336 resultados para GEOQUÍMICA


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This work considers the crystallisation mechanisms of the most common and aggressive salts that generate stress in porous building stones as a result of changing ambient conditions. These mechanisms include the salt crystallisation that result from decreasing relative humidity and changes in temperature and, in hydrated salts, the dissolution of the lower hydrated form and the subsequent precipitation of the hydrated salt. We propose a new methodology for thermodynamic calculations using PHREEQC that includes these crystallisation mechanisms. This approach permits the calculation of the equilibrium relative humidity and the parameterization of the critical relative humidity and crystallisation pressures for the dissolution–precipitation transitions. The influence of other salts on the effectives of salt crystallisation and chemical weathering is also assessed. We review the sodium and magnesium sulphate and sodium chloride systems, in both single and multicomponent solutions, and they are compared to the sodium carbonate and calcium carbonate systems. The variation of crystallisation pressure, the formation of new minerals and the chemical dissolution by the presence of other salts is also evaluated. Results for hydrated salt systems show that high crystallisation pressures are possible as lower hydrated salts dissolve and more hydrated salts precipitate. High stresses may be also produced by decreasing temperature, although it requires that porous materials are wet for long periods of time. The presence of other salts changes the temperature and relative humidity of salt transitions that generates stress rather than reducing the pressure of crystallisation, if any salt has previously precipitated. Several practical conclusions derive from proposed methodology and provide conservators and architects with information on the potential weathering activity of soluble salts. Furthermore, the model calculations might be coupled with projections of future climate to give as improved understanding of the likely changes in the frequency of phase transitions in salts within porous stone.


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Natural stone has been a popular and reliable building material throughout history appearing in many historic monuments and in more recent buildings. Research into the intrinsic properties of specific stones is important because it gives us a greater understanding of the factors that limit and act on them. This can help prevent serious problems from occurring in our buildings bringing both esthetic benefits and financial savings. To this end, the main objective of this research has been to study the influence of the fabric and the mineral composition of two types of sandstone on their durability. The first is a red continental sandstone from the Buntsandstein Age called “Molinaza Roja”, which is quarried in Montoro (Cordoba). The second is quarried in Ronda (Malaga) and is sold under the trade name of “Arenisca Ronda”. It is a light pink-whitish calcarenite deposited during the Late Tortonian to Late Messinian. We characterized their petrological and petrophysical properties by studying their rock fabrics, porous systems and mechanical properties. In order to obtain a complete vision of the behavior of their rock fabrics, we also carried out two decay tests, the salt crystallization and the freeze–thaw tests. We then measured the effects on the textures of the altered samples during and after the decay tests and we evaluated the changes in the porous system. By comparing the results between intact and altered samples, we found that Arenisca Ronda is less durable because it has a high quantity of expandable clays (smectites) and a high percentage of pores in the 0.1–1 μm range, in which the pressure produced by salt crystallization is strongest. In Molinaza Roja the decay agents caused significant sanding due to loss of cohesion between the clasts, especially during the salt crystallization test. In both stones, the anisotropies (oriented textures) have an important role in their hydric and dynamic behavior and also affect their mechanical properties (especially in the compression resistance). No changes in color were detected.


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In this paper, absolute water permeability is estimated from capillary imbibition and pore structure for 15 sedimentary rock types. They present a wide range of petrographic characteristics that provide degrees of connectivity, porosities, pore size distributions, water absorption coefficients by capillarity and water permeabilities. A statistical analysis shows strong correlations among the petrophysical parameters of the studied rocks. Several fundamental properties are fitted into different linear and multiple expressions where water permeability is expressed as a generalized function of the properties. Some practical aspects of these correlations are highlighted in order to use capillary imbibition tests to estimate permeability. The permeability–porosity relation is discussed in the context of the influence of pore connectivity and wettability. As a consequence, we propose a generalized model for permeability that includes information about water fluid rate (water absorption coefficient by capillarity), water properties (density and viscosity), wetting (interfacial tension and contact angle) and pore structure (pore radius and porosity). Its application is examined in terms of the type of pores that contribute to water transport and wettability. The results indicate that the threshold pore radius, in which water percolates through rock, achieves the best description of the pore system. The proposed equation is compared against Carman–Kozeny's and Katz–Thompson's equations. The proposed equation achieves very accurate predictions of the water permeability in the range of 0.01 to 1000 mD.


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Neste trabalho avaliou-se a mobilidade de metais com vista à escolha da metodologia de remediação mais adequada à recuperação de uma área contaminada pela actividade de uma fábrica de zinco situada em Três Marias, Estado de minas Gerais.


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Neste trabalho descreve-se uma simulação em laboratório de uma dragagem invasiva, com base nos dados recolhidos no campo, na envolvente de um córrego onde os sedimentos estão contaminados por metais pesados devido à actividade de uma fábrica de produção de zinco situada em Três Marias, Estado de Minas Gerais. Durante o ensaio determinou-se o efeito do remeximento dos sedimentos na coluna de água em termos de contaminação em metais, de forma a compreender as principais limitações associadas à utilização da dragagem como método de remediação.


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O estudo de proveniências geológicas realizado em 3 áreas com contextos geológicos distintos - Lisboa, Freixo (Redondo) e Monforte, através da aplicação de diferentes metodologias e técnicas analíticas (DRX, ATG, FRX, ICP-MS, LA-ICP-MS, SEM-EDS, TIMS), permitiu verificar que a seleção dos esteios é condicionada pela diversidade e disponibilidade local dos materiais geológicos. O trabalho de campo desenvolvido a par com os dados obtidos (mineralógicos, petrográficos, geoquímicos, isotópicos) em amostras de antas e afloramentos indicam uma proveniência local para a generalidade dos esteios de antas das áreas de Lisboa e Freixo até 800m, aumentando esta distância (1000-1700m) na área de Monforte.