917 resultados para Gauge theories (Physics)
The general idea of a stochastic gauge representation is introduced and compared with more traditional phase-space expansions, like the Wigner expansion. Stochastic gauges can be used to obtain an infinite class of positive-definite stochastic time-evolution equations, equivalent to master equations, for many systems including quantum time evolution. The method is illustrated with a variety of simple examples ranging from astrophysical molecular hydrogen production, through to the topical problem of Bose-Einstein condensation in an optical trap and the resulting quantum dynamics.
Poisson representation techniques provide a powerful method for mapping master equations for birth/death processes -- found in many fields of physics, chemistry and biology -- into more tractable stochastic differential equations. However, the usual expansion is not exact in the presence of boundary terms, which commonly occur when the differential equations are nonlinear. In this paper, a gauge Poisson technique is introduced that eliminates boundary terms, to give an exact representation as a weighted rate equation with stochastic terms. These methods provide novel techniques for calculating and understanding the effects of number correlations in systems that have a master equation description. As examples, correlations induced by strong mutations in genetics, and the astrophysical problem of molecule formation on microscopic grain surfaces are analyzed. Exact analytic results are obtained that can be compared with numerical simulations, demonstrating that stochastic gauge techniques can give exact results where standard Poisson expansions are not able to.
Following the original analysis Of Zhang and Hu for the 4-dimensional generalization of Quantum Hall effect, there has been much work from different viewpoints on the higher dimensional condensed matter systems. In this paper, we discuss three kinds of topological excitations in the SO(4) gauge field of condensed matter systems in 4-dimension-the instantons and anti-instantons, the 't Hooft-Polyakov monopoles, and the 2-membranes. Using the phi-mapping topological theory, it is revealed that there are 4-, 3-, and 2-dimensional topological currents inhering in the SO (4) gauge field, and the above three kinds of excitations can be directly and explicitly derived from these three kinds of currents, respectively. Moreover, it is shown that the topological charges of these excitations are characterized by the Hopf indices and Brouwer degrees of phi-mapping. (c) 2005 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
In this thesis we study at perturbative level correlation functions of Wilson loops (and local operators) and their relations to localization, integrability and other quantities of interest as the cusp anomalous dimension and the Bremsstrahlung function. First of all we consider a general class of 1/8 BPS Wilson loops and chiral primaries in N=4 Super Yang-Mills theory. We perform explicit two-loop computations, for some particular but still rather general configuration, that confirm the elegant results expected from localization procedure. We find notably full consistency with the multi-matrix model averages, obtained from 2D Yang-Mills theory on the sphere, when interacting diagrams do not cancel and contribute non-trivially to the final answer. We also discuss the near BPS expansion of the generalized cusp anomalous dimension with L units of R-charge. Integrability provides an exact solution, obtained by solving a general TBA equation in the appropriate limit: we propose here an alternative method based on supersymmetric localization. The basic idea is to relate the computation to the vacuum expectation value of certain 1/8 BPS Wilson loops with local operator insertions along the contour. Also these observables localize on a two-dimensional gauge theory on S^2, opening the possibility of exact calculations. As a test of our proposal, we reproduce the leading Luscher correction at weak coupling to the generalized cusp anomalous dimension. This result is also checked against a genuine Feynman diagram approach in N=4 super Yang-Mills theory. Finally we study the cusp anomalous dimension in N=6 ABJ(M) theory, identifying a scaling limit in which the ladder diagrams dominate. The resummation is encoded into a Bethe-Salpeter equation that is mapped to a Schroedinger problem, exactly solvable due to the surprising supersymmetry of the effective Hamiltonian. In the ABJ case the solution implies the diagonalization of the U(N) and U(M) building blocks, suggesting the existence of two independent cusp anomalous dimensions and an unexpected exponentation structure for the related Wilson loops.
The present paper is devoted to creation of cryptographic data security and realization of the packet mode in the distributed information measurement and control system that implements methods of optical spectroscopy for plasma physics research and atomic collisions. This system gives a remote access to information and instrument resources within the Intranet/Internet networks. The system provides remote access to information and hardware resources for the natural sciences within the Intranet/Internet networks. The access to physical equipment is realized through the standard interface servers (PXI, CАМАC, and GPIB), the server providing access to Ethernet devices, and the communication server, which integrates the equipment servers into a uniform information system. The system is used to make research task in optical spectroscopy, as well as to support the process of education at the Department of Physics and Engineering of Petrozavodsk State University.
Wikis are quickly emerging as a new corporate medium for communication and collaboration. They allow dispersed groups of collaborators to asynchronously engage in persistent conversations, the result of which is stored on a common server as a single, shared truth. To gauge the enterprise value of wikis, the authors draw on Media Choice Theories (MCTs) as an evaluation framework. MCTs reveal core capabilities of communication media and their fit with the communication task. Based on the evaluation, the authors argue that wikis are equivalent or superior to existing asynchronous communication media in key characteristics. Additionally argued is the notion that wiki technology challenges some of the held beliefs of existing media choice theories, as wikis introduce media characteristics not previously envisioned. The authors thus predict a promising future for wiki use in enterprises.
A search for new heavy resonances decaying to boson pairs (WZ, WW or ZZ) using 20.3 inverse femtobarns of proton-proton collision data at a center of mass energy of 8 TeV is presented. The data were recorded by the ATLAS detector at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) in 2012. The analysis combines several search channels with the leptonic, semi-leptonic and fully hadronic final states. The diboson invariant mass spectrum is studied for local excesses above the Standard Model background prediction, and no significant excess is observed for the combined analysis. 95$\%$ confidence limits are set on the cross section times branching ratios for three signal models: an extended gauge model with a heavy W boson, a bulk Randall-Sundrum model with a spin-2 graviton, and a simplified model with a heavy vector triplet. Among the individual search channels, the fully-hadronic channel is predominantly presented where boson tagging technique and jet substructure cuts are used. Local excesses are found in the dijet mass distribution around 2 TeV, leading to a global significance of 2.5 standard deviations. This deviation from the Standard Model prediction results in many theory explanations, and the possibilities could be further explored using the LHC Run 2 data.
In this thesis we study aspects of (0,2) superconformal field theories (SCFTs), which are suitable for compactification of the heterotic string. In the first part, we study a class of (2,2) SCFTs obtained by fibering a Landau-Ginzburg (LG) orbifold CFT over a compact K\"ahler base manifold. While such models are naturally obtained as phases in a gauged linear sigma model (GLSM), our construction is independent of such an embedding. We discuss the general properties of such theories and present a technique to study the massless spectrum of the associated heterotic compactification. We test the validity of our method by applying it to hybrid phases of GLSMs and comparing spectra among the phases. In the second part, we turn to the study of the role of accidental symmetries in two-dimensional (0,2) SCFTs obtained by RG flow from (0,2) LG theories. These accidental symmetries are ubiquitous, and, unlike in the case of (2,2) theories, their identification is key to correctly identifying the IR fixed point and its properties. We develop a number of tools that help to identify such accidental symmetries in the context of (0,2) LG models and provide a conjecture for a toric structure of the SCFT moduli space in a large class of models. In the final part, we study the stability of heterotic compactifications described by (0,2) GLSMs with respect to worldsheet instanton corrections to the space-time superpotential following the work of Beasley and Witten. We show that generic models elude the vanishing theorem proved there, and may not determine supersymmetric heterotic vacua. We then construct a subclass of GLSMs for which a vanishing theorem holds.
O principal objetivo desta dissertação é a produção de charginos (partículas supersimétricascarregadas) leves no futuro acelerador internacional linear de e +e− (ILC) para diferentescenários de quebra de supersimetria. Charginos são partículas constituídas pela mistura docampo Wino carregado com o Higgsino carregado. A principal motivação para se estudar teorias supersimétricas deve-se ao grande número de problemas do Modelo Padrão (SM) que esta consegue solucionar, entre eles: massa dos neutrinos, matéria escura fria e o ajuste-fine (finetuning). Além disso, estudamos os princípios fundamentais que norteam a física de partículas,isto é, o princípio de gauge e o mecanismo de Higgs.
We classify the N = 4 supersymmetric AdS(5) backgrounds that arise as solutions of five-dimensional N = 4 gauged supergravity. We express our results in terms of the allowed embedding tensor components and identify the structure of the associated gauge groups. We show that the moduli space of these AdS vacua is of the form SU(1, m)/ (U(1) x SU(m)) and discuss our results regarding holographically dual N = 2 SCFTs and their conformal manifolds.
Target space duality is one of the most profound properties of string theory. However it customarily requires that the background fields satisfy certain invariance conditions in order to perform it consistently; for instance the vector fields along the directions that T-duality is performed have to generate isometries. In the present paper we examine in detail the possibility to perform T-duality along non-isometric directions. In particular, based on a recent work of Kotov and Strobl, we study gauged 2D sigma models where gauge invariance for an extended set of gauge transformations imposes weaker constraints than in the standard case, notably the corresponding vector fields are not Killing. This formulation enables us to follow a procedure analogous to the derivation of the Buscher rules and obtain two dual models, by integrating out once the Lagrange multipliers and once the gauge fields. We show that this construction indeed works in non-trivial cases by examining an explicit class of examples based on step 2 nilmanifolds.
The equivalence of the noncommutative U(N) quantum field theories related by the θ-exact Seiberg-Witten maps is, in this paper, proven to all orders in the perturbation theory with respect to the coupling constant. We show that this holds for super Yang-Mills theories with N=0, 1, 2, 4 supersymmetry. A direct check of this equivalence relation is performed by computing the one-loop quantum corrections to the quadratic part of the effective action in the noncommutative U(1) gauge theory with N=0, 1, 2, 4 supersymmetry.
The present manuscript focuses on out of equilibrium physics in two dimensional models. It has the purpose of presenting some results obtained as part of out of equilibrium dynamics in its non perturbative aspects. This can be understood in two different ways: the former is related to integrability, which is non perturbative by nature; the latter is related to emergence of phenomena in the out of equilibirum dynamics of non integrable models that are not accessible by standard perturbative techniques. In the study of out of equilibirum dynamics, two different protocols are used througout this work: the bipartitioning protocol, within the Generalised Hydrodynamics (GHD) framework, and the quantum quench protocol. With GHD machinery we study the Staircase Model, highlighting how the hydrodynamic picture sheds new light into the physics of Integrable Quantum Field Theories; with quench protocols we analyse different setups where a non-perturbative description is needed and various dynamical phenomena emerge, such as the manifistation of a dynamical Gibbs effect, confinement and the emergence of Bloch oscillations preventing thermalisation.
Effective field theories (EFTs) are ubiquitous in theoretical physics and in particular in field theory descriptions of quantum systems probed at energies much lower than one or few characterizing scales. More recently, EFTs have gained a prominent role in the study of fundamental interactions and in particular in the parametriasation of new physics beyond the Standard Model, which would occur at scales Λ, much larger than the electroweak scale. In this thesis, EFTs are employed to study three different physics cases. First, we consider light-by-light scattering as a possible probe of new physics. At low energies it can be described by dimension-8 operators, leading to the well-known Euler-Heisenberg Lagrangian. We consider the explicit dependence of matching coefficients on type of particle running in the loop, confirming the sensitiveness to the spin, mass, and interactions of possibly new particles. Second, we consider EFTs to describe Dark Matter (DM) interactions with SM particles. We consider a phenomenologically motivated case, i.e., a new fermion state that couples to the Hypercharge through a form factor and has no interactions with photons and the Z boson. Results from direct, indirect and collider searches for DM are used to constrain the parameter space of the model. Third, we consider EFTs that describe axion-like particles (ALPs), whose phenomenology is inspired by the Peccei-Quinn solution to strong CP problem. ALPs generically couple to ordinary matter through dimension-5 operators. In our case study, we investigate the rather unique phenomenological implications of ALPs with enhanced couplings to the top quark.