882 resultados para Ganeri, Anita: Loistavat eliöt
Anita Saaranen-Kauppisen väitöskirja Käsitykset sosiaalisista taidoista tekniikan alalla (Itä-Suomen yliopisto 2012).
The aim of this dissertation is to develop a theory on intercultural caring to deepen the understanding of caring between nurses and patients who have different cultural backgrounds. The research questions are: 1) What is intercultural caring? 2) How is intercultural caring described and understood? 3) How is intercultural caring described and understood in a maternity care context from the patients’ perspective? 4) What is the substance in a theory on intercultural caring? 5) What is the substance in a theory on intercultural caring in maternity care from the patients’ perspective? The theoretical perspective is based on caritative theory and the caring science-tradition (Eriksson, 2001, 2002) and has a hermeneutic approach. In the first study, 19 texts of Campinha-Bacote, Kim-Godwin, Leininger and Ray are analysed through content analysis. A model for intercultural caring is then created abductively. The second study is a metasynthesis of 40 studies on intercultural caring in maternity care research. The third study is a focused ethnography, in which 17 immigrant mothers are interviewed and observed. The theory on intercultural caring is created through a hermeneutic synthesis of the three studies. A synthesis of the studies with a maternity context results in five patterns of interpretation: the experience of caring is related to power; the family is always present; childbearing and change of culture can give women multiple vulnerabilities; both the mother and the nurse change when they meet; conflicts can cause change. The theory and patterns of interpretation consolidate into a contextual theory on intercultural caring for clinical maternity praxis. In this theory, caring consists of four dimensions: universal, cultural, contextual, and unique caring, which permeate each other. Universal caring is nondependent of time and space. Cultural caring considers the cultural background, the acculturation and the equality of each mother. In the maternity care culture, cultural competence, cultural safety, and acculturation of the nurse are emphasised. Contextual caring considers the specific cultural features of the childbearing mother. In this respect, the nurse is expected to be an expert and to clarify cultural assumptions in maternity care. In unique caring, the mother expects good communication, respect for the family, goodwill and somebody who cares for her and meets her needs, in order for trust to be built. In this respect, the nurse listens to the woman’s narrative, is flexible, open, courageous, and non-judgemental. The nurse shows an understanding for the life situation of the woman, and strives for continuity to preserve the care relationship. It was found that external circumstances affect intercultural caring. Moreover, intercultural caring is expected to decrease misunderstandings and conflicts, alleviate suffering and promote health and life. The theory adds knowledge to the phenomenon of intercultural caring for the nursing and caring sciences, and for the nursing care of patients with other cultural backgrounds than the nurses. The theory can be used in nursing, education, research and administration.
All aerobic organisms have to deal with the toxicity of oxygen. Oxygen enables more efficient energy production compared to anaerobic respiration or fermentation, but at the same time reactive oxygen species (ROS) are being formed. ROS can also be produced by external factors such as UV-radiation and contamination. ROS can cause damage to biomolecules such as DNA, lipids and proteins and organisms try to keep the damage as small as possible by repairing biomolecules and metabolizing ROS. All ROS are not harmful, because they are used as signaling molecules. To cope against ROS organism have an antioxidant (AOX) system which consists both enzymatic and non-enzymatic AOX defense. Some AOX are produced by the organism itself and some are gained via diet. In this thesis I studied environmentally caused changes in the redox regulation of different wild vertebrate animals to gain knowledge on the temporal, spatial and pollution-derived-effects on the AOX systems. As study species I used barn swallow, ringed seal and the Baltic salmon. For the barn swallow the main interest was the seasonal fluctuation in the redox regulation and its connection to migration and breeding. The more contaminated ringed seals of the Baltic Sea were compared to seals from cleaner Svalbard to investigate whether they suffered from contaminant induced oxidative stress. The regional and temporal variation in redox regulation and regional variation in mRNA and protein expressions of Baltic salmon were studied to gain knowledge if the salmon from different areas are equally stressed. As a comparative aspect the redox responses of these different species were investigated to see which parts of the AOX system are substantial in which species. Certain parts of AOX system were connected to breeding and others to migration in barn swallows, there was also differences in biotransformation between birds caught from Africa and Finland. The Baltic ringed seal did not differ much from the seals from Svalbard, despite the difference in contaminant load. A possible explanation to this could be the enhanced AOX mechanisms against dive-associated oxidative stress in diving air-breathing animals, which also helps to cope with ROS derived from other sourses. The Baltic salmon from Gulf of Finland (GoF) showed higher activities in their AOX defense enzymes and more oxidative damage than fish from other areas. Also on mRNA and proteomic level, stress related metabolic changes were most profound in in the fish from GoF. Mainly my findings on species related differences followed the pattern of mammals showing highest activities and least damage and birds showing lower activities and most damage, fish being intermediate. In general, the glutathione recycling-related enzymes and the ratio of oxidized and reduced glutathione seemed to be the most affected parameters in all of the species.
Uhka on laaja käsite, jota ei periaatteessa ikinä voi sulkea pois. Uhka on kaikessa toiminnassa jonkinlaisessa muodossa läsnä. Uhkaan liitetään usein käsitteitä, kuten turvallisuus, riski ja haavoittuvuus. Nämä neljä käsitettä kuuluvat turvallisuuden kenttään. Merenkulun turvallisuus tarkoittaa, että saadaan vaara-/riskitekijät hallintaan teknillisillä tai organisatorisilla toimenpiteillä niin, että onnettomuuden riski ei ylitä sille asetettua hyväksyttyä rajaa. Meriturvallisuudella pyritään varmistamaan, ettei alusta, siellä olevia ihmisiä, sen lastia eikä meriympäristöä vaaranneta. Laajimmillaan meriturvallisuuden katsotaan kattavan neljä eri osa-aluetta, jotka ovat alusturvallisuus, väyläturvallisuus, meripelastus ja ympäristöturvallisuus. Koska merialueet ovat Suomelle sekä kaikille merivaltioille hyvin oleellinen osa jokapäiväistä elämää, tulee meidän pystyä turvaamaan meriliikenne merialueilla. Suomen ulkomaankaupan kuljetuksista yli 80 prosenttia tapahtuu meritse, ja nykyaikaisen nopean logistiikkaketjun vaatimukset kohdistuvat pääosin merikuljetuksiin. Lisäksi meri ympäristöineen tarjoaa virkistyskäyttöön loistavat elementit. Tutkimukseni pääkysymyksenä on: Mikä uhkaa merialueilla? Alakysymyksinä tutkimuksessa ovat mitä uhka tarkoittaa ja mitkä ovat siihen liittyvät käsitteet? Miten toimijat merialueillamme näkevät uhan? Suomen merellisillä toimijoilla on omat intressinsä ja omat toiminta-alueensa, mutta kaikilla toimiojilla on kuitenkin yhteinen uhka. Kaikki toimijat näkevät merellisen suuronnettomuuden suurimpana uhkana. Tämä sitoisi kaikki toimijat samaan onnettomuuteen, ja onnettomuudella voisi olla laajat seuraamukset.
Palvelumallin kehittäminen sähköverkkoyhtiön kohtuullisen tuoton ja siirtohinnoittelun analysointiin
Uuden sähkömarkkinalain myötä sähkönjakeluverkonhaltijoille tuli velvoite parantaa verkkonsa toimitusvarmuutta tasolle, jossa verkon vikaantuminen myrskyn tai lumikuorman seurauksena ei aiheuta asemakaava-alueella asiakkaalle yli 6 tuntia kestävää keskeytystä eikä muilla alueilla yli 36 tuntia kestävää keskeytystä. 1.9.2013 voimaan astuneessa laissa toimitusvarmuuden parantamisen aikaraamiksi on määritetty 15 vuotta. Verkkoyhtiöt voivat päättää verkon saneerausstrategiasta itsenäisesti, mutta toimitusvarmuusvaatimuksiin vastaaminen vaatii monelta yhtiöltä laajamittaista verkon kaapelointia ja investointivolyymien kasvattamista. Verkon investoinneilla on vaikutuksensa verkkoyhtiöiden taloudellisessa valvonnassa, joka puolestaan on Energiaviraston vastuulla. Valvonnan kohteina ovat siirtohinnoittelun kohtuullisuus, toiminnan tehokkuus ja sähkön laatu. ElMil Oy:lle kehitetyn palvelumallin tarkoituksena on siten mallintaa investointien vaikutusta sähköverkkoliiketoiminnan valvontamallin näkökulmasta. Palvelumallissa laaditaan ennalta määritettyjen investointikohteiden ympärille optimaalinen investointiohjelma kohteiden kannattavuuden perusteella. Ohjelman perusteella voidaan puolestaan estimoida investointien vaikutusta verkosta saatavaan kohtuulliseen tuottoon ja mallintaa tämän pohjalta siirtohinnan korotuspotentiaalia. Muodostettaessa optimaalista investointiohjelmaa voidaan työssä kehitetyn laskentatyökalun avulla varioida erilaisia skenaarioita ja tehdä vaihtelevia painotuksia investointivolyymeissa vuositasolla. Laskenta seuraa myös tulorahoituksen riittävyyttä, joten investointiohjelman optimoinnilla voidaan hakea vähäisintä lisärahoitusta vaativa ratkaisu, jolloin voidaan minimoida toimitusvarmuusinvestointien aiheuttamaa vieraan pääoman kasvattamista. Osana palvelumallia päivitetään viranomaisraportointiin liittyvä toimitusvarmuuden kehittämissuunnitelma.
A levedura Saccharomyces cerevisae é o microrganismo mais utilizado industrialmente nas destilarias, mas outros microrganismos também são capazes de produzir etanol utilizando matérias-primas açucaradas como substrato. O objetivo deste trabalho foi determinar o perfil sensorial e a aceitação da aguardente de cana produzida através da fermentação alcoólica com grânulos de Kefir, comparando-a ao produto obtido tradicionalmente. Pelo método de ADQ, 8 provadores treinados avaliaram os seguintes descritores: aroma alcoólico e de cachaça, sabor alcoólico e de cachaça, gosto amargo e ardência. O teste de aceitação foi realizado por 57 consumidores de aguardente, utilizando-se uma escala hedônica estruturada de nove pontos para avaliar a aceitação do aroma e a aceitação global. A cachaça com Kefir apresentou maior intensidade de aroma alcoólico e gosto amargo, obtendo menor aceitação global que a cachaça de levedura. Dessa forma, o produto foi considerado de grande potencial visto que apresentou satisfatório percentual de aprovação entre os consumidores.
AbstractThis study aimed to evaluate the effect of the distillation time and the sample mass on the total SO2 content in integral passion fruit juice (Passiflora sp). For the SO2 analysis, a modified version of the Monier-Williams method was used. In this experiment, the distillation time and the sample mass were reduced to half of the values proposed in the original method. The analyses were performed in triplicate for each distilling time x sample mass binomial, making a total of 12 tests, which were performed on the same day. The significance of the effects of the different distillation times and sample mass were evaluated by applying one-factor analysis of variance (ANOVA). For a 95% confidence limit, it was found that the proposed amendments to the distillation time, sample mass, and the interaction between distilling time x sample mass were not significant (p > 0.05) in determining the SO2 content in passion fruit juice. In view of the results that were obtained it was concluded that for integral passion fruit juice it was possible to reduce the distillation time and the sample mass in determining the SO2 content by the Monier-Williams method without affecting the result.
INTRODUÇÃO: O controle intensivo da glicemia reduz significativamente o risco de desenvolvimento de complicações microvasculares, incluindo a nefropatia. OBJETIVOS: Foi avaliado o impacto do controle glicêmico, por meio do cálculo da glicemia média semanal (GMS) e variabilidade glicêmica (VG), sobre a pressão arterial (PA) nas 24 horas (MAPA), excreção urinária de albumina (EUA) e taxa de filtração glomerular (TFG). MÉTODOS: 53 pacientes com diabetes mellitus tipo 2 (DM2), dividida aleatoriamente em dois grupos para receber tratamento convencional ou intensivo. Esse último incluía visitas semanais para ajustes da medicação e aplicação de um plano educacional durante seis semanas. RESULTADOS: Observou-se controle glicêmico (GMS < 150 mg/dL e VG < 50) em 75% (n = 21) dos pacientes do grupo intervenção (GI) (n = 28) e em 24% (n = 6) do grupo convencional (GC) (n = 25) (p < 0,001). Dos 27 pacientes dos dois grupos que obtiveram controle glicêmico, 14 apresentavam inicialmente média da PA sistólica (PAS) > 120 mmHg e que se reduziu de 138,4 ± 10,1 para 127,8 ± 11,6 mmHg (p = 0,023) ao final das seis semanas. Foram observadas reduções da PAS e PA diastólica (PAD) na vigília e durante o sono, que não ocorreram no grupo (n = 17) sem controle glicêmico e PAS >120 mmHg. Inicialmente, 15 pacientes apresentavam TFG >120 mL/min, sendo que após seis semanas, apenas o subgrupo que alcançou controle glicêmico (n = 7) mostrou redução de 137,2 ± 16 para 122,2 ± 25,2 mL/min (p = 0,02). No inicio do estudo, outros quinze pacientes apresentavam microalbuminúria. Após seis semanas, independente de terem alcançado o controle glicêmico preconizado, observou-se redução da EUA de 63,0 ± 43,1 para 24,8 ± 19,5 mg/g de creatinina (p = 0,02). CONCLUSÃO: Assim, o controle glicêmico obtido em curto prazo resultou na redução da PA, da TFG e da EUA nos pacientes com DM2 que apresentavam alterações desses parâmetros, alterações benéficas no que se refere à proteção renal.
INTRODUÇÃO: O Comitê de Nutrição da Sociedade Brasileira de Nefrologia (SBN) realizou, em 2010, o primeiro Censo Brasileiro de Nutrição em pacientes em Hemodiálise. Dados multicêntricos contribuem para o desenvolvimento de condutas clínicas e intervenção nutricional. OBJETIVO: Descrever aspectos nutricionais e epidemiológicos de pacientes em hemodiálise. MÉTODO: Estudo transversal em 36 clínicas de diálise, 2.622 participantes selecionados aleatoriamente. Foram coletados: registros sociodemográficos, clínicos, bioquímicos e antropométricos. RESULTADOS: Dos pacientes, 60,45% era da região Sudeste, 13,53% Nordeste, 12,81% Sul, 10,33% Centro-Oeste e 2,86% Norte. Cerca de 58% eram homens e 63,1% tinham menos de 60 anos. Casados ou em união estável, 58,5% deles. Aproximadamente 80% dependia do Sistema Único de Saúde. O tabagismo apresentou diferença entre sexo e idade. As etiologias presuntivas foram nefroesclerose hipertensiva 26,4%, nefropatia diabética 24,6%, causas desconhecidas/não diagnosticadas 19,9%, glomerulopatias 13,6% e outros 11,2%. A hipertensão arterial e o Diabetes Mellitus acometiam aproximadamente 30% dos pacientes, principalmente aqueles acima de 60 anos. O Índice de Massa Corporal não diferiu entre sexos, embora tenha diferido entre grupos etários e quando utilizados critérios de avaliação distintos. A média de circunferência da cintura de homens e mulheres foi, respectivamente, 90,5 cm e 88,0 cm. O perfil lipídico não diferiu entre às faixas etárias, porém, houve diferenças entre sexos. Os valores de albumina estiveram menores nas mulheres e em pacientes com idade superior a 60 anos. CONCLUSÃO: O estudo caracterizou os pacientes em hemodiálise no Brasil em 2010, podendo subsidiar novos estudos para acompanhamento de transições nutricionais e epidemiológicas da população.