972 resultados para Fossil Fuels
Background Diminishing supplies of fossil fuels and oil spills are rousing to explore the alternative sources of energy that can be produced from non-food/feed-based substrates. Due to its abundance, sugarcane bagasse (SB) could be a model substrate for the second-generation biofuel cellulosic ethanol. However, the efficient bioconversion of SB remains a challenge for the commercial production of cellulosic ethanol. We hypothesized that oxalic-acid-mediated thermochemical pretreatment (OAFEX) would overcome the native recalcitrance of SB by enhancing the cellulase amenability toward the embedded cellulosic microfibrils. Results OAFEX treatment revealed the solubilization of hemicellulose releasing sugars (12.56 g/l xylose and 1.85 g/l glucose), leaving cellulignin in an accessible form for enzymatic hydrolysis. The highest hydrolytic efficiency (66.51%) of cellulignin was achieved by enzymatic hydrolysis (Celluclast 1.5 L and Novozym 188). The ultrastructure characterization of SB using scanning electron microscopy (SEM), atomic force microscopy (AFM), Raman spectroscopy, Fourier transform–near infrared spectroscopy (FT-NIR), Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), and X-ray diffraction (XRD) revealed structural differences before and after OAFEX treatment with enzymatic hydrolysis. Furthermore, fermentation mediated by C. shehatae UFMG HM52.2 and S. cerevisiae 174 showed fuel ethanol production from detoxified acid (3.2 g/l, yield 0.353 g/g; 0.52 g/l, yield, 0.246 g/g) and enzymatic hydrolysates (4.83 g/l, yield, 0.28 g/g; 6.6 g/l, yield 0.46 g/g). Conclusions OAFEX treatment revealed marked hemicellulose degradation, improving the cellulases’ ability to access the cellulignin and release fermentable sugars from the pretreated substrate. The ultrastructure of SB after OAFEX and enzymatic hydrolysis of cellulignin established thorough insights at the molecular level.
La ricerca oggetto di questa tesi, come si evince dal titolo stesso, è volta alla riduzione dei consumi per vetture a forte carattere sportivo ed elevate prestazioni specifiche. In particolare, tutte le attività descritte fanno riferimento ad un ben definito modello di vettura, ovvero la Maserati Quattroporte. Lo scenario all’interno del quale questo lavoro si inquadra, è quello di una forte spinta alla riduzione dei cosiddetti gas serra, ossia dell’anidride carbonica, in linea con quelle che sono le disposizioni dettate dal protocollo di Kyoto. La necessità di ridurre l’immissione in atmosfera di CO2 sta condizionando tutti i settori della società: dal riscaldamento degli edifici privati a quello degli stabilimenti industriali, dalla generazione di energia ai processi produttivi in senso lato. Nell’ambito di questo panorama, chiaramente, sono chiamati ad uno sforzo considerevole i costruttori di automobili, alle quali è imputata una percentuale considerevole dell’anidride carbonica prodotta ogni giorno e riversata nell’atmosfera. Al delicato problema inquinamento ne va aggiunto uno forse ancor più contingente e diretto, legato a ragioni di carattere economico. I combustibili fossili, come tutti sanno, sono una fonte di energia non rinnovabile, la cui disponibilità è legata a giacimenti situati in opportune zone del pianeta e non inesauribili. Per di più, la situazione socio politica che il medio oriente sta affrontando, unita alla crescente domanda da parte di quei paesi in cui il processo di industrializzazione è partito da poco a ritmi vertiginosi, hanno letteralmente fatto lievitare il prezzo del petrolio. A causa di ciò, avere una vettura efficiente in senso lato e, quindi, a ridotti consumi, è a tutti gli effetti un contenuto di prodotto apprezzato dal punto di vista del marketing, anche per i segmenti vettura più alti. Nell’ambito di questa ricerca il problema dei consumi è stato affrontato come una conseguenza del comportamento globale della vettura in termini di efficienza, valutando il miglior compromesso fra le diverse aree funzionali costituenti il veicolo. Una parte consistente del lavoro è stata dedicata alla messa a punto di un modello di calcolo, attraverso il quale eseguire una serie di analisi di sensibilità sull’influenza dei diversi parametri vettura sul consumo complessivo di carburante. Sulla base di tali indicazioni, è stata proposta una modifica dei rapporti del cambio elettro-attuato con lo scopo di ottimizzare il compromesso tra consumi e prestazioni, senza inficiare considerevolmente queste ultime. La soluzione proposta è stata effettivamente realizzata e provata su vettura, dando la possibilità di verificare i risultati ed operare un’approfondita attività di correlazione del modello di calcolo per i consumi. Il beneficio ottenuto in termini di autonomia è stato decisamente significativo con riferimento sia ai cicli di omologazione europei, che a quelli statunitensi. Sono state inoltre analizzate le ripercussioni dal punto di vista delle prestazioni ed anche in questo caso i numerosi dati rilevati hanno permesso di migliorare il livello di correlazione del modello di simulazione per le prestazioni. La vettura con la nuova rapportatura proposta è stata poi confrontata con un prototipo di Maserati Quattroporte avente cambio automatico e convertitore di coppia. Questa ulteriore attività ha permesso di valutare il differente comportamento tra le due soluzioni, sia in termini di consumo istantaneo, che di consumo complessivo rilevato durante le principali missioni su banco a rulli previste dalle normative. L’ultima sezione del lavoro è stata dedicata alla valutazione dell’efficienza energetica del sistema vettura, intesa come resistenza all’avanzamento incontrata durante il moto ad una determinata velocità. Sono state indagate sperimentalmente le curve di “coast down” della Quattroporte e di alcune concorrenti e sono stati proposti degli interventi volti alla riduzione del coefficiente di penetrazione aerodinamica, pur con il vincolo di non alterare lo stile vettura.
La mobilità nelle aree urbane di medie e grandi dimensioni risente di molte criticità e spesso è causa di numerose discussioni. L'utilizzo sempre crescente del mezzo di trasporto privato ha prodotto conseguenze negative: l'aumento del traffico e degli incidenti stradali, dell'inquinamento atmosferico e del rumore sono accompagnati da un forte spreco energetico. Dall'altra parte, il trasporto pubblico locale (TPL) non è riuscito a costruirsi canali preferenziali all'interno dell'immaginario cittadino, poiché sottomesso da un modello economico e un mercato fortemente dipendenti dall'automobile. Una via d'uscita dalla mobilità non sostenibile basata sull'utilizzo di combustibili fossili porta a concepire un trasporto pubblico locale gratuito, fruibile dal cittadino in qualsiasi momento della giornata. Attraverso un'analisi dell'azienda del trasporto pubblico bolognese (ATC) e dei dati provenienti dalla sanità regionale, questa tesi intende mostrare che vi sarà un miglioramento della qualità di vita in aree urbane nel momento in cui la teoria della decrescita venga condivisa da tutti i cittadini. Così sarà possibile liberare i centri urbani dai mezzi privati e quindi dagli alti livelli di inquinamento acustico e atmosferico, e dare ai cittadini la vera libertà di movimento. Mobility in medium and large sized urban areas is critical and often a cause for numerous debates. The use of private transport is in constant increase and has generated negative consequences: congestion and road accidents, air and noise pollutio as well as a considerable waste of energy. On the other hand, the local public transport (LPT) has not succeeded in representing the preferred choice by citizens in the urban imaginary. Its potential has been subdued by economic models and markets that are largely dependant on the production of vehicles. An alternative to the current non sustainable mobility based on the combustion of fossil fuels could be the provision of a free local transport network available to the citizen from anywhere at any time. This dissertation's objective is to show how an improvement of the quality of life in urban areas is connected to a collective awareness on the degrowth theory. I intend to achieve this by analysing thoroughly the system of the public transportation agency in Bologna (ATC) and considering data from the local health department. Only then we will be able to limit private vehicles from city centres and as a result of that drastically decrease air and noise pollution whilst providing a true service for a free moving citizen.
The future hydrogen demand is expected to increase, both in existing industries (including upgrading of fossil fuels or ammonia production) and in new technologies, like fuel cells. Nowadays, hydrogen is obtained predominantly by steam reforming of methane, but it is well known that hydrocarbon based routes result in environmental problems and besides the market is dependent on the availability of this finite resource which is suffering of rapid depletion. Therefore, alternative processes using renewable sources like wind, solar energy and biomass, are now being considered for the production of hydrogen. One of those alternative methods is the so-called “steam-iron process” which consists in the reduction of a metal-oxide by hydrogen-containing feedstock, like ethanol for instance, and then the reduced material is reoxidized with water to produce “clean” hydrogen (water splitting). This kind of thermochemical cycles have been studied before but currently some important facts like the development of more active catalysts, the flexibility of the feedstock (including renewable bio-alcohols) and the fact that the purification of hydrogen could be avoided, have significantly increased the interest for this research topic. With the aim of increasing the understanding of the reactions that govern the steam-iron route to produce hydrogen, it is necessary to go into the molecular level. Spectroscopic methods are an important tool to extract information that could help in the development of more efficient materials and processes. In this research, ethanol was chosen as a reducing fuel and the main goal was to study its interaction with different catalysts having similar structure (spinels), to make a correlation with the composition and the mechanism of the anaerobic oxidation of the ethanol which is the first step of the steam-iron cycle. To accomplish this, diffuse reflectance spectroscopy (DRIFTS) was used to study the surface composition of the catalysts during the adsorption of ethanol and its transformation during the temperature program. Furthermore, mass spectrometry was used to monitor the desorbed products. The set of studied materials include Cu, Co and Ni ferrites which were also characterized by means of X-ray diffraction, surface area measurements, Raman spectroscopy, and temperature programmed reduction.
The increase in environmental and healthy concerns, combined with the possibility to exploit waste as a valuable energy resource, has led to explore alternative methods for waste final disposal. In this context, the energy conversion of Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) in Waste-To-Energy (WTE) power plant is increasing throughout Europe, both in terms of plants number and capacity, furthered by legislative directives. Due to the heterogeneous nature of waste, some differences with respect to a conventional fossil fuel power plant have to be considered in the energy conversion process. In fact, as a consequence of the well-known corrosion problems, the thermodynamic efficiency of WTE power plants typically ranging in the interval 25% ÷ 30%. The new Waste Framework Directive 2008/98/EC promotes production of energy from waste introducing an energy efficiency criteria (the so-called “R1 formula”) to evaluate plant recovery status. The aim of the Directive is to drive WTE facilities to maximize energy recovery and utilization of waste heat, in order to substitute energy produced with conventional fossil fuels fired power plants. This calls for novel approaches and possibilities to maximize the conversion of MSW into energy. In particular, the idea of an integrated configuration made up of a WTE and a Gas Turbine (GT) originates, driven by the desire to eliminate or, at least, mitigate limitations affecting the WTE conversion process bounding the thermodynamic efficiency of the cycle. The aim of this Ph.D thesis is to investigate, from a thermodynamic point of view, the integrated WTE-GT system sharing the steam cycle, sharing the flue gas paths or combining both ways. The carried out analysis investigates and defines the logic governing plants match in terms of steam production and steam turbine power output as function of the thermal powers introduced.
In the scenario of depleting fossil fuels, finding new energy technologies and conserving conventional energy resources have become essential to sustain modern civilization. While renewable energies are on the rise, considerable interest has been turned also to reduce energy consumption of conventional devices and appliances, which are often not yet optimized for this purpose. Modern nanotechnology provides a platform to build such devices by using nanomaterials showing exceptional physico-chemical properties. In particular, carbon materials (fullerenes, carbon nanotubes, graphene etc.), which show high thermal and electrical conductivity, aspect ratio, shear strength and chemical/mechanical resistance, are quite promising for a wide range of applications. However, the problem of solubility often hampers their handling and industrial utilization. These limitations can be mitigated by functionalizing carbon nanostructures, either covalently or non covalently, with organic or inorganic compounds. The exo- and endohedral functionalization of carbon nanotubes (CNTs) with organic/inorganic moieties to produce luminescent materials with desired properties are the main focus of this doctoral work. These hybrids have been thoroughly designed and characterized with chemical, microscopic and photophysical analyses. All the materials based on carbon nanostructures described in this thesis are innovative examples of photoactive and luminescent hybrids, and their morphological and photophysical properties help understanding the nature of interactions between the active units. This may prompt the design and fabrication of new functional materials for applications in the fields of optoelectronics and photovoltaics.
Biodiesel represents a possible substitute to the fossil fuels; for this reason a good comprehension of the kinetics involved is important. Due to the complexity of the biodiesel mixture a common practice is the use of surrogate molecules to study its reactivity. In this work are presented the experimental and computational results obtained for the oxidation and pyrolysis of methane and methyl formate conducted in a plug flow reactor. The work was divided into two parts: the first one was the setup assembly whilst, in the second one, was realized a comparison between the experimental and model results; these last was obtained using models available in literature. It was started studying the methane since, a validate model was available, in this way was possible to verify the reliability of the experimental results. After this first study the attention was focused on the methyl formate investigation. All the analysis were conducted at different temperatures, pressures and, for the oxidation, at different equivalence ratios. The results shown that, a good comprehension of the kinetics is reach but efforts are necessary to better evaluate kinetics parameters such as activation energy. The results even point out that the realized setup is adapt to study the oxidation and pyrolysis and, for this reason, it will be employed to study a longer chain esters with the aim to better understand the kinetic of the molecules that are part of the biodiesel mixture.
RAF is a bio-energetic descriptive model integrates with MAD model to support Integrated Farm Management. RAF model aimed to enhancing economical, social and environmental sustainability of farm production in terms of energy via convert energy crops and animal manure to biogas and digestate (bio-fertilizers) by anaerobic digestion technologies, growing and breeding practices. The user defines farm structure in terms of present crops, livestock and market prices and RAF model investigates the possibilities of establish on-farm biogas system (different anaerobic digestion technologies proposed for different scales of farms in terms of energy requirements) according to budget and sustainability constraints to reduce the dependence on fossil fuels. The objective function of RAF (Z) is optimizing the total net income of farm (maximizing income and minimizing costs) for whole period which is considered by the analysis. The main results of this study refers to the possibility of enhancing the exploitation of the available Italian potentials of biogas production from on-farm production of energy crops and livestock manure feedstock by using the developed mathematical model RAF integrates with MAD to presents reliable reconcile between farm size, farm structure and on-farm biogas systems technologies applied to support selection, applying and operating of appropriate biogas technology at any farm under Italian conditions.
La sostituzione di materie prime provenienti da risorse fossili con biomasse rinnovabili, utilizzando un processo a basso impatto ambientale, è una delle più importanti sfide della "Green Chemistry". Allo stesso tempo, la sintesi di resine epossidiche fornisce la chiave per la realizzazione di materiali ad alto valore aggiunto. Tuttavia, ad oggi, il 90% della produzione di resine epossidiche è basato sull'uso di bisfenolo A, che ha effetti di xenoestrogeno, ed epicloridrina, tossica e cancerogena. Su queste basi, è stata individuata una strategia sintetica per la sintesi di prepolimeri innovativi per resine epossidiche, che utilizza come substrato di reazione diidrossibenzeni di origine naturale ed evita l'uso di epicloridrina e altri reagenti tossici o pericolosi. La suddetta strategia sintetica è basata sulla sequenza: allilazione dei diidrossibenzeni - epossidazione dei doppi legami ottenuti. In questa procedura non vengono utilizzati drastiche condizioni di reazione e il solvente è acqua, con una catalisi di trasferimento di fase o, in aggiunte di acetonitrile, in un sistema bifasico. La resa complessiva dei due “step” dipende dalla posizione dei due ossidrili nei diidrossibenzeni. Il reagente che porta la resa massima è l’idrochinone (1,4 diidrossibenzene), che, come riportato in letteratura, permette la formazione di resine epossidiche con proprietà simili alle resine di epicloridrina e bisfenolo A. The substitution of raw materials from fossil fuels with renewable biomass using a low environmental impact process is one of the greatest challenges of the "Green Chemistry". At the same time, the synthesis of epoxy resins provides the key to the realization of high added value materials. However, 90% of the production of epoxy resins is based on the use of bisphenol A, a xenoestrogen, and epichlorohydrin, that is toxic and carcinogenic. On these bases, a synthetic strategy for the synthesis of innovative prepolymers of epoxy resins, that uses dihydroxybenzenes of natural origin as reaction substrates and avoids the use of epichlorohydrin and other toxic or dangerous reagents has been identified. The above synthetic strategy is based on the sequence: allylation of dihydroxybenzenes - epoxidation of the double bonds obtained. In this procedure, drastic reaction conditions are dismissed and the solvent used is water with a phase transfer catalysis or, in addition, acetonitrile in a biphasic system. The overall yield of the two steps depends on the position of the two hydroxyls of the dihydroxybenzenes. The reagent that leads to the highest yield is hydroquinone (1,4 dihydroxybenzene), which, as reported in literature, allows the formation of epoxy resins with similar properties to the resins from bisphenol A and epichlorohydrin.
The European renewable energy directive 2009/28/EC (E.C. 2009) provides a legislative framework for reducing GHG emissions by 20%, while achieving a 20% share of energy from renewable sources by 2020. Perennial energy crops could significantly contribute to limit GHG emissions through replacing equivalent fossil fuels and by sequestering a considerable amount of carbon into the soil through the large amounts of belowground biomass produced. The objective of this study is to evaluate the effects of land use change that perennial energy crops have on croplands (switchgrass) and marginal grasslands (miscanthus). For that purpose above and belowground biomass, SOC variation and Net Ecosystem Exchange were evaluated after five years of growth. At aboveground level both crops produced high biomass under cropland conditions as well as under marginal soils. At belowground level they also produced large amounts of biomass, but no significant influences on SOC in the upper layer (0-30 cm) were found. This is probably because of the "priming effect" that caused fast carbon substitution. In switchgrass only it was found a significant SOC increase in deeper layers (30-60 cm), while in the whole soil profile (0-60 cm) SOC increased from 42 to 51 ha-1. However, the short experimental periods (for both switchgrass and miscanthus), in which land use change was evaluated, do not permit to determine the real capacity of perennial energy crops to accumulate SOC. In conclusion the large amounts of belowground biomass enhanced the SOC dynamic through the priming effect resulting in increased SOC in cropland but not in marginal grassland.
L’elaborato finale presentato per la tesi di Dottorato analizza e riconduce a unitarietà, per quanto possibile, alcune delle attività di ricerca da me svolte durante questi tre anni, il cui filo conduttore è l'impatto ambientale delle attività umane e la promozione dello sviluppo sostenibile. Il mio filone di ricerca è stato improntato, dal punto di vista di politica economica, sull'analisi storica dello sviluppo del settore agricolo dall'Unità d'Italia ai giorni nostri e dei cambiamenti avvenuti in contemporanea nel contesto socio-economico e territoriale nazionale, facendo particolare riferimento alle tematiche legate ai consumi e alla dipendenza energetica ed all'impatto ambientale. Parte della mia ricerca è stata, infatti, incentrata sull'analisi dello sviluppo della Green Economy, in particolare per quanto riguarda il settore agroalimentare e la produzione di fonti di energia rinnovabile. Enfasi viene posta sia sulle politiche implementate a livello comunitario e nazionale, sia sul cambiamento dei consumi, in particolare per quanto riguarda gli acquisti di prodotti biologici. La Green Economy è vista come fattore di sviluppo e opportunità per uscire dall'attuale contesto di crisi economico-finanziaria. Crisi, che è strutturale e di carattere duraturo, affiancata da una crescente problematica ambientale dovuta all'attuale modello produttivo, fortemente dipendente dai combustibili fossili. Difatti la necessità di cambiare paradigma produttivo promuovendo la sostenibilità è visto anche in ottica di mitigazione del cambiamento climatico e dei suoi impatti socio-economici particolare dal punto di vista dei disastri ambientali. Questo punto è analizzato anche in termini di sicurezza internazionale e di emergenza umanitaria, con riferimento al possibile utilizzo da parte delle organizzazioni di intervento nei contesti di emergenza di tecnologie alimentate da energia rinnovabile. Dando così una risposta Green ad una problematica esacerbata dall'impatto dello sviluppo delle attività umane.
Efficient energy storage and conversion is playing a key role in overcoming the present and future challenges in energy supply. Batteries provide portable, electrochemical storage of green energy sources and potentially allow for a reduction of the dependence on fossil fuels, which is of great importance with respect to the issue of global warming. In view of both, energy density and energy drain, rechargeable lithium ion batteries outperform other present accumulator systems. However, despite great efforts over the last decades, the ideal electrolyte in terms of key characteristics such as capacity, cycle life, and most important reliable safety, has not yet been identified. rnrnSteps ahead in lithium ion battery technology require a fundamental understanding of lithium ion transport, salt association, and ion solvation within the electrolyte. Indeed, well-defined model compounds allow for systematic studies of molecular ion transport. Thus, in the present work, based on the concept of ‘immobilizing’ ion solvents, three main series with a cyclotriphosphazene (CTP), hexaphenylbenzene (HBP), and tetramethylcyclotetrasiloxane (TMS) scaffold were prepared. Lithium ion solvents, among others ethylene carbonate (EC), which has proven to fulfill together with pro-pylene carbonate safety and market concerns in commercial lithium ion batteries, were attached to the different cores via alkyl spacers of variable length.rnrnAll model compounds were fully characterized, pure and thermally stable up to at least 235 °C, covering the requested broad range of glass transition temperatures from -78.1 °C up to +6.2 °C. While the CTP models tend to rearrange at elevated temperatures over time, which questions the general stability of alkoxide related (poly)phosphazenes, both, the HPB and CTP based models show no evidence of core stacking. In particular the CTP derivatives represent good solvents for various lithium salts, exhibiting no significant differences in the ionic conductivity σ_dc and thus indicating comparable salt dissociation and rather independent motion of cations and ions.rnrnIn general, temperature-dependent bulk ionic conductivities investigated via impedance spectroscopy follow a William-Landel-Ferry (WLF) type behavior. Modifications of the alkyl spacer length were shown to influence ionic conductivities only in combination to changes in glass transition temperatures. Though the glass transition temperatures of the blends are low, their conductivities are only in the range of typical polymer electrolytes. The highest σ_dc obtained at ambient temperatures was 6.0 x 10-6 S•cm-1, strongly suggesting a rather tight coordination of the lithium ions to the solvating 2-oxo-1,3-dioxolane moieties, supported by the increased σ_dc values for the oligo(ethylene oxide) based analogues.rnrnFurther insights into the mechanism of lithium ion dynamics were derived from 7Li and 13C Solid- State NMR investigations. While localized ion motion was probed by i.e. 7Li spin-lattice relaxation measurements with apparent activation energies E_a of 20 to 40 kJ/mol, long-range macroscopic transport was monitored by Pulsed-Field Gradient (PFG) NMR, providing an E_a of 61 kJ/mol. The latter is in good agreement with the values determined from bulk conductivity data, indicating the major contribution of ion transport was only detected by PFG NMR. However, the μm-diffusion is rather slow, emphasizing the strong lithium coordination to the carbonyl oxygens, which hampers sufficient ion conductivities and suggests exploring ‘softer’ solvating moieties in future electrolytes.rn
Angesichts der sich abzeichnenden Erschöpfung fossiler Ressourcen ist die Erforschung alternativer Energiequellen derzeit eines der meistbeachteten Forschungsgebiete. Durch ihr enormes Potential ist die Photovoltaik besonders im Fokus der Wissenschaft. Um großflächige Beschichtungsverfahren nutzen zu können, wird seit einigen Jahren auf dem Gebiet der Dünnschichtphotovoltaik intensiv geforscht. Jedoch sind die gegenwärtigen Solarzellenkonzepte allesamt durch die Verwendung giftiger (Cd, As) oder seltener Elemente (In, Ga) oder durch eine komplexe Phasenbildung in ihrem Potential beschränkt. Die Entwicklung alternativer Konzepte erscheint daher naheliegend.rnAufgrund dessen wurde in einem BMBF-geförderten Verbundprojekt die Abscheidung von Dünnschichten des binären Halbleiters Bi2S3 mittels physikalischer Gasphasenabscheidung mit dem Ziel der Etablierung als quasi-intrinsischer Absorber in Solarzellenstrukturen mit p-i-n-Schichtfolge hin untersucht.rnDurch sein von einem hochgradig anisotropen Bindungscharakter geprägtes Kristallwachstum war die Abscheidung glatter, einphasiger und für die Integration in eine Multischichtstruktur geeigneter Schichten mit Schichtdicken von einigen 100 nm eine der wichtigsten Herausforderungen. Die Auswirkungen der beiden Parameter Abscheidungstemperatur und Stöchiometrie wurden hinsichtlich ihrer Auswirkungen auf die relevanten Kenngrößen (wie Morphologie, Dotierungsdichte und Photolumineszenz) untersucht. Es gelang, erfolgreich polykristalline Schichten mit geeigneter Rauigkeit und einer Dotierungsdichte von n ≈ 2 1015cm-3 auf anwendungsrelevanten Substraten abzuscheiden, wobei eine besonders starke Abhängigkeit von der Gasphasenzusammensetzung ermittelt werden. Es konnten weiterhin die ersten Messungen der elektronischen Zustandsdichte unter Verwendung von Hochenergie-Photoemissionsspektroskopie durchgeführt werden, die insbesondere den Einfluss variabler Materialzusammensetzungen offenbarten.rnZum Nachweis der Eignung des Materials als Absorberschicht standen innerhalb des Projektes mit SnS, Cu2O und PbS prinzipiell geeignete p-Kontaktmaterialien zur Verfügung. Es konnten trotz der Verwendung besonders sauberer Abscheidungsmethoden im Vakuum keine funktionstüchtigen Solarzellen mit Bi2S3 deponiert werden. Jedoch war es unter Verwendung von Photoemissionspektroskopie möglich, die relevanten Grenzflächen zu spektroskopieren und die Ursachen für die Beobachtungen zu identifizieren. Zudem konnte erfolgreich die Notwendigkeit von Puffermaterialien bei der Bi2S3-Abscheidung nachgewiesen werden, um Oberflächenreaktionen zu unterbinden und die Transporteigenschaften an der Grenzfläche zu verbessern.rn
The demands for energy is leading to social and political conflicts in the world. For example, the limited resources of fossil fuels causing a dependence on the oil conveying countries in the world, leading to political discords. One way to save energy is to increase the efficiency of a process. In the field of thermoelectricity waste heat is used to produce electricity, this leads to an improvement of the efficiency. Heusler compounds with C1b structure with the general formula XY Z (X, Y = transition metal, Z = main group element) are in focus of the present thermoelectric research. Their mechanical and thermal stability is exceptional in comparison to the commonly used thermoelectric materials. The possibility to substitute small amounts of elements from the parent compound without destructing the lattice structure allows tuning the electronic properties. This tunability also allows to avoid the use of toxic and expensive elements. The reported thermoelectric Heusler compounds exhibit high electrical conductivity and moderate values of the Seebeck coefficients, which lead to a high powerfactor. The disadvantage of Heusler compounds is their high thermal conductivity. Introducing mass disorder on the X-site lattice is one effective way to produce additional phonon scattering and with it to decrease the thermal conductivity. Another approach is to implement a nano or micro structure in the thermoelectric material. This can be achieved by phase separation, composite materials, pulverization with additional spark plasma sintering or by a complex lattice structure. In the first part of this work, the influence of element substitutions on the Zr0.5Hf0.5NiSn system was investigated, to obtain the knowledge on how to optimize the electronic properties of the Heusler compounds with C1b structure. In line with this, the change of the electronic structure was investigated and a possible mechanism is predicted. In the second part of this work, the phenomenon of phase separation was investigated. First, by applying a phase separation in the well-known system Co2MnSn and subsequently by systematic investiga- tions on the TixZryHfzNiSn. In the third part, the results from the previous parts before were used to produce and explain the best reported Heusler compound with C1b structure exhibiting a Figure of Merit of ZT= 1.2 at 830 K.
Nel seguente lavoro è stata sviluppata una analisi ambientale ed economica del ciclo di vita del pellet, realizzato con scarti agricoli dalle potature degli uliveti. L’obiettivo di tale lavoro è dimostrare se effettivamente l’utilizzo del pellet apporti vantaggi sia dal punto di vista ambientale sia da quello economico. In tale progetto si sviluppano quindi un LCA, Life cycle analysis, e un LCC, Life Cycle Cost, secondo gli steps standard suggeriti da tali metodologie. Per effettuare l’analisi del ciclo di vita è stato utilizzato il software Simapro che ha permesso di valutare gli impatti ambientali sulle varie categorie di impatto incluse. In particolare sono stati considerati due metodologie, una midpoint ed una endpoint, ossia l’Ecoindicator 99 e il CML2 baseline 2000. Per le valutazioni finali è stata poi utilizzata la normativa spagnola sugli impatti ambientali, BOE 21/2013 del 9 dicembre, che ci ha permesso di caraterizzare le varie categorie d’impatto facendo emergere quelle più impattate e quelle meno impattate. I risultati finali hanno mostrato che la maggior parte degli impatti sono di tipo compatibile e moderato; pochi, invece, sono gli impatti severi e compatibili, che si riscontrano soprattutto nella categoria d’impatto “Fossil Fuels”. Per quanto riguarda invece l’analisi economica, si è proceduto effettuando una valutazione iniziale fatta su tutto il processo produttivo considerato, poi una valutazione dal punto di vista del produttore attraverso una valutazione dell’investimento ed infine, una valutazione dal punto di vista del cliente finale. Da queste valutazioni è emerso che ciò risulta conveniente dal punto di vista economico non solo per il produttore ma anche per l’utente finale. Per il primo perché dopo i primi due anni di esercizio recupera l’investimento iniziale iniziando ad avere un guadagno; e per il secondo, poiché il prezzo del pellet è inferiore a quello del metano. Quindi, in conclusione, salvo cambiamenti in ambito normativo ed economico, l’utilizzo del pellet realizzato da scarti di potature di uliveti risulta essere una buona soluzione per realizzare energia termica sia dal punto di vista ambientale, essendo il pellet una biomassa il cui ciclo produttivo non impatta severamente sull’ambiente; sia dal punto di vista economico permettendo al produttore introiti nell’arco del breve tempo e favorendo al cliente finale un risparmio di denaro sulla bolletta.