695 resultados para Flyvbjerg, Bent


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Benthic foraminifers from Ocean Drilling Program Leg 199 Holes 1215A, 1220B, and 1221C were examined across the Paleocene/Eocene boundary. Assemblages were studied in 240 samples. The benthic foraminiferal extinction event that correlates with the Paleocene/Eocene epoch boundary was recognized at these sites. Benthic assemblages before the event are characterized by high diversity, but those after the event are low in diversity. An assemblage of agglutinated foraminifers without carbonate cement was recognized at Sites 1220 and 1221. These assemblages were typically found after the event. The discovery of such agglutinated assemblages has never been reported before at this boundary.


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At marine seeps, methane is microbially oxidized resulting in the precipitation of carbonates close to the seafloor. Methane oxidation leads to sulfate depletion in sediment pore water, which induces a change in redox conditions. Rare earth element (REE) patterns of authigenic carbonate phases collected from modern seeps of the Gulf of Mexico, the Black Sea, and the Congo Fan were analyzed. Different carbonate minerals including aragonite and calcite with different crystal habits have been selected for analysis. Total REE content (SumREE) of seep carbonates varies widely, from 0.1 ppm to 42.5 ppm, but a common trend is that the SumREE in microcrystalline phases is higher than that of the associated later phases including micospar, sparite and blocky cement, suggesting that SumREE may be a function of diagenesis. The shale-normalized REE patterns of the seep carbonates often show different Ce anomalies even in samples from a specific site, suggesting that the formation conditions of seep carbonates are variable and complex. Overall, our results show that apart from anoxic, oxic conditions are at least temporarily common in seep environments.


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The benthic isotopic record of Miocene Cibicidoides from Site 709 provides a record of conditions in the Indian Ocean at a depth of about 3200 mbsf. As expected, the record qualitatively resembles those of other Deep Sea Drilling Project and Ocean Drilling Program sites. The data are consistent with the scenario for the evolution of thermohaline circulation in the Miocene Indian Ocean proposed by Woodruff and Savin (1989, doi:10.1029/PA004i001p00087). Further testing of that scenario, however, requires isotopic data for Cibicidoides from other Indian Ocean sites. There is a correlation between d13C values of Cibicidoides and planktonic:benthic (P:B)ratios of Site 709 sediments, implying a causal relationship between the corrosiveness of deep waters and concentration of CO2 derived from oxidation of organic matter.


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Sediment samples taken at close intervals across four major unconformities (middle Miocene/upper Miocene, lower Oligocene/upper Oligocene, lower Eocene/upper Eocene, lower Paleocene/upper Paleocene) at DSDP-IPOD Site 548, Goban Spur, reveal that coeval biostratigraphic gaps, sediment discontinuities, and seismic unconformities coincide with postulated low stands of sea level. Foraminiferal, lithic, and isotopic analyses demonstrate that environments began to shift prior to periods of marine erosion, and that sedimentation resumed in the form of turbidites derived from nearby upper-slope sources. The unconformities appear to have developed where a water-mass boundary intersected the continental slope, rhythmically crossing the drill site in concert with sea-level rise and fall.


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The glacial climate system transitioned rapidly between cold (stadial) and warm (interstadial) conditions in the Northern Hemisphere. This variability, referred to as Dansgaard-Oeschger variability, is widely believed to arise from perturbations of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation. Evidence for such changes during the longer Heinrich stadials has been identified, but direct evidence for overturning circulation changes during Dansgaard-Oeschger events has proven elusive. Here we reconstruct bottom water [CO3]2- variability from B/Ca ratios of benthic foraminifera and indicators of sedimentary dissolution, and use these reconstructions to infer the flow of northern-sourced deep water to the deep central sub-Antarctic Atlantic Ocean. We find that nearly every Dansgaard-Oeschger interstadial is accompanied by a rapid incursion of North Atlantic Deep Water into the deep South Atlantic. Based on these results and transient climate model simulations, we conclude that North Atlantic stadial-interstadial climate variability was associated with significant Atlantic overturning circulation changes that were rapidly transmitted across the Atlantic. However, by demonstrating the persistent role of Atlantic overturning circulation changes in past abrupt climate variability, our reconstructions of carbonate chemistry further indicate that the carbon cycle response to abrupt climate change was not a simple function of North Atlantic overturning.


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Sites 1147 (18°50.11'N, 116°33.28'E; water depth = 3246 m) and 1148 (18°50.17'N, 116°33.94'E; water depth = 3294 m) are located on the lowermost continental slope off southern China near the continent/ocean crust boundary of the South China Sea Basin. Site 1147 is located upslope ~0.45 nmi west of Site 1148. Three advanced piston corer holes at Site 1147 and two extended core barrel holes at Site 1148 were cored and combined into a composite (spliced) stratigraphic section, which provided a relatively continuous profile for the lower Oligocene to Holocene (Wang, Prell, Blum, et al., 2000, doi:10.2973/odp.proc.ir.184.2000; Jian, et al., 2001, doi:10.1007/BF02907088) for studying stratigraphy and paleoceanography. A total of 1047 planktonic foraminifers stable isotope measurements were performed on 975 samples covering the upper 409.58 meters composite depth (mcd) at ~42-cm intervals (Tables T1, T2), and a total of 1864 benthic foraminifers measurements were performed on 1650 samples in the upper 837.11 mcd at ~51-cm intervals (Tables T3, T4). We significantly improved the time resolution of the benthic stable isotope record in the upper 476.68 mcd by reducing the average sample spacing to ~29 cm. This translates into an average sampling resolution of ~16 k.y. for the Miocene sequence and ~8 k.y. for the Pliocene-Holocene interval, assuming a change in sedimentation rates from ~1.8 to ~3.5 cm/k.y., as suggested by shipboard stratigraphy. These data sets provide the basis for upcoming studies to establish an oxygen isotope stratigraphy and examine the Neogene evolution of deep and surface water signatures (temperature, salinity, and nutrients) in the South China Sea.


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Here we present an improved astronomical timescale since 5 Ma as recorded in the ODP Site 1143 in the southern South China Sea, using a recently published Asian summer monsoon record (hematite to goethite content ratio, Hm/Gt) and a parallel benthic d18O record. Correlation of the benthic d18O record to the stack of 57 globally distributed benthic d18O records (LR04 stack) and the Hm/Gt curve to the 65°N summer insolation curve is a particularly useful approach to obtain refined timescales. Hence, it constitutes the basis for our effort. Our proposed modifications result in a more accurate and robust chronology than the existing astronomical timescale for the ODP Site 1143. This updated timescale further enables a detailed study of the orbital variability of low-latitude Asian summer monsoon throughout the Plio-Pleistocene. Comparison of the Hm/Gt record with the d18O record from the same core reveals that the oscillations of low-latitude Asian summer monsoon over orbital scales differed considerably from the glacial-interglacial climate cycles. The popular view that summer monsoon intensifies during interglacial stages and weakens during glacial stages appears to be too simplistic for low-latitude Asia. In low-latitude Asia, some strong summer monsoon intervals appear to have also occurred during glacial stages in addition to their increased occurrence during interglacial stages. Vice versa, some notably weak summer monsoon intervals have also occurred during interglacial stages next to their anticipated occurrence during glacial stages. The well-known mid-Pleistocene transition (MPT) is only identified in the benthic d18O record but not in the Hm/Gt record from the same core. This suggests that the MPT may be a feature of high- and middle-latitude climates, possibly determined by high-latitude ice sheet dynamics. For low-latitude monsoonal climate, its orbital-scale variations respond more directly to insolation and are little influenced by high-latitude processes, thus the MPT is likely not recorded. In addition, the Hm/Gt record suggests that low-latitude Asian summer monsoon intensity has a long-term decreasing trend since 2.8 Ma with increased oscillation amplitude. This long-term variability is presumably linked to the Northern Hemisphere glaciation since then.


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We present a high resolution, multiproxy study of the relationship between pelagic and benthic environments of a coastal upwelling system in the subtropical NE Atlantic Ocean. Marine sediments corresponding to late MIS3 to the Holocene in the radiocarbon dated core GeoB7926, retrieved off Mauritania (21°N) were analysed to reconstruct productivity in surface waters and its linkage to deep waters during the last 35 ka BP. High latitude cold events and changes in atmospheric and oceanographic dynamics influenced upwelling intensity over this time period. Subsequently, this caused changes in primary productivity off this low-latitude coastal upwelling locality. The benthic foraminiferal fauna displays four main community shifts corresponding to fundamental climatic events, first of all during late MIS3 (35-28 ka BP), secondly from 28 to 19 ka BP (including Heinrich event 2 and the LGM), thirdly within Heinrich event 1, the Bølling Allerød and the Younger Dryas (18-11.5 ka BP) and finally during the Holocene (11.5-0 ka BP). In particular, strong pelagic-benthic coupling is apparent in MIS 3, as demonstrated by increased primary productivity, indicated by moderate DAR and the dominance of benthic foraminiferal species which prefer fresh phytodetritus. A decline in upwelling intensity and nutrient availability follows, which resulted in a proportionately larger amount of older, degraded matter, provoking a shift in the benthic foraminifera fauna composition. This rapid response of the benthic environment continues with a progressive increase in upwelling intensity due to sea level and oceanographic changes and according high surface production during the LGM. During Heinrich event 1 and the Younger Dryas, extreme levels of primary production actually hindered benthic environment through the development of low oxygen conditions. After this period, a final change in benthic foraminiferal community composition occurs which indicates a return to more oxygenated conditions during the Holocene.


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The 136 m of calcareous oozes recovered in Hole 810C span the interval from upper Maastrichtian to middle Pleistocene. Three major hiatuses interrupt the sequence, with the topmost part of the Maastrichtian through the entire lower Paleocene, most of the lower Eocene, and the entire middle Eocene through most of the middle Miocene missing. Severe reworking and displacement affected the lower part of the succession from the Maastrichtian through the middle Miocene. Reworking and displacement gradually decreased in the upper portion. Calcareous nannofossil biostratigraphy enabled us to calibrate precisely the nearly complete magnetic reversal sequence of the Pliocene to the late Pleistocene. Two minor hiatuses detected by calcareous nannofossils across the Pliocene/Pleistocene boundary and in the upper lower Pleistocene, respectively, resulted in shortening of the Olduvai and Jaramillo Events within the Matuyama Chron of the magnetic reversal sequence.


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This paper presents the planktonic foraminifer biostratigraphy of the sites drilled during Ocean Drilling Program Leg 124 in the Celebes and Sulu Seas. It discusses preservation of foraminifers in pelagic sediments and in calcareous turbidites. In the Celebes Sea, pelagic carbonates are only found in the Eocene and Oligocene at Site 770. The faunas are poorly preserved due to severe dissolution and offer little biostratigraphic detail. In the Sulu Sea, pelagic carbonates are found in the upper Pliocene and Pleistocene at Sites 768 and 769 and throughout the recovered sequence at the shallower Site 771. The foraminifer faunas from these sediments allow for recognition of most standard zones. Variations in preservation of pelagic foraminifer faunas with time are due to changes in the depth of the lysocline. Shifts to improved preservation at Sites 768 and 769 are synchronous in the upper Pliocene/Pleistocene and may be related to global sea-level cycles. Planktonic foraminifers are also abundant in calcareous turbidites, which were deposited in both basins from the late Miocene onward. However, the turbidites are fine-grained, and biostratigraphic marker species are absent as a result of size-sorting during transport. In the Celebes Sea, shelf-derived material was a major component of early-late Miocene and middle Pliocene to early Pleistocene turbidites. Changes in the composition of the turbidites may correspond to global sea-level changes. In the Sulu Sea, a shift from shelf-derived material in Pliocene calcareous turbidites to a pelagic source in the Pleistocene may be related to subsidence of the Cagayan Ridge.


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We reconstruct paleoproductivity at three sites in the Atlantic Ocean (Ocean Drilling Program Sites 982, 925, and 1088) to investigate the presence and extent of the late Miocene to early Pliocene 'biogenic bloom' from 9 to 3 Ma. Our approach involves construction of multiple records including benthic foraminiferal and CaCO3 accumulation rates, Uvigerina counts, dissolution proxies, and geochemical tracers for biogenic and detrital fluxes. This time interval also contains the so-called late Miocene carbon isotope shift, a well-known decrease in benthic foraminiferal d13C values. We find that the timing of paleoproductivity maxima differs among the three sites. At Site 982 (North Atlantic), benthic foraminifera and CaCO3 accumulation were both at a maximum at ~5 Ma, with smaller peaks at ~6 Ma. The paleoproductivity maximum was centered earlier (~6.6-6.0 Ma) in the tropical Atlantic (Site 925). In the South Atlantic (Site 1088), paleoproductivity increased even earlier, between 8.2 Ma and 6.2 Ma, and remained relatively high until ~5.4 Ma. We note that there is some overlap between the interval of maximum productivity between Sites 925 and 1088, as well as the minor productivity increase at Site 982. We conclude that the paleoproductivity results support hypotheses aiming to place the biogenic bloom into a global context of enhanced productivity. In addition, we find that at all three sites the d13C shift is accompanied by carbonate dissolution. This observation is consistent with published studies that have sought a relationship between the late Miocene carbon isotope shift and carbonate preservation.


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The first marine incursion of the incipient North Atlantic Ocean is recorded in the uppermost Triassic to Lower Jurassic sequence of DSDP Site 547 off central Morocco. A lithologic change from continental red beds below to slope breccias and hemipelagic carbonates above indicates that a carbonate ramp was probably established by Sinemurian time along the Moroccan continental margin and that subsidence in the adjacent basin was rapid in the early phases of continental rift. Foraminifers recovered from the Liassic (Sinemurian-Pliensbachian) basinal deposits are diverse and well preserved. The faunas are compositionally similar to contemporaneous neritic assemblages of Europe and the Grand Banks of Newfoundland. The Middle Jurassic in Hole 547B is characterized by regressive deposits that are poor in foraminifers. The major Late Jurassic "Atlantic" transgression is again represented by basinal deposits consisting of limestone breccias and pelagic carbonates. Foraminifers recovered from this interval are transitional between Late Jurassic assemblages reported from deep-sea deposits in the North Atlantic and typical Late Jurassic neritic assemblages of Europe. The Late Jurassic assemblages of Hole 547B are primarily dominated by nodosariids and spirillinids with moderate abundances of simple arenaceous forms. Nonreticulate epistominids occur very rarely in the Upper Jurassic of Hole 547B. It is tentatively suggested that these represent upper bathyal assemblages.


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We report on benthic foraminifer results from Site 717 in the Distal Bengal Fan. Only 80 out of 380 samples contained useful benthic foraminifer information. However, we were able to identify four assemblages: 1. A present-day one dominated by Nuttallides umbonifera with some North Atlantic species; 2. An agglutinated fauna consisting of one species; 3. A reworked assemblage consisting of shallow-water forms; and 4. A reworked fauna consisting of an abundance of all kinds of forms including Cretaceous species. The reworked assemblage 4, we believe, represents a period when fan sediments were blocked from this area by east-west trending intraplate deformation. In the remainder of the core section, sedimentation appears to be dominated by Fan deposition with abundant terrestrial debris. In the infrequent pelagic intervals, it appears that abyssal water masses changed little since the late Miocene.


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Taxonomic composition and structure of assemblages of the present-day benthic Foraminifera in the Kara Sea has been studied on the base of 37 samples of surface sediments. Three assemblages have been distinguished by composition of dominant species. The assemblage Cribrostomoides subglobosus-Tritaxis nana with prevalence of agglutinating forms, typical for abyssal areas of the World Ocean, occurs in brown oozes in the deep western part of the sea at depths 70-375 m under conditions of considerable bottom stratification. The assemblage Elphidium clavatum-Cassidulina reniforme consists predominantly of species with calcareous shells and is characterized by a wide range of species; this assemblage occurs in the eastern part of the sea at depths 30-90 m in a well-aerated area. Species typical for sublittoral areas of polar regions are dominant. The assemblage Elphidium clavatum-Haynesina orbiculare occupies the littoral estuarine part of the sea. This assemblage is poor in species and not abundant, and it occurs under influence of freshened water masses undersaturated with dissolved carbonaceous matter.


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Foraminiferal assemblages were studied in northern Barents Sea core ASV 880 along with oxygen and carbon isotope measurements in planktonic (N. pachyderma sin.) and benthic (E. clavatum) species. AMS C-14 measurements performed on molluscs Yoldiella spp. show that this core provides a detailed and undisturbed record of Holocene climatic changes over the last 10000 calendar years. Surface and deep waters were very cold (<0°C) at the beginning of the Holocene. C. reniforme dominated the highly diverse benthic foraminiferal assemblage. From 10 to 7.8 cal. ka BP, a warming trend culminated in a temperature optimum, which developed between 7.8 and 6.8 cal. ka BP. During this optimum, the input of Atlantic water to the Barents Sea reached its maximum. The Atlantic water mass invaded the whole Franz Victoria Trough and was present from subsurface to the bottom. No bottom water, which would form through rejection of brine during winter, was present at the core depth (388 m). The water stratification was therefore greatly reduced as compared to the present. An increase in percentage of I. helenae/norcrossi points to long seasonal ice-free conditions. The temperature optimum ended rather abruptly, with the return of cold polar waters into the trough within a few centuries. This was accompanied by a dramatic reduction of the abundance of C. reniforme. During the upper Holocene, the more opportunistic species E. clavatum became progressively dominant and the water column was more stratified. Deep water in Franz Victoria Trough contained a significant amount of cold Barents Sea bottom water as it does today, while subsurface water warmed progressively until about 3.7 cal. ka BP and reached temperatures similar to those of today. These long-term climatic changes were cut by several cold events of short duration, in particular one in the middle of the temperature optimum and another, which coincides most probably with the 8.2 ka BP cold event. Both long- and short-term climatic changes in the Barents Sea are associated with changes in the flow of Atlantic waters and the oceanic conveyor belt.