943 resultados para Genetic and phenotypic correlation


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Paradoxically, nitric oxide (NO) has been found to exhibit cytotoxic, antiproliferative, or cytoprotective activity under different conditions. We have utilized Salmonella mutants deficient in antioxidant defenses or peptide transport to gain insights into NO actions. Comparison of three NO donor compounds reveals distinct and independent cellular responses associated with specific redox forms of NO. The peroxynitrite (OONO-) generator 3-morpholinosydnonimine hydrochloride mediates oxygen-dependent Salmonella killing, whereas S-nitrosoglutathione (GSNO) causes oxygen-independent cytostasis, and the NO. donor diethylenetriamine-nitric oxide adduct has no antibacterial activity. GSNO has the greatest activity for stationary cells, a characteristic relevant to latent or intracellular pathogens. Moreover, the cytostatic activity of GSNO may best correlate with antiproliferative or antimicrobial effects of NO, which are unassociated with overt cell injury. dpp mutants defective in active dipeptide transport are resistant to GSNO, implicating heterolytic NO+ transfer rather than homolytic NO. release in the mechanism of cytostasis. This transport system may provide a specific pathway for GSNO-mediated signaling in biological systems. The redox state and associated carrier molecules are critical determinants of NO activity.


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The ability to carry out high-resolution genetic mapping at high throughput in the mouse is a critical rate-limiting step in the generation of genetically anchored contigs in physical mapping projects and the mapping of genetic loci for complex traits. To address this need, we have developed an efficient, high-resolution, large-scale genome mapping system. This system is based on the identification of polymorphic DNA sites between mouse strains by using interspersed repetitive sequence (IRS) PCR. Individual cloned IRS PCR products are hybridized to a DNA array of IRS PCR products derived from the DNA of individual mice segregating DNA sequences from the two parent strains. Since gel electrophoresis is not required, large numbers of samples can be genotyped in parallel. By using this approach, we have mapped > 450 polymorphic probes with filters containing the DNA of up to 517 backcross mice, potentially allowing resolution of 0.14 centimorgan. This approach also carries the potential for a high degree of efficiency in the integration of physical and genetic maps, since pooled DNAs representing libraries of yeast artificial chromosomes or other physical representations of the mouse genome can be addressed by hybridization of filter representations of the IRS PCR products of such libraries.


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The cadherin-catenin complex is important for mediating homotypic, calcium-dependent cell-cell interactions in diverse tissue types. Although proteins of this complex have been identified, little is known about their interactions. Using a genetic assay in yeast and an in vitro protein-binding assay, we demonstrate that beta-catenin is the linker protein between E-cadherin and alpha-catenin and that E-cadherin does not bind directly to alpha-catenin. We show that a 25-amino acid sequence in the cytoplasmic domain of E-cadherin and the amino-terminal domain of alpha-catenin are independent binding sites for beta-catenin. In addition to beta-catenin and plakoglobin, another member of the armadillo family, p120 binds to E-cadherin. However, unlike beta-catenin, p120 does not bind alpha-catenin in vitro, although a complex of p120 and endogenous alpha-catenin could be immunoprecipitated from cell extracts. In vitro protein-binding assays using recombinant E-cadherin cytoplasmic domain and alpha-catenin revealed two catenin pools in cell lysates: an approximately 1000- to approximately 2000-kDa complex bound to E-cadherin and an approximately 220-kDa pool that did not contain E-cadherin. Only beta-catenin in the approximately 220-kDa pool bound exogenous E-cadherin. Delineation of these molecular linkages and the demonstration of separate pools of catenins in different cell lines provide a foundation for examining regulatory mechanisms involved in the assembly and function of the cadherin-catenin complex.


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A seleção fenotípica é o método de seleção tradicional utilizado nos estágios iniciais de seleção na maioria dos programas de melhoramento genético de cana-de-açúcar após o desenvolvimento de uma população segregante. A maioria das variedades comerciais utilizadas atualmente deriva deste método. Recentemente tem sido propostas estratégias de seleção baseada na avaliação de famílias em gerações precoces em diversos programas de melhoramento de cana-de-açúcar ao redor do mundo, como o objetivo de melhora a resposta à seleção, bem como reduzir o tempo e custo necessários para o desenvolvimento de novas variedades. No presente estudo foram avaliadas 110 famílias de cana-de-açúcar em um delineamento em blocos ao acaso com duas repetições, no ano agrícola de 2012/2013, na Estação Experimentas da empresa CanaVialis, localizada em Conchal, SP. As parcelas consistiram de um sulco de 50 m, contendo 96 plantas (\"seedlings\"). Os seguintes caracteres foram avaliados no estágio de cana planta: diâmetro do colmo (DIA), altura do colmo (ALT) número de colmos por touceira (NCP), número de colmos por touceira na parcela total (NCT); teor de sólidos solúveis (BRIX), teor de açúcar no laboratório (POL) toneladas de cana por hectare (TCH) e toneladas de açúcar por hectare (TPH). Os resultados indicaram que a população tem grande variabilidade genética entre médias de famílias bem como dentro de famílias. Foram detectadas correlações genotípicas positivas entre TCH e os outros caracteres, bem como entre TPH e os outros caracteres. Com base nestes resultados discute-se uma estratégia de seleção com base na seleção para TPH aplicada nas médias de famílias, seguido da seleção fenotípica para ALT, DIA e NCP dentro das famílias selecionadas, priorizando NCP.


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In colonial species, it is often assumed that locations in the center of the colony are of highest quality and provide highest breeding success. We tested this prediction, known as the "central-periphery model," in a King Penguin colony in the subantarctic Crozet Archipelago. Breeding activity and survival of 150 penguins, fitted with transponder tags, were monitored over an entire breeding season. Among these 150 birds, 50 bred on the slope at the upper periphery of the colony, where the rates of predation and parasitism by ticks were high. Fifty birds bred in the center of the colony, where rates of predation and tick parasitism were low, and 50 bred at the lower end of the colony, where the rate of tick parasitism was low but predation and flooding were important risks. We predicted that the center of the colony should provide the safest breeding place and consequently be characterized by the highest breeding success and be used by the highest-quality individuals. Yet we found that penguins breeding in the center of the colony had the same breeding success as those at both peripheral locations. In addition, penguins breeding on the upper slope had a higher survival rate than penguins breeding at the center or bottom of the slope and were likely of higher quality. Our study does not support the central-periphery model and emphasizes the complexity behind the relationships among breeding site, breeding success, and individual quality.


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"Materials Central, Contract no. AF33(616)-6828, Project no. 7351."


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Includes bibliographies.


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Bibliography: p. 89-92.


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Background: Infraclavicular brachial plexus nerve blockade (ICNB) is a very common anesthetic procedure performed for upper extremity surgery at the elbow and distally, however the rate of adequate analgesia is variable among patients. Ultrasound guidance (US) has not been demonstrated to increase the success rate of ICNB when compared to nerve stimulator (NS) guidance. Combined US and NS guided ICNB have not been reported, although there is a call for more trials comparing the two techniques. This study was performed to observe if a specific anatomic region near the axillary artery of the brachial plexus identified by finger flexion with nerve stimulation results in improved postoperative analgesia. Method: Patients undergoing elective elbow arthroplasty received a postoperative ICNB. The angle of the nerve stimulator needle tip and the radial distance from the center of the arterial lumen at which an optimal finger flexion twitch response was observed were measured with ultrasound imaging. Pain scores and postoperative opioid dosages on discharge from the post anesthesia care unit and at 24 hours after surgery were recorded. Results: 11 patients enrolled in this study. Adequate finger flexion response to nerve stimulation that resulted in complete analgesia was more frequently observed when the needle was located in the postero-superior quadrant in relation to the axillary artery. Identifying a specific point near the brachial plexus in relation to the artery that consistently provides superior analgesia is desirable and would lead to improved analgesia and faster onset time of nerve blockade and would reduce the need for other approaches for brachial plexus blockade with their associated disadvantages.


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The syntheses of the hexadentate ligands 2,2,10,10-tetra(methyleneamine)-4,8-dithiaundecane (PrN(4)S(2)amp), 2,2,11,11-tetra(methyleneamine)-4,9-dithiadodecane (BuN(4)S(2)amp), and 1,2-bis(4,4-methyleneamine)-2-thiapentyl)benzene (XyN(4)S(2)amp) are reported and the complexes [Co(RN(4)S(2)amp)](3+) (R = Pr, Bu, Xy) characterised by single crystal X-ray study. The low-temperature (11 K) absorption spectra have been measured in Nafion films. From the observed positions of both spin-allowed (1)A(1g) --> T-1(1g) and (1)A(1g) --> T-1(2g) and spin forbidden (1)A(1g) --> T-3(1g) and (1)A(1g) --> T-3(2g) bands, octahedral ligand-field parameters (10D(q), B and C) have been determined. DFT calculations suggest that significant interaction between the d-d and CT excitations occurs for the complexes. The calculations offer an explanation for the observed deviations from linearity of the relationship between Co-59 magnetogyric ratio and beta(DeltaE)(-1) (beta = the nephelauxetic ratio; DeltaE the energy of the (1)A(1g) --> T-1(1g) transition) for a series of amine and mixed amine/thioether donor complexes.


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Background: The objective was to determine whether the pattern of environmental and genetic influences on deviant personality scores differs from that observed for the normative range of personality, comparing results in adolescent and adult female twins. Methods: A sample of 2,796 female adolescent twins ascertained from birth records provided Junior Eysenck Personality Questionnaire data. The average age of the sample was 17.0 years ( S. D. 2.3). Genetic analyses of continuous and extreme personality scores were conducted. Results were compared for 3,178 adult female twins. Results: Genetic analysis of continuous traits in adolescent female twins were similar to findings in adult female twins, with genetic influences accounting for between 37% and 44% of the variance in Extraversion (Ex), Neuroticism (N), and Social Non-Conformity (SNC), with significant evidence of shared environmental influences (19%) found only for SNC in the adult female twins. Analyses of extreme personality characteristics, defined categorically, in the adolescent data and replicated in the adult female data, yielded estimates for high N and high SNC that deviated substantially (p < .05) from those obtained in the continuous trait analyses, and provided suggestive evidence that shared family environment may play a more important role in determining personality deviance than has been previously found when personality is viewed continuously. However, multiple-threshold models that assumed the same genetic and environmental determinants of both normative range variation and extreme scores gave acceptable fits for each personality dimension. Conclusions: The hypothesis of differences in genetic or environmental factors responsible for N and SNC among female twins with scores in the extreme versus normative ranges was partially supported, but not for Ex.


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Alfuy virus (ALFV) is classified as a subtype of the flavivirus Murray Valley encephalitis virus (MVEV); however, despite preliminary reports of antigenic and ecological similarities with MVEV, ALFV has not been associated with human disease. Here, it was shown that ALFV is at least 10(4)-fold less neuroinvasive than MVEV after peripheral inoculation of 3-week-old Swiss outbred mice, but ALFV demonstrates similar neurovirulence. In addition, it was shown that ALFV is partially attenuated in mice that are deficient in alpha/beta interferon responses, in contrast to MVEV which is uniformly lethal in these mice. To assess the antigenic relationship between these viruses, a panel of monoclonal antibodies was tested for the ability to bind to ALFV and MVEV in ELISA. Although the majority of monoclonal antibodies recognized both viruses, confirming their antigenic similarity, several discriminating antibodies were identified. Finally, the entire genome of the prototype strain of ALFV (MRM3929) was sequenced and phylogenetically analysed. Nucleotide (73%) and amino acid sequence (83 %) identity between ALFV and IMVEV confirmed previous reports of their close relationship. Several nucleotide and amino acid deletions and/or substitutions with putative functional significance were identified in ALFV, including the abolition of a conserved glycosylation site in the envelope protein and the deletion of the terminal dinucleotide 5'-CUOH-3' found in all other members of the genus. These findings confirm previous reports that ALFV is closely related to IMVEV, but also highlights significant antigenic, genetic and phenotypic divergence from MVEV. Accordingly, the data suggest that ALFV is a distinct species within the serogroup Japanese encephalitis virus.


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A restricted maximum likelihood analysis applied to an animal model showed no significant differences (P > 0.05) in pH value of the longissimus dorsi measured at 24 h post-mortem (pH24) between high and low lines of Large White pigs selected over 4 years for post-weaning growth rate on restricted feeding. Genetic and phenotypic correlations between pH24 and production and carcass traits were estimated using all performance testing records combined with the pH24 measurements (5.05–7.02) on slaughtered animals. The estimate of heritability for pH24 was moderate (0.29 ± 0.18). Genetic correlations between pH24 and production or carcass composition traits, except for ultrasonic backfat (UBF), were not significantly different from zero. UBF had a moderate, positive genetic correlation with pH24 (0.24 ± 0.33). These estimates of genetic correlations affirmed that selection for increased growth rate on restricted feeding is likely to result in limited changes in pH24 and pork quality since the selection does not put a high emphasis on reduced fatness.


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Background Considerable evidence from twin and adoption studies indicates that genetic and shared environmental factors play a significant role in the initiation of smoking behavior. Although twin and adoption designs are powerful to detect genetic and environmental influences, they do not provide information on the processes of assortative mating and parent–offspring transmission and their contribution to the variability explained by genetic and/or environmental factors. Methods We examined the role of genetic and environmental factors for smoking initiation using an extended kinship design. This design allows the simultaneous testing of additive and non-additive genetic, shared and individual-specific environmental factors, as well as sex differences in the expression of genes and environment in the presence of assortative mating and combined genetic and cultural transmission. A dichotomous lifetime smoking measure was obtained from twins and relatives in the Virginia 30,000 sample. Results Results demonstrate that both genetic and environmental factors play a significant role in the liability to smoking initiation. Major influences on individual differences appeared to be additive genetic and unique environmental effects, with smaller contributions from assortative mating, shared sibling environment, twin environment, cultural transmission and resulting genotype–environment covariance. The finding of negative cultural transmission without dominance led us to investigate more closely two possible mechanisms for the lower parent–offspring correlations compared to the sibling and DZ twin correlations in subsets of the data: (i) age × gene interaction, and (ii) social homogamy. Neither mechanism provided a significantly better explanation of the data, although age regression was significant. Conclusions This study showed significant heritability, partly due to assortment, and significant effects of primarily non-parental shared environment on smoking initiation.