897 resultados para HEMORRHAGIC STROKE
BACKGROUND/OBJECTIVES: The most recent ACC/AHA guidelines recommend high-intensity statin therapy in ischemic stroke patients of presumably atherosclerotic origin. On the contrary, there is no specific recommendation for the use of statin in patients with non-atherosclerotic stroke, e.g. strokes related to atrial fibrillation (AF). We investigated whether statin treatment in patients with AF-related stroke is associated with improved survival and reduced risk for stroke recurrence and future cardiovascular events. METHODS: All consecutive patients registered in the Athens Stroke Registry with AF-related stroke and no history of coronary artery disease nor clinically manifest peripheral artery disease were included in the analysis and categorized in two groups depending on whether statin was prescribed at discharge. The primary outcome was overall mortality; the secondary outcomes were stroke recurrence and a composite cardiovascular endpoint comprising of recurrent stroke, myocardial infarction, aortic aneurysm rupture or sudden cardiac death during the 5-year follow-up. RESULTS: Among 1602 stroke patients, 404 (25.2%) with AF-related stroke were included in the analysis, of whom 102 (25.2%) were discharged on statin. On multivariate Cox-proportional-hazards model, statin treatment was independently associated with a lower mortality (hazard-ratio (HR): 0.49, 95%CI:0.26-0.92) and lower risk for the composite cardiovascular endpoint during the median 22months follow-up (HR: 0.44, 95%CI:0.22-0.88), but not with stroke recurrence (HR: 0.47, 95%CI:0.22-1.01, p: 0.053). CONCLUSIONS: In this long-term registry of patients with AF-related stroke, statin treatment was associated with improved survival and reduced risk for future cardiovascular events.
Right hemispheric stroke aphasia (RHSA) rarely occurs in right- or left-handed patients with their language representation in right hemisphere (RH). For right-handers, the term crossed aphasia is used. Single cases, multiple cases reports, and reviews suggest more variable anatomo-clinical correlations. We included retrospectively from our stroke data bank 16 patients (right- and left-handed, and ambidextrous) with aphasia after a single first-ever ischemic RH stroke. A control group was composed of 25 successive patients with left hemispheric stroke and aphasia (LHSA). For each patient, we analyzed four modalities of language (spontaneous fluency, naming, repetition, and comprehension) and recorded eventual impairment: (1) on admission (hyperacute) and (2) between day 3 and 14 (acute). Lesion volume and location as measured on computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) were transformed into Talairach stereotaxic space. Nonparametric statistics were used to compare impaired/nonimpaired patients. Comprehension and repetition were less frequently impaired after RHSA (respectively, 56% and 50%) than after LHSA (respectively, 84% and 80%, P = 0.05 and 0.04) only at hyperacute phase. Among RHSA, fewer left-handers/ambidextrous than right-handers had comprehension disorders at second evaluation (P = 0.013). Mean infarct size was similar in RHSA and LHSA with less posterior RHSA lesions (caudal to the posterior commissure). Comprehension and repetition impairments were more often associated with anterior lesions in RHSA (Fisher's exact test, P < 0.05). Despite the small size of the cohort, our findings suggest increased atypical anatomo-functional correlations of RH language representation, particularly in non-right-handed patients.
BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Neonatal arterial ischemic stroke (NAIS) is associated with considerable lifetime burdens such as cerebral palsy, epilepsy, and cognitive impairment. Prospective epidemiologic studies that include outcome assessments are scarce. This study aimed to provide information on the epidemiology, clinical manifestations, infarct characteristics, associated clinical variables, treatment strategies, and outcomes of NAIS in a prospective, population-based cohort of Swiss children. METHODS: This prospective study evaluated the epidemiology, clinical manifestations, vascular territories, associated clinical variables, and treatment of all full-term neonates diagnosed with NAIS and born in Switzerland between 2000 and 2010. Follow-up was performed 2 years (mean 23.3 months, SD 4.3 months) after birth. RESULTS: One hundred neonates (67 boys) had a diagnosis of NAIS. The NAIS incidence in Switzerland during this time was 13 (95% confidence interval [CI], 11-17) per 100 000 live births. Seizures were the most common symptom (95%). Eighty-one percent had unilateral (80% left-sided) and 19% had bilateral lesions. Risk factors included maternal risk conditions (32%), birth complications (68%), and neonatal comorbidities (54%). Antithrombotic and antiplatelet therapy use was low (17%). No serious side effects were reported. Two years after birth, 39% were diagnosed with cerebral palsy and 31% had delayed mental performance. CONCLUSIONS: NAIS in Switzerland shows a similar incidence as other population-based studies. About one-third of patients developed cerebral palsy or showed delayed mental performance 2 years after birth, and children with normal mental performance may still develop deficits later in life.
ASTRAL-R score predicts non-recanalisation after intravenous thrombolysis in acute ischaemic stroke.
Intravenous thrombolysis (IVT) as treatment in acute ischaemic strokes may be insufficient to achieve recanalisation in certain patients. Predicting probability of non-recanalisation after IVT may have the potential to influence patient selection to more aggressive management strategies. We aimed at deriving and internally validating a predictive score for post-thrombolytic non-recanalisation, using clinical and radiological variables. In thrombolysis registries from four Swiss academic stroke centres (Lausanne, Bern, Basel and Geneva), patients were selected with large arterial occlusion on acute imaging and with repeated arterial assessment at 24 hours. Based on a logistic regression analysis, an integer-based score for each covariate of the fitted multivariate model was generated. Performance of integer-based predictive model was assessed by bootstrapping available data and cross validation (delete-d method). In 599 thrombolysed strokes, five variables were identified as independent predictors of absence of recanalisation: Acute glucose > 7 mmol/l (A), significant extracranial vessel STenosis (ST), decreased Range of visual fields (R), large Arterial occlusion (A) and decreased Level of consciousness (L). All variables were weighted 1, except for (L) which obtained 2 points based on β-coefficients on the logistic scale. ASTRAL-R scores 0, 3 and 6 corresponded to non-recanalisation probabilities of 18, 44 and 74 % respectively. Predictive ability showed AUC of 0.66 (95 %CI, 0.61-0.70) when using bootstrap and 0.66 (0.63-0.68) when using delete-d cross validation. In conclusion, the 5-item ASTRAL-R score moderately predicts non-recanalisation at 24 hours in thrombolysed ischaemic strokes. If its performance can be confirmed by external validation and its clinical usefulness can be proven, the score may influence patient selection for more aggressive revascularisation strategies in routine clinical practice.
Children who sustain a prenatal or perinatal brain injury in the form of a stroke develop remarkably normal cognitive functions in certain areas, with a particular strength in language skills. A dominant explanation for this is that brain regions from the contralesional hemisphere "take over" their functions, whereas the damaged areas and other ipsilesional regions play much less of a role. However, it is difficult to tease apart whether changes in neural activity after early brain injury are due to damage caused by the lesion or by processes related to postinjury reorganization. We sought to differentiate between these two causes by investigating the functional connectivity (FC) of brain areas during the resting state in human children with early brain injury using a computational model. We simulated a large-scale network consisting of realistic models of local brain areas coupled through anatomical connectivity information of healthy and injured participants. We then compared the resulting simulated FC values of healthy and injured participants with the empirical ones. We found that the empirical connectivity values, especially of the damaged areas, correlated better with simulated values of a healthy brain than those of an injured brain. This result indicates that the structural damage caused by an early brain injury is unlikely to have an adverse and sustained impact on the functional connections, albeit during the resting state, of damaged areas. Therefore, these areas could continue to play a role in the development of near-normal function in certain domains such as language in these children.
OBJECTIVE: To identify risk factors, circumstances, and outcomes for individuals with acute ischemic stroke (AIS) chameleons (AIS-C) arriving in the emergency department of a university hospital. METHODS: We retrospectively reviewed all patients with AIS from the prospectively constructed Acute Stroke Registry and Analysis of Lausanne during 8.25 years. AIS-C were defined as a failure to suspect stroke or as incorrect exclusion of stroke diagnosis. They were compared with patients diagnosed correctly at the time of admission. RESULTS: Forty-seven of 2,200 AIS were missed (2.1%). These AIS-C were either very mild or very severe strokes. Multivariate analysis showed a younger age in patients with AIS-C (odds ratio [OR] per year 0.98, p < 0.01), less prestroke statin treatment (OR 0.29, p = 0.04), and lower diastolic admission blood pressure (OR 0.98 p = 0.04). They showed less eye deviation (OR 0.21, p = 0.04) and more cerebellar strokes (OR 3.78, p < 0.01). AIS-C were misdiagnosed as other neurologic (42.6% of cases) or nonneurologic (17.0%) disease, as unexplained decreased level of consciousness (21.3%), and as concomitantly present disease (19.1%). At 12 months, patients with AIS-C had less favorable outcomes (adjusted OR 0.21, p < 0.01) and higher mortality (adjusted OR 4.37, p < 0.01). CONCLUSIONS: AIS are missed in patients with younger age with a lower cerebrovascular risk profile and may be masked by other acute conditions. Patients with chameleons present more often with milder strokes or coma, fewer focal signs and cerebellar strokes, and have higher disability and mortality rates at 12 months. These findings may be used to raise awareness in emergency departments to recognize and treat such patients appropriately.
Clopidogrel is a widely used antiplatelet drug used in preventing vascular events after suffering a first stoke. Genome-wide association studies (GWAS) has not been able to establish a clear association between polymorphisms and recurrence. Therefore in the present final master project an epigenetic approach is proposed. Using an array based technology, 450.000 CpG sites across all genome were assessed in 48 individuals (21 cases and 21 controls). Looking at differentially methylated levels between cases and controls, 58 CpG sites (DMGs) were found. Although, no clear locus was observed. Looking individually to each 49 genes, two appeared to be important to our study. TRAF3 and ADAMTS2 are gens highly related to platelet aggregation. In orther to confirm these result, a new DNA methylation study will be done in a larger cohort, using Sequenom technology.
OBJECTIVE: The objective was to determine the risk of stroke associated with subclinical hypothyroidism. DATA SOURCES AND STUDY SELECTION: Published prospective cohort studies were identified through a systematic search through November 2013 without restrictions in several databases. Unpublished studies were identified through the Thyroid Studies Collaboration. We collected individual participant data on thyroid function and stroke outcome. Euthyroidism was defined as TSH levels of 0.45-4.49 mIU/L, and subclinical hypothyroidism was defined as TSH levels of 4.5-19.9 mIU/L with normal T4 levels. DATA EXTRACTION AND SYNTHESIS: We collected individual participant data on 47 573 adults (3451 subclinical hypothyroidism) from 17 cohorts and followed up from 1972-2014 (489 192 person-years). Age- and sex-adjusted pooled hazard ratios (HRs) for participants with subclinical hypothyroidism compared to euthyroidism were 1.05 (95% confidence interval [CI], 0.91-1.21) for stroke events (combined fatal and nonfatal stroke) and 1.07 (95% CI, 0.80-1.42) for fatal stroke. Stratified by age, the HR for stroke events was 3.32 (95% CI, 1.25-8.80) for individuals aged 18-49 years. There was an increased risk of fatal stroke in the age groups 18-49 and 50-64 years, with a HR of 4.22 (95% CI, 1.08-16.55) and 2.86 (95% CI, 1.31-6.26), respectively (p trend 0.04). We found no increased risk for those 65-79 years old (HR, 1.00; 95% CI, 0.86-1.18) or ≥ 80 years old (HR, 1.31; 95% CI, 0.79-2.18). There was a pattern of increased risk of fatal stroke with higher TSH concentrations. CONCLUSIONS: Although no overall effect of subclinical hypothyroidism on stroke could be demonstrated, an increased risk in subjects younger than 65 years and those with higher TSH concentrations was observed.
Contralesional brain connectivity plasticity was previously reported after stroke. This study aims at disentangling the biological mechanisms underlying connectivity plasticity in the uninjured motor network after an ischemic lesion. In particular, we measured generalized fractional anisotropy (GFA) and magnetization transfer ratio (MTR) to assess whether poststroke connectivity remodeling depends on axonal and/or myelin changes. Diffusion-spectrum imaging and magnetization transfer MRI at 3T were performed in 10 patients in acute phase, at 1 and 6 months after stroke, which was affecting motor cortical and/or subcortical areas. Ten age- and gender-matched healthy volunteers were scanned 1 month apart for longitudinal comparison. Clinical assessment was also performed in patients prior to magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). In the contralesional hemisphere, average measures and tract-based quantitative analysis of GFA and MTR were performed to assess axonal integrity and myelination along motor connections as well as their variations in time. Mean and tract-based measures of MTR and GFA showed significant changes in a number of contralesional motor connections, confirming both axonal and myelin plasticity in our cohort of patients. Moreover, density-derived features (peak height, standard deviation, and skewness) of GFA and MTR along the tracts showed additional correlation with clinical scores than mean values. These findings reveal the interplay between contralateral myelin and axonal remodeling after stroke.
We retrospectively evaluated the efficacy and safety of high doses of onabotulinumtoxinA (from 600 to 800 units) in 26 patients affected by upper and/or lower limb post-stroke spasticity. They were assessed before, 30 and 90 days after treatment. We observed a significant muscle tone reduction and a significant functional improvement (assessed with the Disability Assessment Scale). No adverse events were reported. In our retrospective analysis the treatment with high doses of onabotulinumtoxinA showed to be effective and safe.
BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: The best time for administering anticoagulation therapy in acute cardioembolic stroke remains unclear. This prospective cohort study of patients with acute stroke and atrial fibrillation, evaluated (1) the risk of recurrent ischemic event and severe bleeding; (2) the risk factors for recurrence and bleeding; and (3) the risks of recurrence and bleeding associated with anticoagulant therapy and its starting time after the acute stroke. METHODS: The primary outcome of this multicenter study was the composite of stroke, transient ischemic attack, symptomatic systemic embolism, symptomatic cerebral bleeding and major extracranial bleeding within 90 days from acute stroke. RESULTS: Of the 1029 patients enrolled, 123 had 128 events (12.6%): 77 (7.6%) ischemic stroke or transient ischemic attack or systemic embolism, 37 (3.6%) symptomatic cerebral bleeding, and 14 (1.4%) major extracranial bleeding. At 90 days, 50% of the patients were either deceased or disabled (modified Rankin score ≥3), and 10.9% were deceased. High CHA2DS2-VASc score, high National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale, large ischemic lesion and type of anticoagulant were predictive factors for primary study outcome. At adjusted Cox regression analysis, initiating anticoagulants 4 to 14 days from stroke onset was associated with a significant reduction in primary study outcome, compared with initiating treatment before 4 or after 14 days: hazard ratio 0.53 (95% confidence interval 0.30-0.93). About 7% of the patients treated with oral anticoagulants alone had an outcome event compared with 16.8% and 12.3% of the patients treated with low molecular weight heparins alone or followed by oral anticoagulants, respectively (P=0.003). CONCLUSIONS: Acute stroke in atrial fibrillation patients is associated with high rates of ischemic recurrence and major bleeding at 90 days. This study has observed that high CHA2DS2-VASc score, high National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale, large ischemic lesions, and type of anticoagulant administered each independently led to a greater risk of recurrence and bleedings. Also, data showed that the best time for initiating anticoagulation treatment for secondary stroke prevention is 4 to 14 days from stroke onset. Moreover, patients treated with oral anticoagulants alone had better outcomes compared with patients treated with low molecular weight heparins alone or before oral anticoagulants.