999 resultados para Freshwater biology.


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Diurnal photosynthesis of Nostoc flagelliforme was investigated at varied levels of CO2 concentrations and desiccation in order to estimate the effects of enriched CO2 and watering on its daily production. Photosynthetic activity was closely correlated with the desiccated status of the algal mats, increased immediately after watering, reached a maximum at moderate water loss, and then declined with further desiccation. Increased CO2 concentration enhanced the diurnal photosynthesis and raised the daily production. Watering twice per day enhanced the daily production due to prolonged period of active photosynthesis. The values of daily net production were 1321280 mumol CO2 g (d. wt)(-1) d(-1), corresponding to about 0.6-6.1% daily increase in dry weight. High-CO2-grown mats required higher levels of photon flux density to saturate the alga's photosynthesis in air. Air-grown mats showed higher photosynthetic affinity for CO2 and higher levels of dark respiration compared with high-CO2-grown samples.


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The responses of nutrients, water transparency, zooplankton and phytoplankton to a gradient of silver carp biomass were assessed using enclosure methods. The gradient of four silver carp biomass levels was set as follows: 0, 116, 176 and 316 g m(-2). Nutrients did not show any statistically significant differences among the treatments. An Outburst of Daphnia only occurred in fishless enclosures where phytoplankton biomass was the lowest and water clarity significantly increased. While among fish enclosures, the small-sized Moina micrura dominated throughout the experiment and both zooplankton and phytoplankton biomasses decreased with increased fish biomass. No large colonial cyanobacterial blooms occurred in the fishless enclosures as predicted. This might be due to low water temperature. short experiment time and the occurrence of large bodied Daphnia in our experiment. Cryptophyta was the most dominant group in most of the enclosures and the lake water throughout the experiment. The fishless enclosure had much lower proportion of Cyanophyta but higher proportion of Trachelomonas sp.


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Six species of Phallodrilinae are reported from Hainan Island in southern China. The mesopsammic Aktedrilus yiboi sp. nov. is new to science. It is characterized by a combination of (1) small, straight, conical, strongly cuticularized penis sheaths, (2) posterior prostate glands being associated with the most ectal parts of the atria, and (3) small spermathecal ampulla. Bathydrilus ampliductus Erseus, 1997 is recorded for the first time since it was originally described from Australia's Northern Territory.


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A strain of Raphidiopsis (Cyanobacteria) isolated from a fish pond in Wuhan, P. R. China was examined for its taxonomy and production of the alkaloidal hepatotoxins cylindrospermopsin (CYN) and deoxy-cylindrospermopsin (deoxy-CYN). Strain HB1 was identified as R. curvata Fritsch et Rich based on morphological examination of the laboratory culture. HB1 produced mainly deoxy-CYN at a concentration of 1.3 mg(.)g(-1) (dry ut cells) by HPLC and HPLC-MS/MS. CYN was also detected in trace amounts (0.56 mug(.)g(-1)). A mouse bioassay did not show lethal toxicity when tested at doses up to 1500 mg dry weight cells(.)kg(-1) body weight within 96 h, demonstrating that production of primarily deoxy CYN does not lead to significant mouse toxicity by strain BB I. The presence of deoxy-CYN and CYN in R curvata suggests that Raphidiopsis belongs to the Nostocaceae, but this requires confirmation by molecular systematic studies. Production of these cyanotoxins by Raphidiopsis adds another genus, in addition to Cylindrospemopsis, Aphanizomenon, and Umezakia, now known to produce this group of hepatotoxic cyanotoxins. This is also the first report from China of a CYN and deoxy-CYN producing cyanobacterium.


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During the twentieth century evidence was presented which suggested the presence of various strains and races of the parasite Ichthyophthirius multifiliis Fouquet. However, ecological profiles of various parasite isolates from different climatic zones are sparse. Such stringent characterizations of parasite development at defined abiotic conditions could provide valuable criteria for the different races: profile comparison from various localities is one way to differentiate these strains. Baseline investigations were therefore performed on the associations between abiotic factors (temperature/salinity) and the development of theronts in tomocysts of I. multifiliis isolated from rainbow trout in a Danish trout farm. It was shown that tomocyst formation and theront development took place between 5 and 30degreesC. Development rates and sizes of theronts were clearly affected by temperature: theronts escaped tomocysts already after 16-27 h at 25degreesC and 30degreesC, whereas this process took 8-9 days at 5degreesC. Likewise, theront size decreased steadily from a maximum of 57.4 x 28.6 mum at 5degreesC to 28.6 x 20.0 mum at 30degreesC. This size variation was only partly associated with the number of theronts that appeared at different temperatures. The lowest number of theronts escaping from one tomocyst was indeed found at 5-7degreesC (mean 329-413). At 11.6, 17.0 and 21degreesC. the highest number of theronts appeared (mean 546-642). However, at 25 and 30degreesC, the number decreased (458 and 424, respectively). Additional studies on the salinity dependent development of the parasite (at 11.6degreesC) showed that salinities above 5 p.p.t. totally inhibited development. Even at 5 p.p.t. the developmental time significantly increased and the number of theronts produced from one tomocyst decreased.


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Although reovirus infection is one of the major virus diseases of grass carp in China, the available knowledge on the structure and function of genes and proteins of the virus is limited. The complete sequence of the S9 genome segment of grass carp hemorrhage virus (GCHV) was determined. The segment consists of 1130 nucleotides and has a large open reading frame (ORF) encoding a protein of 352 amino acids with predicted molecular mass of 37.7 kDa. Amino acid sequence comparison revealed that the deduced protein encoded by GCHV S9 is closely related to the sigma NS proteins of mammalian reovirus (MRV) and avian reovirus (ARV). Secondary structure analysis displayed that the form of alpha -helices (40.1%) and beta -sheets (49.4%) are the richest two contents in the protein encoded by S9, and this protein is predicted to be a nonstructural protein. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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Variations in kinetics of alkaline phosphatase occurring in different sites of sediment associated with cage culture of Oreochromis niloticus in a shallow Chinese freshwater lake (Lake Donghu) were described. In addition, the kinetic parameters of each 2.5-cm stratum in the sediment from the surface down to 37.5 cm were analyzed. Horizontally, the V-max values of alkaline phosphatase in surface sediments increased markedly at sites immediately under and adjacent to the cage that would be subjected to the deposition of fish feces. Peak V-max values in the top 5 cm of the sediment under the cage were also observed relative to their deeper control. After a treatment where the fish feces were added over 12 days, the sediment in deeper layer exhibited a significantly higher V-max value, thereby corroborating the relationship between V-max values of alkaline phosphatase and fish feces in sediments. The fish feces exhibited a remarkable alkaline phosphatase activity (APA). Thus, it is indeed a source of the enzyme. Effects of the fish feces were dose- and time-dependent. The V-max values in sediments were always stimulated, but the K-m values showed much more variability. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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The photosynthetic characteristics of the terrestrial cyanobacterium, Nostoc flagelliforme, after complete recovery by rewetting, was investigated to see whether it could use bicarbonate as the external inorganic carbon source when submerged. The photosynthesis-pH relationship and high pH compensation point suggested that the terrestrial alga could use bicarbonate to photosynthesize when submerged. The photosynthetic oxygen evolution rates were significantly inhibited in Na+-free and Na+ + Li+ media but were not affected by the absence of Cl-, implying that the bicarbonate uptake was associated with Na+/HCO3- symport rather than Cl-/HCO3- exchange system.


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Random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) molecular markers specific for one, two or three clones have been identified from five gynogenetic clones of silver crucian carp (Carassius auratus gibelio Bloch) using RAPD markers developed earlier. In this study, three RAPD markers (RA1-PA, RA2-EF and RA4-D) produced by Opj-1, and two RAPD DNA fragments (RA3-PAD and RA5-D) produced by Opj-7, were selected for molecular cloning and sequencing. Sequence data indicated that there were identical 801-bp nucleotide sequences in the shared marker RA1-PA cloned respectively from clones P and A, and the shared marker RA2-EF (which was cloned from clones E and F), were also of identical 958-by nucleotide sequences. The nucleotide sequences of the shared marker RA3-PAD fragments were also similar for 1181 by among clones P, A and D. The specific fragment RA4-D was composed of 628 bp, and the fragment RA5-D from clone D contained 385 nucleotides. According to the nucleotide sequences, we designed and synthesized five pairs of sequence characterized amplified regions (SCAR) primers to identify the specific fragments in these gynogenetic clones of silver crucian carp. Only individuals from clones P and A amplified a specific band using a pair of SCI-PA primers synthesized according to the marker RA1-PA sequences, whereas no products were detected in individuals from clones D, E and F. The PCR products amplified using SC2-EF and SC3-PAD primers were as expected. Furthermore, the pair of SC4-D primers amplified specific bands only in individuals from clone D, although weak bands could be produced in all individuals of the five clones when lower annealing temperatures were used. However, an additional pair of SC5-D primers designed from the RA5-D marker sequences could amplify a DNA band in individuals from clones P, A and D, and the same weak band was produced in clone E, whereas no products were detected in individuals from clone F. Searches in GenBank revealed that the 385-bp DNA fragment from RA5-D was homologous to the 5' end of gonadotropin I beta subunit 2 gene and growth hormone gene. No homologous sequences were found for other markers in GenBank. The SCAR markers identified in this study will offer a powerful, easy, and rapid method for discrimination of different clones and for genetic analyses that examine their origins and unique reproductive modes in crucian carp. Furthermore, they will likely benefit future selective breeding programs as reliable and reproducible molecular markers. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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Gibel carp (Carassius auratus gibelio Bloch) is a natural gynogenetic fish which requires sperm of the same or related species to activate egg development. The eggs of one gibel carp were divided into two batches. One batch was 'fertilized' with sperm from gibel carp (strain DD), and the other 'fertilized' with sperm from red common carp (Cyprinus carpio red variety) (strain DR). The juveniles were transferred to the laboratory 36 days post-hatch. Triplicate groups of each strain were fed a formulated diet at either 3% or satiation ration for 8 weeks. At both the restricted and satiation rations, specific growth rate was significantly higher in strain DR than in strain DD. At the 3% ration, there was no significant difference in feeding rate or feed conversion efficiency between the two strains. At the satiation ration, strain DR had a significantly lower feeding rate but higher feed conversion efficiency than strain DD. At the satiation ration, strain DR had a significantly lower intake protein, but higher recovered protein than strain DD. There was no significant difference in faecal protein loss between the two strains. At the 3% ration, strain had no significant effects on intake protein, faecal protein or recovered protein. Neither faecal energy loss nor recovered energy was affected by strain or ration. At both the 3% and satiation ration, final body contents of dry matter and lipid were significantly lower in strain DR than strain DD, while there was no significant difference in protein and energy content between the two strains at either ration level. The results suggested that gibel carp 'fertilized' with sperm of common carp grew faster than those 'fertilized' with sperm of gibel carp through increased feed conversion efficiency and protein retention.


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Six isonitrogenous (gross protein content 35%) and isoenergetic (gross energy content 17 kJ g(-1)) diets were formulated to investigate the effects of inclusion of plant proteins on the gibel carp (Carassius auratus gibelio L.). The plant proteins tested were: soybean cake (SBC), potato protein concentrate (PPC), peanut cake (PNC), cottonseed cake (CSC) and rapeseed cake (RSC). Fish meal (FM) was used as control. In each diet, 27% of the protein was supplied by fish meal, and the rest supplied by the plant protein tested. Each diet was fed to three groups of gibel carp for 8 weeks in a recirculation system. Specific growth rate (SGR) in fish fed the control diet was significantly higher than those in the other groups, and SGR in fish fed the PPC was significantly lower than in fish fed other plant proteins. There was no significant difference in SGR among the other groups. Feeding rates were ranked in the order: RSC > CSC > FM > PNC > SBC > PPC. Conversion efficiency was highest in groups fed FM, SBC and PNC, followed by groups fed CSC and RSC, and was lowest in the group fed PPC. The fish fed PPC showed lower protein retention than those fed FM and SBC. FM showed highest energy retention while PPC showed lowest, There was no significant relationship between SGR and intake of digestible protein (g g(-1) day(-1)), digestible lysine (g g(-1) day(-1)), digestible methionine (g g(-1) day(-1)) or digestible total essential amino acids (g g(-1) day(-1)), suggesting that the differences in SGR could not alone account for any of these variables.


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Small fish communities were compared between the vegetated and vegetation-free regions of the Liangzi Lake, a shallow lake along the middle reach of the Yangtze River, China. Fish were sampled using 10 x 10 m(2) block nets and poisoning. Three samples were taken from either the near shore area or lake centre of each region. A total of 19 fish species were collected; all species occurred in the vegetated region but only 12 occurred in the vegetation-free region. The dominant small fish were Carassius auratus auratus in the vegetated region and Ctenogobius giurinus in the vegetation-free region. Diversity, density and biomass of small fishes were significantly higher in the vegetated region than in the vegetation-free region in both near shore and lake centre areas. In the vegetated region, density and biomass of small fishes was significantly higher, while species diversity significantly lower in the near shore area than in the lake centre. In the vegetation-free region, density of small fishes was significantly higher in the near shore area than in the lake centre area, but species diversity or biomass was unaffected by location.


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The vertical distribution of the variables relevant to P forms in sediments were studied in a shallow Chinese freshwater lake (Lake Donghu) in 1997, 1998, 1999 and 2000, to assess the contribution of enzyme to P availability in sediment cores. Sediment P was fractionationd into iron-bound P, calcium-bound P, acid soluble organic P (ASOP) and hot NaOH extractable residual organic P. The former two species made the largest contribution to the sediment P pool. All P species exhibited significantly higher concentrations in different depths at Station I, compared with those found at Station II, except for ASOP. Coupled with these lower ASOP concentrations, the V-max data of alkaline phosphatase, measured on the same samples, were significantly higher at station I. Taken together, ASOP were probably important in supplying the enzymatic substrate (Phosphatase Hydrolyzable Phosphorus, PHP) into interstitial water. Dissolved orthophosphate and PHP concentrations were highly heterogeneous , but peaked in subsurface, paralleled by higher V-max and lower K-m values of alkaline phosphatase, throughout the sediment core. Sediment in the eutrophic lake is not only enriched in available P (iron-bound P), or stores residual P, but also tends to release PHP, thereby inducing the production of alkaline phosphatase and releasing o-P into water column by enzymatic hydrolysis. The latter process may also occur in relatively deep sediment layers.


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1. The long-term changes (1956-1998) in density and species composition of planktonic rotifers were studied at two sampling stations (I, II) of Lake Donghu, a shallow eutrophic Chinese Lake densely stocked with filter-feeding fishes. Annual average densities of rotifers increased with an increase in fish yield and eutrophication, whilst species number decreased from 82 in 1962-1963 to 62 in 1994-1998. 2. During 1962-98, some species such as Anuraeopsis fissa, Polyarthra spp. (including P. dolichoptera & P. vulgaris), Trichocerca pusilla and Synchaeta oblonga increased their percentage in abundance remarkably, whilst the proportion of Keratella cochlearis decreased at two relatively eutrophic stations from 19 to 4.2% at Station I and from 30 to 3.2% at Station IL 3. The high r(max) of A. fissa probably made it more successful than other rotifers under high predation pressure by planktivorous fish. The decrease in the K. cochlearis population might be attributed partly to predation by Cyclops vicinus. 4. Small rotifers were less vulnerable to fish predation than large-sized cladocerans. Decreases in cladocerans coincided with increases in rotifers, suggesting that the indirect effect of fish predation on cladocerans might have partly contributed to the population development of rotifers in Lake Donghu during recent decades. 5. We also conducted surveys (1994-1998) of seasonal dynamics of rotifers at four sampling stations (I-IV) which have varied in trophic status after fragmentation of the lake in the 1960s. A total of 75 species were identified at the four stations. Both densities and biomass of rotifers were considerably higher in the two more eutrophic stations than in the two less eutrophic stations. This indicates that the population increase of rotifers at Stations I and II during recent decades might be partly attributed to eutrophication of the lake water.


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This paper reports experimental and field studies on the cyclopoid Mesocyclops notius from subtropical Lake Donghu close to the Yangtze river. Mesocyclops notius, a dominant crustacean Zooplankter throughout tropical Australia, was previously considered to be endemic to Australia, but recently, Mesocyclops leuckarti in Lake Donghu was re-identified as M. notius. Laboratory culture experiments were conducted to reveal the effect of temperature (15, 20, 25 and 30 degreesC) on the development, growth and reproduction of M. notius. Temperature was inversely related to development times of eggs, nauplii and copepodites, body length and physiological longevity of adults, and brood size. Body length and physiological longevity of females were greater than those of males at the same temperature. No reproduction took place at 15 degreesC. Production and seasonal cycles of M. notius during 1980-1982 were studied at two sampling stations of Lake Donghu. At the mid-lake station, the annual production and production/biomass (P/B) ratio of M. notius varied between 6.0 and 18.0 g dry wt m(-2) year(-1) and 74.6 and 95.5, respectively. Mesocyclops notius reached their highest density peaks in the warm months (July-October), with a maximum density of 1256 individuals l(-1) at a littoral site. No reproduction and recruitment by AL notius took place during the cold months (December March) when the temperature of the lake water was < 15 degreesC. Mesocyclops notius were more abundant at a littoral station than at a pelagic station, possibly due to different food availability. The higher male:female sex ratio of M. notius at the littoral station was most likely caused by size-selective fish predation on larger females.