846 resultados para Graham, Brandon


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Predictive species distribution modelling (SDM) has become an essential tool in biodiversity conservation and management. The choice of grain size (resolution) of environmental layers used in modelling is one important factor that may affect predictions. We applied 10 distinct modelling techniques to presence-only data for 50 species in five different regions, to test whether: (1) a 10-fold coarsening of resolution affects predictive performance of SDMs, and (2) any observed effects are dependent on the type of region, modelling technique, or species considered. Results show that a 10 times change in grain size does not severely affect predictions from species distribution models. The overall trend is towards degradation of model performance, but improvement can also be observed. Changing grain size does not equally affect models across regions, techniques, and species types. The strongest effect is on regions and species types, with tree species in the data sets (regions) with highest locational accuracy being most affected. Changing grain size had little influence on the ranking of techniques: boosted regression trees remain best at both resolutions. The number of occurrences used for model training had an important effect, with larger sample sizes resulting in better models, which tended to be more sensitive to grain. Effect of grain change was only noticeable for models reaching sufficient performance and/or with initial data that have an intrinsic error smaller than the coarser grain size.


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(Résumé de l'ouvrage) This collection of studies in honor of François Bovon highlights the rich diversity found within early expressions of Christianity as evidenced in ancient texts, traditions, symbols, and motifs. Old labels like 'apocrypha' or 'heresy' that for centuries have suppressed much of this evidence are removed, previous assumptions are questioned, and the old data are examined afresh along with the latest discoveries. The studies fall into six areas: ancient gospels, acts, early Christian movements, ancient interpretations, art, and manuscripts. Contributors include James Robinson, Helmut Koester, Harold Attridge, Karen King, and Jean-Daniel Kaestli.


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Introduction L'écriture manuelle fluide et automatisée constitue, avec la lecture, les fondements au développement des compétences scolaires. En effet, l'enfant peut développer le langage écrit avec l'acquisition de l'écriture, il a besoin d'une écriture manuelle automatisée lors d'évaluations scolaires écrites. De plus, la sollicitation de l'écriture manuelle augmente au cours de la scolarité, que ce soit au niveau de l'endurance, de la vitesse ou de la qualité. L'acquisition de l'écriture requiert des processus cognitifs, linguistiques et perceptivomoteurs, définis en tant que facteurs internes ou endogènes (Beeson et al., 2003) et résulte d'une démarche d'enseignement et d'un processus d'apprentissage constituant des facteurs externes ou exogènes. Les perturbations de l'acquisition de l'écriture sont nommées de différentes manières dans la littérature scientifique. Les chercheurs anglo-saxons convoquent la notion de faible écriture manuelle (poor handwriting), de troubles grapho-moteurs ou de difficultés d'écriture (Weintraub & Graham, 2000 ; Jongmans, Smits-Engelsman, & Schoemaker, 2003 ; Volman, van Schendel, &Jongmans, 2006) qui se caractérisent par une absence de régularité du tracé et/ ou de l'espace entre les mots, par des lettres ambiguës (Rosenblum, Weiss, & Parush, 2006). Les auteurs francophones, le plus souvent de formation médicale (Gubbay & de Klerk, 1995 ; Mazeau, 2005), utilisent plus fréquemment le diagnostic de dysgraphie qui renvoie à des difficultés d'assemblage de ronds et de traits pour former une lettre perturbant ainsi l'apprentissage de l'écriture (Mazeau, 2005). Selon Mazeau, la dysgraphie fait partie des troubles d'apprentissage. Les conséquences d'une faible écriture manuelle sont multiples. Si l'écriture n'est pas automatisée, l'enfant est placé dans une situation de double tâche nécessitant une attention focalisée à la fois sur l'acte d'écrire et sur le raisonnement nécessaire pour réaliser les exigences d'une tâche scolaire (Berningér et al., 1997). Si l'enfant se concentre sur la formation des lettres et le contrôle des mouvements, le raisonnement nécessaire à l'application de règles de grammaire et d'orthographe est perturbé tout comme la qualité des idées lors d'une composition. L'enfant présentant une écriture lente ne parviendra pas à finaliser son travail dans les situations de tests. Les difficultés d'écriture manuelle constituent un facteur de prédiction des troubles d'apprentissage (Harvey & Henderson, 1997 ; Simner, 1982) et elles sont fréquemment citées parmi les causes de la littératie. Car, comme le relèvent Berninger, Mizokawa et Bragg (1991), l'enfant présentant des difficultés d'écriture manuelle aura tendance à éviter toute activité d'écriture renforçant ainsi l'écart avec ses pairs dans ce domaine. Si ces comportements d'évitement se situent dans la période d'apprentissage de l'écriture, ils perturberont la mémorisation des lettres. En effet, la mémorisation des lettres est meilleure lorsque l'apprentissage se fait en situation d'écriture manuelle qu'en situation de lecture uniquement (Longcamp, Boucard, Guilhodes, & Velay, 2006). Par ailleurs, les épreuves dont la qualité de l'écriture est faible font l'objet d'évaluation moins favorable que celles dont l'écriture est plus facilement lisible. Les enseignants/es seraient alors moins persévérants/es dans leur lecture et plus sévères lors de la notation d'une rédaction. Ils, elles développeraient une faible perception des compétences en composition lorsqu'ils, elles sont confrontés/es à une épreuve dont la qualité est peu fluide et peu lisible (Alston & Taylor, 1987). L'identification des difficultés d'écriture peut se fairé de différentes manières (Kozatiek & Powell, 2002 ; Simons & Thijs, 2006 ). D'une part, l'appréciation de la qualité et de la vitesse d'écriture manuelle peut être subjective avec l'avis de l'enseignant et, d'autre part, objective avec l'utilisation de tests standardisés comportant des critères permettant de mesurer la vitesse et la qualité de l'écriture. Les conditions de passation des évaluations peuvent varier (copie, dictée ou composition) et influencer la vitesse et la qualité de l'écriture. La vitesse est moindre et la taille des lettres est inférieure en situation de composition qu'en situation de copie tandis que la régularité du tracé est plus stable en situation de copie que lors d'une composition. Si le dépistage et l'identification des difficultés d'écriture contribuent à la prévention de risques ultérieurs tels que de faibles compétence en littératie, la compréhension des causes de ces difficultés permettra le développement de moyens de remédiation de ces difficultés. Dans la littérature scientifique traitant de cette problématique, des facteurs endogènes ou exogènes peuvent être identifiés. Les facteurs endogènes regroupent autant la maturation développementale et le genre que les fonctions sensorimotrices telles que les dextérités manuelle et digitale, l'intégration visuomotrice, la visuoperception, l'attention visuelle et les fonctions cognitives. En outre, les troubles du développement tels qu'un trouble du langage, un déficit de l'attention ou un Trouble de l'acquisition de la coordination (TAC) (DSM-IV) (American Psychiatric Association, 2003) peuvent perturber l'acquisition de l'écriture. Les facteurs exogènes correspondent soit aux facteurs environnementaux tels que la position de l'enfant ou l'outil scripteur utilisé, soit aux modalités et à la durée de l'enseignement de l'écriture. En effet, la durée de l'enseignement de l'écriture et les modalités pédagogiques contribuent à marquer les différences interindividuelles pour la qualité et pour la vitesse de l'écriture. Actuellement, l'enseignement de l'écriture est, dans la plupart des programmes scolaires, intégré dans le cadre d'autres cours et ne fait pas l'objet d'un enseignement spécifique. Cette pratique entraîné un auto-apprentissage de la part de l'enfant et, par conséquent, un apprentissage implicite de l'écriture alors que les bénéfices d'un enseignement explicite ont été largement mis en évidence par Willingham et Goedert-Eschmann (1999). En effet, ces auteurs ont montré qu'un enseignement explicite favorise l'acquisition, la performance et le transfert d'apprentissage de manière plus importante que l'apprentissage implicite. Paradoxalement, alors que l'enseignement de l'écriture tend à être délaissé dans les programmes scolaires, les études mettant en évidence l'efficacité de l'enseignement de l'écriture (Berninger et al., 1997 ; Jongmans, Linthorst-Bakker, Westenberg & SmitsEngelsman et al., 2003 ; Schoemaker, Niemeijer, Reynders, & Smits-Engelsman , 2003) sont nombreuses. Leurs résultats montrent que l'enseignement d'une seule catégorie d'écriture (liée ou scripte) est plus efficace que l'enseignement de deux catégories d'écriture scripte en début d'apprentissage et écriture liée dans un second temps. Un enseignement régulier et intensif consacré à l'écriture au début de la scolarité va permettre une acquisition plus rapide de l'écriture et de la lecture (Graham & Weintraub, 1996 ; Denton, Cope & Moser, 2006). Selon Berninger, Abbot, Abbot, Graham et Richards (2002), la lecture et l'écriture devraient faire l'objet d'un enseignement coordonné et harmonisé. L'enseignement de l'écriture favorisant les liens avec les contextes d'utilisation de l'écriture montre une efficacité plus grande que lorsqu'il est déconnecté de son contexte (Denton, Cope, & Moser, 2006). L'enjeu d'une automatisation de l'écriture de qualité est important et relève d'une priorité afin de permettre aux enfants de développer de manière optimale leurs compétences académiques. Lorsque des troubles d'écriture sont constatés, l'identification des causes liées à ces difficultés tout comme une prise en charge spécifique faciliteront l'acquisition de cette compétence fondamentale (Berninger et al., 1997). Dans ces perspectives, cette thèse vise à identifier les facteurs endogènes et les facteurs exogènes intervenant dans l'écriture manuelle, que ce soit au niveau de la qualité ou de la vitesse de l'écriture. Au niveau théorique, elle développe l'étai des connaissances dans le domaine de l'écriture en neuropsychologie, en neurosciences et en sciences du mouvement humain. Elle présente, dans une perspective développementale, les modèles de l'apprentissage de l'écriture ainsi que les étapes d'acquisition de l'écriture tout en considérant les différences liées au genre. Ensuite, la description des difficultés d'écriture manuelle précède les moyens d'évaluation de l'écriture. Un chapitre est consacré aux fonctions perceptivomotrices et cognitives influençant l'écriture. Puis, comme les difficultés d'acquisition de l'écriture manuelle font partie du TAC, ce trouble est développé dans le chapitre 5. Enfin, les facteurs exogènes sont présentés dans le chapitre 6, ils comprennent les conditions environnementales (position de l'enfant, types de papiers, types d'outils scripteurs) ainsi que les dimensions d'un programme d'enseignement de l'écriture manuelle. Les effets des programmes de remédiation ou d'enseignement intensif de l'écriture sont traités en dernière partie du chapitre 6. Cette thèse est composée d'une partie de recherche fondamentale et d'une partie de recherche appliquée. La recherche fondamentale, qui comprend deux étapes d'investigation (Etudes 1 et 2), a pour objectifs d'identifier les facteurs endogènes prédictifs d'une écriture manuelle non performante (dextérités digitale et manuelle, intégration visuomotrice ou visuoperception) et d'investiguer les relations entre la lecture, l'attention visuelle, la mémoire audtive et l'écriture manuelle. De plus, elle déterminera la prévalence du TAC parmi les enfants présentant une faible écriture manuelle. La recherche appliquée comporte deux expérimentations. La première expérience a pour but de mesurer les effets d'un programme d'enseignement de l'écriture introduit en fin de deuxième année primaire visant à permettre aux enfants les plus faibles dans le domaine de l'écriture d'améliorer leurs performances. La seconde expérience analyse les effets d'un programme d'enseignement intensif de l'écriture manuelle qui s'est déroulé au début de la première année de scolarité obligatoire. L'acquisition de l'écriture est complexe tant au niveau du contróle moteur que du codage phonème -graphème ou de l'attention. L'écriture manuelle, en tant que compétence de base dans le développement des acquisitions scolaires, demeure tout au long de la scolarité et de la vie professionnelle, une compétence incontournable malgré le développement des nouvelles technologies. Remplir un formulaire, prendre des notes dans une séance ou à un cours, signer des documents, consigner des notes dans des dossiers, utiliser des écrans tactiles constituent des activités nécessitant une écriture manuelle fonctionnelle.


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Pre-requisites for health are equity, minimum income, nutrition, peace, water, sanitation, housing, education, work, political will and public support (WHO, 1986). It has long been known that social disadvantage harms health (Black, 1980, Ettner, 1996). Many researchers have documented that those in lower socio-economic groups are more at risk of developing major chronic diseases such as cardiovascular diseases (Beaglehole and Yach, 2003, WHO, 2003a), diabetes (Wilder et al., 2005), and some cancers (Brunner et al., 1993, Strong et al., 2005), and are at a higher risk of having multiple risk factors associated with these diseases (Lynch et al., 1997). The living standards that many people enjoy and the behavioural choices they make are heavily determined by their access to resources such as income, wealth, goods and services (O’Flynn and Murphy, 2001). The most prominent explanation between disadvantage and health is that lack of resources restricts access to the fundamental conditions of health such as adequate housing (Macintyre et al., 2003, Macintyre et al., 2005), good nutrition (Nelson et al., 2002) and opportunities to participate in society (McDonough et al., 2005). Each of these issues are very much influenced by material and structural factors inherent to and determined by fiscal, social and health policy (Graham and Kelly, 2004, Milio, 1986).


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Background: Recently, more clinical trials are being conducted in Africa and Asia, therefore, background morbidity in the respective populations is of interest. Between 2000 and 2007, the International AIDS Vaccine Initiative sponsored 19 Phase 1 or 2A preventive HIV vaccine trials in the US, Europe, Sub-Saharan Africa and India, enrolling 900 healthy HIV-1 uninfected volunteers.   Objective To assess background morbidity as reflected by unsolicited adverse events (AEs), unrelated to study vaccine, reported in clinical trials from four continents. Methods All but three clinical trials were double-blind, randomized, and placebo-controlled. Study procedures and data collection methods were standardized. The frequency and severity of AEs reported during the first year of the trials were analyzed. To avoid confounding by vaccine-related events, solicited reactogenicity and other AEs occurring within 28 d after any vaccination were excluded. Results In total, 2134 AEs were reported by 76% of all participants; 73% of all events were mild. The rate of AEs did not differ between placebo and vaccine recipients. Overall, the percentage of participants with any AE was higher in Africa (83%) compared with Europe (71%), US (74%) and India (65%), while the percentage of participants with AEs of moderate or greater severity was similar in all regions except India. In all regions, the most frequently reported AEs were infectious diseases, followed by gastrointestinal disorders. Conclusions Despite some regional differences, in these healthy participants selected for low risk of HIV infection, background morbidity posed no obstacle to clinical trial conduct and interpretation. Data from controlled clinical trials of preventive interventions can offer valuable insights into the health of the eligible population.


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Genome-wide association studies (GWAS) have been successful in identifying common genetic variation involved in susceptibility to etiologically complex disease. We conducted a GWAS to identify common genetic variation involved in susceptibility to upper aero-digestive tract (UADT) cancers. Genome-wide genotyping was carried out using the Illumina HumanHap300 beadchips in 2,091 UADT cancer cases and 3,513 controls from two large European multi-centre UADT cancer studies, as well as 4,821 generic controls. The 19 top-ranked variants were investigated further in an additional 6,514 UADT cancer cases and 7,892 controls of European descent from an additional 13 UADT cancer studies participating in the INHANCE consortium. Five common variants presented evidence for significant association in the combined analysis (p≤5×10−7). Two novel variants were identified, a 4q21 variant (rs1494961, p = 1×10−8) located near DNA repair related genes HEL308 and FAM175A (or Abraxas) and a 12q24 variant (rs4767364, p = 2×10−8) located in an extended linkage disequilibrium region that contains multiple genes including the aldehyde dehydrogenase 2 (ALDH2) gene. Three remaining variants are located in the ADH gene cluster and were identified previously in a candidate gene study involving some of these samples. The association between these three variants and UADT cancers was independently replicated in 5,092 UADT cancer cases and 6,794 controls non-overlapping samples presented here (rs1573496-ADH7, p = 5×10−8; rs1229984-ADH1B, p = 7×10−9; and rs698-ADH1C, p = 0.02). These results implicate two variants at 4q21 and 12q24 and further highlight three ADH variants in UADT cancer susceptibility.


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Objective. To examine the association between pre-diagnostic circulating vitamin D concentration, dietary intake of vitamin D and calcium, and the risk of colorectal cancer in European populations. Design Nested case-control study. Setting. The study was conducted within the EPIC study, a cohort of more than 520 000 participants from 10 western European countries. Participants: 1248 cases of incident colorectal cancer, which developed after enrolment into the cohort, were matched to 1248 controls. Main outcome measures. Circulating vitamin D concentration (25-hydroxy-vitamin-D, 25-(OH)D) was measured by enzyme immunoassay. Dietary and lifestyle data were obtained from questionnaires. Incidence rate ratios and 95% confidence intervals for the risk of colorectal cancer by 25-(OH)D concentration and levels of dietary calcium and vitamin D intake were estimated from multivariate conditional logistic regression models, with adjustment for potential dietary and other confounders. Results. 25-(OH)D concentration showed a strong inverse linear dose-response association with risk of colorectal cancer (P for trend <0.001). Compared with a pre-defined mid-level concentration of 25-(OH)D (50.0-75.0 nmol/l), lower levels were associated with higher colorectal cancer risk (<25.0 nmol/l: incidence rate ratio 1.32 (95% confidence interval 0.87 to 2.01); 25.0-49.9 nmol/l: 1.28 (1.05 to 1.56), and higher concentrations associated with lower risk (75.0-99.9 nmol/l: 0.88 (0.68 to 1.13); ≥100.0 nmol/l: 0.77 (0.56 to 1.06)). In analyses by quintile of 25-(OH)D concentration, patients in the highest quintile had a 40% lower risk of colorectal cancer than did those in the lowest quintile (P<0.001). Subgroup analyses showed a strong association for colon but not rectal cancer (P for heterogeneity=0.048). Greater dietary intake of calcium was associated with a lower colorectal cancer risk. Dietary vitamin D was not associated with disease risk. Findings did not vary by sex and were not altered by corrections for season or month of blood donation. Conclusions The results of this large observational study indicate a strong inverse association between levels of pre-diagnostic 25-(OH)D concentration and risk of colorectal cancer in western European populations. Further randomised trials are needed to assess whether increases in circulating 25-(OH)D concentration can effectively decrease the risk of colorectal cancer.


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IMPORTANCE: The 2013 American College of Cardiology/American Heart Association (ACC/AHA) guidelines introduced a prediction model and lowered the threshold for treatment with statins to a 7.5% 10-year hard atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease (ASCVD) risk. Implications of the new guideline's threshold and model have not been addressed in non-US populations or compared with previous guidelines. OBJECTIVE: To determine population-wide implications of the ACC/AHA, the Adult Treatment Panel III (ATP-III), and the European Society of Cardiology (ESC) guidelines using a cohort of Dutch individuals aged 55 years or older. DESIGN, SETTING, AND PARTICIPANTS: We included 4854 Rotterdam Study participants recruited in 1997-2001. We calculated 10-year risks for "hard" ASCVD events (including fatal and nonfatal coronary heart disease [CHD] and stroke) (ACC/AHA), hard CHD events (fatal and nonfatal myocardial infarction, CHD mortality) (ATP-III), and atherosclerotic CVD mortality (ESC). MAIN OUTCOMES AND MEASURES: Events were assessed until January 1, 2012. Per guideline, we calculated proportions of individuals for whom statins would be recommended and determined calibration and discrimination of risk models. RESULTS: The mean age was 65.5 (SD, 5.2) years. Statins would be recommended for 96.4% (95% CI, 95.4%-97.1%; n = 1825) of men and 65.8% (95% CI, 63.8%-67.7%; n = 1523) of women by the ACC/AHA, 52.0% (95% CI, 49.8%-54.3%; n = 985) of men and 35.5% (95% CI, 33.5%-37.5%; n = 821) of women by the ATP-III, and 66.1% (95% CI, 64.0%-68.3%; n = 1253) of men and 39.1% (95% CI, 37.1%-41.2%; n = 906) of women by ESC guidelines. With the ACC/AHA model, average predicted risk vs observed cumulative incidence of hard ASCVD events was 21.5% (95% CI, 20.9%-22.1%) vs 12.7% (95% CI, 11.1%-14.5%) for men (192 events) and 11.6% (95% CI, 11.2%-12.0%) vs 7.9% (95% CI, 6.7%-9.2%) for women (151 events). Similar overestimation occurred with the ATP-III model (98 events in men and 62 events in women) and ESC model (50 events in men and 37 events in women). The C statistic was 0.67 (95% CI, 0.63-0.71) in men and 0.68 (95% CI, 0.64-0.73) in women for hard ASCVD (ACC/AHA), 0.67 (95% CI, 0.62-0.72) in men and 0.69 (95% CI, 0.63-0.75) in women for hard CHD (ATP-III), and 0.76 (95% CI, 0.70-0.82) in men and 0.77 (95% CI, 0.71-0.83) in women for CVD mortality (ESC). CONCLUSIONS AND RELEVANCE: In this European population aged 55 years or older, proportions of individuals eligible for statins differed substantially among the guidelines. The ACC/AHA guideline would recommend statins for nearly all men and two-thirds of women, proportions exceeding those with the ATP-III or ESC guidelines. All 3 risk models provided poor calibration and moderate to good discrimination. Improving risk predictions and setting appropriate population-wide thresholds are necessary to facilitate better clinical decision making.


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BACKGROUND Compared to food patterns, nutrient patterns have been rarely used particularly at international level. We studied, in the context of a multi-center study with heterogeneous data, the methodological challenges regarding pattern analyses. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS We identified nutrient patterns from food frequency questionnaires (FFQ) in the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition (EPIC) Study and used 24-hour dietary recall (24-HDR) data to validate and describe the nutrient patterns and their related food sources. Associations between lifestyle factors and the nutrient patterns were also examined. Principal component analysis (PCA) was applied on 23 nutrients derived from country-specific FFQ combining data from all EPIC centers (N = 477,312). Harmonized 24-HDRs available for a representative sample of the EPIC populations (N = 34,436) provided accurate mean group estimates of nutrients and foods by quintiles of pattern scores, presented graphically. An overall PCA combining all data captured a good proportion of the variance explained in each EPIC center. Four nutrient patterns were identified explaining 67% of the total variance: Principle component (PC) 1 was characterized by a high contribution of nutrients from plant food sources and a low contribution of nutrients from animal food sources; PC2 by a high contribution of micro-nutrients and proteins; PC3 was characterized by polyunsaturated fatty acids and vitamin D; PC4 was characterized by calcium, proteins, riboflavin, and phosphorus. The nutrients with high loadings on a particular pattern as derived from country-specific FFQ also showed high deviations in their mean EPIC intakes by quintiles of pattern scores when estimated from 24-HDR. Center and energy intake explained most of the variability in pattern scores. CONCLUSION/SIGNIFICANCE The use of 24-HDR enabled internal validation and facilitated the interpretation of the nutrient patterns derived from FFQs in term of food sources. These outcomes open research opportunities and perspectives of using nutrient patterns in future studies particularly at international level.


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With advances in the effectiveness of treatment and disease management, the contribution of chronic comorbid diseases (comorbidities) found within the Charlson comorbidity index to mortality is likely to have changed since development of the index in 1984. The authors reevaluated the Charlson index and reassigned weights to each condition by identifying and following patients to observe mortality within 1 year after hospital discharge. They applied the updated index and weights to hospital discharge data from 6 countries and tested for their ability to predict in-hospital mortality. Compared with the original Charlson weights, weights generated from the Calgary, Alberta, Canada, data (2004) were 0 for 5 comorbidities, decreased for 3 comorbidities, increased for 4 comorbidities, and did not change for 5 comorbidities. The C statistics for discriminating in-hospital mortality between the new score generated from the 12 comorbidities and the Charlson score were 0.825 (new) and 0.808 (old), respectively, in Australian data (2008), 0.828 and 0.825 in Canadian data (2008), 0.878 and 0.882 in French data (2004), 0.727 and 0.723 in Japanese data (2008), 0.831 and 0.836 in New Zealand data (2008), and 0.869 and 0.876 in Swiss data (2008). The updated index of 12 comorbidities showed good-to-excellent discrimination in predicting in-hospital mortality in data from 6 countries and may be more appropriate for use with more recent administrative data.


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OBJECTIVES: To determine the prevalence of aortic valve dysfunction, aortic dilation, and aortic valve and ascending aortic intervention in adults with coarctation of the aorta (CoA). BACKGROUND: Aortic valve dysfunction and aortic dilation are rare among children and adolescents with CoA. With longer follow-up, adults may be more likely to have progressive disease. METHODS: We retrospectively reviewed all adults with CoA, repaired or unrepaired, seen at our center between 2004 and 2010. RESULTS: Two hundred sixteen adults (56.0% male) with CoA were identified. Median age at last evaluation was 28.3 (range 18.0 to 75.3) years. Bicuspid aortic valve (BAV) was present in 65.7%. At last follow-up, 3.2% had moderate or severe aortic stenosis, and 3.7% had moderate or severe aortic regurgitation. Dilation of the aortic root or ascending aorta was present in 28.0% and 41.6% of patients, respectively. Moderate or severe aortic root or ascending aortic dilation (z-score > 4) was present in 8.2% and 13.7%, respectively. Patients with BAV were more likely to have moderate or severe ascending aortic dilation compared with those without BAV (19.5% vs. 0%; P < 0.001). Age was associated with ascending aortic dilation (P = 0.04). At most recent follow-up, 5.6% had undergone aortic valve intervention, and 3.2% had aortic root or ascending aortic replacement. CONCLUSION: In adults with CoA, significant aortic valve dysfunction and interventions during early adulthood were uncommon. However, aortic dilation was prevalent, especially of the ascending aorta, in patients with BAV.


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A new practical method to generate a subspace of active coordinates for quantum dynamics calculations is presented. These reduced coordinates are obtained as the normal modes of an analytical quadratic representation of the energy difference between excited and ground states within the complete active space self-consistent field method. At the Franck-Condon point, the largest negative eigenvalues of this Hessian correspond to the photoactive modes: those that reduce the energy difference and lead to the conical intersection; eigenvalues close to 0 correspond to bath modes, while modes with large positive eigenvalues are photoinactive vibrations, which increase the energy difference. The efficacy of quantum dynamics run in the subspace of the photoactive modes is illustrated with the photochemistry of benzene, where theoretical simulations are designed to assist optimal control experiments


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1. Aim - Concerns over how global change will influence species distributions, in conjunction with increased emphasis on understanding niche dynamics in evolutionary and community contexts, highlight the growing need for robust methods to quantify niche differences between or within taxa. We propose a statistical framework to describe and compare environmental niches from occurrence and spatial environmental data.¦2. Location - Europe, North America, South America¦3. Methods - The framework applies kernel smoothers to densities of species occurrence in gridded environmental space to calculate metrics of niche overlap and test hypotheses regarding niche conservatism. We use this framework and simulated species with predefined distributions and amounts of niche overlap to evaluate several ordination and species distribution modeling techniques for quantifying niche overlap. We illustrate the approach with data on two well-studied invasive species.¦4. Results - We show that niche overlap can be accurately detected with the framework when variables driving the distributions are known. The method is robust to known and previously undocumented biases related to the dependence of species occurrences on the frequency of environmental conditions that occur across geographic space. The use of a kernel smoother makes the process of moving from geographical space to multivariate environmental space independent of both sampling effort and arbitrary choice of resolution in environmental space. However, the use of ordination and species distribution model techniques for selecting, combining and weighting variables on which niche overlap is calculated provide contrasting results.¦5. Main conclusions - The framework meets the increasing need for robust methods to quantify niche differences. It is appropriate to study niche differences between species, subspecies or intraspecific lineages that differ in their geographical distributions. Alternatively, it can be used to measure the degree to which the environmental niche of a species or intraspecific lineage has changed over time.