985 resultados para Health Sciences, Mental Health|Health Sciences, Nursing|Psychology, Clinical


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This thesis challenges the orthodox view in the quality of life field by demonstrating, using different methodologies across multiple samples, that subjective judgments of life satisfaction are determined by an individual's affective style, rather than cognition or personality. This suggests that subjective wellbeing is a function of our Core Affect.


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The thesis study aims to develop a model of readiness to enter treatment to change problem behaviour by addressing the limitations of previous models. The research shows that a model consisting of personal and social factors, mediated by problem recognition and desire for help accurately assesses readiness to enter treatment. The portfolio examines the broad framework of the Multifactor Offender Readiness Model (MORM) which assesses an offender's readiness to engage in treatment. Four case studies are presented.


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The thesis findings revealed midlife adults see meaning in life as comprising life philosophy / value, and purpose / reason, which guide and direct, and help to make sense of and cope with life. These aspects of life meaning are relevant but add unique contributions to a more global sense of meaning in life. The clinical portfolio explores the role of play in psychotherapy with children. Four case studies illustrate various ways in which play can be incorporated into therapeutic practice according to the child client's circumstances.


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The lifespan mating preferences of men and women were examined to determine which of two theories of mate selection, evolutionary and social-role theory, could best explain the findings. Of the 785 respondents surveyed, the lifespan preferences of both men and women supported the evolutionary perspective of mate selection.


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This thesis clarifies the processing routes through which Affect can influence global subjective well-being, and reveals that the strength of these processing routes is moderated by dispositional factors. This has important implications that furthers understanding in the field of subjective well-being. The portfolio focuses on the client characteristics that are indicated to be influential upon the effectiveness, and thus the suitability of cognitive behavioural therapy. Four case studies are presented which illustrate how the suitability of CBT can be influenced by client factors.


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The Carer Analytic Tool was developed to identify the psychological, social and physical support needs of unpaid carers. The Tool was shown to be valid and reliable. It proactively identifies the unmet support needs of carers in the areas of aged care, disability and mental health.


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This thesis quantifies the normative characteristics of Subjective Wellbeing amongst Australian high-school age students using the Personal Wellbeing Index adapted for school children. No previous study has undertaken this task. The results confirm the homeostatic model and corroborate previous research suggesting that Subjective Wellbeing is a construct driven primarily by Core Affect.


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This thesis investigated the psychological processes that underlie the relationship between dissociation and disordered eating. Although previous theories have emphasized that dissociation undermines behavioural self-control and, in turn, contributes to disordered eating, present findings indicate that dissociation may also influence disordered eating via disturbances to one's sense of identity.


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The thesis examined treatment readiness in offender rehabilitation. Findings empirically refuted the notion that treatment readiness occurs in sequential progression through stages. Instead the study offered two treatment readiness models based on concurrent states of thought and behaviour. Furthermore, the treatment readiness models were found to be significantly predicted by offenders' cognitive styles and self-efficacy. The portfolio seeks to demonstrate, through four case studies, how different variables within the three-part ecological framework can either promote or constrain the reintegration process of ex-prisoners and ex-offenders.


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The project investigated factors which may determine operator performance in X-ray screening of cargo, which is of similar importance to aviation security screening. A target detection paradigm showed significant difference in several measures of performance between baggage and postal contexts which provides evidence that these may constitute separate expertise domains.


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The thesis study was a cross-cultural comparison of the biopsychosocial predictors of body image perception and ideals among 294 Australian and 101 Fijian adolescents. The results demonstrated similarities across cultural groups, but parents, peers and the media were stronger influences for Fijians. These findings have implications for body image intervention programs.The portfolio presented a thorough review of the evidence for the cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) treatment option for adolescents with major depressive disorder (MDD). Four case studies are presented.


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This study found that Internet child pornographers (ICP) reported significantly less optimal attachment than non-offenders, matched child and matched adult sexual offenders. ICP also reported a more negative view of self than non-offenders and the matched sexual offender groups. Finally, the ICP group reported more social avoidance and distress than non-offenders. The portfolio explores the influence of treatment readiness on the best practice principles when working with violent offenders in relation to their assessment, and subsequent treatment recommendations. The importance of treatment readiness and its utility in relation to these principles is highlighted in four case studies.


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Treatment outcomes of an early intervention program for childhood conduct problems were evaluated. Results provided support for the longitudinal effectiveness of the program in reducing conduct problems, social difficulties, and psychosocial impairment for young primary school aged children. Children's experience and expression of anger also reduced across the program's duration. The portfolio presents four case studies whose results provide further support for Exposure and Response Prevention (ERP) as an effective and clinically useful treatment for paediatric OCD in everyday clinical contexts.


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This thesis examined the relationships between men's body image, different media influences, sexual orientation, and sexual risk taking. In comparison to heterosexuals, gay men were significantly less satisfied with their bodies. Media influences predicted men's body image, and gay men demonstrated greater internalisation of media messages compared to heterosexual men. Based on four case studies the portfolio demonstrates that motivational interviewing might be a useful approach to manage ambivalence and resistance to clients presenting with an anxiety disorder or a parent-child relational issue.


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This research explored autism spectrum (AS), current cognitive theory and associated outcomes. It found autism spectrum is a diferent learning style not located in typical development and not accounted for by traditional theories. AS is related to an interest system imbedded in single attention and associated cognition in autism (SAACA)