980 resultados para H.248
One-hundred patients treated with curative radiotherapy (RT) ± chemotherapy (CT) for an anal canal carcinoma (T1-4N0-3M0) were retrospectively analyzed. Five- and 10-year local control (LC) rates were 73% and 67%, respectively. Acute and late G3-G4 toxicity rates were 32% and 12%, respectively. Two patients underwent a colostomy for a G4 anal toxicity. This study confirms the outcomes of RT ± CT in the treatment of anal canal cancer. Concomitant CT and LC statistically influenced Overall Survival and Colostomy-Free Survival. CT also statistically reduced the risk of nodal relapse. High rates of acute skin toxicity impose tailored volumes and techniques of irradiation.
Os produtos das atividades de mineração têm grande relevância econômica no Estado de Minas Gerais, Brasil. No entanto, seus inúmeros danos à biota, incluindo a fauna edáfica, resultam na necessidade de recuperação e biomonitoramento dessas áreas e do seu entorno. Considerando a importância ecológica e o potencial bioindicador das minhocas, o objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a toxicidade de arsênio presente em solos do entorno de minerações de ouro, nas bacias dos rios Doce e São Francisco, a oligoquetas da espécie Eisenia andrei Bouché. Amostras de solos dessas áreas foram caracterizadas em relação às suas propriedades físicas e químicas, incluindo os metais Fe, Al, Cu, Ni, Zn e Mn e do metaloide As; com elas, foram conduzidos bioensaios, que avaliaram a sobrevivência, reprodução e variação da biomassa dos organismos. Também foram realizados testes de sensibilidade dessa espécie ao As adicionado a solo artificial tropical e em solo natural. Houve evidente efeito tóxico sobre a reprodução dessa espécie, que esteve altamente correlacionado com as concentrações de As nas amostras (r = -0,80). Amostras de solos naturais de locais avaliados nas duas áreas apresentaram concentrações de As acima do limite estipulado pela Resolução Conama nº 420 de 2009, chegando a 2.388,2 mg kg-1. A CL50 do As em solo artificial tropical (207,4 mg kg-1) foi seis vezes menor que a do solo natural (1.248,1 mg kg-1). A menor biodisponibilidade do As nos solos naturais foi atribuída a sua associação com o minério de Fe presente nas amostras. Concluiu-se que os solos do entorno de áreas de mineração causaram toxicidade crônica a E. andrei, em termos de sua reprodução, o que demonstrou o potencial de danos dessas atividades sobre a fauna edáfica dessas áreas. O estudo também forneceu informações ecotoxicológicas que podem ser úteis em avaliações de risco ambiental em solos tropicais.
Les enquêtes menées auprès des officines vaudoises en 1994 et 2003 avaient montré que les pharmacies étaient des partenaires importants dans le réseau de prise en charge des usagers de drogue par injection (UDI), en particulier en ce qui concerne la dispensation et le suivi des cures de méthadone. Elles avaient aussi mis en évidence les besoins de formation/information des pharmaciens et de leur personnel. La troisième vague de l'enquête pharmacie 2011 avait pour objectif : o de mesurer l'évolution de la remise de seringues par les pharmacies aux UDI o de repérer les lacunes éventuelles dans l'accès au matériel stérile du point de vue géographique o d'apprécier le rôle des pharmacies dans la remise de traitements de méthadone o d'identifier d'éventuels problèmes rencontrés dans ces deux activités (vente de seringues et dispensation de méthadone) o d'identifier les besoins en formation des pharmaciens et du personnel des pharmacies o d'identifier les actions qui favoriseraient une meilleure intégration des pharmacies dans le dispositif de prise en charge des personnes toxicodépendantes o de recueillir l'avis des pharmaciens sur la pose d'automates de distribution de seringues et sur la nécessité d'une extension de la remise de matériel stérile. Méthode L'enquête pharmacie 2011 comprend deux volets. Un premier volet quantitatif, sous la forme d'un questionnaire adressé à toutes les pharmacies du canton (n=248). Le taux de participation de 92% (n=227) est remarquable. Les analyses portent sur 220 questionnaires valides. Un second volet, qualitatif, permet de compléter les données statistiques. Parmi les pharmaciens disposés à s'exprimer dans le cadre d'un entretien (n=90), nous en avons échantillonné [...] [Auteurs, p. 5]
Background/Objective:Little is known about the precise role of parental migrant status (MS) and educational level (EL) on adiposity and various eating habits in young children. Therefore, we assessed their independent contribution in preschoolers.Subjects/Methods:Of 655 randomly selected preschoolers, 542 (5.1±0.6 years; 71% of parental MS and 37% of low parental EL) were analysed. Body composition was measured by bioelectrical impedance. Eating habits were assessed using a semiqualitative food frequency questionnaire and analysed according to five messages developed by the Swiss Society for Nutrition, based on factors implicated in childhood obesity: (1) 'Drinking water and decreasing sweetened drinks', (2) 'Eating fruit and vegetables', (3) 'Decreasing breakfast skipping', (4) 'Reducing fatty and sweet foods' and (5) 'Reducing the intake of meals and snacks in front of television'.Results:Children of migrant and low EL parents had higher body fat, ate more meals and snacks while watching television and had more fruit and fatty foods compared with their respective counterparts (all P0.04). Children of low EL parents also consumed less water and vegetables compared with their counterparts (all P0.04). In most instances, we found an independent contribution of parental MS and EL to adiposity and eating habits. A more pronounced effect was found if both parents were migrants or of low EL. Differences in adiposity and eating habits were relatively similar to the joint parental data when assessed individually for maternal and paternal MS and EL.Conclusions:Parental MS and EL are independently related to adiposity and various eating habits in preschoolers.European Journal of Clinical Nutrition advance online publication, 3 November 2010; doi:10.1038/ejcn.2010.248.
PURPOSE: To derive a prediction rule by using prospectively obtained clinical and bone ultrasonographic (US) data to identify elderly women at risk for osteoporotic fractures. MATERIALS AND METHODS: The study was approved by the Swiss Ethics Committee. A prediction rule was computed by using data from a 3-year prospective multicenter study to assess the predictive value of heel-bone quantitative US in 6174 Swiss women aged 70-85 years. A quantitative US device to calculate the stiffness index at the heel was used. Baseline characteristics, known risk factors for osteoporosis and fall, and the quantitative US stiffness index were used to elaborate a predictive rule for osteoporotic fracture. Predictive values were determined by using a univariate Cox model and were adjusted with multivariate analysis. RESULTS: There were five risk factors for the incidence of osteoporotic fracture: older age (>75 years) (P < .001), low heel quantitative US stiffness index (<78%) (P < .001), history of fracture (P = .001), recent fall (P = .001), and a failed chair test (P = .029). The score points assigned to these risk factors were as follows: age, 2 (3 if age > 80 years); low quantitative US stiffness index, 5 (7.5 if stiffness index < 60%); history of fracture, 1; recent fall, 1.5; and failed chair test, 1. The cutoff value to obtain a high sensitivity (90%) was 4.5. With this cutoff, 1464 women were at lower risk (score, <4.5) and 4710 were at higher risk (score, >or=4.5) for fracture. Among the higher-risk women, 6.1% had an osteoporotic fracture, versus 1.8% of women at lower risk. Among the women who had a hip fracture, 90% were in the higher-risk group. CONCLUSION: A prediction rule obtained by using quantitative US stiffness index and four clinical risk factors helped discriminate, with high sensitivity, women at higher versus those at lower risk for osteoporotic fracture.
SEVERAL attempts have been made to show the specific localisation in vivo of anti-tumour antibodies. Most of these studies, however, either in experimental animals1,2 or in humans3 were performed with antibodies obtained by adsorption and elution from poorly characterised crude tumour fractions.
New karyological and morphological data show that Sicily, the Egadi Islands, Malta and Gozo are (ore were) inhabited by a particular species of Crocidura, for which the name Crocidura sicula Miller, 1901 is available. The species is briefly diagnosed and described and a new key to the European species of Crocidura is presented
Référence bibliographique : Weigert, 248
Weekly letting report.
The diuretic and natriuretic responses to exogenous synthetic atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP) were evaluated in patients with chronic renal failure (CRF) or nephrotic syndrome (NS). Patients were studied after an oral water load (8 ml/kg in CRF and 20 ml/kg in NS patients). A short intravenous bolus of either a placebo or ANP was administered when urine output was stable. In each group of patients, three doses of ANP were injected at 24 h intervals, i.e., 1.0, 1.5, and 2.0 micrograms/kg in the CRF and 1.0, 1.5, and 3.0 micrograms/kg in the NS group. Blood pressure and heart rate were monitored throughout the study and urinary volume and electrolyte excretion were measured every 20 min up to 3 h after the bolus. An acute and transient fall in blood pressure was observed immediately after the ANP injection. It was more pronounced in CRF than in NS patients. In CRF patients, ANP caused only a slight increase in urinary volume (13.5-44% over baseline) but a significant increase in urinary sodium excretion (45-114% over baseline). In NS patients, significant increases in both urine volume (60-105%) and sodium excretion (149-248%) were also found. In these latter patients, the renal response to ANP appeared to be better preserved. The hemodynamic and renal changes induced by ANP occurred mainly during the first 20 min following the ANP administration, when the peak plasma ANP levels were obtained. However, no clear dose-response effect could be evidenced in either group with the three doses of ANP chosen in this study.
Introduction Les interventions proposées pour promouvoir les directives anticipées (D.A.) n'ont que partiellement atteint leurs objectifs malgré les bénéfices anticipés. L'expérience internationale montre que, quand bien même l'institutionnalisation des D.A. est importante, les pratiques n'ont que peu évolué au cours des trois dernières décennies avec un taux de rédaction entre 15 à 30 %, variant modestement selon les publics, contextes et stratégies. Ce constat nécessite un changement de paradigme car la question des D.A. a trop fréquemment été conçue dans la perspective d'une allocation de ressources, avec une sélection de traitements à envisager en fonction de l'état de santé. Le déplacement souhaité implique de mettre en oeuvre une intervention de type Planification Anticipée du Projet Thérapeutique (P.A.P.T), centrée sur les objectifs et finalités des soins, selon les valeurs et priorités singulières à chaque patient. But L'étude pilote a permis dans un premier temps de développer et tester l'effet d'une intervention de P.A.P.T. menée par une infirmière auprès de résidants nouvellement admis en établissement médico-social (EMS) et de leurs proches significatifs. Dans un deuxième temps, la faisabilité et l'acceptabilité de cette intervention infirmière pour cette population spécifique a été évaluée. Méthode Au total 44 dyades (âge résidants M = 85,01 ans et proches M = 57,42) ont été recrutées pour participer entre mai 2011 et mai 2012 avec un suivi sur six mois dès l'admission du résidant. Un devis pré-post à groupe unique a évalué la qualité de la communication avec l'infirmière sur les soins à la fin de la vie (résidant/proche), les préférences et options de soins (résidant/proche) et la perception du fardeau chez le proche à l'entrée dans l'étude (semaine 5) et trois mois après l'intervention (semaine 25 après l'admission). L'intervention de P.A.P.T. sous forme de trois entretiens a été conduite par l'infirmière, durant le premier trimestre (semaines 6 à 13). Elle a pris connaissance de l'histoire de vie, des croyances et valeurs générales du résidant, clarifié les dix priorités jugées les plus importantes à la fin de sa vie sélectionnées et classées à l'aide d'un jeu de cartes ; elle a identifié, chez le proche, les représentations qu'il se faisait des préférences du résidant et discuté les options de soins au sein de la dyade. Après l'intervention, l'existence de traces dans les dossiers sur les priorités et souhaits de soins ainsi que la présence de D.A. rédigées ont été colligées. Des analyses descriptives et bivariées des données ont été effectuées. Résultats Aucune différence significative n'a été retrouvée après l'intervention par rapport à la qualité de la communication avec l'infirmière sur les soins à la fin de la vie chez le résidant (p = 0,32) et la similitude globale dans la dyade vis-à-vis des options de soins (p = 0,50). La concordance (degré d'accord mesuré avec l'indice K) entre résidant et proche par scénario vis-à-vis des options de soins s'est améliorée pour un des cinq scénarios et a diminué pour les quatre autres (p < 0,001). Pour le proche il a été constaté une amélioration de la qualité de la communication avec l'infirmière (p = 0,000) et de la perception du fardeau global (p - 0,007). Des traces de la P.A.P.T. ont été identifiées dans deux tiers des dossiers alors que des D.A. sont signalées pour 11 résidants. L'intervention s'est avérée faisable et a été bien acceptée par les dyades et les infirmières ayant conduit les entretiens. Conclusion L'intervention infirmière de P.A.P.T. en EMS parait efficace surtout auprès du proche. D'autres études interventionnelles à large échelle sont nécessaires pour confirmer ces résultats préliminaires chez la dyade.
Background: Ulcerative colitis (UC) is a chronic disease with a wide variety of treatment options many of which are not evidence based. Supplementing available guidelines, which are often broadly defined, consensus-based and generally not tailored to specifically reflect the individual patient situation, we developed explicit appropriateness criteria to assist, and improve treatment decisions. Methods: We used the RAND appropriateness method which does not force consensus. An extensive literature review was compiled based on and supplementing, where necessary, the ECCO UC 2011 guidelines. EPATUC (endorsed by ECCO) was formed by 7 gastroenterologists, 2 surgeons and 2 general practitioners from throughout Europe. Clinical scenarios reflecting practice were rated on a 9-point scale from 1 (extremely inappropriate) to 9 (extremely appropriate), based on the expert's experience and the available literature. After extensive discussion, all scenarios were re-rated at a two-day panel meeting. Median and disagreement (D) were used to categorize ratings into 3 categories: appropriate (A), uncertain (U) and inappropriate (I). Results: 718 clinical scenarios were rated, structured in 13 main clinical presentations: not refractory (n = 64) or refractory (n = 33) proctitis, mild to moderate left-sided (n = 72) or extensive (n = 48) colitis, severe colitis (n = 36), steroid- dependant colitis (n = 36), steroid-refractory colitis (n = 55), acute pouchitis (n = 96), maintenance of remission (n = 248), colorectal cancer prevention (n = 9) and fulminant colitis (n = 9). Overall, 100 indications were judged appropriate (14%), 129 uncertain (18%) and 489 inappropriate (68%). Disagreement between experts was very low (6%). Conclusions: For the very first time, explicit appropriateness criteria for therapy of UC were developed that allow both specific and rapid therapeutic decision making and prospective assessment of treatment appropriateness. Comparison of these detailed scenarios with patient profiles encountered in the Swiss IBD cohort study indicates good concordance. EPATUC criteria will be freely accessible on the internet (epatuc.ch)