1000 resultados para Golfo Persico, Guerra do - 1991
Load Rating: . , :Evaluation of the capacity of a bridge to carry vehicle Inventory Rating: Lbad level which can safely utilize the bridge for an indefinite period of time Operating Rating: Absolute maximum permissible load level for the bridge A load rating states the load in tons which a vehicle can impose on a bridge. Changes in guidelines, standards, and customary uses of bridges require analyses of bridges to be updated and re-evaluated. In this report, twenty-two secondary bridge standards for three types of bridges are rated for the AASHTO HS20-44 vehicle configuration and three typical Iowa legal vehicles
Aquesta publicació és alhora el primer número de la revista "Studia Ramazziniana Mediterranea", nascuda en ocasió d'aquestes jornades i creada amb la voluntat de recollir la producció científica en el camp de la medicina del treball i totes les activitats que li estan relacionades.En aquest número queda recollit el primer volum de les actes, compost per articles sencers i altres que són només resums de les comunicacions exposades.
Aquesta publicació és alhora el primer número de la revista "Studia Ramazziniana Mediterranea", nascuda en ocasió d'aquestes jornades i creada amb la voluntat de recollir la producció científica en el camp de la medicina del treball i totes les activitats que li estan relacionades.En aquest número queda recollit el primer volum de les actes, compost per articles sencers i altres que són només resums de les comunicacions exposades.
El llibre conté el programa de les jornades i la relació de comunicacions presentades, no el seu resum.També conté una cronologia dels fets més rellevants en el desenvolupament de la disciplina de Medicina del Treball.
Giovanni C. Cattini is a young historian who offers an itemized study on Berneri's Guerra di Classe: he refers the first moments and also the definitive crisis of this newspaper after Berneri¿s assassination in May 1937. This is not the first work devoted to this militant platform has been annalysed but Cattini's approach observes not only the ideological and political contest maintained with other sectors of the libertarian movement but the contrived militant tools that have allowed its existance during the Spanish Civil War.
Giovanni C. Cattini is a young historian who offers an itemized study on Berneri's Guerra di Classe: he refers the first moments and also the definitive crisis of this newspaper after Berneri¿s assassination in May 1937. This is not the first work devoted to this militant platform has been annalysed but Cattini's approach observes not only the ideological and political contest maintained with other sectors of the libertarian movement but the contrived militant tools that have allowed its existance during the Spanish Civil War.
El 1716 es publicà a Milà un text que fa una àmplia justificació històrica i política de la causa de Carles III d'Àustria a la Guerra de Successió d'Espanya (1702-1715). L'obra, de dimensions considerables (72 pàgines), va ser redactada per un eclesiàstic castellà que participà a la defensa de Barcelona durant el darrer setge i que va ser desterrat a Itàlia per les noves autoritats borbòniques. L'article analitza algunes de les idees centrals del text, com ara: l'oposició a la tirania borbònica i la defensa d'una monarquia moderada; la identificació de l'entronització de Felip V com el trencament de l'equilibri europeu i el punt culminant de la decadència d'Espanya; la denúncia de la traïció dels aliats; la vindicació de l'austriacisme castellà i la crítica al borbonisme d'alguns sectors catalans; i la descripció de la repressió i de l'exili.
Al finalizar la Guerra Civil española (1936-1939), el personal del Museu d' Arqueologia y de la Secció d'Excavacions i Arqueologia del Servei del Patrimoni Artístic, Historic i Científic (SPAHC) de la suprimida Generalitat de Catalunya fue sometido a depuración por parte del Juzgado Militar Especial de Funcionarios de la Diputación Provincial de Barcelona. La llegada como nuevo director de Martín Almagro Basch, en substitución del exiliado Pere Bosch Gimpera, y el resultado de la reorganización subsiguiente marcaron el desarrollo de la investigación arqueológica en Cataluña hasta finales de la década de 1960.
Se analiza la producción iberoamericana en biblioteconomía y documentación existente en el Social Science Citation Index para el periodo 1991-2000. Se analiza la producción por países, instituciones, revistas y autores. También se estudia la citación de autores y revistas. Por último, se realiza un análisis de cocitación de revistas (ACR) y se representa mediante un mapa bidimensional.
In the United States many bridge structures have been designed without consideration for their unique construction problems. Many problems could have been avoided if construction knowledge and experience was utilized in the design process. A systematic process is needed to create and capture construction knowledge for use in the design process. This study was conducted to develop a system to capture construction considerations from field people and incorporate it into a knowledge-base for use by the bridge designers. This report presents the results of this study. As a part of this study a microcomputer-based constructability system has been developed. The system is a user-friendly microcomputer database which codifies construction knowledge, provides easy access to specifications, and provides simple design computation checks for the designer. A structure for the final database was developed and used in the prototype system. A process for collecting, developing and maintaining the database is presented and explained. The study involved a constructability survey, interviews with designers and constructors, and visits to construction sites to collect constuctability concepts. The report describes the development of the constructability system and addresses the future needs for the Iowa Department of Transportation to make the system operational. A user's manual for the system is included along with the report.
The purpose of this research was to evaluate the materials Iowa uses as a granular subbase and to determine if it provides adequate drainage. Numerous laboratory and in-situ tests were conducted on the materials currently being used in Iowa. The follow conclusions can be made based on the test results: 1. The crushed concrete that is used as a subbase material has a relatively low permeability compared to many other materials used by other states. 2. Further research and tests are needed to find the necessary parameters for crushed concrete to make sure it is providing its optimum drainage and preventing premature damage of the pavement. 3. We have definitely made improvements in drainage in the past few months, but there are many areas that we can improve on that will increase the permeability of this material and insure that the pavement system is safe from premature damage due to water. The current gradation specification for granular subbase material at the start of this study was: Sieve # % Passing 1” 100 #8 10-35 #50 0-15 #200 0-6