of fish oil per day (360 mg of docosahexaenoic acid and 540 mg of eicosapentaenoic acid) (G2, n = 23)) during 20 weeks. The fish oil group showed a significant decrease in waist circumference (1.3%) followed by metabolic syndrome reduction (29%) mainly due to normalization of blood pressure (33.3%) and triacylglycerol (27.3%). Omega-3 supplementation provided additional benefits to LSMP in the resolution of metabolic syndrome
Objective: Investigate the association of diet on Impaired Fasting Glucose (IFG) and response of a lifestyle changing protocol (LISC) on a community sample of adults. Methods: A cross sectional study of LISC was conducted with 1004 subjects. From those, 264 adults individuals participated in a 20-week intervention based on physical exercises and dietary counseling and were divided in three groups, normoglycemic, IFG, and T2DM. Evaluations were done at baseline (M0) and after a 20-week intervention (M1). The analyses were performed by using SAS, version 9.2., and results were discussed based on the level of significance of p<0.05. Results: At baseline, the three groups differed for plasma triglycerides, and number of altered metabolic syndrome (MetS) components. T2DM differed from normoglicemic by presenting higher intake of meat, lower of sugar, and less dietary variety, along with higher plasma levels of uric acid. After 20-week intervention, normoglicemics, IFG and T2DM responded similarly to LISC. Both genders increased body fatness. Men increased fasting plasma insulin, saturated fatty acid intake, along with a decrease of vegetable oil intake while women showed a significant increase in HEI and dietary fiber intake and a trend to higher sugar and protein intake and lower vegetable oil intake. Overall T2DM decreased 68% from M0 (9.5%) to M1 (6.4%) of LISC. Conclusion: Our data showed a significant difference in food composition on altered plasma glucose, and its further normalization with lifestyle intervention was independent of significant body weight and body fat changes.
Lifestyle is directly related to the incidence of type 2 diabetes mellitus (DM-2), a risk dramatically elevated by obesity and inactivity. Several studies have verified that educational interventions can delay the onset of DM-2. Some of the interventions strategies utilized medication and diet, diet and/or physical exercise or the combination of diet and exercise, generally referred to a change in lifestyle. Despite the evidence that DM-2 can be preventive, there is still limited availability of effective prevention programs. DM-2 is considered an emerging public health problem as it is estimated that by the year of 2030 there will be about 366 million people with diabetes worldwide. DM2 remains a leading cause of cardiovascular disorders and many other complications. Our intent with this paper is to present researches and strategies (diet and physical activity interventions) that successfully improved plasma glucose control as a result of an effective lifestyle intervention program.
Objective: To compare the efficacy of metformin with that of lifestyle changes in patients with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). Design: Prospective, randomized clinical trial of 40 women with PCOS to analyze the effects of metformin and lifestyle intervention treatments on menstrual pattern and hormone and metabolic profile. The duration of treatment was 6 months. Statistical analysis was done using Student's t-test. Results: Fifteen women in the metformin group and 12 in the lifestyle changes group completed the study. The menstrual pattern improved by similar to 67% in both groups. There was a significant decrease in waist circumference in the lifestyle changes group (101.8 +/- 3.9 and 95.1 +/- 3.6, at baseline and at 6 months of treatment, respectively; p<0.001) and in body mass index (BMI) in both groups. The predictor of menstrual pattern improvement was BMI. Conclusions: Both metformin and lifestyle changes may increase the number of menstrual cycles in PCOS. This effect was related to a decrease in BMI.
We investigated dietary intake patterns (DIP) in adolescents (14-18 year-olds) and the association with demographic and socioeconomic characteristics and lifestyle variables. This school-based survey was carried out among high school students from the city of Maringa in the state of Parana (PR), Brazil (2007). The sample included 991 students (54.5% girls) from high schools. DIPs were investigated by the frequency of weekly consumption of each food group: vegetables, fruit, rice, beans, fried food, sweet food, milk, soda, meat, eggs, alcoholic drinks. Independent variables were: demographic and socioeconomic characteristics and lifestyle variables. DIPS were identified using principal component analysis with orthogonal rotation (varimax). Three components were extracted. Component 1 (fried foods, sweets and soft drinks) was positively associated with not having breakfast for girls and dinner for boys. Moreover, component 2 (consumption of fruit and vegetables) was positively associated with having breakfast at home for boys and number of meals for girls. Component 3 (beans, eggs and meat) was positively associated with having lunch, employment and sedentary behavior level for girls. However, it was negatively associated with having lunch and dinner for boys. Adolescents who have healthier eating patterns also had other healthier behaviors regardless of gender. However, factors associated with dietary patterns differ between boys and girls. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Obesity is a chronic disease characterized by increased accumulation of body fat. We evaluated the socioeconomic aspects, body composition, risk of metabolic complications associated with obesity, eating habits and lifestyle in both women and men adults and elderly with body mass index (BMI) 40 kg/m(2). Among the subjects studied, 79% (n = 32) are female, 5% (n = 2) smokers, 39% (n = 16) use alcohol and only 24% (n = 10) are practitioners of physical exercise. The higher food intake was breads, followed by rice. The daily intake of fruits and vegetables is low. Positive correlation between consumption of sugar and BMI and abdominal circumference (AC) was observed. In summary, was found that morbidly obese patients that looking for nutritional counseling presents increased body fat, poor eating habits and sedentary lifestyle.
Introduction: The identification of stages of dietary change and the factors affecting food choices can direct more effective nutritional intervention against coronary heart disease progression. Objective: Identify the stages of change of eating behavior and its relation with nutritional status, food consumption and previous cardiovascular events in patients who underwent coronary angioplasty. Methods: A cross-sectional study with 200 hospitalized patients from a specialized cardiology hospital, after elective coronary angioplasty. They were applied an algorithm that identifies the provision of change of eating habits for a healthier pattern. Variables measured were stages of change of eating behavior, nutritional status, food consumption and cardiovascular events (previous myocardial infarction or angioplasty). It was realized comparison of averages by analysis of variance or Student's test and Chi-square test for qualitative variables. Value of significance was taken at 5%. Results: The patients were classified in the following stages: 36% maintenance, 26% preparation, 17% precontemplation, 12% action and 9% contemplation. It was observed higher cardiovascular events in maintenance/action group (p = 0.04), higher consumption of calories (p = 0.04), meat/eggs (p = 0.01) and sweets (p = 0.03) in preparation stage, comparing to maintenance group, and no association between nutritional status and stages of change (p = 0.13), although 62% of the individuals in maintenance stage were overweight. Conclusions: This work contributed to identifying the stages of change and conditions that favor changes in eating pattern. Even patients that classified themselves into the maintenance stage need to adjust their eating habits in order to reach a healthy weight.
Background: Cytokines secreted by the adipose tissue influence inflammation and insulin sensitivity, and lead to metabolic disturbances. How certain single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) interfere on lifestyle interventions is unclear. We assessed associations of selected SNPs with changes induced by a lifestyle intervention. Methods: This 9-month intervention on diet and physical activity included 180 Brazilians at high cardiometabolic risk, genotyped for the TNF-alpha -308 G/A, IL-6 -174 G/C and AdipoQ 45 T/G SNPs. Changes in metabolic and inflammatory variables were analyzed according to these SNPs. Individuals with at least one variant allele were grouped and compared with those with the reference genotype. Results: In the entire sample (66.7% women; mean age 56.5 +/- 11.6 years), intervention resulted in lower energy intake, higher physical activity, and improvement in anthropometry, plasma glucose, HOMA-IR, lipid profile and inflammatory markers, except for IL-6 concentrations. After intervention, only variant allele carriers of the TNF-alpha -308 G/A decreased plasma glucose, after adjusting for age and gender (OR 2.96, p = 0.025). Regarding the IL-6 -174 G/C SNP, carriers of the variant allele had a better response of lipid profile and adiponectin concentration, but only the reference genotype group decreased plasma glucose. In contrast to individuals with the reference genotype, carriers of variant allele of AdipoQ 45 T/G SNP did not change plasma glucose, apolipoprotein B, HDL-c and adiponectin concentrations in response to intervention. Conclusion: The TNF alpha -308 G/A SNP may predispose a better response of glucose metabolism to lifestyle intervention. The IL-6 -174 G/C SNP may confer a beneficial effect on lipid but not on glucose metabolism. Our findings reinforce unfavorable effects of the AdipoQ 45 T/G SNP in lipid profile and glucose metabolism after intervention in Brazilians at cardiometabolic risk. Further studies are needed to direct lifestyle intervention to subsets of individuals at cardiometabolic risk.
Public health strategies to reduce cardiovascular morbidity and mortality should focus on global cardiometabolic risk reduction. The efficacy of lifestyle changes to prevent type 2 diabetes have been demonstrated, but low-cost interventions to reduce cardiometabolic risk in Latin-America have been rarely reported. Our group developed 2 programs to promote health of high-risk individuals attending a primary care center in Brazil. This study compared the effects of two 9-month lifestyle interventions, one based on medical consultations (traditional) and another with 13 multi-professional group sessions in addition to the medical consultations (intensive) on cardiometabolic parameters. Adults were eligible if they had pre-diabetes (according to the American Diabetes Association) and/or metabolic syndrome (International Diabetes Federation criteria for Latin-America). Data were expressed as means and standard deviations or percentages and compared between groups or testing visits. A p-value < 0.05 was considered significant. Results: 180 individuals agreed to participate (35.0% men, mean age 54.7 ± 12.3 years, 86.1% overweight or obese). 83 were allocated to the traditional and 97 to the intensive program. Both interventions reduced body mass index, waist circumference and tumor necrosis factor-α. Only intensive program reduced 2-hour plasma glucose and blood pressure and increased adiponectin values, but HDL-cholesterol increased only in the traditional. Also, responses to programs were better in intensive compared to traditional program in terms of blood pressure and adiponectin improvements. No new case of diabetes in intensive but 3 cases and one myocardial infarction in traditional program were detected. Both programs induced metabolic improvement in the short-term, but if better results in the intensive are due to higher awareness about risk and self-motivation deserves further investigation. In conclusion, these low-cost interventions are able to minimize cardiometabolic risk factors involved in the progression to type 2 diabetes and/or cardiovascular disease.
Abstract Background Facilitating the provision of appropriate health care for immigrant and Aboriginal populations in Canada is critical for maximizing health potential and well-being. Numerous reports describe heightened risks of poor maternal and birth outcomes for immigrant and Aboriginal women. Many of these outcomes may relate to food consumption/practices and thus may be obviated through provision of resources which suit the women's ethnocultural preferences. This project aims to understand ethnocultural food and health practices of Aboriginal and immigrant women, and how these intersect with respect to the legacy of Aboriginal colonialism and to the social contexts of cultural adaptation and adjustment of immigrants. The findings will inform the development of visual tools for health promotion by practitioners. Methods/Design This four-phase study employs a case study design allowing for multiple means of data collection and different units of analysis. Phase 1 consists of a scoping review of the literature. Phases 2 and 3 incorporate pictorial representations of food choices (photovoice in Phase 2) with semi-structured photo-elicited interviews (in Phase 3). The findings from Phases 1-3 and consultations with key stakeholders will generate key understandings for Phase 4, the production of culturally appropriate visual tools. For the scoping review, an emerging methodological framework will be utilized in addition to systematic review guidelines. A research librarian will assist with the search strategy and retrieval of literature. For Phases 2 and 3, recruitment of 20-24 women will be facilitated by team member affiliations at perinatal clinics in one of the city's most diverse neighbourhoods. The interviews will reveal culturally normative practices surrounding maternal food choices and consumption, including how women negotiate these practices within their own worldview and experiences. A structured and comprehensive integrated knowledge translation plan has been formulated. Discussion The findings of this study will provide practitioners with an understanding of the cultural differences that affect women's dietary choices during maternity. We expect that the developed resources will be of immediate use within the women's units and will enhance counseling efforts. Wide dissemination of outputs may have a greater long term impact in the primary and secondary prevention of these high risk conditions.
Abstract Background Cytokines secreted by the adipose tissue influence inflammation and insulin sensitivity, and lead to metabolic disturbances. How certain single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) interfere on lifestyle interventions is unclear. We assessed associations of selected SNPs with changes induced by a lifestyle intervention. Methods This 9-month intervention on diet and physical activity included 180 Brazilians at high cardiometabolic risk, genotyped for the TNF-α -308 G/A, IL-6 -174 G/C and AdipoQ 45 T/G SNPs. Changes in metabolic and inflammatory variables were analyzed according to these SNPs. Individuals with at least one variant allele were grouped and compared with those with the reference genotype. Results In the entire sample (66.7% women; mean age 56.5 ± 11.6 years), intervention resulted in lower energy intake, higher physical activity, and improvement in anthropometry, plasma glucose, HOMA-IR, lipid profile and inflammatory markers, except for IL-6 concentrations. After intervention, only variant allele carriers of the TNF-α -308 G/A decreased plasma glucose, after adjusting for age and gender (OR 2.96, p = 0.025). Regarding the IL6 -174 G/C SNP, carriers of the variant allele had a better response of lipid profile and adiponectin concentration, but only the reference genotype group decreased plasma glucose. In contrast to individuals with the reference genotype, carriers of variant allele of AdipoQ 45 T/G SNP did not change plasma glucose, apolipoprotein B, HDL-c and adiponectin concentrations in response to intervention. Conclusion The TNFα -308 G/A SNP may predispose a better response of glucose metabolism to lifestyle intervention. The IL-6 -174 G/C SNP may confer a beneficial effect on lipid but not on glucose metabolism. Our findings reinforce unfavorable effects of the AdipoQ 45 T/G SNP in lipid profile and glucose metabolism after intervention in Brazilians at cardiometabolic risk. Further studies are needed to direct lifestyle intervention to subsets of individuals at cardiometabolic risk.