899 resultados para HYDROPHOBIC ADHESIVES


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Adhesive bonding of components has become more efficient in recent years due to the developments in adhesive technology, which has resulted in higher peel and shear strengths, and also in allowable ductility up to failure. As a result, fastening and riveting methods are being progressively replaced by adhesive bonding, allowing a big step towards stronger and lighter unions. However, single-lap bonded joints still generate substantial peel and shear stress concentrations at the overlap edges that can be harmful to the structure, especially when using brittle adhesives that do not allow plasticization in these regions. In this work, a numerical and experimental study is performed to evaluate the feasibility of bending the adherends at the ends of the overlap for the strength improvement of single-lap aluminium joints bonded with a brittle and a ductile adhesive. Different combinations of joint eccentricity were tested, including absence of eccentricity, allowing the optimization of the joint. A Finite Element stress and failure analysis in ABAQUS® was also carried out to provide a better understanding of the bent configuration. Results showed a major advantage of using the proposed modification for the brittle adhesive, but the joints with the ductile adhesive were not much affected by the bending technique.


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The structural integrity of multi-component structures is usually determined by the strength and durability of their unions. Adhesive bonding is often chosen over welding, riveting and bolting, due to the reduction of stress concentrations, reduced weight penalty and easy manufacturing, amongst other issues. In the past decades, the Finite Element Method (FEM) has been used for the simulation and strength prediction of bonded structures, by strength of materials or fracture mechanics-based criteria. Cohesive-zone models (CZMs) have already proved to be an effective tool in modelling damage growth, surpassing a few limitations of the aforementioned techniques. Despite this fact, they still suffer from the restriction of damage growth only at predefined growth paths. The eXtended Finite Element Method (XFEM) is a recent improvement of the FEM, developed to allow the growth of discontinuities within bulk solids along an arbitrary path, by enriching degrees of freedom with special displacement functions, thus overcoming the main restriction of CZMs. These two techniques were tested to simulate adhesively bonded single- and double-lap joints. The comparative evaluation of the two methods showed their capabilities and/or limitations for this specific purpose.


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Bonded unions are gaining importance in many fields of manufacturing owing to a significant number of advantages to the traditional fastening, riveting, bolting and welding techniques. Between the available bonding configurations, the single-lap joint is the most commonly used and studied by the scientific community due to its simplicity, although it endures significant bending due to the non-collinear load path, which negatively affects its load bearing capabilities. The use of material or geometric changes in single-lap joints is widely documented in the literature to reduce this handicap, acting by reduction of peel and shear peak stresses at the damage initiation sites in structures or alterations of the failure mechanism emerging from local modifications. In this work, the effect of hole drilling at the overlap on the strength of single-lap joints was analyzed experimentally with two main purposes: (1) to check whether or not the anchorage effect of the adhesive within the holes is more preponderant than the stress concentrations near the holes, arising from the sharp edges, and modification of the joints straining behaviour (strength improvement or reduction, respectively) and (2) picturing a real scenario on which the components to be bonded are modified by some external factor (e.g. retrofitting of decaying/old-fashioned fastened unions). Tests were made with two adhesives (a brittle and a ductile one) varying the adherend thickness and the number, layout and diameter of the holes. Experimental testing showed that the joints strength never increases from the un-modified condition, showing a varying degree of weakening, depending on the selected adhesive and hole drilling configuration.


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A reparação de estruturas é um tema de primordial importância, por forma a evitar a sua substituição após a existência de dano, na medida em que permite uma redução substancial de custos associados. Entre os métodos mais comuns de reparação encontram-se a aplicação de remendos aparafusados ou as reparações adesivas. Estas últimas permitem uma diminuição das concentrações de tensões e uma aplicação mais simples, entre outras vantagens. O objetivo do tema de mestrado proposto é o estudo experimental e numérico de reparações adesivas para estruturas de alumínio pela técnica do remendo embebido. A parte experimental do trabalho consiste na fabricação e teste à tração de reparações em escala reduzida em função de alguns parâmetros pré-definidos como o ângulo das superfícies de contacto e o adesivo a utilizar, no sentido de otimização das respetivas reparações. O trabalho numérico consiste na simulação em software de Elementos Finitos ABAQUS® das várias soluções testadas, para avaliação da distribuição de campos de tensões e previsão da rotura das reparações por remendo embebido. No global, observou-se uma elevada correlação entre os resultados experimentais e as previsões numéricas, o que valida a ferramenta numérica utilizada para efeitos de previsão da rotura para reparações de remendo embebido e a utilização do mesmo para a escolha do melhor ângulo a utilizar em função da restituição de resistência pretendida.


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São conhecidos alguns trabalhos recentes que evidenciam a utilidade da investigação do efeito da modificação das propriedades dos adesivos no objetivo de influenciar as condições de iniciação do processo de rotura da zona de sobreposição e, consequentemente, do desempenho das juntas adesivas em condições de solicitação. Este trabalho inicia no ISEP um programa em que se pretende avaliar o efeito da introdução de um tecido em fibra de vidro, com espessura muito reduzida, no comportamento de juntas adesivas de sobreposição simples sujeitas a tração. A resistência mecânica, a ductilidade e a morfologia da superfície de rotura foram estudadas com vista a identificar as potenciais variáveis a controlar para desenvolver futuramente juntas adesivas compósitas que permita um desempenho superior quando comparadas com juntas adesivas idênticas sem qualquer modificação. Os resultados obtidos indiciaram que o acabamento superficial afetou claramente os resultados e que o comportamento mecânico é influenciado pelo comprimento de sobreposição.


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Com as crescentes exigências do mercado e fortes restrições a nível ambiental, as indústrias modernas tendem a progredir no sentido da eficiência, sustentabilidade e rentabilidade dos seus processos produtivos. Sendo a indústria dos curtumes uma forte geradora de resíduos sólidos, é indispensável criar alternativas à valorização desses mesmos resíduos de forma a cumprir todos os requisitos ambientais. Este trabalho remete à reutilização dos resíduos, provenientes da divisão da pele em tripa após operação de descarna, com o intuito de se desenvolver um novo bio-produto apto para ser utilizado noutros sectores industriais. Os resíduos em causa consistem maioritariamente em colagéneo, que apresenta um enorme potencial para se produzir cola animal. Desta forma, este trabalho tem como objectivo principal avaliar a utilização deste tipo de resíduo na produção de um novo bio-produto, cola animal, e testar a sua aplicabilidade técnica e funcional. Com a realização deste trabalho, mostrou-se ser possível produzir um produto, a partir de retalhos da indústria de curtumes, com um perfil de carácter positivo no que diz respeito à viabilidade técnica e funcional da utilização da cola animal como eventual alternativa a um ligante, para formulações de colas de base aquosa para a indústria gráfica e do papel.


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As estruturas coladas são geralmente projetadas para que o adesivo seja essencialmente sujeito a esforços de corte, pois neste tipo de solicitação o adesivo apresenta melhores caraterísticas mecânicas. A avaliação do comportamento ao corte pode ser realizada com o adesivo no estado maciço ou como camada fina em juntas adesivas. Os métodos que permitem avaliar o comportamento ao corte, quer para o adesivo, quer para as juntas, são: o ensaio Iosipescu ou V-Notched beam shear method, o ensaio de borboleta ou Notched plate shear method (Arcan), o ensaio de torsão, o ensaio de tração numa junta de sobreposição simples e o ensaio Thick Adherend Shear Test (TAST). Os ensaios Arcan e Iosipescu, tal como o ensaio de torção, podem ser realizados em provetes de adesivo maciço ou em juntas. O ensaio de torção é pouco utilizado, porque a aplicação do esforço de corte exige dispositivos e equipamentos de ensaios complexos. Os ensaios Arcan e Iosipescu utilizam provetes com entalhes e podem introduzir alguma dificuldade na medição precisa das deformações. O ensaio de tração numa junta de sobreposição simples é um dos métodos mais usados para caraterizar uma junta adesiva, porque é um método simples, as juntas são de fácil fabrico e pode ser realizado em máquinas universais de ensaios mecânicos. Neste ensaio os aderentes estão sujeitos a uma solicitação de tração, enquanto a camada de adesivo está sujeita a esforços de corte combinados com esforços de arrancamento. Os esforços de arrancamento resultam da própria geometria da junta na qual existe um desalinhamento das forças de tração, mesmo quando são colocados calços (reguladores de espessura) nos locais de amarração. O ensaio TAST é dos mais populares para obtenção das propriedades ao corte, uma vez que tanto as ferramentas de ensaio como o fabrico dos provetes são relativamente simples. Este ensaio é realizado em junta sendo os substratos espessos e de aço que, devido à sua elevada rigidez, contribuem para um esforço de corte praticamente puro no adesivo. Neste trabalho realizou-se o projeto e a fabricação das ferramentas, gabarit e substratos necessários para a execução de provetes TAST e ensaios utilizando diferentes adesivos.


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An experimental and numerical investigation into the shear strength behaviour of adhesive single lap joints (SLJs) was carried out in order to understand the effect of temperature on the joint strength. The adherend material used for the experimental tests was an aluminium alloy in the form of thin sheets, and the adhesive used was a high-strength high temperature epoxy. Tensile tests as a function of temperature were performed and numerical predictions based on the use of a bilinear cohesive damage model were obtained. It is shown that at temperatures below Tg, the lap shear strength of SLJs increased, while at temperatures above Tg, a drastic drop in the lap shear strength was observed. Comparison between the experimental and numerical maximum loads representing the strength of the joints shows a reasonably good agreement.


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Adhesive bonding is a viable technique for joining a wide range of materials. However, increasing the lifetime, reducing the costs, and improving the safety of structures are highly demanded nowadays. Hence, the development of new technologies and processes for easy recycle, heal, or self-heal of bonded structures are becoming of great interest for the industry. This paper provides an overview of the current developments in the use of “smart” adhesive technology and introduces the reader to early findings on the use of self-healing materials, thermally expandable particles, and nanoparticles, among others, in adhesives and their potential to increase the reliability of adhesive joints.


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Adhesive bonding is nowadays a serious candidate to replace methods such as fastening or riveting, because of attractive mechanical properties. As a result, adhesives are being increasingly used in industries such as the automotive, aerospace and construction. Thus, it is highly important to predict the strength of bonded joints to assess the feasibility of joining during the fabrication process of components (e.g. due to complex geometries) or for repairing purposes. This work studies the tensile behaviour of adhesive joints between aluminium adherends considering different values of adherend thickness (h) and the double-cantilever beam (DCB) test. The experimental work consists of the definition of the tensile fracture toughness (GIC) for the different joint configurations. A conventional fracture characterization method was used, together with a J-integral approach, that take into account the plasticity effects occurring in the adhesive layer. An optical measurement method is used for the evaluation of crack tip opening and adherends rotation at the crack tip during the test, supported by a Matlab® sub-routine for the automated extraction of these quantities. As output of this work, a comparative evaluation between bonded systems with different values of adherend thickness is carried out and complete fracture data is provided in tension for the subsequent strength prediction of joints with identical conditions.


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Thermally expandable particles (TEPs) are used in a wide variety of applications by industry mainly for weight reduction and appearance improvement for thermoplastics, inks, and coatings. In adhesive bonding, TEPs have been used for recycling purposes. However, TEPs might be used to modify structural adhesives for other new purposes, such as: to increase the joint strength by creating an adhesive functionally modified along the overlap of the joint by gradual heating and/or to heal the adhesive in case of damage. In this study, the behaviour of a structural polyurethane adhesive modified with TEPs was investigated as a preliminary study for further investigations on the potential of TEPs in adhesive joints. Tensile bulk tests were performed to get the tensile properties of the unmodified and TEPs-modified adhesive, while Double Cantilever Beam (DCB) test was performed in order to evaluate the resistance to mode I crack propagation of unmodified and TEPs-modified adhesive. In addition, in order to investigate the behaviour of the particles while encapsulated in adhesives, a thermal analysis was done. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) was used to examine the fracture surface morphology of the specimens. The fracture toughness of the TEPs-modified adhesive was found to increase by addition of TEPs, while the adhesive tensile strength at yield decreased. The temperature where the particles show the maximum expansion varied with TEPs concentration, decreasing with increasing the TEPs content.


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When a pesticide is released into the environment, most of it is lost before it reaches its target. An effective way to reduce environmental losses of pesticides is by using controlled release technology. Microencapsulation becomes a promising technique for the production of controlled release agricultural formulations. In this work, the microencapsulation of chlorophenoxy herbicide MCPA with native b-cyclodextrin and its methyl and hydroxypropyl derivatives was investigated. The phase solubility study showed that both native and b-CD derivatives increased the water solubility of the herbicide and inclusion complexes are formed in a stoichiometric ratio of 1:1. The stability constants describing the extent of formation of the complexes have been determined by phase solubility studies. 1H NMR experiments were also accomplished for the prepared solid systems and the data gathered confirm the formation of the inclusion complexes. 1H NMR data obtained for the MCPA/CDs complexes disclosed noticeable proton shift displacements for OCH2 group and H6 aromatic proton of MCPA provided clear evidence of inclusion complexation process, suggesting that the phenyl moiety of the herbicide was included in the hydrophobic cavity of CDs. Free energy molecular mechanics calculations confirm all these findings. The gathered results can be regarded as an essential step to the development of controlled release agricultural formulations containing herbicide MCPA.


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This article studies the possibility of using market available glued-laminated timber (GLT) based on melamine-urea-formaldehyde (MUF) adhesives as an alternative to traditional solid timber sleepers. The study comprised an examination of the effect of creosote treatment on the short-term and durability after accelerated aging of the glue lines (delamination and shear strength) and the potential for full sapwood penetration by the creosote. Creosote treatment showed a negative effect on shear strength and delamination, more severe in the nonstructural than the structural GLT specimens tested. Full penetration of creosote into the sapwood was not achieved. GLT elements based on MUF adhesives can be considered an alternative to solid wood sleepers if specific grading of lamellas, proper treatment schedule, and highly controlled factory production are implemented.


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Proceedings of the Chemistry and Conservation Science