979 resultados para Glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase


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The 2.15-Å resolution cocrystal structure of EcoRV endonuclease mutant T93A complexed with DNA and Ca2+ ions reveals two divalent metals bound in one of the active sites. One of these metals is ligated through an inner-sphere water molecule to the phosphate group located 3′ to the scissile phosphate. A second inner-sphere water on this metal is positioned approximately in-line for attack on the scissile phosphate. This structure corroborates the observation that the pro-SP phosphoryl oxygen on the adjacent 3′ phosphate cannot be modified without severe loss of catalytic efficiency. The structural equivalence of key groups, conserved in the active sites of EcoRV, EcoRI, PvuII, and BamHI endonucleases, suggests that ligation of a catalytic divalent metal ion to this phosphate may occur in many type II restriction enzymes. Together with previous cocrystal structures, these data allow construction of a detailed model for the pretransition state configuration in EcoRV. This model features three divalent metal ions per active site and invokes assistance in the bond-making step by a conserved lysine, which stabilizes the attacking hydroxide ion nucleophile.


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Phosphoinositide signal transduction pathways in nuclei use enzymes that are indistinguishable from their cytosolic analogues. We demonstrate that distinct phosphatidylinositol phosphate kinases (PIPKs), the type I and type II isoforms, are concentrated in nuclei of mammalian cells. The cytosolic and nuclear PIPKs display comparable activities toward the substrates phosphatidylinositol 4-phosphate and phosphatidylinositol 3-phosphate. Indirect immunofluorescence revealed that these kinases were associated with distinct subnuclear domains, identified as “nuclear speckles,” which also contained pre-mRNA processing factors. A pool of nuclear phosphatidylinositol bisphosphate (PIP2), the product of these kinases, was also detected at these same sites by monoclonal antibody staining. The localization of PIPKs and PIP2 to speckles is dynamic in that both PIPKs and PIP2 reorganize along with other speckle components upon inhibition of mRNA transcription. Because PIPKs have roles in the production of most phosphatidylinositol second messengers, these findings demonstrate that phosphatidylinositol signaling pathways are localized at nuclear speckles. Surprisingly, the PIPKs and PIP2 are not associated with invaginations of the nuclear envelope or any nuclear membrane structure. The putative absence of membranes at these sites suggests novel mechanisms for the generation of phosphoinositides within these structures.


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Lysophosphatidic acid (1-acyl-2-lyso-sn-glycero-3-phosphate, LPA) is a multifunctional lipid mediator found in a variety of organisms that span the phylogenetic tree from humans to plants. Although its physiological function is not clearly understood, LPA is a potent regulator of mammalian cell proliferation; it is one of the major mitogens found in blood serum. In Xenopus laevis oocytes, LPA elicits oscillatory Cl− currents. This current, like other effects of LPA, is consistent with a plasma membrane receptor-mediated activation of G protein-linked signal transduction pathways. Herein we report the identification of a complementary DNA from Xenopus that encodes a functional high-affinity LPA receptor. The predicted structure of this protein of 372 amino acids contains features common to members of the seven transmembrane receptor superfamily with a predicted extracellular amino and intracellular carboxyl terminus. An antisense oligonucleotide derived from the first 5–11 predicted amino acids, selectively inhibited the expression of the endogenous high-affinity LPA receptors in Xenopus oocytes, whereas the same oligonucleotide did not affect the low-affinity LPA receptor. Expression of the full-length cRNA in oocytes led to an increase in maximal Cl− current due to increased expression of the high-affinity LPA receptor, but activation of the low-affinity receptor was, again, unaffected. Oocytes expressing cRNA prepared from this clone showed no response to other lipid mediators including prostaglandins, leukotrienes, sphingosine 1-phosphate, sphingosylphosphorylcholine, and platelet-activating factor, suggesting that the receptor is highly selective for LPA.


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Dexamethasone and progesterone have been found to accelerate the time of initiation and enhance the rate of myelin synthesis in Schwann cell/neuronal cocultures. The expression of mRNA for cytochrome P450scc (converts cholesterol to pregnenolone), 3β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase (converts pregnenolone to progesterone), and the progesterone receptor were detected and markedly induced during peak myelin formation in the cocultures. The mRNA for the glucocorticoid receptor was detected, but was found to be constituitively expressed. In addition, the specific activity of 3β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase was measured and found to increase by 10-fold. The mRNA for cytochrome P450scc and 3β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase also were found to be induced during the differentiation of O-2A precursor cells to oligodendrocytes. Fibroblast growth factor and platelet-derived growth factor were found to have proliferative effects on Schwann cells, but they had no effect on the initiation or the rate of myelin formation. These results demonstrate that myelin-forming cells have inducible enzymes responsible for steroid biosynthesis and suggest a critical role for endogenous steroid hormones in signaling the initiation and enhancing the rate of myelin formation.


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Detection of similarity is particularly difficult for small proteins and thus connections between many of them remain unnoticed. Structure and sequence analysis of several metal-binding proteins reveals unexpected similarities in structural domains classified as different protein folds in SCOP and suggests unification of seven folds that belong to two protein classes. The common motif, termed treble clef finger in this study, forms the protein structural core and is 25–45 residues long. The treble clef motif is assembled around the central zinc ion and consists of a zinc knuckle, loop, β-hairpin and an α-helix. The knuckle and the first turn of the helix each incorporate two zinc ligands. Treble clef domains constitute the core of many structures such as ribosomal proteins L24E and S14, RING fingers, protein kinase cysteine-rich domains, nuclear receptor-like fingers, LIM domains, phosphatidylinositol-3-phosphate-binding domains and His-Me finger endonucleases. The treble clef finger is a uniquely versatile motif adaptable for various functions. This small domain with a 25 residue structural core can accommodate eight different metal-binding sites and can have many types of functions from binding of nucleic acids, proteins and small molecules, to catalysis of phosphodiester bond hydrolysis. Treble clef motifs are frequently incorporated in larger structures or occur in doublets. Present analysis suggests that the treble clef motif defines a distinct structural fold found in proteins with diverse functional properties and forms one of the major zinc finger groups.


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Recent evidence that some species can retranslocate boron as complexes with sugar alcohols in the phloem suggests a possible mechanism for enhancing boron efficiency. We investigated the relationship between sugar alcohol (sorbitol) content, boron uptake and distribution, and translocation of foliar-applied, isotopically enriched 10B in three lines of tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum) plants differing in sorbitol production. In tobacco line S11, transformed with sorbitol-6-phosphate dehydrogenase, the production of sorbitol was accompanied by an increase in the concentration of boron in plant tissues and an increased uptake of boron compared with either tobacco line A4, transformed with antisense orientation of sorbitol-6-phosphate dehydrogenase, or wild-type tobacco (line SR1, zero-sorbitol producer). Foliar application of 10B to mature leaves was translocated to the meristematic tissues only in line S11. These results demonstrate that the concentration of the boron-complexing sugar alcohol in the plant tissue has a significant effect on boron uptake and distribution in plants, whereas the translocation of the foliar-applied 10B from the mature leaves to the meristematic tissues verifies that boron is mobile in sorbitol-producing plants (S11) as we reported previously. This suggests that selection or transgenic generation of cultivars with an increased sugar alcohol content can result in increased boron uptake, with no apparent negative effects on short-term growth.


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Fruit tissues of tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) contain both photosynthetic and heterotrophic ferredoxin (FdA and FdE, respectively) isoproteins, irrespective of their photosynthetic competence, but we did not previously determine whether these proteins were colocalized in the same plastids. In isolated fruit chloroplasts and chromoplasts, both FdA and FdE were detected by immunoblotting. Colocalization of FdA and FdE in the same plastids was demonstrated using double-staining immunofluorescence microscopy. We also found that FdA and FdE were colocalized in fruit chloroplasts and chloroamyloplasts irrespective of sink status of the plastid. Immunoelectron microscopy demonstrated that FdA and FdE were randomly distributed within the plastid stroma. To investigate the significance of the heterotrophic Fd in fruit plastids, Glucose 6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PDH) activity was measured in isolated fruit and leaf plastids. Fruit chloroplasts and chromoplasts showed much higher G6PDH activity than did leaf chloroplasts, suggesting that high G6PDH activity is linked with FdE to maintain nonphotosynthetic production of reducing power. This result suggested that, despite their morphological resemblance, fruit chloroplasts are functionally different from their leaf counterparts.


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Isopentenyl diphosphate (IPP), which is produced from mevalonic acid or other nonmevalonic substrates, is the universal precursor of isoprenoids in nature. Despite the presence of several isoprenoid compounds in plastids, enzymes of the mevalonate pathway leading to IPP formation have never been isolated or identified to our knowledge. We now describe the characterization of two pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) cDNAs, CapTKT1 and CapTKT2, that encode transketolases having distinct and dedicated specificities. CapTKT1 is primarily involved in plastidial pentose phosphate and glycolytic cycle integration, whereas CapTKT2 initiates the synthesis of isoprenoids in plastids via the nonmevalonic acid pathway. From pyruvate and glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate, CapTKT2 catalyzes the formation of 1-deoxy-xylulose-5-phosphate, the IPP precursor. CapTKT1 is almost constitutively expressed during the chloroplast-to-chromoplast transition, whereas CapTKT2 is overexpressed during this period, probably to furnish the IPP necessary for increased carotenoid biosynthesis. Because deoxy-xylulose phosphate is shared by the plastid pathways of isoprenoid, thiamine (vitamin B1), and pyridoxine (vitamin B6) biosynthesis, our results may explain why albino phenotypes usually occur in thiamine-deficient plants.


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Leaves of two barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) isolines, Alg-R, which has the dominant Mla1 allele conferring hypersensitive race-specific resistance to avirulent races of Blumeria graminis, and Alg-S, which has the recessive mla1 allele for susceptibility to attack, were inoculated with B. graminis f. sp. hordei. Total leaf and apoplastic antioxidants were measured 24 h after inoculation when maximum numbers of attacked cells showed hypersensitive death in Alg-R. Cytoplasmic contamination of the apoplastic extracts, judged by the marker enzyme glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase, was very low (less than 2%) even in inoculated plants. Dehydroascorbate, glutathione, superoxide dismutase, catalase, ascorbate peroxidase, glutathione reductase, monodehydroascorbate reductase, and dehydroascorbate reductase were present in the apoplast. Inoculation had no effect on the total foliar ascorbate pool size or the redox state. The glutathione content of Alg-S leaves and apoplast decreased, whereas that of Alg-R leaves and apoplast increased after pathogen attack, but the redox state was unchanged in both cases. Large increases in foliar catalase activity were observed in Alg-S but not in Alg-R leaves. Pathogen-induced increases in the apoplastic antioxidant enzyme activities were observed. We conclude that sustained oxidation does not occur and that differential strategies of antioxidant response in Alg-S and Alg-R may contribute to pathogen sensitivity.


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The covalent joining of topoisomerases to DNA is normally a transient step in the reaction cycle of these important enzymes. However, under a variety of circumstances, the covalent complex is converted to a long-lived or dead-end product that can result in chromosome breakage and cell death. We have discovered and partially purified an enzyme that specifically cleaves the chemical bond that joins the active site tyrosine of topoisomerases to the 3' end of DNA. The reaction products made by the purified enzyme on a variety of model substrates indicate that the enzyme cleanly hydrolyzes the tyrosine-DNA phosphodiester linkage, thereby liberating a DNA terminated with a 3' phosphate. The wide distribution of this phosphodiesterase in eukaryotes and its specificity for tyrosine linked to the 3' end but not the 5' end of DNA suggest that it plays a role in the repair of DNA trapped in complexes involving eukaryotic topoisomerase I.


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Escherichia coli ribosome, its 50S subunit, or simply the 23S rRNA can reactivate denatured proteins in vitro. Here we show that protein synthesis inhibitors chloramphenicol and erythromycin, which bind to domain V of 23S rRNA of E. coli, can inhibit reactivation of denatured pig muscle lactate dehydrogenase and fungal glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase by 23S rRNA completely. Oligodeoxynucleotides complementary to two regions within domain V (which cover sites of chloramphenicol resistant mutations and the putative A site of the incoming aminoacyl tRNA), but not to a region outside of domain V, also can inhibit the activity. Domain V of 23S rRNA, therefore, appears to play a crucial role in reactivation of denatured proteins.


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Kinetic analysis and molecular modeling have been used to map the ribonucleolytic center of angiogenin (Ang). Pyrimidine nucleotides were found to interact very weakly with Ang, consistent with the inaccessible B1 pyrimidine binding site revealed by x-ray crystallography. Ang also lacks an effective phosphate binding site on the 5' side of B1. Although the B2 site that preferentially binds purines on the 3' side of B1 is also weak, its associated phosphate subsites make substantial contributions: both 3',5'-ADP and 5'-ADP have Ki values 6-fold lower than for 5'-AMP, and adding a 3'-phosphate to the substrate CpA increases Kcat/Km by 9-fold. Thus Ang has a functional P2 site on the 3' side of B2 and a site for a second phosphate on the 5' side of B2. Modeling of an Ang-d(ApTpApA) complex suggested that Arg-5 forms part of the P2 site and that a 2'-phosphate might bind more tightly than a 3'-phosphate. Both predictions were confirmed kinetically. The subsite map obtained by this combined approach indicated that 5'-diphosphoadenosine 2'-phosphate might be a more potent inhibitor than any of the nucleotides tested thus far. Indeed, its Ki value of 150 microM is 50-fold lower than that for the best nucleotide previously reported and 400-fold lower than the Km for the best dinucleotide substrate. This compound may serve as a suitable starting point for the eventual design of tight-binding inhibitors of Ang as antiangiogenic agents for human therapy.


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Platelet-activating factor (PAF; 1-O-alkyl-2-acetyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine), which is thought to be a retrograde messenger in long-term potentiation (LTP), enhances glutamate release and LTP through an action on presynaptic nerve endings. The PAF antagonist BN 52021 blocks CA1 LTP in hippocampal slices, and, when infused into rat dorsal hippocampus pre- or posttraining, blocks retention of inhibitory avoidance. Here we report that memory is affected by pre- or posttraining infusion of the PAF analog 1-O-hexadecyl-2-N-methylcarbamoyl-sn-glycerol-3-phosphocholine (mc-PAF) into either rat dorsal hippocampus, amygdala, or entorhinal cortex. Male Wistar rats were implanted bilaterally with cannulae in these brain regions. After recovery from surgery, the animals were trained in step-down inhibitory avoidance or in a spatial habituation task and tested for retention 24 h later. mc-PAF (1.0 microgram per side) enhanced retention test performance of the two tasks when infused into the hippocampus before training without altering training session performance. In addition, mc-PAF enhanced retention test performance of the avoidance task when infused into (i) the hippocampus 0 but not 60 min after training; (ii) the amygdala immediately after training; and (iii) the entorhinal cortex 100 but not 0 or 300 min after training. In confirmation of previous findings, BN 52021 (0.5 microgram per side) was found to be amnestic for the avoidance task when infused into the hippocampus or the amygdala immediately but not 30 or more minutes after training or into the entorhinal cortex 100 but not 0 or 300 min after training. These findings support the hypothesis that memory involves PAF-regulated events, possibly LTP, generated at the time of training in hippocampus and amygdala and 100 min later in the entorhinal cortex.


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The accumulation of phenylalanine-derived phenolic compounds is a well-known element of a plant's defense in response to pathogen attack. Phenylalanine, as well as the other two aromatic amino acids, tyrosine and tryptophan, is synthesized by way of the shikimate pathway. The first seven steps of the shikimate pathway (the prechorismate pathway) are common for the biosynthesis of all three aromatic amino acids. We have studied transcript levels of six genes--i.e., two 3-deoxy-D-arabino-heptulosonate 7-phosphate synthase genes, one shikimate kinase gene, one 5-enolpyruvylshikimate 3-phosphate synthase gene, and two chorismate synthase genes--corresponding to four steps of the prechorismate pathway, in cultured tomato cells exposed to fungal elicitors. The abundance of transcripts specific for some of these genes increased 10- to 20-fold within 6 h after elicitor treatment, as did the abundance of phenylalanine ammonialyase-specific transcripts and the synthesis of ethylene. Interestingly, transcript accumulation occurred more rapidly for shikimate kinase than for the enzymes preceding or following it in the prechorismate pathway. Neither the inhibition of ethylene biosynthesis by aminoethoxyvinylglycine nor inhibition of phenylalanine ammonia-lyase (EC activity by 2-aminoindan-2-phosphonic acid affected the time course or extent of transcript accumulation. Thus, the increased demand for phenylalanine in the phenylpropanoid pathway required after elicitor treatment appears to be met by increased de novo synthesis of its biosynthetic enzymes.


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La tagatose-1,6-biphosphate aldolase de Streptococcus pyogenes est une aldolase qui fait preuve d'un remarquable manque de spécificité vis à vis de ses substrats. En effet, elle catalyse le clivage réversible du tagatose-1,6-bisphosphate (TBP), mais également du fructose-1,6-bisphosphate (FBP), du sorbose-1,6-bisphosphate et du psicose-1,6-bisphosphate, quatre stéréoisomères, en dihydroxyacétone phosphate (DHAP) et en glycéraldéhyde-3-phosphate (G3P). Aldolase de classe I, qui donc catalyse sa réaction en formant un intermédiaire covalent obligatoire, ou base de Schiff, avec son susbtrat, la TBP aldolase de S. pyogenes partage 14 % d’identité avec l’enzyme modèle de cette famille, la FBP aldolase de muscle de mammifère. Bien que le mécanime catalytique de la FBP aldolase des mammifères ait été examiné en détails et qu’il soit approprié d’en tirer des renseignements quant à celui de la TBP aldolase, le manque singulier de stéréospécificité de cette dernière tant dans le sens du clivage que celui de la condensation n’est toujours pas éclairci. Afin de mettre à jour les caractéristiques du mécanisme enzymatique, une étude structurale de la TBP aldolase de S. pyogenes, un pathogène humain extrêmement versatile, a été entreprise. Elle a permis la résolution des structures de l’enzyme native et mutée, en complexe avec des subtrats et des inhibiteurs compétitifs, à des résolutions comprises entre 1.8 Å et 2.5 Å. Le trempage des cristaux de TBP aldolase native et mutante dans une solution saturante de FBP ou TBP a en outre permis de piéger un authentique intermédiaire covalent lié à la Lys205, la lysine catalytique. La determination des profils pH de la TBP aldolase native et mutée, entreprise afin d'évaluer l’influence du pH sur la réaction de clivage du FBP et TBP et ìdentifier le(s) résidu(s) impliqué(s), en conjonction avec les données structurales apportées par la cristallographie, ont permis d’identifier sans équivoque Glu163 comme résidu responsable du clivage. En effet, le mode de liaison sensiblement différent des ligands utilisés selon la stéréochimie en leur C3 et C4 permet à Glu163, équivalent à Glu187 dans la FBP aldolase de classe I, d’abstraire le proton sur l’hydroxyle du C4 et ainsi d’amorcer le clivage du lien C3-C4. L’étude du mécanimse inverse, celui de la condensation, grâce par exemple à la structure de l’enzyme native en complexe avec ses substrats à trois carbones le DHAP et le G3P, a en outre permis d’identifier un isomérisme du substrat G3P comme possible cause de la synthèse des isomères en C4 par cette enzyme. Ce résultat, ainsi que la decouverte d’un possible isomérisme cis-trans autour du lien C2-C3 de la base de Schiff formée avec le DHAP, identifié précedemment, permet de cerner presque complètement les particularités du mécanisme de cette enzyme et d’expliquer comment elle est capable de synthétiser les quatres stéréoisomères 3(S/R), 4(S/R). De plus, la résolution de ces structures a permis de mettre en évidence trois régions très mobiles de la protéine, ce qui pourrait être relié au rôle postulé de son isozyme chez S. pyogenes dans la régulation de l’expression génétique et de la virulence de la bactérie. Enfin, la résolution de la structure du mutant Lys229→Met de la FBP aldolase de muscle en complexe avec la forme cyclique du FBP, de même que des études cristallographiques sur le mutant équivalent Lys205→Met de la TBP aldolase de S. pyogenes et des expériences de calorimétrie ont permis d’identifier deux résidus particuliers, Ala31 et Asp33 chez la FBP aldolase, comme possible cause de la discrimination de cette enzyme contre les substrats 3(R) et 4(S), et ce par encombrement stérique des substrats cycliques. La cristallographie par rayons X et la cinétique enzymatique ont ainsi permis d'avancer dans l'élucidation du mécanisme et des propriétés structurales de cette enzyme aux caractéristiques particulières.