993 resultados para Format
The main purpose of this work was the development of procedures for the simulation of atmospheric ows over complex terrain, using OpenFOAM. For this aim, tools and procedures were developed apart from this code for the preprocessing and data extraction, which were thereafter applied in the simulation of a real case. For the generation of the computational domain, a systematic method able to translate the terrain elevation model to a native OpenFOAM format (blockMeshDict) was developed. The outcome was a structured mesh, in which the user has the ability to de ne the number of control volumes and its dimensions. With this procedure, the di culties of case set up and the high computation computational e ort reported in literature associated to the use of snappyHexMesh, the OpenFOAM resource explored until then for the accomplishment of this task, were considered to be overwhelmed. Developed procedures for the generation of boundary conditions allowed for the automatic creation of idealized inlet vertical pro les, de nition of wall functions boundary conditions and the calculation of internal eld rst guesses for the iterative solution process, having as input experimental data supplied by the user. The applicability of the generated boundary conditions was limited to the simulation of turbulent, steady-state, incompressible and neutrally strati ed atmospheric ows, always recurring to RaNS (Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes) models. For the modelling of terrain roughness, the developed procedure allowed to the user the de nition of idealized conditions, like an uniform aerodynamic roughness length or making its value variable as a function of topography characteristic values, or the using of real site data, and it was complemented by the development of techniques for the visual inspection of generated roughness maps. The absence and the non inclusion of a forest canopy model limited the applicability of this procedure to low aerodynamic roughness lengths. The developed tools and procedures were then applied in the simulation of a neutrally strati ed atmospheric ow over the Askervein hill. In the performed simulations was evaluated the solution sensibility to di erent convection schemes, mesh dimensions, ground roughness and formulations of the k - ε and k - ω models. When compared to experimental data, calculated values showed a good agreement of speed-up in hill top and lee side, with a relative error of less than 10% at a height of 10 m above ground level. Turbulent kinetic energy was considered to be well simulated in the hill windward and hill top, and grossly predicted in the lee side, where a zone of ow separation was also identi ed. Despite the need of more work to evaluate the importance of the downstream recirculation zone in the quality of gathered results, the agreement between the calculated and experimental values and the OpenFOAM sensibility to the tested parameters were considered to be generally in line with the simulations presented in the reviewed bibliographic sources.
O crescente aumento da consciencialização da importância da fase de operação e manutenção, bem como a amplificação que a metodologia Building Information Modelling (BIM) tem obtido nos últimos anos, sugere uma necessidade de alterar a atual abordagem da gestão das instalações de forma a dotá-la das mais recentes inovações tecnológicas como seja a utilização do BIM. Os Building Information Models apresentam as características ideais para a integração da gestão das instalações, não só pela visualização do edifício, mas sobretudo pela potencialidade que a base de dados oferece, com informação referente a cada um dos componentes presentes e suas relações. O âmbito deste trabalho envolve assim a integração da gestão das instalações com o modelo BIM criado, representativo do edifício em estudo. Este trabalho começa com as definições do âmbito e dos objetivos que são propostos no Capítulo 1. No Capítulo 2, é elaborada uma pesquisa sobre o estado da arte atual de cada uma das metodologias BIM e FM, de forma a tomar conhecimento dos seus conceitos principais. Foi feito também um levantamento no campo do BIM-FM de forma a apurar as atuais soluções tecnológicas existentes, a forma como é feita a sua troca de informação e também alguns casos em que esta metodologia foi aplicada. Com base na informação recolhida sobre as metodologias e também nos casos práticos estudados, é realizado no Capítulo 3, capítulo central deste trabalho, a aplicação prática. A realização desta aplicação é dividida por 3 fases principais. Numa primeira fase é especificada e recolhida a informação necessária de ser obtida para a realização do modelo e a posterior aplicação do FM. A escolha da informação a recolher é feita ponderando todos os fatores existentes, mas de forma a cumprir os requisitos pedidos. Numa segunda fase, assente na compilação de informação recolhida anteriormente, realiza-se o modelo do edifício. A modelação, de forma a seguir o método de trabalho BIM é realizada por especialidades, sendo numa primeira fase realizada a especialidade de arquitetura e posteriormente, utilizando esse modelo como base, é feita a modelação das especialidades de águas, águas residuais, AVAC e eletricidade. Esta escolha foi também estimulada pela organização do software utilizado para a modelação, por módulos. Na última fase da aplicação do caso prático a informação inserida na fase de modelação do edifício é exportada para o software de FM, neste caso em específico, o IBM Maximo. Para a exportação destes dados foi utilizado o formato Construction Operations Building Information Exchange (COBie), de forma a garantir a integridade e conformidade da informação transferida. No Capítulo 4 deste trabalho são abordadas as especificidades relativas à informação existente, à modelação e à troca de dados entre o software de modelação e o software utilizado na gestão do edifício. São também sugeridos alguns temas para futuros desenvolvimentos com o intuito de ampliação dos campos de FM com o uso do modelo. O BIM-FM é um tema emergente na atualidade do BIM, sendo a sua utilização encarada como uma mais-valia ao processo BIM. A compilação da informação durante a fase de projeto e execução, aliada à existência do modelo torna a implementação do FM com o modelo BIM como uma sequência natural.
The concept of Learning Object (LO) is crucial for the standardization on eLearning. The latest LO standard from IMS Global Learning Consortium is the IMS Common Cartridge (IMS CC) that organizes and distributes digital learning content. By analyzing this new specification we considered two interoperability levels: content and communication. A common content format is the backbone of interoperability and is the basis for content exchange among eLearning systems. Communication is more than just exchanging content; it includes also accessing to specialized systems and services and reporting on content usage. This is particularly important when LOs are used for evaluation. In this paper we analyze the Common Cartridge profile based on the two interoperability levels we proposed. We detail its data model that comprises a set of derived schemata referenced on the CC schema and we explore the use of the IMS Learning Tools Interoperability (LTI) to allow remote tools and content to be integrated into a Learning Management System (LMS). In order to test the applicability of IMS CC for automatic evaluation we define a representation of programming exercises using this standard. This representation is intended to be the cornerstone of a network of eLearning systems where students can solve computer programming exercises and obtain feedback automatically. The CC learning object is automatically generated based on a XML dialect called PExIL that aims to consolidate all the data need to describe resources within the programming exercise life-cycle. Finally, we test the generated cartridge on the IMS CC online validator to verify its conformance with the IMS CC specification.
Assessment plays a vital role in learning. This is certainly the case with assessment of computer programs, both in curricular and competitive learning. The lack of a standard – or at least a widely used format – creates a modern Ba- bel tower made of Learning Objects, of assessment items that cannot be shared among automatic assessment systems. These systems whose interoperability is hindered by the lack of a common format include contest management systems, evaluation engines, repositories of learning objects and authoring tools. A prag- matical approach to remedy this problem is to create a service to convert among existing formats. A kind of translation service specialized in programming prob- lems formats. To convert programming exercises on-the-fly among the most used formats is the purpose of the BabeLO – a service to cope with the existing Babel of Learning Object formats for programming exercises. BabeLO was designed as a service to act as a middleware in a network of systems typically used in auto- matic assessment of programs. It provides support for multiple exercise formats and can be used by: evaluation engines to assess exercises regardless of its format; repositories to import exercises from various sources; authoring systems to create exercises in multiple formats or based on exercises from other sources. This paper analyses several of existing formats to highlight both their differ- ences and their similar features. Based on this analysis it presents an approach to extensible format conversion. It presents also the features of PExIL, the pivotal format in which the conversion is based; and the function definitions of the proposed service – BabeLO. Details on the design and implementation of BabeLO, including the service API and the interfaces required to extend the conversion to a new format, are also provided. To evaluate the effectiveness and efficiency of this approach this paper reports on two actual uses of BabeLO: to relocate exercises to a different repository; and to use an evaluation engine in a network of heterogeneous systems.
The two largest causes for battery consumption on mobile devices are related with the display and network operations. Since most application need to share data and communicate with remote servers, communications should be as lightweight and efficient as possible. In network communication, serialization plays a central role as the process of converting an object into a stream of bytes. One of the most popular data-interchange format is JSON (JavaScript Object Notation). This paper presents a survey on JSON parsers in mobile scenarios. The aim of the survey is to find the most efficient JSON parser in mobile communications characterised by high transfer rate of small amounts of data. In the performance benchmark we compare the time required to read and write data with several popular JSON parser implementations such as Gson, Jackson, org.json and others. The results of this survey are important for others that need to select an efficient parser for mobile communication.
Trabalho Final de Mestrado para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia de Eletrónica e Telecomunicações
This research, still at an early stage, and then presented in a poster format, intended to explain the management of organizational performance of a family business in the succession process using the case study method. The scripts for semi-structured interviews that will apply to managers, owners and other workers who are deemed suitable for the investigation, which include relatives of the owners of the company are being developed. For this work the model of organizational performance management developed by David Otley in 1999 [1], consisting of five questions that seek to explain the existing performance management in any organization is utilized.
Dissertação apresentada à Escola Superior de Comunicação Social como parte dos requisitos para obtenção de grau de mestre em Jornalismo.
Relatório de Estágio submetido à Escola Superior de Teatro e Cinema para cumprimento dos requisitos necessários à obtenção do grau de Mestre em Teatro, especialização em Artes Performativas - interpretação.
Este projecto de aplicação do Método Húngaro no Ensino Especializado da Música – “Música tradicional na Iniciação Musical: Uma proposta de ordem de aprendizagem” – foi previsto para funcionamento na turma de 1º ano de Iniciação Musical no Conservatório Regional de Setúbal. O Método Húngaro foi desenvolvido na década de 40 a partir do Conceito de Educação Musical de Kodály e foi já adaptado a muitos países, independentemente das características da sua música tradicional e dos sistemas de leitura utilizados por norma. Este projecto formulou uma proposta de ordem de aprendizagem dos nomes das notas através de repertório tradicional português. Esta ordem de aprendizagem é apenas numa fase inicial igual à sequência utilizada na Hungria, progredindo posteriormente para um contexto tonal. Foram realizados registos em formato vídeo da performance da turma do repertório tradicional recolhido para o 1º ano. Este é um projecto em continuidade, que terá aplicação prática nas próximas turmas de Iniciação Musical.
Belief revision is a critical issue in real world DAI applications. A Multi-Agent System not only has to cope with the intrinsic incompleteness and the constant change of the available knowledge (as in the case of its stand alone counterparts), but also has to deal with possible conflicts between the agents’ perspectives. Each semi-autonomous agent, designed as a combination of a problem solver – assumption based truth maintenance system (ATMS), was enriched with improved capabilities: a distributed context management facility allowing the user to dynamically focus on the more pertinent contexts, and a distributed belief revision algorithm with two levels of consistency. This work contributions include: (i) a concise representation of the shared external facts; (ii) a simple and innovative methodology to achieve distributed context management; and (iii) a reduced inter-agent data exchange format. The different levels of consistency adopted were based on the relevance of the data under consideration: higher relevance data (detected inconsistencies) was granted global consistency while less relevant data (system facts) was assigned local consistency. These abilities are fully supported by the ATMS standard functionalities.
Multi-agent architectures are well suited for complex inherently distributed problem solving domains. From the many challenging aspects that arise within this framework, a crucial one emerges: how to incorporate dynamic and conflicting agent beliefs? While the belief revision activity in a single agent scenario is concentrated on incorporating new information while preserving consistency, in a multi-agent system it also has to deal with possible conflicts between the agents perspectives. To provide an adequate framework, each agent, built as a combination of an assumption based belief revision system and a cooperation layer, was enriched with additional features: a distributed search control mechanism allowing dynamic context management, and a set of different distributed consistency methodologies. As a result, a Distributed Belief Revision Testbed (DiBeRT) was developed. This paper is a preliminary report presenting some of DiBeRT contributions: a concise representation of external beliefs; a simple and innovative methodology to achieve distributed context management; and a reduced inter-agent data exchange format.
O ensino a distância evoluiu muito desde o tempo em que o formando recebia os materiais por correspondência. Já nessa altura os formandos trabalhavam ao seu ritmo e concluíam a formação de acordo com o seu trabalho e agenda pessoal. Hoje, apesar dos cursos por correspondência ainda existirem, estão rapidamente a ser substituídos pela formação a distância. E este sucesso da educação a distância tem levado ao surgimento de ofertas diferentes e novos modelos de negócio. Existem diversas soluções de organização dos cursos a distância. O formato depende essencialmente dos objectivos do curso. A escolha do tipo de solução para a oferta a distância depende, também, dos objectivos e experiência da instituição. Nesta comunicação propomo-nos apresentar o caso do ISCAP, a evolução da oferta formativa a distância nesta escola, os tipos de oferta actuais e algumas preocupações para o futuro. Pretende-se, ainda levantar algumas questões que necessitam de estudo e resposta, apontando caminhos para investigação futura.
Given the significant impact that cultural events may have in local communities and the inherent organization complexity, it is important to understand their specificities. Most of the times cultural events disregard marketing and often marketing is distant from art. Thus an analysis of an inside perspective might bring significant returns to the organization of such an event. This paper considers the three editions (2011, 2012 and 2013) of a cultural event – Noc Noc – organized by a local association in the city of Guimarães, Portugal. Its format is based in analogous events, as Noc Noc intends to convert everyday spaces (homes, commercial outlets and a number of other buildings) into cultural spaces, processed and transformed by artists, hosts and audiences. By interviewing a sample of people (20) who have hosted this cultural event, sometimes doubling as artists, and by experiencing the three editions of the event, this paper illustrates how the internal public understands this particular cultural event, analyzing specifically their motivations, ways of acting and participating, as well as their relationship with the public, with the organization of the event and with art in general. Results support that artists and hosts motivations must be identified in a timely and appropriate moment, as well as their views of this particular cultural event, in order to keep them participating, since low budget cultural events such as this one may have a key role in small scale cities.
Trabalho de Projeto submetido à Escola Superior de Teatro e Cinema para cumprimento dos requisitos necessários à obtenção do grau de Mestre em Teatro, Artes Performativas – Especialização em Interpretação.