930 resultados para Flow through porous media
This paper deals with the prediction of pressure and velocity fields on the 2415-3S airfoil which will be used for and unmanned aerial vehicle with internal propulsion system and in this way analyze the air flow through an internal duct of the airfoil using computational fluid dynamics. The main objective is to evaluate the effect of the internal air flow past the airfoil and how this affects the aerodynamic performance by means of lift and drag forces. For this purpose, three different designs of the internal duct were studied; starting from the base 2415-3S airfoil developed in previous investigation, basing on the hypothesis of decreasing the flow separation produced when the propulsive airflow merges the external flow, and in this way obtaining the best configuration. For that purpose, an exhaustive study of the mesh sensitivity was performed. It was used a non-structured mesh since the computational domain is tridimensional and complex. The selected mesh contains approximately 12.5 million elements. Both the computational domain and the numerical solution were made with commercial CAD and CFD software respectively. Air, incompressible and steady was analyzed. The boundary conditions are in concordance with experimental setup in the AF 6109 wind tunnel. The k-ε model is utilized to describe the turbulent flow process as followed in references. Results allowed obtaining pressure and velocity contours as well as lift and drag coefficients and also the location of separation and reattachment regions in some cases for zero degrees of angle of attack on the internal and external surfaces of the airfoil. Finally, the selection of the configuration with the best aerodynamic performance was made, selecting the option without curved baffles.
Radon gas (Rn) is a natural radioactive gas present in some soils and able to penetrate buildings through the building envelope in contact with the soil. Radon can accumulate within buildings and consequently be inhaled by their occupants. Because it is a radioactive gas, its disintegration process produces alpha particles that, in contact with the lung epithelia, can produce alterations potentially giving rise to cancer. Many international organizations related to health protection, such as WHO, confirm this causality. One way to avoid the accumulation of radon in buildings is to use the building envelope as a radon barrier. The extent to which concrete provides such a barrier is described by its radon diffusion coefficient (DRn), a parameter closely related to porosity (ɛ) and tortuosity factor (τ). The measurement of the radon diffusion coefficient presents challenges, due to the absence of standard procedures, the requirement to establish adequate airtightness in testing apparatus (referred to here as the diffusion cell), and due to the fact that measurement has to be carried out in an environment certified for use of radon calibrated sources. In addition to this calibrated radon sources are costly. The measurement of the diffusion coefficient for non-radioactive gas is less complex, but nevertheless retains a degree of difficulty due to the need to provide reliably airtight apparatus for all tests. Other parameters that can characterize and describe the process of gas transport through concrete include the permeability coefficient (K) and the electrical resistivity (ρe), both of which can be measured relatively easily with standardized procedure. The use of these parameters would simplify the characterization of concrete behaviour as a radon barrier. Although earlier studies exist, describing correlation among these parameters, there is, as has been observed in the literature, little common ground between the various research efforts. For precisely this reason, prior to any attempt to measure radon diffusion, it was deemed necessary to carry out further research in this area, as a foundation to the current work, to explore potential relationships among the following parameters: porosity-tortuosity, oxygen diffusion coefficient, permeability coefficient and resistivity. Permeability coefficient measurement (m2) presents a more straightforward challenge than diffusion coefficient measurement. Some authors identify a relationship between both coefficients, including Gaber (1988), who proposes: k= a•Dn Equation 1 Where: a=A/(8ΠD020), A = sample cross-section, D020 = diffusion coefficient in air (m2/s). Other studies (Klink et al. 1999, Gaber and Schlattner 1997, Gräf and Grube et al. 1986), experimentally relate both coefficients of different types of concrete confirming that this relationship exists, as represented by the simplified expression: k≈Dn Equation 2 In each particular study a different value for n was established, varying from 1.3 to 2.5, but this requires determination of a value for n in a more general way because these proposed models cannot estimate diffusion coefficient. If diffusion coefficient has to be measured to be able to establish n, these relationships are not interesting. The measurement of electric resistivity is easier than diffusion coefficient measurement. Correlation between the parameters can be established via Einstein´s law that relates movement of electrical charges to media conductivity according to the expression: D_e=k/ρ Equation 3 Where: De = diffusion coefficient (cm2/s), K = constant, ρ = electric resistivity (Ω•cm). The tortuosity factor is used to represent the uneven geometry of concrete pores, which are described as being not straight, but tortuous. This factor was first introduced in the literature to relate global porosity with fluid transport in a porous media, and can be formulated in a number of different ways. For example, it can take the form of equation 4 (Mason y Malinauskas), which combines molecular and Knudsen diffusion using the tortuosity factor: D=ε^τ (3/2r √(πM/8RT+1/D_0 ))^(-1) Equation 4 Where: r = medium radius obtained from MIP (µm), M = gas molecular mass, R = ideal gases constant, T = temperature (K), D0 = coefficient diffusion in the air (m2/s). Few studies provide any insight as to how to obtain the tortuosity factor. The work of Andrade (2012) is exceptional in this sense, as it outlines how the tortuosity factor can be deduced from pore size distribution (from MIP) from the equation: ∅_th=∅_0•ε^(-τ). Equation 5 Where: Øth = threshold diameter (µm), Ø0 = minimum diameter (µm), ɛ = global porosity, τ = tortuosity factor. Alternatively, the following equation may be used to obtain the tortuosity factor: DO2=D0*ɛτ Equation 6 Where: DO2 = oxygen diffusion coefficient obtained experimentally (m2/s), DO20 = oxygen diffusion coefficient in the air (m2/s). This equation has been inferred from Archie´s law ρ_e=〖a•ρ〗_0•ɛ^(-m) and from the Einstein law mentioned above, using the values of oxygen diffusion coefficient obtained experimentally. The principal objective of the current study was to establish correlations between the different parameters that characterize gas transport through concrete. The achievement of this goal will facilitate the assessment of the useful life of concrete, as well as open the door to the pro-active planning for the use of concrete as a radon barrier. Two further objectives were formulated within the current study: 1.- To develop a method for measurement of gas coefficient diffusion in concrete. 2.- To model an analytic estimation of radon diffusion coefficient from parameters related to concrete porosity and tortuosity factor. In order to assess the possible correlations, parameters have been measured using the standardized procedures or purpose-built in the laboratory for the study of equations 1, 2 y 3. To measure the gas diffusion coefficient, a diffusion cell was designed and manufactured, with the design evolving over several cycles of research, leading ultimately to a unit that is reliably air tight. The analytic estimation of the radon diffusion coefficient DRn in concrete is based on concrete global porosity (ɛ), whose values may be experimentally obtained from a mercury intrusion porosimetry test (MIP), and from its tortuosity factor (τ), derived using the relations expressed in equations 5 y 6. The conclusions of the study are: Several models based on regressions, for concrete with a relative humidity of 50%, have been proposed to obtain the diffusion coefficient following the equations K=Dn, K=a*Dn y D=n/ρe. The final of these three relations is the one with the determination coefficient closest to a value of 1: D=(19,997*LNɛ+59,354)/ρe Equation 7 The values of the obtained oxygen diffusion coefficient adjust quite well to those experimentally measured. The proposed method for the measurement of the gas coefficient diffusion is considered to be adequate. The values obtained for the oxygen diffusion coefficient are within the range of those proposed by the literature (10-7 a 10-8 m2/s), and are consistent with the other studied parameters. Tortuosity factors obtained using pore distribution and the expression Ø=Ø0*ɛ-τ are inferior to those from resistivity ρ=ρ0*ɛ-τ. The closest relationship to it is the one with porosity of pore diameter 1 µm (τ=2,07), being 7,21% inferior. Tortuosity factors obtained from the expression DO2=D0*ɛτ are similar to those from resistivity: for global tortuosity τ=2,26 and for the rest of porosities τ=0,7. Estimated radon diffusion coefficients are within the range of those consulted in literature (10-8 a 10-10 m2/s).ABSTRACT El gas radón (Rn) es un gas natural radioactivo presente en algunos terrenos que puede penetrar en los edificios a través de los cerramientos en contacto con el mismo. En los espacios interiores se puede acumular y ser inhalado por las personas. Al ser un gas radioactivo, en su proceso de desintegración emite partículas alfa que, al entrar en contacto con el epitelio pulmonar, pueden producir alteraciones del mismo causando cáncer. Muchos organismos internacionales relacionados con la protección de la salud, como es la OMS, confirman esta causalidad. Una de las formas de evitar que el radón penetre en los edificios es utilizando las propiedades de barrera frente al radón de su propia envolvente en contacto con el terreno. La principal característica del hormigón que confiere la propiedad de barrera frente al radón cuando conforma esta envolvente es su permeabilidad que se puede caracterizar mediante su coeficiente de difusión (DRn). El coeficiente de difusión de un gas en el hormigón es un parámetro que está muy relacionado con su porosidad (ɛ) y su tortuosidad (τ). La medida del coeficiente de difusión del radón resulta bastante complicada debido a que el procedimiento no está normalizado, a que es necesario asegurar una estanquidad a la celda de medida de la difusión y a que la medida tiene que ser realizada en un laboratorio cualificado para el uso de fuentes de radón calibradas, que además son muy caras. La medida del coeficiente de difusión de gases no radioactivos es menos compleja, pero sigue teniendo un alto grado de dificultad puesto que tampoco está normalizada, y se sigue teniendo el problema de lograr una estanqueidad adecuada de la celda de difusión. Otros parámetros que pueden caracterizar el proceso son el coeficiente de permeabilidad (K) y la resistividad eléctrica (ρe), que son más fáciles de determinar mediante ensayos que sí están normalizados. El uso de estos parámetros facilitaría la caracterización del hormigón como barrera frente al radón, pero aunque existen algunos estudios que proponen correlaciones entre estos parámetros, en general existe divergencias entre los investigadores, como se ha podido comprobar en la revisión bibliográfica realizada. Por ello, antes de tratar de medir la difusión del radón se ha considerado necesario realizar más estudios que puedan clarificar las posibles relaciones entre los parámetros: porosidad-tortuosidad, coeficiente de difusión del oxígeno, coeficiente de permeabilidad y resistividad. La medida del coeficiente de permeabilidad (m2) es más sencilla que el de difusión. Hay autores que relacionan el coeficiente de permeabilidad con el de difusión. Gaber (1988) propone la siguiente relación: k= a•Dn Ecuación 1 En donde: a=A/(8ΠD020), A = sección de la muestra, D020 = coeficiente de difusión en el aire (m2/s). Otros estudios (Klink et al. 1999, Gaber y Schlattner 1997, Gräf y Grube et al. 1986) relacionan de forma experimental los coeficientes de difusión de radón y de permeabilidad de distintos hormigones confirmando que existe una relación entre ambos parámetros, utilizando la expresión simplificada: k≈Dn Ecuación 2 En cada estudio concreto se han encontrado distintos valores para n que van desde 1,3 a 2,5 lo que lleva a la necesidad de determinar n porque no hay métodos que eviten la determinación del coeficiente de difusión. Si se mide la difusión ya deja de ser de interés la medida indirecta a través de la permeabilidad. La medida de la resistividad eléctrica es muchísimo más sencilla que la de la difusión. La relación entre ambos parámetros se puede establecer a través de una de las leyes de Einstein que relaciona el movimiento de cargas eléctricas con la conductividad del medio según la siguiente expresión: D_e=k/ρ_e Ecuación 3 En donde: De = coeficiente de difusión (cm2/s), K = constante, ρe = resistividad eléctrica (Ω•cm). El factor de tortuosidad es un factor de forma que representa la irregular geometría de los poros del hormigón, al no ser rectos sino tener una forma tortuosa. Este factor se introduce en la literatura para relacionar la porosidad total con el transporte de un fluido en un medio poroso y se puede formular de distintas formas. Por ejemplo se destaca la ecuación 4 (Mason y Malinauskas) que combina la difusión molecular y la de Knudsen utilizando el factor de tortuosidad: D=ε^τ (3/2r √(πM/8RT+1/D_0 ))^(-1) Ecuación 4 En donde: r = radio medio obtenido del MIP (µm), M = peso molecular del gas, R = constante de los gases ideales, T = temperatura (K), D0 = coeficiente de difusión de un gas en el aire (m2/s). No hay muchos estudios que proporcionen una forma de obtener este factor de tortuosidad. Destaca el estudio de Andrade (2012) en el que deduce el factor de tortuosidad de la distribución del tamaño de poros (curva de porosidad por intrusión de mercurio) a partir de la ecuación: ∅_th=∅_0•ε^(-τ) Ecuación 5 En donde: Øth = diámetro umbral (µm), Ø0 = diámetro mínimo (µm), ɛ = porosidad global, τ = factor de tortuosidad. Por otro lado, se podría utilizar también para obtener el factor de tortuosidad la relación: DO2=D0*-τ Ecuación 6 En donde: DO2 = coeficiente de difusión del oxígeno experimental (m2/s), DO20 = coeficiente de difusión del oxígeno en el aire (m2/s). Esta ecuación está inferida de la ley de Archie ρ_e=〖a•ρ〗_0•ɛ^(-m) y la de Einstein mencionada anteriormente, utilizando valores del coeficiente de difusión del oxígeno DO2 obtenidos experimentalmente. El objetivo fundamental de la tesis es encontrar correlaciones entre los distintos parámetros que caracterizan el transporte de gases a través del hormigón. La consecución de este objetivo facilitará la evaluación de la vida útil del hormigón así como otras posibilidades, como la evaluación del hormigón como elemento que pueda ser utilizado en la construcción de nuevos edificios como barrera frente al gas radón presente en el terreno. Se plantean también los siguientes objetivos parciales en la tesis: 1.- Elaborar una metodología para la medida del coeficiente de difusión de los gases en el hormigón. 2.- Plantear una estimación analítica del coeficiente de difusión del radón a partir de parámetros relacionados con su porosidad y su factor de tortuosidad. Para el estudio de las correlaciones posibles, se han medido los parámetros con los procedimientos normalizados o puestos a punto en el propio Instituto, y se han estudiado las reflejadas en las ecuaciones 1, 2 y 3. Para la medida del coeficiente de difusión de gases se ha fabricado una celda que ha exigido una gran variedad de detalles experimentales con el fin de hacerla estanca. Para la estimación analítica del coeficiente de difusión del radón DRn en el hormigón se ha partido de su porosidad global (ɛ), que se obtiene experimentalmente del ensayo de porosimetría por intrusión de mercurio (MIP), y de su factor de tortuosidad (τ), que se ha obtenido a partir de las relaciones reflejadas en las ecuaciones 5 y 6. Las principales conclusiones obtenidas son las siguientes: Se proponen modelos basados en regresiones, para un acondicionamiento con humedad relativa de 50%, para obtener el coeficiente de difusión del oxígeno según las relaciones: K=Dn, K=a*Dn y D=n/ρe. La propuesta para esta última relación es la que tiene un mejor ajuste con R2=0,999: D=(19,997*LNɛ+59,354)/ρe Ecuación 7 Los valores del coeficiente de difusión del oxígeno así estimados se ajustan a los obtenidos experimentalmente. Se considera adecuado el método propuesto de medida del coeficiente de difusión para gases. Los resultados obtenidos para el coeficiente de difusión del oxígeno se encuentran dentro del rango de los consultados en la literatura (10-7 a 10-8 m2/s) y son coherentes con el resto de parámetros estudiados. Los resultados de los factores de tortuosidad obtenidos de la relación Ø=Ø0*ɛ-τ son inferiores a la de la resistividad (ρ=ρ0*ɛ-τ). La relación que más se ajusta a ésta, siendo un 7,21% inferior, es la de la porosidad correspondiente al diámetro 1 µm con τ=2,07. Los resultados de los factores de tortuosidad obtenidos de la relación DO2=D0*ɛτ son similares a la de la resistividad: para la porosidad global τ=2,26 y para el resto de porosidades τ=0,7. Los coeficientes de difusión de radón estimados mediante estos factores de tortuosidad están dentro del rango de los consultados en la literatura (10-8 a 10-10 m2/s).
Este projeto tem como objetivo realizar uma análise da forma com que vem sendo realizada, na prática, a Comunicação Interna no Brasil por meio de house-organs. Para tanto, utiliza-se de duas fontes principais de consulta: a bibliografia publicada sobre o tema e os vencedores do Prêmio Aberje dos últimos 7 (sete) anos. Com isso, pretende-se verificar, de um lado, o que autores e especialistas sugerem e indicam como ideal para execução da Comunicação Interna através de house-organs; de outro, analisa-se, com base nessa teoria, o que vem sendo feito na prática. A escolha dos vencedores do prêmio Aberje categoria House-organ para Comunicação Interna, tem como objetivo apenas apresentar um critério lógico para a seleção das mídias analisadas, uma vez que se trata de um prêmio concedido pelo principal órgão de representação da Comunicação Empresarial do Brasil. O foco deste estudo é exclusivamente o conteúdo dos veículos e neste se encaixam itens como o fluxo do discurso organizacional (ascendente, descendente etc.), mensagens, o tipo de linguagem utilizada etc. Não se focarão, dessa maneira, aspectos de diagramação e estética.(AU)
Este projeto tem como objetivo realizar uma análise da forma com que vem sendo realizada, na prática, a Comunicação Interna no Brasil por meio de house-organs. Para tanto, utiliza-se de duas fontes principais de consulta: a bibliografia publicada sobre o tema e os vencedores do Prêmio Aberje dos últimos 7 (sete) anos. Com isso, pretende-se verificar, de um lado, o que autores e especialistas sugerem e indicam como ideal para execução da Comunicação Interna através de house-organs; de outro, analisa-se, com base nessa teoria, o que vem sendo feito na prática. A escolha dos vencedores do prêmio Aberje categoria House-organ para Comunicação Interna, tem como objetivo apenas apresentar um critério lógico para a seleção das mídias analisadas, uma vez que se trata de um prêmio concedido pelo principal órgão de representação da Comunicação Empresarial do Brasil. O foco deste estudo é exclusivamente o conteúdo dos veículos e neste se encaixam itens como o fluxo do discurso organizacional (ascendente, descendente etc.), mensagens, o tipo de linguagem utilizada etc. Não se focarão, dessa maneira, aspectos de diagramação e estética.(AU)
The use of sustainable materials is becoming a common practice for noise abatement in building and civil engineering industries. In this context, many applications have been found for porous concrete made from lightweight aggregates. This work investigates the acoustic properties of porous concrete made from arlite and vermiculite lightweight aggregates. These natural resources can still be regarded as sustainable since they can be recycled and do not generate environmentally hazardous waste. The experimental basis used consists of different type specimens whose acoustic performance is assessed in an impedance tube. Additionally, a simple theoretical model for granular porous media, based on parameters measurable with basic experimental procedures, is adopted to predict the acoustic properties of the prepared mixes. The theoretical predictions compare well with the absorption measurements. Preliminary results show the good absorption capability of these materials, making them a promising alternative to traditional porous concrete solutions.
Histological sections of primary segmental arteries and associated interarterial anastomoses and secondary vessels from the long-finned eel Anguilla reinhardtii were examined by light and transmission electron microscopy. Interarterial anastomoses were found to originate from the primary vasculature as depressions through the tunica intima and media, from where they ran perpendicularly to the adventitial layer, before coiling extensively. From here the anastomoses travelled a relatively linear path in the outer margin of the adventitia to anastomose with a secondary vessel running in parallel with the primary counterpart. In contrast to findings from other species, secondary vessels had a structure quite similar to that of primary vessels; they were lined by endothelial cells on a continuous basement membrane, with a single layer of smooth muscle cells surrounding the vessel. Smooth muscle cells were also found in the vicinity of interarterial anastomoses in the adventitia, but these appeared more longitudinally orientated. The presence of smooth muscle cells on all aspects of the secondary circulation suggests that this vascular system is regulated in a similar manner as the primary vascular system. Because interarterial anastomoses are structurally integrated with the primary vessel from which they originate, it is anticipated that flow through secondary vessels to some extent is affected by the vascular tone of the primary vessel. Immunohistochemical studies showed that primary segmental arteries displayed moderate immunoreactivity to antibodies against 5-hydroxytryptamine and substance P, while interarterial anastomoses and secondary vessels showed dense immunoreactivity. No immunoreactivity was observed on primary or secondary arteries against neuropeptide Y or calcitonin gene-related peptide.
Vermicompost filtration is a new on-site waste treatment system. Consequently, little is known about the filter medium properties. The aim of this preliminary study was to quantify physical and compositional properties of vermicompost filter beds that had been used to treat domestic solid organic waste and wastewater. This paper presents the trials performed on pilot-scale reactors filled with vermicompost from a full-scale vermicompost filtration system. Household solid organic waste and raw wastewater at the rate of 130 L/m(2)/d was applied to the reactor bed surface over a four-month period. It was found that fresh casts laid on the bed surface had a BOD of 1290 mg/g VS while casts buried to a depth of 10 cm had a BOD of 605 mg/g VS. Below this depth there was little further biodegradation of earthworm casts despite cast ages of up to five years. Solid material in the reactor accounted for only 7-10% of the reactor volume. The total voidage comprised of large free-draining pores, which accounted for 15-20% of the reactor volume and 60-70% micropores, able to hold up water against gravity. It was shown that water could flow through the medium micropores and macropores following a wastewater application. The wastewater flow characteristics were modeled by a two-region model based on the Richards Equation, an equation used to describe porous spatially heterogeneous materials.
The convective instability of pore-fluid flow in inclined and fluid-saturated three-dimensional fault zones has been theoretically investigated in this paper. Due to the consideration of the inclined three-dimensional fault zone with any values of the inclined angle, it is impossible to use the conventional linear stability analysis method for deriving the critical condition (i.e., the critical Rayleigh number) which can be used to investigate the convective instability of the pore-fluid flow in an inclined three-dimensional fault zone system. To overcome this mathematical difficulty, a combination of the variable separation method and the integration elimination method has been used to derive the characteristic equation, which depends on the Rayleigh number and the inclined angle of the inclined three-dimensional fault zone. Using this characteristic equation, the critical Rayleigh number of the system can be numerically found as a function of the inclined angle of the three-dimensional fault zone. For a vertically oriented three-dimensional fault zone system, the critical Rayleigh number of the system can be explicitly derived from the characteristic equation. Comparison of the resulting critical Rayleigh number of the system with that previously derived in a vertically oriented three-dimensional fault zone has demonstrated that the characteristic equation of the Rayleigh number is correct and useful for investigating the convective instability of pore-fluid flow in the inclined three-dimensional fault zone system. The related numerical results from this investigation have indicated that: (1) the convective pore-fluid flow may take place in the inclined three-dimensional fault zone; (2) if the height of the fault zone is used as the characteristic length of the system, a decrease in the inclined angle of the inclined fault zone stabilizes the three-dimensional fundamental convective flow in the inclined three-dimensional fault zone system; (3) if the thickness of the stratum is used as the characteristic length of the system, a decrease in the inclined angle of the inclined fault zone destabilizes the three-dimensional fundamental convective flow in the inclined three-dimensional fault zone system; and that (4) the shape of the inclined three-dimensional fault zone may affect the convective instability of pore-fluid flow in the system. (C) 2004 Published by Elsevier B.V.
An X-ray visualization technique has been used for the quantitative determination of local liquid holdups distribution and liquid holdup hysteresis in a nonwetting two-dimensional (2-D) packed bed. A medical diagnostic X-ray unit has been used to image the local holdups in a 2-D cold model having a random packing of expanded polystyrene beads. An aqueous barium chloride solution was used as a fluid to achieve good contrast on X-ray images. To quantify the local liquid holdup, a simple calibration technique has been developed that can be used for most of the radiological methods such as gamma ray and neutron radiography. The global value of total liquid holdup, obtained by X-ray method, has been compared with two conventional methods: drainage and tracer response. The X-ray technique, after validation, has been used to visualize and quantify, the liquid hysteresis phenomena in a packed bed. The liquid flows in preferred paths or channels that carry droplets/rivulets of increasing size and number as the liquid flow rate is increased. When the flow is reduced, these paths are retained and the higher liquid holdup that persists in these regions leads to the holdup hysteresis effect. Holdup in some regions of the packed bed may be an order of magnitude higher than average at a particular flow rate. (c) 2005 American Institute of Chemical Engineers
Stirred Mills are becoming increasingly used for fine and ultra-fine grinding. This technology is still poorly understood when used in the mineral processing context. This makes process optimisation of such devices problematic. 3D DEM simulations of the flow of grinding media in pilot scale tower mills and pin mills are carried out in order to investigate the relative performance of these stirred mills. In the first part of this paper, media flow patterns and energy absorption rates and distributions were analysed to provide a good understanding of the media flow and the collisional environment in these mills. In this second part we analyse steady state coherent flow structures, liner stress and wear by impact and abrasion. We also examine mixing and transport efficiency. Together these provide a comprehensive understanding of all the key processes operating in these mills and a clear understanding of the relative performance issues. (C) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Stirred mills are becoming increasingly used for fine and ultra-fine grinding. This technology is still poorly understood when used in the mineral processing context. This makes process optimisation of such devices problematic. 3D DEM simulations of the flow of grinding media in pilot scale tower mills and pin mills are carried out in order to investigate the relative performance of these stirred mills. Media flow patterns and energy absorption rates and distributions are analysed here. In the second part of this paper, coherent flow structures, equipment wear and mixing and transport efficiency are analysed. (C) 2006 Published by Elsevier Ltd.
Hysteresis models that eliminate the artificial pumping errors associated with the Kool-Parker (KP) soil moisture hysteresis model, such as the Parker-Lenhard (PL) method, can be computationally demanding in unsaturated transport models since they need to retain the wetting-drying history of the system. The pumping errors in these models need to be eliminated for correct simulation of cyclical systems (e.g. transport above a tidally forced watertable, infiltration and redistribution under periodic irrigation) if the soils exhibit significant hysteresis. A modification is made here to the PL method that allows it to be more readily applied to numerical models by eliminating the need to store a large number of soil moisture reversal points. The modified-PL method largely eliminates any artificial pumping error and so essentially retains the accuracy of the original PL approach. The modified-PL method is implemented in HYDRUS-1D (version 2.0), which is then used to simulate cyclic capillary fringe dynamics to show the influence of removing artificial pumping errors and to demonstrate the ease of implementation. Artificial pumping errors are shown to be significant for the soils and system characteristics used here in numerical experiments of transport above a fluctuating watertable. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Simulations of a complete reflected shock tunnel facility have been performed with the aim of providing a better understanding of the flow through these facilities. In particular, the analysis is focused on the premature contamination of the test flow with the driver gas. The axisymmetric simulations model the full geometry of the shock tunnel and incorporate an iris-based model of the primary diaphragm rupture mechanics, an ideal secondary diaphragm and account for turbulence in the shock tube boundary layer with the Baldwin-Lomax eddy viscosity model. Two operating conditions were examined: one resulting in an over-tailored mode of operation and the other resulting in approximately tailored operation. The accuracy of the simulations is assessed through comparison with experimental measurements of static pressure, pitot pressure and stagnation temperature. It is shown that the widely-accepted driver gas contamination mechanism in which driver gas 'jets' along the walls through action of the bifurcated foot of the reflected shock, does not directly transport the driver gas to the nozzle at these conditions. Instead, driver gas laden vortices are generated by the bifurcated reflected shock. These vortices prevent jetting of the driver gas along the walls and convect driver gas away from the shock tube wall and downstream into the nozzle. Additional vorticity generated by the interaction of the reflected shock and the contact surface enhances the process in the over-tailored case. However, the basic mechanism appears to operate in a similar way for both the over-tailored and the approximately tailored conditions.